Just thought I would bring this topic up here since we really don’t get many developers as guests over on the PvP Thief Forum. One of the nagging problems thieves have had over the years has been how the original disguise kits mess up our macros when we use a disguise, then log off. One of the ways we (in the PvP Thief Forum) have come up with to eliminate this problem seems relatively straight forward, and again (from a non-programmer viewpoint) not that difficult to make work. The key here would be to make the disguise kits removable. The idea behind this would be to allow a thief to use the kit while they are logged on, then before logging out, would be able to remove the kit, thus saving their macros…and a lot of headaches.
Here’s the way we see it. The same way that the savage kin paint was once removed, was through the use of an oil cloth. An existing game item, used to remove the paint. In the same manner, we are hoping the developers could make the oil cloth usable to remove the disguise kit. The only reason I usually hear from people as to why they don’t use the kits is because of the macro problems they have. Now there is a way to fix them, but that requires moving files around in the macro directory, this solution would solve the need to do this, and would make this existing thief tool, more usable again.
Let’s open the discussion, and hope the developers might chime in on the chance that this could be implemented soon.
Here’s the way we see it. The same way that the savage kin paint was once removed, was through the use of an oil cloth. An existing game item, used to remove the paint. In the same manner, we are hoping the developers could make the oil cloth usable to remove the disguise kit. The only reason I usually hear from people as to why they don’t use the kits is because of the macro problems they have. Now there is a way to fix them, but that requires moving files around in the macro directory, this solution would solve the need to do this, and would make this existing thief tool, more usable again.
Let’s open the discussion, and hope the developers might chime in on the chance that this could be implemented soon.