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A suggestion: Disguise Kit Removal


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That's usually the only time I use the disguise kit. Guild infiltration. Grrrrrr...la
Infiltration of a Trammel guild so you can still from the members is the kind of behavior Trammel was created to free players from. Guild infiltration for the purposes of stealing from the guild's members is harassment. So you admit to using game mechanics and lies for the purpose of stealing from Trammel players? People like you are the reason Trammel exists.

People like you are the reason I play on Siege...la


People like you are the reason I play on Siege...la
A real thief is someone who plays on Siege or Fel and steals from players who consent to subject themselves to such things. What you described is not being a thief. Guilding under false pretences so you can steal from the members is scamming.

Hahahaha! You really have nothing better to do than check spelling and grammar?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Animal forms would be nice while disguised.
Amen to that.

Recently I used my disguise kit for the first time in a really long time. I also love to run around in Llama form. To my own personal surprise I realized I couldn't change form. :sad4:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Infiltration of a Trammel guild so you can steal from the members is the kind of behavior Trammel was created to free players from. Guild infiltration for the purposes of stealing from the guild's members is harassment. So you admit to using game mechanics and lies for the purpose of stealing from Trammel players? People like you are the reason Trammel exists.


I play a PvP thief.

I am not keen on the infiltration of Trammel guilds stuff, as (imho), it can be likened to griefing babies by taking their candy away.

HOWEVER, if you or your guild are stupid enough to accept me without knowing anything about me, that is entirely your own lookout.

Do you spam "guild is recruiting", and accept anyone who asks?
Would you accept me on first meeting?
Do you understand the game mechanics of guild membership?

If you accept me into your guild - regardless of whether I am using a disguise kit or not - you accept all the potential outcomes of that action.
If you guild one of my characters, I may get bored and kill you in Trammel - just because I can - and it will ALWAYS be your own fault.
Intra-Guild PvP actions are entirely consentual.

The Green Thief

Hahahaha! You really have nothing better to do than check spelling and grammar?
That had nothing to do with spelling and grammar. Perhaps a repeat of your 3rd grade vocabulary is in order?

1. remaining in place or at rest; motionless; stationary: to stand still.
2. free from sound or noise, as a place or persons; silent: to keep still about a matter.
3. subdued or low in sound; hushed: a still, small voice.
(abbreviated due to length)

1. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, esp. secretly or by force: A pickpocket stole his watch.
2. to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment.
(again, abbreviated due to length)

Back on topic though, the whole disguise kit situation definitely needs to be looked at. I don't know how many times I have missed a critical opportunity because I forgot about my macros being messed up. Really, it seems like it would be a relatively simple fix.


Agreed i mean incognito doesnt mess you up that bad, and why cant they just extend the code of oil cloths to remove disguise as well as face paint?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Way overdue. This simple action would make an annoying and almost unusable item once again valuable. This is one of thieves main tools. PLEASE let this happen. Would be so simple, and so useful, without over-powering thieves in any way.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Obviously, theives know about moving their macros to the root UO.
Quoted in case anyone missed it. This saves a lot of trouble even for non-thieves (whenever you create a new character for eg, the macros are just "there").


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure that can be done, however we shouldn't be forced to do macro editing outside of the game, to use a simple item that is supposed to be handy for thieves to use...la


UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just thought I would bring this topic up here since we really don’t get many developers as guests over on the PvP Thief Forum. One of the nagging problems thieves have had over the years has been how the original disguise kits mess up our macros when we use a disguise, then log off. One of the ways we (in the PvP Thief Forum) have come up with to eliminate this problem seems relatively straight forward, and again (from a non-programmer viewpoint) not that difficult to make work. The key here would be to make the disguise kits removable. The idea behind this would be to allow a thief to use the kit while they are logged on, then before logging out, would be able to remove the kit, thus saving their macros…and a lot of headaches.

Here’s the way we see it. The same way that the savage kin paint was once removed, was through the use of an oil cloth. An existing game item, used to remove the paint. In the same manner, we are hoping the developers could make the oil cloth usable to remove the disguise kit. The only reason I usually hear from people as to why they don’t use the kits is because of the macro problems they have. Now there is a way to fix them, but that requires moving files around in the macro directory, this solution would solve the need to do this, and would make this existing thief tool, more usable again.

Let’s open the discussion, and hope the developers might chime in on the chance that this could be implemented soon.

Suggestion noted. I'll bring this up to the team.

Patrick "Leurocian" Malott
Lead Game Designer, Ultima Online
Mythic Entertainment, an EA Studio


Excellent, would be nice to take the disguise kit out of its box again!

*crosses fingers they also allow animal form while disguised!*