The Origin PVP smacktalk thread- Part 3.5

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So Crazy Horse mouthpiece of BTH can you please explain for us all where the mighty BTH was Saturday afternoon when D popped a harrower? It was a good two hours of fighting and not one BTH ever poked his nose in - how sad
Good job D on the attempt and for not giving up and coming back was a very fun harry indeed. Perhaps the rumors of the demise of BTH are really true this time.


Don't care! I'm tired of trying to coax you and other guild out to fight. So now I refuse to do it anymore. If you can't come out to fight then why should we stand around and wait? If you avoid us at all cost like you've always done then don't complain when we find other things to entertain us. So until you can stop avoiding us on a regular basis and we don't show up then you can have something to chastise us about. Too many guilds avoid us at all cost to sneak in a rat spawn when we aren’t looking and calling it a win and the only thing it's doing is killing PvP and it's slowly killing UO. So those of you out there wanting to fight, then good luck finding it and if you believe that since you did a harrower and it makes your guild a winner because you've waited around for years hoping we will get bored. Then guess what "We just got Bored". Those of you on Origin have hidden away for years avoiding BTH and PvP and called your guild a PvP guild while being bored at the same time. We’ve been bored waiting for that once a day action because you fear a pixilated death. Congratulations you win UO. So until your guild and others grow a pair the rest of us will be preoccupied doing other interests.


So is this your finally admitting that BTH has dried up and blown away?? I would not blame lack of pvp on it you had a strangle hold on that shard for years and when we scouted it did 2 man spawns unopposed. I would call that a lack of pvp we took away your ability to farm at will and do 2 man spawns and hence your farmers moved on to more fertile lands it would seem to me. BTW once again another good fight and BTH was nowhere to be found when D popped Oaks this afternoon. Thanks for the skull D perhaps I shall schedule a time with BTH when its convenient for them to "pvp".

Return of Croft

I almost feel like we should hold a memorial service for BTH. They had a good run, I guess.

I see a couple here and there but no real presence at all. There is no motivation anymore for them i guess. On Origin its the friends people made that keep them trucking forward. BTH was known for its closeness as a guild so really there isnt any reason to move forward for them. BTH is but a memory. And I give all the credit in the world to Crazy Horse for hanging on to that memory.

I have let my game time slip substantially too,but not for lack of people playing.. Its more of a cross between my new daughter and the lack of interest in a 10 year old game.

Im not impressed much with FL's style. FL is strictly cam and come over. They dont really have a place on Origin as far as im concerned. They stop D spawns maybe 10% of the time at best. Even guilds like HIF and A.V. are getting spawns off.


Our "mina cam" has to sleep sometimes. What you do in the wee hours of the am are nothing different than what you did when BTH was active.

Return of Croft

Thanks Red Knight, for the Karina's Crook. I think ill hang it on the wall. I had been out all morning looking for one.

From now on, your always gonna be the first one to go down. 8,000 GOLD for your butt. man thats awsome.


Perhaps you time would have been better spent helping your guildmates defend the 8 spawns they lost in despise this am or the 1 they lost in destard. Team players ftw!

imported_Lady Tiger

D and Cyn never figured they would finish the's the only way to get FL out to fight.

Croft you forgot to mention Mina's bow he lost to you. (wonder if mina's still crying about it)

Blood Red Knight

8000 when I go down eh? Coulda sworn I was worth more than that, I need to insure some more stuff.


In the past, FL hasn't really shown an interest in anything but raiding spawns, but since this artifact scenario started, they are logged in more no doubt because they figure they'll catch more of us alone or with only one other person and figure they have the advantage. And history shows, it takes about 13 of them to kill just 5 of our people. About Mina, I wasn't there during that episode, but I heard about the tantrums and carrying on that he did. Some things never change *grins*. I can't believe FL hasn't removed him from the guild yet.


D and Cyn never figured they would finish the's the only way to get FL out to fight. Croft you forgot to mention Mina's bow he lost to you. (wonder if mina's still crying about it)

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Mina has not complained to us about losing any bows to D however since all of you seem to bragging about it here thank you in advance for establishing a new "return" policy for dropped items with D.

imported_Lady Tiger

if it was a rare personal bless deed mina would have got it back but it was a bow so it wasn't something that couldn't be replaced.


That is fine we can apply the same logic to pretty much all weapons and armor then - thank you for the clarification.

Blood Red Knight

Coulda sworn FL returns items to D, least wolf and I always did, guess we gotta change policy


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Sep 8, 2006
*waves* Hello again!

I need to do a bit of smacktalking *grins*

Now..I didn't come here to the boards the first time...or the second time...or even the 3rd, 4th and 5th times this happened....but the 6th? That's the magic number.

So here I am, on my necro...BLUE necro mind you...with no fighting skills at all....

I am doing Despise...alone....and...if FL's claim is true...they scout spawns every 20-30 minutes.....

So they would have known that;
A: Despise was being worked
B: It was just one person.

Now...that said...FL seems to have changed tactics a bit, and they raid on SECOND LEVEL.....which I find interesting.

So here I am withering away...just waiting for an FL or two to show up....

Well....don't I feel just special now? SEVEN of them came to kill me....SEVEN! FOR JUST ONE PERSON...WHAT is that all about?

Does it make you feel good about yourselves that SEVEN of you can gank ONE blue? Does it puff up your ego's? is that what "The Colony" is all about? wonder why Pac doesn't want you....

*End of smacktalk*

The Red Knight

Well, actually, we don't come in early or late to suit you, so if it irritates you, too bad.

And in reply to other postings......Mina is a great addition, and I am a pretty grumpy old guy, so if I like having him in teamspeak that means hes a pretty good guy, and I like em in there.

As to the returning stuff, I think starting a habit of not returning is a bad thing. I wonder if anyone in D remembers when their non guilded friends were raided in shame during the book of truth quest, and not only did my guildmate return the books, but I also gave a personal gaurantee to cover the value out of my pocket if he didn't. In the last couple weeks alone I have given back some armor and some bows, as well as had insured pieces stay on my corpse (which I got to before anyone coulda looted it anyways-was pvmin). The insurance bugs been hitting a lot of people lately, as well as the usual careless mistakes that do seem to happen. So as a guild and alliance, people really need to make good decisions on this issue.

Finally, son and me both play red knight, he has them teenage reflexes, so I am sure you can tell which of us in behind the controls and any given time, but shame on me for kissy facing the wife and not seeing HF take me down while I stood there not moving. Trust me, I play a stealth archer a lot too, so I'll be the first to say a kill is a kill. But the fact that you'd lock the crook down at a house is very flattering to me, so thank you.

Final thing I'll toss into this thread for now, good fights lately, always a pleasure, win or lose.

Cherie XX


Final thing I'll toss into this thread for now, good fights lately, always a pleasure, win or lose.

[/ QUOTE ]
I agree fun fun times

Return of Croft


Mina has not complained to us about losing any bows to D however since all of you seem to bragging about it here thank you in advance for establishing a new "return" policy for dropped items with D.

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This is typical FL. When a necro named boohoo was slaughtered by myself and a cyn member... after the Mina's bow episode mind you.... we returned his things. kasa of the rajin stichers etc....

I think its clear what guild has the honor here.

As far as mina is concerned.. I originally thought to myself.. how could that guy pass your pvp test? Then i remembered that out of your entire guild there are like 2 people who can pvp worth a damn, and ill name em. Red knights not bad at all, and hmmm well actually i cant think of anyone else. Truth of the matter is that I went against 2 bth the other night it was WAY more difficult than six FL on Abra and me in despise the other morning.

How about this for a new rule on this board.. since Red Knights the only guy in FL that can kill anyone 1v1 he is allowed to post normally, the rest of you jokers need to post under the name " FL's Collective"

Honestly you guys were a better guild when Ooji was leading it. He is the only guy i remotely respect in FL, and thats just old school respect for having done something in UO worth a damn... But ill still kill ya Ooji. " Oh Danny boy... the pipes the pipes are calling" ROFLMAO

Have you had some croft in your diet today? COME GET SOME!


You returned the pieces that are easily replaced and kept the good pieces of leather armor. Selective return at best.

Cherie XX

What wasnt returned... We returned all we had looted the full suit... We didnt get any legs he probably had Leggins of Ember

Return of Croft


You returned the pieces that are easily replaced and kept the good pieces of leather armor. Selective return at best.

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I personally returned everything i got. the cyn member that was with me also returned his pieces from what i understand, though i canot speak for him directly... but then again, we are talkin about D and me here.

Return of Croft

Ya know.. Now that i think about it, I kind of feel like a fool for having returned anything. I mean lets be perfectly honest here.. there is a severe " LETS HATE CROFT" feel comming from FL. if it was me, there is no way in hell anything would be returned. Hell FL hates me so bad they broke alliance with D as soon as they saw the tag on me, without even speaking to the GM of D first.

So realisticly can i imagine any FL member saying " We really should return Crofts things" if they got them? HEEEEEELLLLL NO.

at the end of the day.. Im the jack ass for returning the things. I dont expect one ounce of the kindness shown to you all to ever be returned because its not in your nature.

Dread Raven

Actually Croft I would return your items, I believe in Karma in game. You have a decision to make. 1) Return the armor and keep the mutual respect about equipment going. 2) Do not return the Armor and we can make it public there will be no returning of items to anyone in your alliance. So at this point you and your alliance have a decisions to make. You drop way more items then we do. It's all up to your alliance!

The Red Knight

Actually, I'd have to disagree with you on that Croft, unless you've done something really dirty underhanded of a backstabbing nature, I get your stuff, you get it back, and I insure what I loot so when I give it back the guy has time to get to his bank and check funds. There are many in my guild who'd do the same, some because its their nature, some because they follow guild policy.

Being hated for the right reasons can be flattering. Get rid of that bitterness and smile, do what makes you feel good about yourself, and hang what the other guy would do.

Return of Croft


Actually Croft I would return your items, I believe in Karma in game. You have a decision to make. 1) Return the armor and keep the mutual respect about equipment going. 2) Do not return the Armor and we can make it public there will be no returning of items to anyone in your alliance. So at this point you and your alliance have a decisions to make. You drop way more items then we do. It's all up to your alliance!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, first off, i have no decision to make here. a cyn member asked if i would return what I looted. I agreed... after a little nudging by him.. and so i returned what i got. I didnt see a tunic on the body but i did see sleeves, however i didnt get them. they were dyed orange if i remember correctly. May want to hit up whoever else looted him before me.

Ok, second off.. Its easy to say you would do the right thing and return things. Its much harder to actually return them once they are in your pack.

I will be honest here.. im probibly riding the code of conduct here saying this.. but If i had anymore of your items I'de return them, not because im the nicest person on the planet or anything, but simply put I dont trust FL members to not use exploits to get items to drop on purpose. and I wouldnt want to risk that. Its a very real possibility to me that I wouldnt risk for myself or anyone in The Cyn and Dynasty Alliance.

I think that about puts out there what i feel on the matter.

Since im here. can we say PWNED about last night or what? I understand you got a scroll out through destard. I wouldnt be bragging about how i fled the scene of a fight to get out a scroll, but if you feel that it was a great accomplishment to scurry that scroll out.. by all means gloat. As for the EVERYTHING else about that fight.. Wow.. that was Pwnage to the tenth power. How demoralizing must that be? Man I hope someone took screenshots cause wow, that was brutal.

I noticed a few of your guys were cross healing, that was a good step. And ya had ghosts to tell ya when the fields dropped, thats a good start there too. You guys are really improving. I think with a little more work you guys will really start catching on. Give it a few months, dont be impatient. It will come with practice.

Major kudos for the fun. and remember this is the smack talk thread, you have just been smacked.... I mean on the boards, um.. well you were smacked last night too, but thats a different.. oh you get it.

Oh speaking of returning things.. Has anyone seen my boot yet? lost it the other night in someones butt.. ide like it back please.

Toodles! *wink*


Croft-- I think ID is still sporting it.


Oh speaking of returning things.. Has anyone seen my boot yet? lost it the other night in someones butt.. ide like it back please. Toodles! *wink*

[/ QUOTE ]

Return of Croft

HaHa, Id? from AV? Man they have the worst return policy.. ill never get my Boot Back.

Ya want to know some funny stuff? We all post some brutal stuff here about eachother.. after all, its smack talk. We all have a good time.

Truth is though... about Trammies.. OMG do the trammies have eachothers back on the boards or what? Yeah we can talk smack to eachother all we want, but you talk smack to a trammy guild and your posts are " Gone in 60 seconds" LMAO

These newblettes need to get a grip. Screw Blue. I dont really trust players that dont have a red. Blues Hide behind trammel's wall of safety. They talk smack from a distance and feel all cozy in lolipop land. Its like being the coolest kid... in pre-school. For me, every Trammy i see gets an arrow in the arse.

Make no mistake AV, KORH, HIF, FFF... I'm hunting you. And so are alot of other People. You come to fel, and you come to Fight (and die). Not just with me, cyn and D, but with FL and BTH too. *but those guys are poopy* :p

I got yer number Blubies, and I'm passin' it out like candy in my pocket.

O.M.G! Like Croft's Totally Postal! This is the part where Zal would scream " UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH"

imported_Lady Tiger

did you forget to take your meds croft lol... They just don't know what a loveing guy you really are croft if they did they would give you some slack...killing blues is ok it's the blues that need to learn to die and not whine.


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Sep 8, 2006
*laughs* I seriously laughed out loud when I read that..."OMG! Like Croft's gone totally postal!" I can SO hear him saying that too....*shakes head*

We love you Croft, those of us that know you anyway *winks*

I was laughing so hard I didn't even notice you changed your siggy Croft, that is one beautiful baby you have there....Daddy though looks a bit odd *grins*


actually croft.. in my experiance as a BLUE we are usually outnumbered in fel
when 2 or more guildies cordinate an attack on a blue we do die pretty quick but hey 2 vs 1 odd's are it's gonna happen.

i never whine when i get ganked or a straight up 1 vs 1 it's a well known fact that when a blue shows up in fel it's like a instant bullseye appears on us (ea really needs to fix that someday) BUT.... if you brought a red to tramm whatya think would happen .. ok yeah you'd get guard whacked.

truth be told w/ all the 3rd party prog's i dont wanna lose my suit and i don't care what anyone says sometimes it does happen..4 some reason stuff does drop on your corpse... and yeah that's the chance u take going to fel
so be it....... hell i get killed at least once a week by chen from BTH ( i almost had you u %$##@!) but this is a game so i take it all in stride, it's actually fun cause he doesnt call in 20 people and that is saying somthing for that person(there's your tip of the hat CHEN)

actually croft i kinda respect u in a way it seems u are kinda singled out from what i read here... and i always root for the underdog so cheers and good fortune may it find u always....

but in good fun this is the smack talk thread so......... i go to ice fel occassionally... maybe see u there?

i'll be the one offering u a rez.....


You've got my vote too, Croft, but then, you know that. *smiles*

[quoteWe love you Croft, those of us that know you anyway *winks*

[/ QUOTE ]

Return of Croft

You know with Reds and PvPers in general I think thereis an unspoken respect. Yeah we trash talk, and goad eachother on, but it takes a heavy set to do what we do... Hell ill even give Red Knight and Grav a nod for that.My main complaint is the lack of consequences for non-Fel based players. I know if i talk smack to someone who can Kill me, im going to pay with it in cash, bandages and a lil pride even. Tram-a-lites dont take that chance. Thats really my problem i guess.


i never whine when i get ganked or a straight up 1 vs 1 it's a well known fact that when a blue shows up in fel it's like a instant bullseye appears on us (ea really needs to fix that someday)

[/ QUOTE ]

They did fix it... its called Trammel, Malas, Tokuno, and Ilshenar.

I wouldnt mind seeing some new lands for Fel players. What made UO so successful in the begining was Fel, and they have strayed from that plan. Trammel provided an extra dimensiont o game play, but With publish 16, Ilshenar and lord blackthorns return.. things started to go wrong. People say AOS was the downfall.. but that was just a bigger leap on a path UO was already on.

I dont mind Item properties so much, I dont mind Insurance even. I do however wish that they expanded Feluca or created somewhere for us PvPers to play other than the same place we been for the last 10 years.

The number one reason I hear people comming BACK to UO for is the PvP. Sorry Blubies.. But the Ladies and Gents in Red need thier time to shine.

I say we take over Ilshenar. What say you?

Blood Red Knight

I want the Tokuno islands to be Fel ruleset, but I'm just a simple samurai trammelite roleplayer who gets lucky more times than is humanly possible.


LOL obviously you missed the humor i meant to convey w/ the whole Ea needs to fix that remark!!!
but anyways don't ya think it'd still get boring if everyone was red?

a few new places for reds to paly would be a good idea that way i'd be just as lost as u when i was running from 10




That would be a yes to all of the above and what remains of BTH all seems to be joining the cyn guild from Atlantic on Origin. Other BTH xferred to Sonoma where they are a part of the MOO alliance.

Return of Croft

In all Fairness to the PLAYERS I will say simply that its consolidation.

As people from BTH or D leave to do other things like have kids (redemtion) or Get promoted (whose your daddy of BTH) etc.. The remaining people still want to enjoy playing the game in a team enviroment with a realitive chance of success. I dont think It's a bad thing that BTH members joined Cyn, in alliance with Dynasty. I think it promotes even numbers, better fights, and more action for origin.

Origin players have a much smaller "player pool" that Pacific does. So I think the fact that its now ALL Origin players against the invading FL, Says something for the Cyn-D thing.

Nèurotoxin's Statements about BTH are the ramblings of a player not concerned with the future of the game. BTH did not Fall in one day, or from a series of attacks. Bth joined with Cyn and D to keep fighting. Its the same reason I put all LLC in Dynasty. When your Guild is on the down slope for activity, the best you can do is protect your players gaming experience.

NO SINGLE PERSON has talked as much trash about BTH as me. but in all honesty, with the state of the game, and the shard I understand whathappened to them, and welcome them to our side. (did i just day that?) yep i did.

Looking forward to seeing FL in the field as usual. Good times ahead, though with even numbers, i dont suspect we will see you around for long :p

Origin for the win?!?! might be.



Nèurotoxin's Statements about BTH are the ramblings of a player not concerned with the future of the game. BTH did not Fall in one day, or from a series of attacks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually sir,,,,,,, if you'll read my sig...... Nèurtoxin happens to be.... Trammie , a.k.a LoOnY LaShelle...... one of the MANY Emmissary's from the Original BTH from Great Lakes... Not just some random newb with happiness that BTH fell apart. I had alot of friends in BTH even after I left. (the ones that Pub didn't brainwash) and probably would have returned to BTH to play with some of them, aside from the fact that Publius was still the reigning GM of the guild.......

Now, with that said....... see you soon....... Trammie's coming home for a visit.

Return of Croft

Well, my post was more in responce to the "LOL" part about BTH. after all we're on the same side. Im one of those guys whose your worse enemy across the field and best friends on the same side of the field if ya know what i mean.

no disrespect intended then. it's all good.

imported_Lady Tiger

when all D, CYN and now BTh get on together and work together FL gets their butts handed to them...Please FL quit running behind US crying. we all have to die ingame. Welcome to the Realm of UOGhost world. *SMIRK* wish I had a screeny of them all running though for a rez.


You find that funny? Really? And, why is that?



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Probably because when they were on Great Lakes BTH was a respectable guild something they seemed to have lost on Origin.


That was then, today is now, and tomorrow things will further change -- the cycle of life and all its changes. One of the most noticeable things on Origin is that people do not adapt well to change. I come from a big shard, Europa, and aside from the cultural differences, the degree of ego, stubborness, and unwillinghess to accept change did not enter into game play until I moved to Origin, which was when the shard was first born. You say BTH was "respectable" back then. I'm not sure anymore what makes a respectable guild.

As for the integration of BTH and Cyn, personally I think that it's working and it's a great plan. In the end of things, it's still just a game, and games are supposed to be about fun -- not ego, pride, and always being right.


Probably because when they were on Great Lakes BTH was a respectable guild something they seemed to have lost on Origin.

[/ QUOTE ]


Tiger-- I took a snapshot taken at FLs house on the island, yesterday. It's a mix of D, Cyn, and BTH.


when all D, CYN and now BTh get on together and work together FL gets their butts handed to them...Please FL quit running behind US crying. we all have to die ingame. Welcome to the Realm of UOGhost world. *SMIRK* wish I had a screeny of them all running though for a rez.

[/ QUOTE ]

Return of Croft

is that an FL member posting singularly? I dont think you understood what i meant so I will say it again.

Not a single one of you have earned the right to show your face on these boards by yourself, so post under " THE COLLECTIVE POWERS OF FL" I cant remember an FL player stood and fought me one on one. Come to think of it, i dont remember a two on one fight either. Just 4-5 on one.

Look, this isnt a smack talk, this is a serious Question:

How is it that at 10am Central time (8am Pacific) FL is able to field over 20 players?

I mean hell i was at work, but im pretty sure not everyone can play from work like i can. I mean here we are.. 6-7 Cyn+D against 15-20 FL minimum at a IDOC at 10am Central on a thursday morning, and the only thing that keeps me thinking about it, is how in the hell can they field that many people.

Im thinking from ages 5-17 they are at school at or around that time, roughly. and the adults should be at work. So I can only guess that either none of them work, or go to school. or.. thier guild is just really that massive. where as percentage wise our 6 is a match to thier 20... based on guild size percentages.

If you take 1,000 idiots and tell them to kill a martial arts master, chances are they will succeed. problem is at the end of the battle, they still go home idiots.


If you did what you were paid to do at work rather than play games you would have nothing to whine on here about. I know 10 FL seems like 20 plus to a bunch of newbies but at no given time did we have near 20. BTW to make you feel even better our am crew is made up of a group of soccer moms so if you cant beat soccer moms not sure what to tell you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sep 7, 2004
Croft you are delusional, we took the idoc from you with a total of 9 you had a total of 7 to 8 and it is not our fault you had almost all dexxers also do not hate just because you lost that castle spot, and also as a response to you calling us idiots and saying we must not work well let me tell you this you got your butts handed to you by stay at home moms and a few guys who had the day off man thats gotta suck ........
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