Sonoma PvP Thread (v. 3.02)

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i was on and i was there i sat on a stone and watched stuff "decay" in front of me :p

Madchild....madchild.....madchild..... *Sigh* Assuming that your talking about the gardening event. You were there huh? So did you all enjoy a big laugh at the expense of someone who does nothing but help Sonoma? Your posts along with your actions show me what kind of person you are. Dubie had no right to do that to Queen Mum. Oh and it didn't Decay he later threw it on the ground for all of us to see who really did it.

Again Birds of a feather.....EVERYONE in cop thinks its funny they ruined a trammy event...OR YOU WOULDN'T BE IN COP.


i also helped rebuild her garden .

and the kind of person i am well lets see thats complacated i guess im a crule person with a nice streak ..i laughed my ass off when i saw a guy get shot 3 times across the road ..

but id give the shirt off my back if it would help a guy down on luck get a decent job ..

when asked for change i say "i worked for it" then toss it into the street and say "you work for it"

im not in cop for cheap laughs or cuz we are the "zerg" not in cop for the gold or the scrolls .

im in cop cuz of Lefty and Balla and i stay in cop cuz i like it ,i like the people i like the cleaner Vent and mainly because every other guild pvpin now (or someone in it ) has
screwed me over


I really don't know where to go after that Madchild. I know better then to respond to your posts.

Your so mean, you like to watch people die <assuming he was shot with a "real" gun>, Try to get bums hit by cars by throwing money in the street. And ruin the game play of someone who is ONLY nice in game?

BUT!!!! Your so nice...You take your clothes off for total strangers, and send their spouses gifts? AND after being crule?....I mean Cruel.. To Mum you help her put her garden back together? You do realize she was so upset she couldn't even type? *Claps* Congrates thats awesome. In the words of my co-worker, You Dumb, You D-Bag.


Dubie is a red murderer. How can he came to Trammel? How do you know it was indeed dubie?


and on top of that my spelling sux .

i guess i didnt take that last one out fast enough you saw it .

yes i helped put it back together i didnt see anyone taking things and i was on the other side of the house from hers all i saw was the cloth you put down goo poof .



You want to know why things don't get returned because no one gives anyone a chance to talk.

Warchild I tried to return your armor you dropped today in Fire, I figured I would try and be the bigger person and return it so I went to Calisto's house to talk and said

"i need to talk to warchild I have his armor"

and the response was FU and then Mercutio and 3 others tried to gank me, even though I was by myself spaming I'm trying to return his armor he dropped, so F it I tried.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 3, 2004

You want to know why things don't get returned because no one gives anyone a chance to talk.

Warchild I tried to return your armor you dropped today in Fire, I figured I would try and be the bigger person and return it so I went to Calisto's house to talk and said

"i need to talk to warchild I have his armor"

and the response was FU and then Mercutio and 3 others tried to gank me, even though I was by myself spaming I'm trying to return his armor he dropped, so F it I tried.
For crap like this you should take a screenshot to show how some people behave. COP/Scam/DOMNoobinions all talk ****, but stuff are too easy to make up. Many people on sonoma claim that COP is the biggest trashtalk kiddie guild even tho Ruffles say COPs dont usually do that because they are all old people and have kids... Unlike Scams, we KNOW we are bullys and we trashtalk, we are not some shameful hypocrites.

If your client is still bugged with some stuff showing(or not showing) up funky and you dont want people mistaken you for doing something bad (while making Ruffles look really stupid for covering up for COPs) you can post screenshot like those TMI posted (if ur client is still bugged dont post full area screenshots like mine, bad things will happen to you... ). Cut off all ingame graphics just keep the journal part. So your other ingame graphics arent visible... OR you can do whatever you did last time, but Ruffles wont be too happy about it. Right on, COP the holy sinless guild of Hypocricy.

Anyways, if they treat you like crap, just keep their **** (I prefer returning in ingots/leather form) or if they beg sell em back and make some bulks.


Dubie only has one char and its a red murderer? Hmm my bad I was thinking he might have more then one....Maybe one by the name of Santa Claus that is BLUE and can stealth around and cause trouble.

Madchild I make fun of your spelling because I care. And when I threw down that garbage it was a joke, and it actually did look like it was just decaying. It is wierd that nobody else's stuff decayed, even though it sat on the ground longer then the cloth I put down. But when we all found out that Mum's stuff was also gone, Santa Claus popped out and threw Valorite ingots and other stuff she had in her deco out on the ground. If it was a misunderstand then he at that time should have came out and made it clear he didn't do anything. Instead he kept popping out of hiding making his smart A comments. I was hoping peer pressure would have helped in this situation by disqualifying Cop's Garden... But it seems group punishment is looked down upon by our EM's...... :wall:

Oh well it made for a interesting Sunday.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 3, 2004
Dubie only has one char and its a red murderer? Hmm my bad I was thinking he might have more then one....Maybe one by the name of Santa Claus that is BLUE and can stealth around and cause trouble.

Madchild I make fun of your spelling because I care. And when I threw down that garbage it was a joke, and it actually did look like it was just decaying. It is wierd that nobody else's stuff decayed, even though it sat on the ground longer then the cloth I put down. But when we all found out that Mum's stuff was also gone, Santa Claus popped out and threw Valorite ingots and other stuff she had in her deco out on the ground. If it was a misunderstand then he at that time should have came out and made it clear he didn't do anything. Instead he kept popping out of hiding making his smart A comments. I was hoping peer pressure would have helped in this situation by disqualifying Cop's Garden... But it seems group punishment is looked down upon by our EM's...... :wall:

Oh well it made for a interesting Sunday.
NO WAY!!! It's is unethical, COP will NEVER do that.

Havent seem Dubie for a LONG time. I've seen Santa Claus tho. So COP co-GM has a blue stealther that pleagues trammel eh... who would have thought of THAT...


i didnt see him doing it .. but i wasnt by Qm's gardin till she needed items to fix it .

and no they wont punish everyone. you cant kick everyone for the actions of a few its like the cops grabing me cuz the guy in the unit below me is a crack head .
its looked at as an abuse of power .

as for the smack talk issue i try not to do it in game and i dont see it very offten from the people around me in game
not saying they dont do it just when i pvp i dont see it .



Since you seem to have a major problem with the truth... let me remind you of what I said before.

COP may raid your spawns, kill you at the gate, even trash talk.
From my earlier post.

Now, you can keep up your lies that I am trying to make COP look perfect, but no one else believes them except you.

You seem to think that if you say it enough times, people will believe you. Unfortunately for you, there is proof that what you say is a lie.

I know you have a hard time understanding simple concepts so let me explain this to you nice and slow. Guilds have many different people, and they all have different personalities. I cannot and do not speak for all of them. Only myself. I have chosen to try to refrain from trash talking since it just isn't very productive, what the rest of COP does is up to them. So stop your whining about it. You admitted yourself that scam trash talks, so its hypocritical of you to whine about some in COP doing it too.

As for your Dominites comment. Its rather humorous that now that Dom and his cronies are no longer in COP, that scam is now in bed with them. R6OS and Scam .. bedfellows to take down COP, or try at least. Hmm, more hypocrisy from you..

So checklist,
Lies = Check
Hypocrisy= Check
Brains = errr... hmm.. nope.

I guess you having 2 out of 3 wasn't bad eh war?




Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 3, 2004

Since you seem to have a major problem with the truth... let me remind you of what I said before.

From my earlier post.

Now, you can keep up your lies that I am trying to make COP look perfect, but noone else believes them except you.

You seem to think that if you say it enough times, people will believe you. Unfortunately for you, there is proof that what you say is a lie.

I know you have a hard time understanding simple concepts so let me explain this to you nice and slow. Guilds have many different people, and they all have different personalities. I cannot and do not speak for all of them. Only myself. I have chosen to try to refrain from trash talking since it just isn't very productive, what the rest of COP does is up to them. So stop your whining about it. You admitted yourself that scam trash talks, so its hypocritical of you to whine about some in COP doing it too.

As for your Dominites comment. Its rather humorous that now that Dom and his cronies are no longer in COP, that scam is now in bed with them. R6OS and Scam .. bedfellows to take down COP, or try at least. Hmm, more hypocrisy from you..

So checklist,
Lies = Check
Hypocrisy= Check
Brains = errr... hmm.. nope.

I guess you having 2 out of 3 wasn't bad eh war?


I am sorry but if The mods allow me I will repost the evidence of a "bugged" client screenshot that was posted by Achron of COP and was deleted by mod. I was lucky enough to snatch it before it is deleted, and there are many people also seem it. Ruffles oh ruffles, I know you dont care about growing teh pair (pretty scary ****) but at least grow some brain tissue. Dont be so stupid and dumb and think your leaders are so holy and flawless. I talk so much **** and I have yet to see TMI or Ruff to post one(1) legit screenshot that wasnt just a cut off journal-only shot. All I see is mine with full game view with dead GM of COP from a 1v1. At least KM grew a pair and tried, even tho he failed miserably but at least he tried. That's impressive.

You can speak for yourself all you want but sadly if you want sonoma to believe COP is a clean guild that will never do bannable offense that you accuse scams do it's already too late. You already have 3 cop members posting their bannable screenie of "bugged" clients and got deleted (and warned), and just because you didnt get to see it before they are deleted dont mean it never happened.

I dont have to say it so many times it's already well known COP being the "funkiest" guild especially when they accuse people doing "bannable" things while COPs have at least 10 times more people that do it.:coco: You need to implement a new brain if you actually believe what you say about COP. I truely feel sorry for you.

As for Calisto's noobie crew, I have not personally fought along side with them yet. I know Rasputin hate me because I gave him 6 free duels and he lost all 6, I even let him precast on me (KMS did it too), and caught on screenshots... I doubt that he will be willing to work with me. Apperently people on sonoma despite COP more than Scam... heck even all the ex-COPs hate COP and you are still trying to convince yourself in believing something that was never there.

Truely Ruffles, I feel so sorry for you. If you are having a brain surgery, I hope you get well soon.




Wow, I guess I didn't speak slow enough for you to understand. How do you manage to type with that level of intelligence? There are reading comprehension classes available you may want to consider signing up for. Obviously you missed my whole point of saying, that Cop isn't perfect.

Of course, the only one here who is saying COP is perfect, holy, and flawless is YOU.

Actually, I'm not trying to convince myself of anything, other then that NO ONE can be that stupid.. then I see you post...


i have a question is DOM really this weak?

i drop down from the ettins to see him , he then runs off turns comes back looks at me .
repeates this 3 times with out flaging

then only flags when the 5 DOM followers show up as they flag too me in fact that happened at yew too .

kinda funny that they think they need 5 1/2 ( the 1/2 being DOM )to kill the guy that has been on a pvp char 2 times in the past 3 months .

DOM missed his 1v1 chance and he blew it cuz the other cop there had already gone to the other side of DSP. he had me alone . next time i wont wait for him to grow a pair i will just call out his local in vent and laugh as i watch him get moped up in buckets.


You wanted a screen shot? Here you go. This was taken last night.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 3, 2004
Wow, I guess I didn't speak slow enough for you to understand. How do you manage to type with that level of intelligence? There are reading comprehension classes available you may want to consider signing up for. Obviously you missed my whole point of saying, that Cop isn't perfect.

Of course, the only one here who is saying COP is perfect, holy, and flawless is YOU.

Actually, I'm not trying to convince myself of anything, other then that NO ONE can be that stupid.. then I see you post...
Sigh apperently you are on something to not understand whatever I am typing. I dont mind your English attack, I met a lot of low life racists losers like that. But do yourself a favor keep it to yourself. It's a very serious NONO.

Are you drunk? Coz you said I think COP is flawless... I mean I faceplanted your so called best PvPer and the champion of mixed mage class like like owning noobs like NoMercy... Sorry if you dont like foreign people, but seriously take care of yourself better, you are getting mentally messed up. Hope your client wont get bugged like the rest of your guildies too.

Seems like you dont understand what I am saying neither... sigh... *shakes head ruffles style*.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 3, 2004
You wanted a screen shot? Here you go. This was taken last night.

Thank you girl, now I am happy for your client not bugged and look like mine. But the question is what about TMI/KM/Ruff? Since they are always the first one to point fingers for "funky" stuff. And you had a few post back then saying you would quit COP if COP is so LOW and use "funky" stuff to play UO. And yet I see you remain in COP (you can either deny or lie about it it doesnt bother me), while calling people liars... Double Standard much?

Great Job for killing Beat tho... and where are the Scams that you claimed helping them?


Playin the race card, how funny. Just because a person is foreign, it doesn't mean they don't have brains. Thats just specific to you and has nothing to do with race.

Yet another lie from you regarding why I would leave cop.
If my guild tolerated stealing and scamming, I would leave that guild.
From my earlier post:

Since the mods have forbidden us from speaking of what YOU are referring to, I will not.

As for where the scam were? I sorta lost track of them, still had their healthbars though.. did you all run away?
Are you drunk? Coz you said I think COP is flawless....
C'mon, TRY to read before posting, it says... You even quoted it... You are the only one SAYING it... Not that you THINK it... geez man.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 3, 2004
i have a question is DOM really this weak?

i drop down from the ettins to see him , he then runs off turns comes back looks at me .
repeates this 3 times with out flaging

then only flags when the 5 DOM followers show up as they flag too me in fact that happened at yew too .

kinda funny that they think they need 5 1/2 ( the 1/2 being DOM )to kill the guy that has been on a pvp char 2 times in the past 3 months .

DOM missed his 1v1 chance and he blew it cuz the other cop there had already gone to the other side of DSP. he had me alone . next time i wont wait for him to grow a pair i will just call out his local in vent and laugh as i watch him get moped up in buckets.
I have never seem DOM trying to 1v1. I've seem Big Sexy Vampire killing a COP 1v1 ONCE, but that's the only time. And when I ward remove his Gift of Renewal and Attument he will RUN until the cooldowns are finished and he can pre-re-cast them BOTH.


i hope they took a screen shot at yew tonight cuz it will show them they sat there after killing me 6+ to 1 bah but thats not the funny part the funny thing was watching them feild an empty house for 10 mins .

i would have gottin one but i take screenies thru xfire and it didnt wonna cooperate i had a good laugh tho .

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
i hope they took a screen shot at yew tonight cuz it will show them they sat there after killing me 6+ to 1 bah but thats not the funny part the funny thing was watching them feild an empty house for 10 mins .

i would have gottin one but i take screenies thru xfire and it didnt wonna cooperate i had a good laugh tho .
I was watchin the whole time. I took tons of screenshots. :) Mostly of DOM talking to PAIN tho. Wow DOM has a mouth. They asked me to join. I don't want to join with little wannabe gangstas. Thanks but no. I'd say at least half of the pictures I took I can't post... sad really. Who says "dog" that much really? haha


Hey Vhinn, just to keep your little lies straight, we would NEVER ask u to join us.Dont think u can hold a candle to ANYONES pvp in this game.You are trash and I would personally quit playing if u even had a CHANCE to join a leet crew like ours.And for the record it seems to me we TRASHED COP and SCAM all day yesterday.COP hide behind ur 50 guards...u still suck and die. And SCAM....well u guys are a much better fight than COP trash but u still all died ALL day long.U guys keep crying on the boards like we all suck up to Cal, but who of u can beat us? NOT anyone ive seen from either guild.U guys are all threatend by ur betters and COP just hides in house with 3x the numbers while we kill SCAMS best.Tell Anne Frank to set up the full heath rez station,ur gonna need it.Buncha nubs that been playing for years and cant play for s**t.So, lets hear the crying begin,one that owns u losers just posted, that oughta keep u trammies happy.


Hey Vhinn, just to keep your little lies straight, we would NEVER ask u to join us.Dont think u can hold a candle to ANYONES pvp in this game.You are trash and I would personally quit playing if u even had a CHANCE to join a leet crew like ours.And for the record it seems to me we TRASHED COP and SCAM all day yesterday.COP hide behind ur 50 guards...u still suck and die. And SCAM....well u guys are a much better fight than COP trash but u still all died ALL day long.U guys keep crying on the boards like we all suck up to Cal, but who of u can beat us? NOT anyone ive seen from either guild.U guys are all threatend by ur betters and COP just hides in house with 3x the numbers while we kill SCAMS best.Tell Anne Frank to set up the full heath rez station,ur gonna need it.Buncha nubs that been playing for years and cant play for s**t.So, lets hear the crying begin,one that owns u losers just posted, that oughta keep u trammies happy.
Your guys beat SCAM because we had from 3 to up to 5 on and you guys had 10+. And when I died it was to 5 R6 WORKING WITH 3 COP!! I almost started talking crap but I kept my composure and just left to go unstat. This is the first time since your guild had formed you guys have won any battles against us and again you guys (like cop) had over double our numbers. So good for you guys that you won a fight but please man don’t get cocky. EVERY fight we fight against even numbers we win period!

Just the day before 7 scam kept 10+ of you guys and 7+ of cop in your houses. We ran back and forth from the R6 house to the cop house until you all logged. After you guys logged we went and fought each other for over two hours (those were FUN fights). I will say this is getting fun though, having three major guilds fighting each other (except when R6 and cop work together against scam).

One last thing, what is your characters name? Just so we know who is posting for the R6 guild.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 3, 2004
Apperently Ruffles lied again... well maybe she just didnt know wtf shes talking about, as usual.

We've seem COP DEFENDING CoM base with Cal's noobie ass. We seem R6 came in helping fielding despise for COP. Looks like COP and R6 are having intimate moment day in and day out. The only one who obviously had no idea what's really going on behind COP is apperently Ruffles. *shakes head*


Skull, u need to get off the crack bro, we PWN u guys when we outnumbered ALL THE TIME.As far as working with COP.....just ask them if we do.WE HATE COP.They are stealth trash just like u.Go hide and lie on the boards just like them.BTW ask around who this is,Im the guy who kills ur BEST daily.Tell Juicy Sadistica Bought me a plane ticket and im COMING!

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Hey Vhinn, just to keep your little lies straight, we would NEVER ask u to join us. Dont think u can hold a candle to ANYONES pvp in this game. You are trash and I would personally quit playing if u even had a CHANCE to join a leet crew like ours.
Boy you sure told me! I wish I could hold a candle to your pvp. Actually you didn't, this guy did. Spammed it over and over. I might have considered it for Mercutio. But I think I want to kill you for fun now. haha



OK, and lets clear this up right now.COP says we help SCAM,and SCAM says we help COP.U immature insignifigant little clowns need to relize we dont care about ur petty little problems with each other.We help NO ONE and kill all.Figgure it out and get some better players.COP fields the worst pvp ive ever seen.Need minimum 3v1 to even come outa the house,and ALL stealthers.At least SCAM has decent players which we TRASH.2 of us killed ur 3 best,2v3 and u called in the WHOLE guild,so we killed more,u clowns were all in stat and here comes COP,hiding behind 50 guards.We pushed and killed everyone minus anne frank cuz all he does is rez or hide.A mage that needs stealth.Do me a favor children,DONT say we help anyone cuz u guys all hate us and we PWN all of u.COP, get some other templates,ur lame hiding isnt making u any better,hide in house,hide in field all u do is eat smoke bombs till u can have 10 ppl AI one person.its as predictable as Juicys disarm spam,absolute TRASH.


Skull, u need to get off the crack bro, we PWN u guys when we outnumbered ALL THE TIME.As far as working with COP.....just ask them if we do.WE HATE COP.They are stealth trash just like u.Go hide and lie on the boards just like them.BTW ask around who this is,Im the guy who kills ur BEST daily.Tell Juicy Sadistica Bought me a plane ticket and im COMING!
Another person who is going to lie here or just doesn’t know what’s going on. If you were telling the truth or knew what is going on in Sonoma you would know first off that I don’t have hiding or stealth. Second this is the FIRST fight against R6 that I was involved with that we were all stated and yes we were outnumbered. If you want to come here and act like your guild members DOM or TheUsualSuspect(miho) and go all god on us its fine but don’t think anyone here is going to believe it. It will make for fun reading and give me some more posts to take apart with the truths.

As far as cop working with you guys it is fact. I was killed by 5 of your buddies with kms and two archers right alone side. I almost got away from an 8-person gank to but I hit wrong button and pulled myself out of wolf form. Couldn’t recover…DOM want to confirm this? You were there…

Back to work


Skull, ur a board warrior,wanna 1v1 me?Without ur smoke bombs?thats the only thing on ur template that works.Hiding.When ur betters talk keep ur mouth shut and spam ur smoke bombs u trashbag.Go join COP,im sure u fit in with all the trash talk and no skill crowd.1v1 me ANYTIME and ill show u how its done.

Sonoma Truth


What's this we all hear? A guild claiming to own Sonoma? LOLOLOLOL

Let's clear a few minor issues up. COP hasn't worked with R6OS, they may have fought out in the field when several guilds were out there, but there has been no working with relationship that I can see. The only 2 people I've personally seen working with R6OS happen to be Retro-Spect (once) and Lego (several times). Fact.

On to a new subject. Do I maybe smell a small truce on the horizion between COP and $cam? Perhaps a certain guild (R6OS) needs to be reminded of their "place" on Sonoma. How about it KMS and Jack Daniels? Let the games begin!

Mendo = Tiberious, Jack Hanna, Nosferatu, Chevy Chase. Refer to post #287 in this thread for Mendo's gaming needs.

**Stay tuned for further updates**

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Mendo = Tiberious, Jack Hanna, Nosferatu, Chevy Chase. Refer to post #287 in this thread for Mendo's gaming needs.
**Stay tuned for further updates**
HAHAHAHHAHAHA I'll take that one vs one Nosferatu. You're garbage. I think you'd have trouble with 10 mongbats if they all flagged on you at the same time. HAHAH


Sir Hunter, i play nice.I just read all the board warriors that think they good but stealth all day,show me some good players and ill pipe down.Just a few min ago was 4v4 Zoe vs SCAM and they ALL in stat.the ppl that COP fears we smoke.So POST ON THAT KIDDIES.Make sure u bring 20+ to kill 4 of us COP, u guys havent got what it takes.SCAM is at least fun to play against,they all run different templates just like us,not some cookie-cutter hidden zerg trash template.And they are willing to fight,COP sits in house till at least 3v odds.I was in COP for a long time and thats the RULE with them,NO ONE can hold their own except TMI and KMS.Ill be back on Tonight children,make sure ur zerg is set up like last night and u got 50 guards too.We gonna run through em again and all u ppl,and then go kill the real pvprs on the shard,meaning scam cuz they die too us too.even #s they cant do anything but xheal and run.As it shold be.And if COP and SCAM get together that would be the day but they migh thave to to kill us poor outnumbered Zoe,CUZ WE PWN ALL!


Vhinn u dont even have the right to talk to me,u are one of the worst players in the game.Go rez kill someone or take credit for others kills.Also i DONT play a mage so dont think u do well vs me till u fight my pvp chars.Which u DONT,ur garbage and u belong in the stealth zerg garbage can with the rest of the weaklings.NUFF SAID

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Vhinn u dont even have the right to talk to me,u are one of the worst players in the game.Go rez kill someone or take credit for others kills.Also i DONT play a mage so dont think u do well vs me till u fight my pvp chars.Which u DONT,ur garbage and u belong in the stealth zerg garbage can with the rest of the weaklings.NUFF SAID
HAHAHAHA I've killed you SO many times. 1vs1 2vs1 5vs1. You blow. Seriously. They let you IN? HAHAHAH


hey mendo where did you guys get the rest of these "domites" we all know a few of ya flew a cop tag right before your lil group poped up . cuzzzz um you guys didnt take very many people from cop just enough to start up .

i smell a off shard action comming in under a guild made on sonoma .

tell me what this looks like medo makes 70 mill (lagitly made) quits cop and their lil group explodes in numbers . hmmmm pay offs gear to all that join....hmmmm whats it look like ??

and tell your guild mates to stop running from me when we get the odd 1 on 1 i mean damn you off all people know ive been mainly crafting im rusty i need pratice dOmmmmmmmies .


Are u serious?U think that we all are Cals minions?Get a clue son,Ill1v1 ur garbage temps any time. u couldnt beat me in COP and u cant beat me now.Did u somehow learn to play in the last month?ur a board warrior that hides in the house or goes in stat.Or ur stealthing,NOTHING needs to be said about COP that hasnt been said already.As for the is 70m?thats peanuts kid and u know it is.Ur guild is all a buncha farmers.We all got gold.Dont cry cuz u see Armalite on ppls suits,its too Uber for u.u wanna 1v1 lemme know.Im sure u scrubs gonna gank with 15 sttealthers but i aint scared to show,U are.GO HIDE SCRUB.


Vhinn,Why do u bother?U WONT fight,U are HORRIBLE at pvp and play all stealth trash.You have NOTHING to say to me kid.Go join Cop and stealth around to save ur @$$.Cept they prob arent hard up enough to take u in, u have benn kicked from EVERY guild in this game.Leave the shard or keep Being a pawn.1v1 homeboy.LEMME know when ur nutz drop.

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
Quick update announcement from the PvP Fight Club...

The rules for the Aug. 9th (Sun.) 'Monthly PvP Fight Club' are now available at the PvP Arena (Fel) and outside the Brit Counselor Hall (Tram).

PvP participants and other Guild Leaders are encouraged to make fight rules for future events. All ideas are welcome. Bring your book of suggested PvP rules to the event.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Vhinn,Why do u bother?U WONT fight,U are HORRIBLE at pvp and play all stealth trash.You have NOTHING to say to me kid.Go join Cop and stealth around to save ur @$$.Cept they prob arent hard up enough to take u in, u have benn kicked from EVERY guild in this game.Leave the shard or keep Being a pawn.1v1 homeboy.LEMME know when ur nutz drop.
They've dropped. When and where you wanna die? HAHA You SUCK. I don't know why you talk like you have anything on me. You dont. Never have, never will. HAHAH


Are u serious?U think that we all are Cals minions?Get a clue son,Ill1v1 ur garbage temps any time. u couldnt beat me in COP and u cant beat me now.Did u somehow learn to play in the last month?ur a board warrior that hides in the house or goes in stat.Or ur stealthing,NOTHING needs to be said about COP that hasnt been said already.As for the is 70m?thats peanuts kid and u know it is.Ur guild is all a buncha farmers.We all got gold.Dont cry cuz u see Armalite on ppls suits,its too Uber for u.u wanna 1v1 lemme know.Im sure u scrubs gonna gank with 15 sttealthers but i aint scared to show,U are.GO HIDE SCRUB.
A) i dont house hide -- i go in for Aids and boxes if you feild the door and i cant get out that not my problem thats me going to the fridge for a new beer .
B)I NEVER dueled you in while ya was COP
C)I dont run a GIMP
D)My tamer is on Europa
E)I dont run a stealther
F)I dont go in Stat im not faction
G)I dont need beefed up extra stat trash gear from factions to play (like you )
H)and stop defending your 70 mill i said ya made it lagit i was asking what it looked like .


Skull, ur a board warrior,wanna 1v1 me?Without ur smoke bombs?thats the only thing on ur template that works.Hiding.When ur betters talk keep ur mouth shut and spam ur smoke bombs u trashbag.Go join COP,im sure u fit in with all the trash talk and no skill crowd.1v1 me ANYTIME and ill show u how its done.
Damn once again this guy has no clue what he’s talking about. And when you try to explain to him he still doesn’t get it. I DO NOT HAVE STEALTH OR HIDING. I DO NOT USE SMOKE BOMBS FOR WITHOUT HIDING THEY ARE USLESS. You’re just a garbage talker that only says what YOU want to hear regardless if there is any truth to it at all.


Mendo = Tiberious, Jack Hanna, Nosferatu, Chevy Chase. Refer to post #287 in this thread for Mendo's gaming needs.

**Stay tuned for further updates**
Your Tiberious, Jack Hanna? NO WAY! HAHA miho is better than you! And your mage…all you do on your mage is sits in Luna and talk crap if anyone goes near your bank. You are a minion of DOM because your claims are JUST like his and without any truth at all. Keep talking and yes ill fight you alone ANYTIME LOL!

This is funny how once again the WORST pvper of a guild comes to talk crap to people who are MUCH better at pvp than they are. Does anyone notice no one has heard from this clown until they win their first fight against scam yesterday (double our numbers) and now they claim to be the shards best. I love when the crap talkers turn out to be bad at pvp lol. Just to funny. And yes we will see if scam can get close to even numbers who wins tonight. So calling our 9 members of scam, log on tonight and lets roll these clowns!


One more thing I want to add about our loss against R6 yesterday is that even know we were out numbered Tiberious still got STATED! You and two others before we died also died! So once again with your numbers YOU couldn’t stay alive long enough to see the 4 scam die yourself!

What a clown...


How do i make 70 points a day son?i just killed ur guild leader AGAIN a few min ago.ur a scrub that CANT fight. 1v1 me bro? wanna try ur luck? u guys all hung up on my trammie mage cuz thats the only char that i get rocked on.As i should,i DONT play a mage and i dont chug or have dci on em.Dont feel special ever about killing him.feel special about killin chevy or tib,cuz u guys need at least 3 and pets on me for that and cop needs like 10.U are garbage man,come and get pwnd by me any time.Ive killed ALL ur best ppl today already.hand me more points so my x sharders can get paid and suit up to trash u clowns some more.Get off the boards and on the game.As usuall only 2 of us showed up and CLOWNED ur guild.killed Jack right away while all ya'll ran into house and called in like 10 ppl.TO FIGHT 2 of us? Sounding more and more like COP, u guys thought u had it licked on this shard and u DONT!ur trash that cant beat 2v4 unless u all mages and srill cant kill anyone cuz u too busy trying to live from us.quit wasting my time man,ill pwn u like i pwn ur best and that goes for ANYONE thinks they good.


Oh, and btw just to make one thing clear i only got on this garbage to get in contact with a player,im sure juicy knows who it is......we KNOW Sadistica knows who it is. so dont expect much from me from here on out.Ill pwn u clowns in game and not board warrior like sckull and vhinn.who couldnt kill a skittering hopper.


How do i make 70 points a day son?i just killed ur guild leader AGAIN a few min ago.ur a scrub that CANT fight. 1v1 me bro? wanna try ur luck? u guys all hung up on my trammie mage cuz thats the only char that i get rocked on.As i should,i DONT play a mage and i dont chug or have dci on em.Dont feel special ever about killing him.feel special about killin chevy or tib,cuz u guys need at least 3 and pets on me for that and cop needs like 10.U are garbage man,come and get pwnd by me any time.Ive killed ALL ur best ppl today already.hand me more points so my x sharders can get paid and suit up to trash u clowns some more.Get off the boards and on the game.As usuall only 2 of us showed up and CLOWNED ur guild.killed Jack right away while all ya'll ran into house and called in like 10 ppl.TO FIGHT 2 of us? Sounding more and more like COP, u guys thought u had it licked on this shard and u DONT!ur trash that cant beat 2v4 unless u all mages and srill cant kill anyone cuz u too busy trying to live from us.quit wasting my time man,ill pwn u like i pwn ur best and that goes for ANYONE thinks they good.

DOM we go.

Ill be in the game when im done with work. And saying scam had 10 on, i logged in and there were 3...

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Oh, and btw just to make one thing clear i only got on this garbage to get in contact with a player,im sure juicy knows who it is......we KNOW Sadistica knows who it is. so dont expect much from me from here on out.Ill pwn u clowns in game and not board warrior like sckull and vhinn.who couldnt kill a skittering hopper.
^^^Skittering hopper.^^^

Dear SCAM and COP: I will NOT attack you as long as there is a R5SOS around. I'm already sick of their 12 year old bs.


First Of All Ruffles U aint got **** on Me u run off screen everytime i see u or reveal you so dont be talkin **** and showing scren shots of ur ****ing pop shots cool u got the killing shot on me but i still came back and wooped your a$$ in stat lol i should have taking a screen shot that time i got u 1v1 and ur noob a$$ was stuck in the ettins geting owned by ettins it was kinda funny why didnt u disarm your bow and refreshed through them u prolly woulda lived LOL thats right u only got 101 kids so i bet u were yelling at one and feeding the other OWNED go take care of them kids ****

sorry i tried to clean it up a lil i may have missed one or 2 slurs .

wow that sounds a lot like one of the DOMmies ummm from what ive seen in here her screen shots where aimed at scam its not her fault it contained more then one kill shot on a dommy and she didnt say word 1 if i remember right about owning you guys .she was talking abt scam helping or you helping scam .mayb if youda left it you wouldnt look like a total fool.

ummm wow thats a record to set and beat first post and has ended up looking like a fool an a$$ and prolly a ban and i one point that fizzled out and got lost .


wow i aint even going to paste that long a$$ crap in here ill just say

if you didnt want pain recording your conversations then dont turn that on in settings fool I didnt .

some of the x cop dommies where cool to talk too it was just a few people yapin off at the mouth that people had problems with .

honestly when did screaming in vent droping F bombs and calling people childish names when theres a person under 16 and 3 people bouncing 2 to 4 year olds on their knees in chan with you become fine to do in COP vent? never the one or ones kicked out of cop arnt the first kicked out for the same problem and wont be the last. do they feel they where wronged ? well tough Sh** .

and no one cares that Dom cant or wont talk in here he's your leader what did he expect.

no one seem to care the KMS is never seen on the boards and he's talked at and talked down to all the time he dont care . i suggest someone grow a pair and get ready to be talked about when your a guild leader of a pvp guild your gonna get talked about .
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