Smoking the victory (Obama) cigar...

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Ole Cheapy

Ahhh the sweet music of sweet it is! :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 1, 2008
Obama can suck my _ _ _ _ _ you can fill in what u like this country is going down the **** hole and fast and it will only go down even faster


Obama can suck my _ _ _ _ _ you can fill in what u like this country is going down the **** hole and fast and it will only go down even faster
That is the most ignorant reply I've ever heard. If the Democrats fail, the Republicans will get control of congress in two years. This country has NEVER gone down the ****hole despite numerous periods of one-party rule. Checks and Balances do take effect.

Ole Cheapy

Obama can suck my _ _ _ _ _ you can fill in what u like this country is going down the **** hole and fast and it will only go down even faster
That is the most ignorant reply I've ever heard. If the Democrats fail, the Republicans will get control of congress in two years. This country has NEVER gone down the ****hole despite numerous periods of one-party rule. Checks and Balances do take effect.

America is too powerful to let a few people like that bring us down. This is a great nation and we are constantly continuing to grow! This victory is an example of the physical, mental, and spiritual growth and the direction this country is heading in. Historic day it is.

Bennos Morales

We need CHAD!!!! CHAD, oh for where art thou!!!!


although I may disagree with the democrats standpoint and designs for our country. what happened is an example of the greatness of our country to allow ANY person to be president of the USA. Just remember 8 years ago Obama lost a primary bid for congress. Its amazing what can happen in this country.

So although I am not sure what the next 4 years will look like it if we don't like it we can always change it in 2 years and 4 years for the next election cycle.

Black magick

Obama can suck my _ _ _ _ _ you can fill in what u like this country is going down the **** hole and fast and it will only go down even faster
QFMFT and to all the obama supporters, socialism here we come you guys are gonna be crying in a year or two when he screws this country over.

Ole Cheapy

Obama can suck my _ _ _ _ _ you can fill in what u like this country is going down the **** hole and fast and it will only go down even faster
QFMFT and to all the obama supporters, socialism here we come you guys are gonna be crying in a year or two when he screws this country over.

Well if the last 8 years didn't make us cry, then nothing will. :)


LOL @ BlackMajic and Calmaan haha poor losers!!
Mo'= class act!
Good job Obama!! Now were gunna see what a real Prez can do.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 30, 2008
I don't think Obama can screw us over more then bush so go Obama if you can't do it no one can!

Ole Cheapy

Wait and see man, wait and see
I'll let you in on a lil secret, friend, your future depends ONLY on one person, and that person is you. You create your own destiny no matter who the president is. We need to all learn to come together as one nation no matter what our belief or nationality is. We are the Unied States of America, now let's show the rest of the world how to lead mankind to greatness and stop fighting among ourselves.


although I may disagree with the democrats standpoint and designs for our country. what happened is an example of the greatness of our country to allow ANY person to be president of the USA. Just remember 8 years ago Obama lost a primary bid for congress. Its amazing what can happen in this country.

So although I am not sure what the next 4 years will look like it if we don't like it we can always change it in 2 years and 4 years for the next election cycle.
Of all the people I've debated drunk, aside from Vortex, you have an open mind. If Obama fails, the Republicans can get congress in two years. All I am saying is to give the man a chance. There has been NO president (aside from Bush) that has governed from the far-right or far-left. They always tend towards the center. (It was Bush who's FIRST veto was against stem-cell research, and 6 years into his term. Check the records on any president, noone vetoed less than Bush.)


Our political system only works because we allow the people to look at our society and decide to change the direction. I know that there are times when democrats have done well in office and there are times Republicans have done well. THat aside, I do think that we will see an experiment in socialism or at least leanings towards that. I think Kennedy is already getting his unversal health care plan ready, and look for windfall profits to go through the roof. I cringe at the possiblity that the american people think that incuring more taxes will make this country more economically stable.

I play the game of life to win, and whether a democrat is in office or a republican is I will win for myself and my family.

Ole Cheapy

I play the game of life to win, and whether a democrat is in office or a republican is I will win for myself and my family.

You my friend see exactly what I have been trying to get others to see all alone. No man or government can determine your destiny, you create your own destiny as you go. I think that quote was by Wiston Churchill. You have a huge advantage on life with that attitude alone, Mo. I am proud. :)

Pestilence Hemp

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 18, 2008
Damn havnt seen a beatin like that since, slice!

and to all the people worried about socialism, both sides are making that change, not just one.

also did you catch the guy that is acually running under the socialism party, on cobert. Funny stuff.

Masuo Kenji

While I'm happy for Obama (and glad to hear his moving speech on TV), I am not running out on the streets celebrating just yet.

America has some serious problems, problems that are hurting us now, and will for some time.

I will be celebrating when the economy recovers, we stop fighting the wrong wars, and people continue to play an active role in improving the way we live.

A lot of responsibility is on Obama. When he steps into office, I hope that his actions will speak louder than the amazing words that come out of his mouth.

I hope that 2009 will be a better year.

Black magick

LOL @ BlackMajic and Calmaan haha poor losers!!
Mo'= class act!
Good job Obama!! Now were gunna see what a real Prez can do.
Nah, I'm just doing all my pancakes now, while the subject is up. You might see me complain a little later on, but attempting what i said.


Nah, I'm just doing all my pancakes now, while the subject is up. You might see me complain a little later on, but attempting what i said.
Man I don't think you realize the signifigance of this.. true choosing a young half-black man over an old white man isn't a hard choice aside from racism.. but your grand-children will hear about this election in their history books. Neglecting partisans, this country has finally moved on.

Black magick

I have an good idea of certain parts of its significance, the rest remains to be seen. Hopefully they will hear it from me or my wife as well as the history books hehe.


Had McCain given his concession speech yet? I was RoT training and helping out a newbie (thanks NEW for the near-accusation).

Troll The T Hunter

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Sep 23, 2008
"Black magick"

Enjoy this moment "obama" inherited the biggest mess from "YOUR" side of the fence it will probably backfire in his face.

Black magick lets dance together in this joyous occasion. Dance with me! Dance damm it!


troll as much I would love to throw this 100% over to the republicans. the last 2 yearsthe house and senate have been run by Democrats. And if I am not mistaken this last session of congress was marked by its lack of ability to do anything, lowest number of laws/bills passed, no fixing of broken legislation, not even the appointing of judges.... many are speculating that they were seeing ahead in the picture so taht they would only use a full democratic gov't t push thier leftist Idealology.

I don't make enough to be impacted by either candidate ( I am middle income with three kids), what I am concerned about is the potential rise in unemployment and the ability for the US to control its own resources before we see world aggression for dwindlig resources worldwide ( and will come maybe not in my lifetime, but it might)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Of all the people I've debated drunk, aside from Vortex, you have an open mind. If Obama fails, the Republicans can get congress in two years. All I am saying is to give the man a chance. There has been NO president (aside from Bush) that has governed from the far-right or far-left. They always tend towards the center. (It was Bush who's FIRST veto was against stem-cell research, and 6 years into his term. Check the records on any president, noone vetoed less than Bush.)
Was a good debate with you Sweeney. You sir, have a good head on your shoulders.

I'm willing to give him a chance. I'm gonna quit my job and wait for him to spread the wealth to me..... j/k


yeah, I will most likely benefit more under Obama, but hey if we don't like it we can always change it in 4 years.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 9, 2006
your moms room
Obama can suck my _ _ _ _ _ you can fill in what u like this country is going down the **** hole and fast and it will only go down even faster
u must be a republican... sorry bout ur luck we got senate and pres now... no more rich getting richer while the poor suffer.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Interesting happening in Congress tho...

Congress the last two years has had the worst approval rating in history. The last two years it has been controlled by the democrats. As a nation, we respond by putting in more democrats?!?

I guess we will have to hope they are better democrats..

Gonna be an interesting two years.

For any doubters...

a ghoul

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 2, 2007
u must be a republican... sorry bout ur luck we got senate and pres now... no more rich getting richer while the poor suffer.
ya now it'l be perfect..gouge the rich successful people and big corporations more so their incomes hurt. then start more socialist programs and give more handouts to the poor. a successful corporation is only going to have one option and thats make less money so the government will collect less revenue...THEN who will pay for this socialist ****? I don't think the deficit its going anywheres but up for the next four years...


this is the worst thing that could happen =(

im so not ready for the democratic socialist party..

such a sad sad day for America.:stretcher:


I think we should tax the rich in UO.
I don't think we need a poll or anything to do it- this recent election alone shows that we want hardworkers to have to distribute their wealth amongst the poor and unfortunate members of society. Let's do it!

If you have more than... say, 10 million gold, you should be taxed 30% of it and it should be distributed amongst players with less than 10 million gold! Sounds good to me! Stop them rich from getting richer while the poor get poorer! Sorry Republican players, the voice of the people has spoken!

Oh, lets also institute an assault weapons ban! Any weapon capable of doing more than 6 damage should be banned.


*eyes all the rich players greedily* wheres my money!?!?!?

EDIT: Oh, and my tax idea also applies to silver. Continue yoru silver farming people! I will sit here and wait for you to do all the work for me so that I can benefit from it through social programs and wealth redistribution!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
ya now it'l be perfect..gouge the rich successful people and big corporations more so their incomes hurt. then start more socialist programs and give more handouts to the poor. a successful corporation is only going to have one option and thats make less money so the government will collect less revenue...THEN who will pay for this socialist ****? I don't think the deficit its going anywheres but up for the next four years...
Don't worry..

This will only affect people who make under $250,000 - Obama

Oh wait, now Obama says $200,000....

Oh wait, now Biden says $150,000...

The figures are falling faster than the stock market! Get ready middle class!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
I think we should tax the rich in UO.
I don't think we need a poll or anything to do it- this recent election alone shows that we want hardworkers to have to distribute their wealth amongst the poor and unfortunate members of society. Let's do it!

If you have more than... say, 10 million gold, you should be taxed 30% of it and it should be distributed amongst players with less than 10 million gold! Sounds good to me! Stop them rich from getting richer while the poor get poorer! Sorry Republican players, the voice of the people has spoken!

Oh, lets also institute an assault weapons ban! Any weapon capable of doing more than 6 damage should be banned.


*eyes all the rich players greedily* wheres my money!?!?!?

EDIT: Oh, and my tax idea also applies to silver. Continue yoru silver farming people! I will sit here and wait for you to do all the work for me so that I can benefit from it through social programs and wealth redistribution!

Hehe, were you around in the days of the TAX guild?


I'm for Obama but I don't have the energy to argue anymore. Thankfully the majority of our Country finally got it right.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Holy cow, I just read the title of this post!!

Is that a Clinton pun from a democrat?

Pestilence Hemp

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 18, 2008
I have a feeling he will do some good. He has alot to prove. we will see soon enough.

again people crying socialism, its not happening. did you hear the guy running for the socialist party(now hes a socialist). they clearly have different ideas.

I'm beginning to think you only shout stuff you heard off the news.

its like calling russia, and china communist. when clearly they are dictatorships.


I'm beginning to think you only shout stuff you heard off the news.
If that was the case everyone here would be saying things like "Obama's great!", "I love Obama!", "Obama will be the biggest thing since sliced bread!"

sorry buddy, the media *cough* except 'fair and balanced' fox *cough* is about as liberal as you can get.

I just need to be sure to buy up as many AR lowers as I can within the next year or so. I plan on making some nice $$ selling those puppies once their price skyrockets. Don't worry though, I'll file the income- you will still benefit from my hard work through an unbalanced tax system. I guess thats my punishment for working during the day and not playing UO- I have to help pay for other people's healthcare, education, etc. while gaining no such return my way... oh well.

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oct 16, 2007
let's all wait and see just how many of his promises Obama keeps...

I see the words almost every day on this forum "talk is cheap" and the facts are that the only thing president elect Obama has done is talk.

I for one think he will have a hard time living up to all or his pre election hype!

Getting kids to vote is easy, running a country is just a tad more difficult.

With all three branches being Dem. he should have no problems putting all of his bull****, I mean plans, in place.

odd thing, when I got out of the shower today I caught a glimpse of a target on my back, hmm...

Troll The T Hunter

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sep 23, 2008
Don't worry..

This will only affect people who make under $250,000 - Obama

Oh wait, now Obama says $200,000....

Oh wait, now Biden says $150,000...

The figures are falling faster than the stock market! Get ready middle class!

You might want to look into your misinformed, sound bite statement a little closer next time before you post

Ole Cheapy

let's all wait and see just how many of his promises Obama keeps...

I see the words almost every day on this forum "talk is cheap" and the facts are that the only thing president elect Obama has done is talk.

How many promises did bush keep during his 8 year term? Give me a break, buddy.

The American people have spoken, maority rules in this country and the majority have chosen Barak Obama as our leader. So instead of crying about this and that, jump on board and help put this country in the best possible shape we can.

We all need to understand that Barak Obama is only one person and cannot change this country by himself, if this country is gonna reform, then it's gonna take the people to reform it, not Barak Obama.

The people have spoken!

Democracy....government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.


Most of you McCain'ers here crying sound just like Palin puppets who say anything with out even knowing what the hell yer talking about.
Sounds to me are concerned mostly with yer own pocket books and could give a damn about the welfare of the country.
Take a good hard look at where yer beloved Bush and Cheney have lead us in the last 8 yrs. Think about how many thousands have died and how many billion spent on foriegn wars. And for what!! He lied to get us over there, were still there.
And btw socialist programs are put in place to help society, ie the majority of Americans, the people. Not just some computer playing geek whose to busy trolling online about ppl who pwned him to give a damn about really promblems this country faces. But everybody.
The American ppl have spoken. And were sick of the old ways. They didn't work. And it's mostly this current administration and the GOP senate that screwed us over here at home and abroad.
One post by a Democrat and I'm sure the Rep. trolls will respond. *wink*


Sounds to me are concerned mostly with yer own pocket books and could give a damn about the welfare of the country.
Ok, than give every single cent you own except for the money you need for bare necessities (basic food, shelter, clothing) to the IRS. They accept checks. Only when you do that will I believe you are not concerned mostly with your own pocket book.
Take a good hard look at where yer beloved Bush and Cheney have lead us in the last 8 yrs.
hmm, I finished my education at a good university and got a great degree... I got an awesome job... I bought a Mercedes... I bought two different motorcycles... I have the time and money to play UO on my awesome new computer... I am 6 months from buying my first house...
Ok, I have looked- whats your point?

Think about how many thousands have died and how many billion spent on foriegn wars.
More US Marines die in the United States on motorcycles alone than in Iraq for any reason. Read that on CNN. And the billions spent? Mostly on Domestic defense corporations? That's money well spent in my opinion. I'd rather see my tax dollars go toward ensuring my country has the power to defend me than to pay for your healthcare.

And for what!!
About 4 years ago I asked an Israeli teammate of mine what he thought about the US in Iraq. he looked at me and said "are you joking?" I immediately felt awkward, all of a sudden afraid of the answer...
...but then much to my surprise he said "We used to walk around my town carrying gas masks. Now we don't." and that was all he said. Thats a true story.

And btw socialist programs are put in place to help society, ie the majority of Americans, the people. Not just some computer playing geek whose to busy trolling online about ppl who pwned him to give a damn about really promblems this country faces. But everybody.
You are missing a key point. You very clearly used the word "everybody". What about the people that the social programs do not help? Do they not count as 'everybody?' How is my giving more tax money to pay for other people's problems helping me? I volunteer at the Special Olympics and donate to the United Way when I want to help other people at my own expense. I do NOT want someone forcing me to help other people at my own expense.

Troll The T Hunter

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Sep 23, 2008
what's your point Goron? Obama is our next president get over it or move to another country.

"We need CHAD!!!! CHAD, oh for where art thou!!!!"
I'm right here what can Ii do for you?


what's your point Goron? Obama is our next president get over it or move to another country.
I have only responded to other people's posts.
Why don't you go ask them what their points are?

And are you suggesting that a citizens is not permitted to have a political viewpoint that is different than the current ruling party?

I hope you have never complained about a president's policies before. I am sure that you would have moved to another country before doing so, right?


Well to have relevance how much money so you make?
where is his tax limit now? 200k? 150k? I make less than that, but in hera's words: 'he has not enacted a policy yet.' he has time to lower that value still!

Regardless, when I see the prices at Wal-mart go up I will feel that no matter what income I make. When I see an AWB passed I will feel that no matter what income I make.

If you don't like me criticizing a politician's policies you should either "get over it or move to another country" -to borrow your words.

Troll The T Hunter

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Sep 23, 2008
well you can read it here (like i did before i voted) or just believe what people tell you.

also many people don't understand we pay a marginal taxrate

lastly I apologize for the move out of the country statement I'm just sick of people screaming obama is raising our taxes when it is only effecting 5% of our country. Obama is actually lowering taxes more then mccain planned on for 95% of our country.

Listen to one of the riches people in the world Warren Buffet and how much he pays in taxes compared to his secretary.

again sorry for attacking you personally.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Don't worry..

This will only affect people who make under $250,000 - Obama

Oh wait, now Obama says $200,000....

Oh wait, now Biden says $150,000...

The figures are falling faster than the stock market! Get ready middle class!

You might want to look into your misinformed, sound bite statement a little closer next time before you post
Yeah, silly me trying to argue with facts...

Or here...
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