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Discussing Balance

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Crazed Zealot
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Yes, if you missed the point it's that something is not bad simply because it was not intended to be a certain way. Many parents do not INTEND to have kids, but that doesn't mean they don't love them when they're born.
Are you sure we both read the same thing?

But yes, I think it's safe everyone reading it missed that point.

Regardless, that's like saying yeah, it wasn't intended, but I still benefitted from it.

I hope you can see that this isn't a justification.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Well then, Bane, since you CLEARLY know game mechanics better than anyone else, perhaps you could offer solutions instead of (deservedly or not) calling people idiots. Considering how smart you are, surely your solutions would be the best for the game.
Well, first off, if you read my post again, the question I posed was, if this post would even be a valuable use of my time. As I explained, they tend to do the opposite of what I want. But that said, you do have a point. I am being very negative and condescending, but can you blame me? Most of my experiences here have been with disrespectful ****lings that suck at this game, and do nothing but insult you instead of making intellectual points. But anyhow, I've read through the thread, and I'm actually impressed with the maturity of it, and sorry about my initial reaction. But hey, if you want some suggestions, here's the changes I would suggest. Get ready for a wall of text (Bane style):

1. Moving Shot changes: First off, Chad has a good point about the moving shots. Idk about making them physical damage, it's one of those things that just doesn't make sense if a bow is already 100% cold. In terms of balancing the game it would make sense, but conceptually, it still doesn't sit well with me. Then again, maybe I'm an RP'er at heart :heart:. One reason I'm not a fan of it though is because it would reduce the effectiveness of corpse skin significantly. This combo corpse + moving shots is one of the major proponents that makes a necro viable again. Something definitely should be done about moving shots though. Either the damage should be decreased (by like 20% or so) or it should take more mana than it currently does. The problem though is that if you nerf the regular damage of moving shots (by say 20%? disregarding damage type), then archers will have a much harder time killing anyone 1v1, and they already have a difficult time against parry characters. But I can't think of anyway around this at this moment. Maybe moving shot itself won't need a nerf though if you consider my next few suggestions (1. Reduced base dmg on weapons 2. apple timer reduction 3. removal of LMC bonus for specific skills). These changes alone would significantly lower the damage that archers do overall while moving shott'ed a cursed/corpsed target.

2. Reduced Base Damage on Bows: Perhaps the damage on bows should all be reduced marginally. I'm not talking 2min-3max base damage, which is what they'll probably do because every time you make a suggestion they take it too far. I'm talking maybe 1-1 damage less base damage per bow. It doesn't seem like much, but when you consider that the base damage is amplified by tactics, anatomy, strength, and damage increase, that 1 base damage turns into a 2-3-4 actual damage. It adds up. So my suggestion is this, reduce the base damage on each bow by 1-1, slightly increase the amount of mana that moving shot takes. This is a much better idea than capping stam at 181, because at 181 Archers will not only disrupt mages less, but a pvm archer's dps will be reduced by 20%. A quarter of a second is 1/5th of 1.25 seconds. Alternatively, reducing the base damage by 1 will reduce their damage per shot by about 5%.

3. Reduced timer on Apples: Reduced apple timers to 20 seconds would help diminish the effectiveness of the Curse + Moving shot combo that Chad was referencing, and it would also reduce the effectiveness of Corpse Skin- which everyone seems to think is OP atm (although it would still be highly effective).

4. Un-do Mortal Nerfs: A lot of people's first reaction will be that that's crazy, but consider that the past 2-3 suggestions combined would seem to be a heavy nerf on archers; but to counter-balance that, I would also suggest un-doing the recent mortal nerfs. This would keep Archers highly relevant and valuable in group PvP, but their damage output would not be as high, and mortals would still be effective, just not as overpowered with reduced apple timers.

5. 20 SDI cap for non-focused mages: The SDI cap increase suggestion is one that I've been making for a long time. For a long time I've been complaining about the damage of non-alchy/scribe mages, and people would constantly say it would be too op to increase the SDI of a mystic mage to 30. But that said, I'm sure they can do something less, like increase the overall SDI cap on mages to 20 instead of 15. If you know something needs to change, but you're afraid of it becoming OP, then just increase it marginally, see if it works, and if it still needs a buff, you can increase it another 5 sdi to a 25 cap. But anyhow, that's my suggestion to increase the effectiveness of mystics and necros- increase their sdi cap to 20. With suits now a days people can easily put together mystic/necro wrestle parry suits.

6. Buff Heal Stone & Spirit Speak: To make Mystics and Necros more viable defensively, and more viable overall, I would make Healstones heal for as much as a g-heal does (50-60 dmg), and make Spiritspeak un-interruptable- which would be a good counter for mortals. That's all I can think of defensively atm. These two changes could go a long way to making these templates viable again imo.

7. Buff Cleansing Winds when healing mortal'ed targets: Of course mortals were nerfed recently, but we can un-do the nerf, as I suggested before, and buff cleansing winds, making mystics more effective in group fights. We can make cleansing winds heal someone after removing the mortal (the way it did originally) except at a reduced amount- the same way it works with poisoning. Idk why I have yet to see someone make this proposal. This will not only help make mystics more viable without making cleansing's OP, but it will also counter-balance mortals- which as I proposed before, would be un-nerfed.

8. Corpse Skin Changes: Corpse Skin shouldn't need "focused necromancy" to reduce max resists. It should reduce the max resists regardless. Requiring "focused necromancy" does nothing but makes corpse skin useless for Necro Mages. Without reducing the maximum resists, the spell is useless, considering everyone has 90's+ of every resist now a days; and this is one of several reasons that Necro Mages are useless in field pvp. It probably should've been this way for a long time. However, groups stacking Corpse Skin with curse can be a bit OP atm. To counter-balance this- make it so Corpse skin doesn't stack with Curse, and also make it so that corpse skin increases the target's maximum cold/physical resist by 15. With 100% elemental weapons against 55 resists (or even 60 resists with refined armor) it will still be effective for archers with elemental weapons as well as for 20 sdi necro mages (my prior suggestion). It will also help to make Necro mages more viable in the field again.

9. Undo Skill LMC bonus: Mages don't play with focus or med anymore, and need so much skill inc for dex on parry and healing mages that dexxers often have more mana and better mana regen than mages. Archers/Dexxers pretty much never run out of mana anymore and it's insane. There's no reason they need the extra LMC bonus. Undo the extra LMC that dexxers get from having 200-300 of select skills. It might have been a good idea when it was made, but it's completely unecessary in 2016-17.

10. Specials toggles while holding spells: As numerous people have suggested, specials should be able to be toggled while holding spells. This will make certain temps far more fun to play, and will be counter-balanced by the LMC nerf and the reduced damage on bows. It will also make certain templates far more viable, like a deathstrike mage, or a bushido mage.

11. Un-Nerf Frenzied Whirlwind: I'm sure this won't be popular with a lot of people, but hear me out. I thought waki's were OP as fk when I was playing a mystic ninja-mage, and they WERE op as fk in those days (comparatively speaking). But everyone plays healing mages, bushido archers, or bushido parry dexxers (often with chiv and/or spellweaving). I don't believe it would be OP at all anymore. Right now it slows targets for 1.5 seconds- when before it was 4.5 seconds. I think changing it to a 3 second slow that can be removed with an apple would be fair and reasonable, considering every good player knows that wakis are useless against mounted targets these days. Chasing people on a melee dexxer is a lot harder than casting spells or shooting at people from a range, and Frenzied Whirlwind was a good way to line up your next hit. Deathstrikers in particular took a very hard hit when they nerfed wakis, because A. their greatest strength was their offensive damage output (being that they have much less utility than archers or mages) and B. they are the least tankiest template; usually not having parry or healing needed to counter-balance the heavy damage output that is required to get in close to your opponents to do damage. Yes, they can smoke bomb, but running and hiding is not the same thing as staying on screen while parrying blows, or evading. What happened was, Mages got better at survivability with healing, Archers got better at survivability with bushido and better at damage with better gear, and the one thing that Deathstriker's excelled at (damage output) got nerfed. Reviving the effectiveness of Waki would counter-balance melee dexxers lack of ranged abilities and would also help melee dexxers counter-balance the defensiveness of today's templates (healing mages/bushido archers/etc). It would also make playing those templates more fun again- as well as playing other melee chars in general.

Edit: After some discussion in response to this post, on top of this suggestion, I would also suggest allowing apples to remove the slow affect for waki. The one instance where I concede that a 3 second slow from a waki may be a little over-powered is when it comes to groups setting up people for dumps. I don't think it's overpowered for me, but then again I was very good at avoiding it. For most players, it might be a little overpowered though. Most players wouldn't waste an apple timer on a waki slow, but if you're getting dumped by a group, the apple can save you from that dump. With reduced apple timers to 20 seconds, and with allowing apple's to remove the waki slow, I think we could increase the waki slow time to 3 seconds, which would make melee dexxers more viable and fun to play without over-powering the waki.

12. Un-nerf Animal Form: I would undo the animal form changes that were done a couple of years ago. Again, this is probably another one that many will think is stupid, but think about it. Groups already do tons of damage when you're on foot, and if you agree with my mortal un-nerf and my waki un-nerf, then un-doing the animal form nerf would be a good way to counterbalance dismount ganks. I would not be against this if I was not for the waki un-nerf, but the ninja form nerf only helped groups that were too noobie to kill someone before they could form off, and even if it did make sense at the time, it is definitely dated right now. Barely anyone plays with ninja anymore. Animal form still is not the same as remounting a pet. They cannot cast or use many abilities, and they have to unform off and remount before they can do anything- so it already has some major trade-offs. I was completely against the nerf, back when people played mystic ninja mages, as it gave disarm archers and waki dexxers a super easy time ganking people on foot, but people do ever more damage now a days than they did back then. There's no reason animal form needs to be nerfed still. If we undo the waki-nerf nerf, I think it would give us even more reason to un-do the animal form nerf- and btw, this nerf would help the survivability of mage weapon chars with ninjitsu- not that they will ever necessarily be viable again.

13. Buff Mage Weapons: We can lower the amount of magery mage weapons reduces skill by from -15/-20 to -0/-5. This alone would do little to make mage weapon chars viable again, but it's all I can think of right now tbh. The problem is that Dexxers/Archers have such heavy damage output compared to what they used to, that Parry is really the only way to counter-act that. Less -magery would mean more stat/skill inc for mages. Maybe with enough skill inc they can pick up bushido or something. I fear that mages with mage weapons will never fully be able to counteract the insane gear that dexxers/archers run with now a days. But I do think my other suggestions will go a long way in helping.

14. Revive Mage Dueling: We need to do some things to revive dueling. Mage Dueling was a major aspect of UO PvP back in the day, and now it's completely ****ing pointless. We'll never get it back to what it once was, but we could at least make it fun again. The UO dev's could EASILY add options to the Arena system to turn off Casting focus for the sake of a duel, or to automatically equal someone's stats to have 9 hpr, 30 SDI. It's very inconvenient for a lot of people to put together suits just to duel with old rules, and there's no reason they can't just make it an option on the Arena rule list. They can also get rid of the auto cure that people get when they don't have the poisoning skill. No one in pvp gives a **** about RNG auto-cures, except when they're dueling. It's not because of Jack of All trades either, it happens for elves and gargoyles a lot too, and it makes about zero sense. All it does it help to kill dueling, which many UO pvpers used to enjoy doing.

I believe that all of these changes combined will not only balance the game in a way that will be fun for everyone, but will also add a lot more diversity to the pvp. Sorry for the wall of text, unfortunately many people will pick this apart and argue that one specific change is a terrible idea. They will say things like Mortals were OP before, but what people need to do when they read all of these proposed changes and imagine how all of them will work together. Think about the big picture and how each change will affect the overall balance and fun of the game. My suggestions will probably be ignored as always, but you never know...

Last edited:


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Are you sure we both read the same thing?

But yes, I think it's safe everyone reading it missed that point.

Regardless, that's like saying yeah, it wasn't intended, but I still benefitted from it.

I hope you can see that this isn't a justification.
...Who said I was justifying it? I was merely refuting your point. I did that in a prior post.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
...Who said I was justifying it? I was merely refuting your point. I did that in a prior post.
Uh...if you're refuting that they should not fix the double conflag...

Unless you're telling me that you disagree that they should be nerfed (fixed) but you also disagree that they shoudnt be?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Uh...if you're refuting that they should not fix the double conflag...

Unless you're telling me that you disagree that they should be nerfed (fixed) but you also disagree that they shoudnt be?
Oh sorry man. I just realized, you're in the wrong section. You're not a pvper.

Here, let me show you to the section you should be posting in:
UO White Stag Inn


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
nd Viagra wasn't intended to be used as a "boner pill" but they still made millions of dollars off it.
Yes, if you missed the point it's that something is not bad simply because it was not intended to be a certain way. Many parents do not INTEND to have kids, but that doesn't mean they don't love them when they're born.

@Revan123 this is what you're argument is?

A side note no one is taking Viagra as a contraceptive, so I don't know where you're going with that.

Besides comparing the two to begin with is just ridiculous.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Oh sorry man. I just realized, you're in the wrong section. You're not a pvper.

Here, let me show you to the section you should be posting in:
UO White Stag Inn
If someone who belongs in white stag inn can prove how ridiculous your "points" are, then you belong there more than I do.

Explains why you had the link handy.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was actually waiting for this for a while. Mostly, I thought it was amusing to respond to your being a condescending ***** with a post dripping in sarcasm. Anyway:

1. Moving Shot changes: First off, Chad has a good point about the moving shots. Idk about making them physical damage, it's one of those things that just doesn't make sense if a bow is already 100% cold. In terms of balancing the game it would make sense, but conceptually, it still doesn't sit well with me. Then again, maybe I'm an RP'er at heart :heart:. One reason I'm not a fan of it though is because it would reduce the effectiveness of corpse skin significantly. This combo corpse + moving shots is one of the major proponents that makes a necro viable again. Something definitely should be done about moving shots though. Either the damage should be decreased (by like 20% or so) or it should take more mana than it currently does. The problem though is that if you nerf the regular damage of moving shots (by say 20%? disregarding damage type), then archers will have a much harder time killing anyone 1v1, and they already have a difficult time against parry characters. But I can't think of anyway around this at this moment. Maybe moving shot itself won't need a nerf though if you consider my next few suggestions though (1. Reduced base dmg on weapons 2. apple timer reduction 3. removal of LMC bonus for specific skills) will lower the damage that archers do overall while moving shott'ed a cursed/corpsed target.
Can't get rid of elemental damage, because it'd affect pvm too (my throwers use 100% elemental weaps. Soul glaives since pvm, but still.) Changing the damage type of Moving Shot to physical if it's, say, cold? Nah, I don't think that'd work too well. A decrease in the damage and an increase in the mana cost? Yes, I could agree to that. I'm not opposed to the HCI penalty on Moving Shot coming back, but I couldn't find any documentation of it ever being removed in the first place.

2. Reduced Base Damage on Bows: Perhaps the damage on bows should all be reduced marginally. I'm not talking 2min-3max base damage, which is what they'll probably do because every time you make a suggestion they take it too far. I'm talking maybe 1-1 damage less base damage per bow. It doesn't seem like much, but when you consider that the base damage is amplified by tactics, anatomy, strength, and damage increase, that 1 base damage turns into a 2-3-4 actual damage. It adds up. So my suggestion is this, reduce the base damage on each bow by 1-1, slightly increase the amount of mana that moving shot takes. This is a much better idea than capping stam at 181, because at 181 Archers will not only disrupt mages less, but a pvm archer's dps will be reduced by 20%. A quarter of a second is 1/5th of 1.25 seconds. Alternatively, reducing the base damage by 1 will reduce their damage per shot by about 5%.
No, for one reason: It affects pvm. As we've already seen from this thread, people are having a fit from a perceived change in it.

3. Reduced timer on Apples: Reduced apple timers to 20 seconds would help negate the Curse + Moving shot combo that Chad was referencing, and it would also reduce the effectiveness of Corpse Skin- which everyone seems to think is OP atm (although it would still be highly effective).
Intriguing idea. And while curse/corpse COULD be considered OP, I think the bigger problem with it is the much higher burst damage that results from it, making a person much easier to kill when they have "naked" fire resist (assuming 120 resist, anyway. Sure, that only gives you 44, but the difference between it and 45 is non-existent.)

4. Un-do Mortal Nerfs: A lot of people's first reaction will be that that's crazy, but consider that the past 2-3 suggestions combined would seem to be a heavy nerf on archers; but to counter-balance that, I would also suggest un-doing the recent mortal nerfs. This would keep Archers highly relevant and valuable in group PvP, but their damage output would not be as high, and mortals would still be effective, just not as overpowered with reduced apple timers.
Hmm. On the fence with this. Mortal stacking was ****ing annoying but manageable 1v1. For me, this is one of the nerfs based around group pvp that should stick. Constantly getting mortal'd is just stupid.

5. 20 SDI cap for non-focused mages: The SDI cap increase suggestion is one that I've been making for a long time. For a long time I've been complaining about the damage of non-alchy/scribe mages, and people would constantly say it would be too op to increase the SDI of a mystic mage to 30. But that said, I'm sure they can do something less, like increase the overall SDI cap on mages to 20 instead of 15. If you know something needs to change, but you're afraid of it becoming OP, then just increase it marginally, see if it works, and if it still needs a buff, you can increase it another 5 sdi to a 25 cap. But anyhow, that's my suggestion to increase the effectiveness of mystics and necros- increase their sdi cap to 20. With suits now a days people can easily put together mystic/necro wrestle parry suits.
Sounds good. 15%, in the current era of UO, really can't do ANYTHING. Yeah, 15 SDI worked well...in a much older form of UO, when gear was nowhere NEAR as good as it is now. I really hate bringing suits into the equation, but gear/templates will always have power creep, and the game should keep pace with it across the board.

6. Buff Heal Stone & Spirit Speak: To make Mystics and Necros more viable defensively, and more viable overall, I would make Healstones heal for as much as a g-heal does (50-60 dmg), and make Spiritspeak un-interruptable- which would be a good counter for mortals. That's all I can think of defensively atm. These two changes could go a long way to making these templates viable again imo.
I see mystics (and necros) more in grinder fights than I do open field, and heal stone is fine as is IMO. I get more mileage from gift of renewal, although not everyone will have spellweaving on their mystics (granted, I had mystic/spellweaver in mind to begin with.)

7. Buff Cleansing Winds when healing mortal'ed targets: Of course mortals were nerfed recently, but we can un-do the nerf, as I suggested before, and buff cleansing winds, making mystics more effective in group fights. We can make cleansing winds heal someone after removing the mortal (the way it did originally) except at a reduced amount- the same way it works with poisoning. Idk why I have yet to see someone make this proposal. This will not only help make mystics more viable without making cleansing's OP, but it will also counter-balance mortals- which as I proposed before, would be un-nerfed.
Interesting idea. How much of a reduction in the healing were you thinking? 50%, perhaps?

8. Corpse Skin Changes: Corpse Skin shouldn't need the mastery to reduce max resists. It should reduce the max resists without the mastery. It probably should've been this way for a long time. The mastery should be used on something else imo, like maybe a spell that steals life from it's target (like every other game has). Personally, I would make a mastery that causes Strangle to leech life. However, back to corpse skin. Groups stacking it with curse can be a bit OP atm. To counter-balance this- make it so Corpse skin doesn't stack with Curse, and increases the target's maximum cold/physical resist by 15. With 100% elemental weapons against 55/60 resists it will still be effective for archers with elemental weapons as well as for 20 sdi necro mages (my prior suggestion). It will also help to make Necro mages more viable in the field again.
Huh? It doesn't need the mastery to reduce the resist cap, you just can't do it with a mage of any kind - it's Focused Spec Necro (i.e. Dexers.) Resist cap of 55/no stack with Curse, fine. Raising Cold/Physical resist: assuming non-cursed target, this is pointless. Players already run around in full 70's+ as is, since it's so easy to do now.

9. Undo Skill LMC bonus: Mages don't play with focus or med anymore, and need so much skill inc for dex on parry and healing mages that dexxers often have more mana and better mana regen than mages. Archers/Dexxers pretty much never run out of mana anymore and it's insane. There's no reason they need the extra LMC bonus. Undo the extra LMC that dexxers get from having 200-300 of select skills. It might have been a good idea when it was made, but it's completely unecessary in 2016-17.
Hmm. Not entirely sold on this one. 55 LMC is fine for any dexer, I'll admit, but ranged still has the reduced mana leech (I forget what Publish this was in, and I saw it earlier...); it's pvm-oriented, so I hate to bring it up in a pvp thread, but my Legends thrower (whammy with 55 LMC) runs out of mana quite often with all of the Armor Ignores I use.

10. Specials toggles while holding spells: As numerous people have suggested, specials should be able to be toggled while holding spells. This will make certain temps far more fun to play, and will be counter-balanced by the LMC nerf and the reduced damage on bows. It will also make certain templates far more viable, like a deathstrike mage, or a bushido mage.

11. Un-Nerf Frenzied Whirlwind: I'm sure this won't be popular with a lot of people, but hear me out. I thought waki's were OP as fk when I was playing a mystic ninja-mage, and they WERE op as fk in those days (comparatively speaking). But now that everyone plays healing mages and bushido archers, I don't believe it would be OP at all anymore. Right now it slows targets for about 2 seconds- when before it was 4.5 seconds. I would suggest changing it to 3. Chasing people on a melee dexxer is a lot harder than casting spells or shooting at people from a range, and a Waki was a good way to line up your next hit. Deathstrikers in particular took a very hard hit when they nerfed wakis, because A. their greatest strength was their offensive damage output (being that they have much less utility than archers or mages) and B. they are the least tankiest template; usually not having parry or healing needed to counter-balance the heavy damage output that is required to get in close to your opponents to do damage. Yes, they can smoke bomb, but running and hiding is not the same thing as staying on screen while parrying blows, or evading. What happened was, Mages got better at survivability with healing, Archers got better at survivability with bushido and better at damage with better gear, and the one thing that Deathstriker's excelled at (damage output) got nerfed. Reviving the effectiveness of Waki would counter-balance melee dexxers lack of ranged abilities and would also help melee dexxers counter-balance the defensiveness of today's templates (healing mages/bushido archers/etc). It would also make playing those templates more fun again- as well as playing other melee chars in general.
Hmm. 2.5 seconds maybe? It is a bit short now, but 4.5 seconds was just stupid - if you got hit with it, it was pretty much death.

12. Un-nerf Animal Form: I would undo the animal form changes that were done a couple of years ago. Again, this is probably another one that many will think is stupid, but think about it. Groups already do tons of damage when you're on foot, and if you agree with my mortal un-nerf and my waki un-nerf, then un-doing the animal form nerf would be a good way to counterbalance dismount ganks. I would not be against this if I was not for the waki un-nerf, but the ninja form nerf only helped groups that were too noobie to kill someone before they could form off, and even if it did make sense at the time, it is definitely dated right now. Barely anyone plays with ninja anymore. Animal form still is not the same as remounting a pet. They cannot cast or use many abilities, and they have to unform off and remount before they can do anything- so it already has some major trade-offs. I was completely against the nerf, back when people played mystic ninja mages, as it gave disarm archers and waki dexxers a super easy time ganking people on foot, but people do ever more damage now a days than they did back then. There's no reason animal form needs to be nerfed still. If we undo the waki-nerf nerf, I think it would give us even more reason to un-do the animal form nerf- and btw, this nerf would help the survivability of mage weapon chars with ninjitsu- not that they will ever necessarily be viable again.
Not sure what the nerf was, since I wasn't playing then. No further comment.

13. Buff Mage Weapons: We can lower the amount of magery mage weapons reduces skill by from -15/-20 to -0/-5. This alone would do little to make mage weapon chars viable again, but it's all I can think of right now tbh. The problem is that Dexxers/Archers have such heavy damage output compared to what they used to, that Parry is really the only way to counter-act that. Less -magery would mean more stat/skill inc for mages. Maybe with enough skill inc they can pick up bushido or something. I fear that mages with mage weapons will never fully be able to counteract the insane gear that dexxers/archers run with now a days. But I do think my other suggestions will go a long way in helping.
Less of a skill penalty? Hmm. It is a pain having to get +15 Magery on Jewelry, I'll admit. It'd let me dump skill points into something else that'd be useful.

14. Revive Dueling: We need to do some things to revive dueling. We'll never get it back to what it once was, but we could at least make it fun again. The UO dev's could EASILY add options to the Arena system to turn off Casting focus for the sake of a duel, or to automatically equal someone's stats to have 9 hpr, 30 SDI. It's very inconvenient for a lot of people to put together suits just to duel with old rules, and there's no reason they can't just make it an option on the Arena rule list. They can also get rid of the auto cure that people get when they don't have the poisoning skill. No one in pvp gives a **** about RNG auto-cures, except when they're dueling. It's not because of Jack of All trades either, it happens for elves and gargoyles a lot too, and it makes about zero sense. All it does it help to kill dueling, which many UO pvpers used to enjoy doing.
I am 1000000% on board with this. I did A LOT of fun dueling on Wrong Roof a decade ago, and I spent just as much (if not more) time there as I did at spawns.

It happens for elves & gargs? I've never seen them do it unless they were already poisoned once before (or Orange Petal), which makes sense & I don't mind that. Turning off CF in the Arena is a possibility I'd like to explore - although I try to limit it, I cannot STAND having Casting Focus on my suits; Casting Focus is also why I don't use Inscribe. Sadly, with how prevalent CF is, it's hard to get away from it. Despite being unreliable, JOAT Poisoning curing is stupid too for that matter, but I'll agree that it's more of a factor in duels. Both auto-cure and CF have saved my ass in the field, and although neither are guaranteed, having extra chances to survive against a group is never a bad thing, IMO.


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Can't get rid of elemental damage, because it'd affect pvm too (my throwers use 100% elemental weaps. Soul glaives since pvm, but still.) Changing the damage type of Moving Shot to physical if it's, say, cold? Nah, I don't think that'd work too well. A decrease in the damage and an increase in the mana cost? Yes, I could agree to that. I'm not opposed to the HCI penalty on Moving Shot coming back, but I couldn't find any documentation of it ever being removed in the first place.
I'm not suggesting ALL of those changes... but maybe one of them would be appropriate.

No, for one reason: It affects pvm. As we've already seen from this thread, people are having a fit from a perceived change in it.
1 less base damage is going to affect the damage output of archers by 5%. This 5% is a bigger deal in pvp than it is in PVM. As was also stated in this thread, they're still going to get looting rights.

Hmm. On the fence with this. Mortal stacking was ****ing annoying but manageable 1v1. For me, this is one of the nerfs based around group pvp that should stick. Constantly getting mortal'd is just stupid.
If you're "constantly getting mortal'ed," you're not playing right. And you couldn't mortal spam either, if you did one too soon after the first, the time was reduced in half. But if you don't undo the mortal nerf, and you implement the other changes to moving shots and whatnot, archers are not going to be able to kill anyone 1v1, and farrrrr less effective in group fights.

Sounds good. 15%, in the current era of UO, really can't do ANYTHING. Yeah, 15 SDI worked well...in a much older form of UO, when gear was nowhere NEAR as good as it is now. I really hate bringing suits into the equation, but gear/templates will always have power creep, and the game should keep pace with it across the board.
20% probably isn't enough. I would personally do Chad's suggestion of 30% sdi cap for MAGE SPELLS, and 15% for non mage spells; but I know too many people wouldn't be willing to go for that, so I suggest we increase it marginally, and see if it works- if not we can always increase more later. It DEFINITELY needs to be increased though. This is not even debatable if you want to make mystic and necros viable again.

I see mystics (and necros) more in grinder fights than I do open field, and heal stone is fine as is IMO. I get more mileage from gift of renewal, although not everyone will have spellweaving on their mystics (granted, I had mystic/spellweaver in mind to begin with.)
Well idk what grinder fights have to do with anything. I agree that they are currently good templates for grinder fights, but we're talking about ways that we could make them more viable for field pvp, which is the large majority of pvp that happens in UO these days. The fact is, Mystic parry mages might be a viable temp, but they are not competitive and not nearly as good as something like a healing parry alchemy mage. We already discussed a way to make them better offensively, now to make them better defensively I would suggest making healing stones heal for the same damage as a g-heal (on the first use anyhow). I also suggested making spiritspeak non-interruptable, which would be pretty sweet, considering it heals through mortals and poison. I would also suggest increasing the damage healed with it, while giving it a slower cool down, but I figured people wouldn't be willing to go for that.

Interesting idea. How much of a reduction in the healing were you thinking? 50%, perhaps?
For mortals, I was thinking it should reduce the heal damage by about 67% to 75%. A whole 50% would be a little too powerful imo.

Huh? It doesn't need the mastery to reduce the resist cap, you just can't do it with a mage of any kind - it's Focused Spec Necro (i.e. Dexers.) Resist cap of 55/no stack with Curse, fine. Raising Cold/Physical resist: assuming non-cursed target, this is pointless. Players already run around in full 70's+ as is, since it's so easy to do now.
I never really tested it tbh, but I thought someone had told me it was a mastery. I guess I'm just mis-informed. No, I don't think it should be a "focus spec", it should just reduce their max resists by default. Why not? All they're doing is preventing necro mages from using a good thing. And I suggested that not only the physical and cold resists be increased (as they already do), but that the maximum resists also be increased. This is not a big deal, but it simply makes sense if the spell is going to reduce the max resists on the resists that it lowers, it should also increase the max resists on the resists that it increases.

Hmm. Not entirely sold on this one. 55 LMC is fine for any dexer, I'll admit, but ranged still has the reduced mana leech (I forget what Publish this was in, and I saw it earlier...); it's pvm-oriented, so I hate to bring it up in a pvp thread, but my Legends thrower (whammy with 55 LMC) runs out of mana quite often with all of the Armor Ignores I use.
As I stated already, dexxers in PvP have virtuously limitless mana these days, which allows Archers to do things like moving shot spam over and over and over. 200 of select skills will give you a 5 mana reduction in the use of your abilities, which really only turns out to be about 3 mana per special when you add LMC to the equation; and 300 of select skills will give you a 10 mana reduction in the use of your special abilities, which really only turns out to be 4 mana less used per special.

How do you benefit from this on a Whammy Thrower? High bushido skill? Most whammy's i know only played with 50 bush. Also, if it really does become an issue, we can just increase the amount of Hit mana leech that can be had on ranged weapons.

Hmm. 2.5 seconds maybe? It is a bit short now, but 4.5 seconds was just stupid - if you got hit with it, it was pretty much death.
2.5 seconds is only .5 seconds more than it is already. That will not make deathstrikers viable again. It should be at least 3 seconds. Also, Wakis were not, and most certainly are not OP now a days with current templates, if you simply avoid getting hit with one when you're on an apple timer.

Not sure what the nerf was, since I wasn't playing then. No further comment.
They made it cast slower and made it disruptable

It happens for elves & gargs? I've never seen them do it unless they were already poisoned once before (or Orange Petal), which makes sense & I don't mind that. Turning off CF in the Arena is a possibility I'd like to explore - although I try to limit it, I cannot STAND having Casting Focus on my suits; Casting Focus is also why I don't use Inscribe. Sadly, with how prevalent CF is, it's hard to get away from it. Despite being unreliable, JOAT Poisoning curing is stupid too for that matter, but I'll agree that it's more of a factor in duels. Both auto-cure and CF have saved my ass in the field, and although neither are guaranteed, having extra chances to survive against a group is never a bad thing, IMO.
If auto cure is saving you in the field from level 1-2 poisons, you're probably doing something wrong lol. No offense.


Lore Master
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The animal form change was one of the few changes ever that made sense. It put players that actually use the ninja skill on the same ground as the mages that abused it just for animal form. With the amount of players using chiv now, there would be concerns over 4/6 animal form which would be insane. I tested this and while it took some time to get the timing right, it's not hard to land a clutch animal form now.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
If you're "constantly getting mortal'ed," you're not playing right. And you couldn't mortal spam either, if you did one too soon after the first, the time was reduced in half. But if you don't undo the mortal nerf, and you implement the other changes to moving shots and whatnot, archers are not going to be able to kill anyone 1v1, and farrrrr less effective in group fights.
It had diminishing returns on the second mortal, but after that it was back to the normal duration. Regardless, it applied more to a group setting than it did 1v1. If it happened 1v1, it wasn't that big a deal (although it WAS annoying...) since there was a good chance of misses between them.

Well idk what grinder fights have to do with anything. I agree that they are currently good templates for grinder fights, but we're talking about ways that we could make them more viable for field pvp, which is the large majority of pvp that happens in UO these days. The fact is, Mystic parry mages might be a viable temp, but they are not competitive and not nearly as good as something like a healing parry alchemy mage. We already discussed a way to make them better offensively, now to make them better defensively I would suggest making healing stones heal for the same damage as a g-heal (on the first use anyhow). I also suggested making spiritspeak non-interruptable, which would be pretty sweet, considering it heals through mortals and poison. I would also suggest increasing the damage healed with it, while giving it a slower cool down, but I figured people wouldn't be willing to go for that.
Open field like Yew Gate, you mean? It could work, as much as I hate gate fighting.

For mortals, I was thinking it should reduce the heal damage by about 67% to 75%. A whole 50% would be a little too powerful imo.
Would have to test it. 75% reduction seems a little high, although I'm well aware that Cleansing (assuming no debuffs) heals for a ridiculous amount.

I never really tested it tbh, but I thought someone had told me it was a mastery. I guess I'm just mis-informed. No, I don't think it should be a "focus spec", it should just reduce their max resists by default. Why not? All they're doing is preventing necro mages from using a good thing. And I suggested that not only the physical and cold resists be increased (as they already do), but that the maximum resists also be increased. This is not a big deal, but it simply makes sense if the spell is going to reduce the max resists on the resists that it lowers, it should also increase the max resists on the resists that it increases.
I'll agree with it not being exclusive to focus spec. And resist cap - do you mean like you'd get with Stone Form/Refinements? Intriguing idea.

How do you benefit from this on a Whammy Thrower? High bushido skill? Most whammy's i know only played with 50 bush. Also, if it really does become an issue, we can just increase the amount of Hit mana leech that can be had on ranged weapons.
That should be a thing, for sure. If my sampire runs out of mana, it's only for maybe 1-2 seconds, at which point I can spam armor ignore again. My throwers frequently have to wait 3 seconds for the non-doubled mana cost. My throwers do MORE damage than my sampire and don't get anywhere near as much mana back.

2.5 seconds is only .5 seconds more than it is already. That will not make deathstrikers viable again. It should be at least 3 seconds. Also, Wakis were not, and most certainly are not OP now a days with current templates, if you simply avoid getting hit with one when you're on an apple timer.
Half a second can certainly make a difference, but I thought the current slow was 1.5 seconds? I'd have to check to see if that's documented, so I could be wrong. Found it: publish 90 (ToL launch): Special move update: Frenzied Whirlwind slow debuff reduced to 1.5 seconds from 4 seconds.

If auto cure is saving you in the field from level 1-2 poisons, you're probably doing something wrong lol. No offense.
It applies more to getting poisoned repeatedly than anything, honestly. I don't get it enough on the first poison (in fact, I don't get it at all), but it's not that much a lifesaver since I can just chug a cure pot while running. Works great against DP though!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Wakis at anything higher than 1.5 seconds will make it just as spammable and dumb as before. Bad idea.
I don't see how it's much more powerful than... say... moving shots? Can you spam it over and over? Yeah, but if you miss once at 3 seconds the person gets away. Furthermore, most people play with parry, so it's most likely going to miss the second hit, and that's assuming the dexxer even stays on target, which happens less than you'd think. It used to be, a dexxer could hit you the first time, then miss you once, then get a second swing in before the slow even ended, and then chain you again and again. My suggestion is not to bring it back to the 4.5 seconds that it was originally, but only 3 seconds. Right now, Wakis are pretty useless if the person is mounted. 3 Seconds would be a good way to give melee dexxers some offensive firepower and utility in setting people up for dumps with their group. It's not OP though when you consider the fact that everyone plays super defensive characters with bushido/parry, healing/parry, or healing/bushido. All you have to do is not get waki'd when you're cursed/mortaled and on an apple timer and you could easily survive a group dump with a 3 second slow. I think at 3 seconds it still wouldn't be nearly as OP as moving shots, which an archer can do from a distance, over and over despite missing a shot. If you miss the second swing with a waki, your target gets away.

However, if you still disagree with the 3 second change, to appease your desires and the desires of other players who think a 3 second slow from a waki would be OP; another possibility is that we can make the slow removable with an apple- which if you take into account my reduced apple timer (20 seconds), I think that would be pretty reasonable. The one instance where a waki could be really OP is in setting up people for group sync dumps. Well, if you allowed apple to remove the slow effect, that could fix that problem. Would it be worth it to use an apple on a single waki strike? Probably not. But if you're cursed and getting dumped by a group, a single apple could remove the slow effect and be the difference between life and death. It could also remove the curse and/or mortal at the same time. I think this last suggestion would be a very good way to make melee dexxers viable and fun to play again, without making Waki's OP.
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Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
However, if you still disagree with the 3 second change, to appease your desires and the desires of other players who think a 3 second slow from a waki would be OP; another possibility is that we can make the slow removable with an apple- which if you take into account my reduced apple timer (20 seconds), I think that would be pretty reasonable. The one instance where a waki could be really OP is in setting up people for group sync dumps. Well, if you allowed apple to remove the slow effect, that could fix that problem. Would it be worth it to use an apple on a single waki strike? Probably not.
I think it's funny that a problem such as "people are becoming too difficult to kill one vs one anymore" due to gear, pots, running etc.
but you suggest changing the apple timer from 30s down to 20s, it's a little contradictory.

Most of your suggestions tend to revolve around group pvp. This thread is based on balancing pvp, Pvp has to be balanced around one vs one.
I mean, what's the difference between 2 different groups of random players if they were to use the same templates & same amount of resources on each side?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I think it's funny that a problem such as "people are becoming too difficult to kill one vs one anymore" due to gear, pots, running etc.
but you suggest changing the apple timer from 30s down to 20s, it's a little contradictory.

Most of your suggestions tend to revolve around group pvp. This thread is based on balancing pvp, Pvp has to be balanced around one vs one.
I mean, what's the difference between 2 different groups of random players if they were to use the same templates & same amount of resources on each side?
the lower apple timer is to counter-balance all the offensive buffs I proposed- increased SDI, un-nerfed waki, un-nerfed mortals, etc


Lore Keeper
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Wakis are fine the way they are. If someone is good with one they are still very effective.

I agree with mortal needing a nerf, but not going back to the way it is. I want to see it the way it WAS. It could not stack and after a mortal was over you could not be mortaled again for 3 or 5 seconds ( i forget exact time). That was more than enough to make it effective and not completely overpowered.

I can agree with the skill for lmc bonus and the toggling specials as well.

Everything else in that long post I disagree with.

chester rockwell

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
No it doesn't. Alchemy is fine. Double conflags are not overpowered. They help small groups gain separation and get kills on zergs. If someone dies to double conflags, it is 100% their fault for playing too aggressively.
Your static fields already do that as it is. Make it legal for all or ban the peeps abusing it. Put a timer on all pots. To include refresh.

EC is NOT the same as CC. EC has numerous major advantages to it. If you don't agree, it's because you aren't aware of them.
I run both ec and cc. The graphics in ec make me want to puke. I would love to have the inherent pros from the ec in the cc....like the peeps that mod the **** outta their client do. However, as a non-cheater, I would hope that bleak and the gang make those advantages, that a lot of people have, available to all. Go watch some of those videos and tell me if it even resembles anything close to what you or I have on the CC with UOA.

I believe I saw you talking on another site about bringing more people to fel....I would love to see that too. Complaining about the zerg while running all sorts of mods to your client to give yourself an advantage is both hypocritical and counter to that original intent. Undo your client mods, turn off ce, turn off the other program(s), and fight people straight up.
"I'm so fast cuz I run the EC"......I've never seen any video posted by someone that has said that where they are actually running the EC....all in the CC with the EC pros.

Put the hci restriction back on moving shot, timers on alllll pots, either ban the peeps that cheat or let everyone use the same crap. Level the playing field.....it will inherently make things more even.....rather than twiddlefart with 4/6 on remove curse.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
the lower apple timer is to counter-balance all the offensive buffs I proposed- increased SDI, un-nerfed waki, un-nerfed mortals, etc
Well if it's the counter-balance all offensive buffs (debuffs) I mean, strangle is still essentially useless. all it does is let people use resources more carelessly instead of timing them which is how they should be.

There are two things that I'm pretty sure everyone will agree on... (it doesn't matter if they play official UO or free-shards)

What made UO great?

1) Sandbox choices.
2) The skill of the "Player" made the biggest difference between two players instead of RNG... There was sense of accomplishment being good at dueling or even other aspects... (especially when using a suit with less than 44 in all resistances :D)... still possible... but less skill is involved and it's pointless because of that... there's getting to be less and less reasons to "get good" at UO.

14. Revive Mage Dueling: We need to do some things to revive dueling. Mage Dueling was a major aspect of UO PvP back in the day, and now it's completely ****ing pointless. We'll never get it back to what it once was, but we could at least make it fun again. The UO dev's could EASILY add options to the Arena system to turn off Casting focus for the sake of a duel, or to automatically equal someone's stats to have 9 hpr, 30 SDI. It's very inconvenient for a lot of people to put together suits just to duel with old rules, and there's no reason they can't just make it an option on the Arena rule list. They can also get rid of the auto cure that people get when they don't have the poisoning skill. No one in pvp gives a **** about RNG auto-cures, except when they're dueling. It's not because of Jack of All trades either, it happens for elves and gargoyles a lot too, and it makes about zero sense. All it does it help to kill dueling, which many UO pvpers used to enjoy doing.

I will Always be against Casting Focus & the free-Cure (poison immunity)... Dueling is most definitely the main reason I don't like it.
The other is It's not necessary to have it on the field either... get rid of it. -no one needs it.

Player skill doesn't make the difference (or I should say, as much of a difference) as it use too, now most of the player skill is knowing when to run lol... no fun in that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your static fields already do that as it is. Make it legal for all or ban the peeps abusing it. Put a timer on all pots. To include refresh.

I run both ec and cc. The graphics in ec make me want to puke. I would love to have the inherent pros from the ec in the cc....like the peeps that mod the **** outta their client do. However, as a non-cheater, I would hope that bleak and the gang make those advantages, that a lot of people have, available to all. Go watch some of those videos and tell me if it even resembles anything close to what you or I have on the CC with UOA.

I believe I saw you talking on another site about bringing more people to fel....I would love to see that too. Complaining about the zerg while running all sorts of mods to your client to give yourself an advantage is both hypocritical and counter to that original intent. Undo your client mods, turn off ce, turn off the other program(s), and fight people straight up.
"I'm so fast cuz I run the EC"......I've never seen any video posted by someone that has said that where they are actually running the EC....all in the CC with the EC pros.

Put the hci restriction back on moving shot, timers on alllll pots, either ban the peeps that cheat or let everyone use the same crap. Level the playing field.....it will inherently make things more even.....rather than twiddlefart with 4/6 on remove curse.
Stratics in a nut shell. Lord help us.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Your static fields already do that as it is. Make it legal for all or ban the peeps abusing it. Put a timer on all pots. To include refresh.
Static fields? Are you claiming that "static fields" are the reason you lose fights?

Timers on all pots? That would be kind of ridiculous tbh. Poison would be ridiculously OP, and god help the 2017 stam blocks. Tbh, I would probably quit this game for good if the Dev's did something that ********.

I run both ec and cc. The graphics in ec make me want to puke. I would love to have the inherent pros from the ec in the cc....like the peeps that mod the **** outta their client do. However, as a non-cheater, I would hope that bleak and the gang make those advantages, that a lot of people have, available to all. Go watch some of those videos and tell me if it even resembles anything close to what you or I have on the CC with UOA.
I can agree, that the game would benefit from a level playing field, but doesn't it have that already (program-wise)? Everyone has the option to use just about anything that the large majority of players are already using. As you said, UO isn't enforcing it's rule against third party programs. So how do they have an unfair advantage over you, when you can use whatever it is that they use? I don't think players don't use the same things that everyone else does because they think it's "cheating," I honestly think they don't because they are lazy. It's the same reason that people cry constantly about supernovas and conflags, meanwhile the only reason they don't use them is because they are too lazy them selves. They are just making excuses for being bad. Let's not pretend that UO players don't cheat because of some moral principle. If "cheating" would mean leveling the playing field for you, and no one is enforcing that you can't, and everyone else is doing it, then why wouldn't you? If doing it meant leveling the playing field for you, what would be so immoral about it? Immorality would lie in giving yourself an unfair advantage. But how would using a third party program be unfair when everyone else can and already does use it? They don't enforce it because they know UOA hasn't been updated since what? 2004? Instead of crying that cheats are ruining the game, try to focus more on getting better. Cheats aren't the reason the top players are at the top.

I believe I saw you talking on another site about bringing more people to fel....I would love to see that too. Complaining about the zerg while running all sorts of mods to your client to give yourself an advantage is both hypocritical and counter to that original intent. Undo your client mods, turn off ce, turn off the other program(s), and fight people straight up.
Complaining about the "zerg"? I don't complain about zergs, I love fighting zergs. And I don't beat them because of any client mods. I beat them because of skill. If you can't see that, it's because you don't recognize the difference.

"I'm so fast cuz I run the EC"......I've never seen any video posted by someone that has said that where they are actually running the EC....all in the CC with the EC pros.
Huh? So just because people that play EC and record their fights (Sibble?) do not think that they are fast, that means that EC isn't faster? I'm sorry, but A. EC is in fact faster than CC, it's just not obvious how and B. Claiming that you've never heard someone make a statement, does not mean that the opposite to that statement is true; particularly when that statement would qualify as hearsay even if it was said.

Put the hci restriction back on moving shot, timers on alllll pots, either ban the peeps that cheat or let everyone use the same crap. Level the playing field.....it will inherently make things more even.....rather than twiddlefart with 4/6 on remove curse.
A HCI restriction on moving shot would just make the game even more RNG based. Would moving shot be less powerful? Yeah, generally speaking; but there would still be times where the person using moving shots would get really good RNG and hit every single time- in which case, it would be just as powerful (in that instance) as it was before it was nerfed.
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Grand Poobah
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I can agree, that the game would benefit from a level playing field, but doesn't it have that already? Everyone has the option to use just about anything that the large majority of players are already using. As you said, UO isn't enforcing it's rule against third party programs. So how do they have an unfair advantage over you, when you can use whatever it is that they use? I don't think players don't use the same things that everyone else does because they think it's "cheating," I honestly think they don't because they are lazy. It's the same reason that people cry constantly about supernovas and conflags, meanwhile the only reason they don't use them is because they are too lazy them selves. They are just making excuses for being bad. Let's not pretend that UO players don't cheat because of some moral principle. If "cheating" would mean leveling the playing field for you, and no one is enforcing that you can't, and everyone else is doing it, then why wouldn't you? If doing it meant leveling the playing field for you, what would be so immoral about it? Immorality would lie in giving yourself an unfair advantage. But how would using a third party program be unfair when everyone else can and already does use it? They don't enforce it because they know UOA hasn't been updated since what? 2004? Instead of crying that cheats are ruining the game, try to focus more on getting better. Cheats aren't the reason the top players are at the top.
It´s called integrity. You should try it.

"It´s only cheating if you get caught."
No wonder the PvP scene mainly consists of the bottom of the barrel players these days...


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
It´s called integrity. You should try it.

"It´s only cheating if you get caught."
No wonder the PvP scene mainly consists of the bottom of the barrel players these days...
So righteous.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It´s called integrity. You should try it.

"It´s only cheating if you get caught."
No wonder the PvP scene mainly consists of the bottom of the barrel players these days...

Sorry to say but tram is where pretty much all scripts exploits and cheating takes place.

PvP does have its programs but honestly no where near as bad as tram.
How ever since its tram it doesn't really effect a player vs other players then it doesn't really get noticed.

Well say hardly excluding events where you can see it all come into play.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Poison wouldn't be OP if timers existed on all potions. people would just need to get better at timing cure pots instead of instinctively using a cure potion as soon as they become poisoned.

I can't agree on timers for Refresh potions though, dexers sure as hell would never kill a mage if they couldn't keep their stamina up.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
It´s called integrity. You should try it.

"It´s only cheating if you get caught."
No wonder the PvP scene mainly consists of the bottom of the barrel players these days...
Did I say it's only cheating if you get caught? No. I said It's only immoral if you obtain an unfair advantage. You might want to read again.


Crazed Zealot
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Did I say it's only cheating if you get caught? No. I said It's only immoral if you obtain an unfair advantage. You might want to read again.
You said, to paraphrase, since it's not being policed by uo that everyone should just use it which would make it fair. Also, the only reason people aren't using it(them)is laziness.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Last time I checked legal programs and not policing illegal programs are two different things.

I could see where he came to that conclusion.


Crazed Zealot
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Sorry to say but tram is where pretty much all scripts exploits and cheating takes place.

PvP does have its programs but honestly no where near as bad as tram.
How ever since its tram it doesn't really effect a player vs other players then it doesn't really get noticed.

Well say hardly excluding events where you can see it all come into play.
I wouldn't call this accurate.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wouldn't call this accurate.
Yes clearly vendors stacked with resources imbuing ingredients pots are done legit.
Let's not even begin with people scripting for pvm items of course again its tram and not really looked at.

The point again tram is far more heavily abused for cheating then anything that goes on with pvp.


Crazed Zealot
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Yes clearly vendors stacked with resources imbuing ingredients pots are done legit.
Let's not even begin with people scripting for pvm items of course again its tram and not really looked at.

The point again tram is far more heavily abused for cheating then anything that goes on with pvp.
I won't get to elaborate due to a prior infraction, but this rules in a single program and does not factor those who pvp may be selling them.

I can think of three or four offhand used by a lot of people that pvp.

What the resources mules use them for seems like a wash to me in comparison.

I'm not denying they don't use them, I'm saying it's not accurate that they abuse them more than PVPers.

Feel free to message me if you'd like to discuss details.


Seasoned Veteran
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The cheat programs are quality of life improvements more than anything. I would bet that you could take all the players who complain that they don't PVP due to cheating and give them cheat programs, then take the people who do PVP and remove the cheat programs from them, and the outcome of the fights will still be the same. The complainers will get rekt as usual, then they would have to find some other excuse to latch onto. Yes there are advantages to using these programs, but it isn't nearly as significant as people on here make it seem. These programs aren't making the elite PVPers elite, some of the best PVPers use UOA only. It's just an excuse that people use to tell themselves that they would totally beat that guy if he wasn't cheating. They are in denial / delusional, and don't want to admit that they just aren't that good at PVP.


Crazed Zealot
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The cheat programs are quality of life improvements more than anything. I would bet that you could take all the players who complain that they don't PVP due to cheating and give them cheat programs, then take the people who do PVP and remove the cheat programs from them, and the outcome of the fights will still be the same. The complainers will get rekt as usual, then they would have to find some other excuse to latch onto. Yes there are advantages to using these programs, but it isn't nearly as significant as people on here make it seem. These programs aren't making the elite PVPers elite, some of the best PVPers use UOA only. It's just an excuse that people use to tell themselves that they would totally beat that guy if he wasn't cheating. They are in denial / delusional, and don't want to admit that they just aren't that good at PVP.
This isn't an apples to apples comparison.

The difference here is that you're taking people who would have a skill advantage from normally pvping and giving them an higher one vs others who normally pvp and don't use them, let alone those who haven't PVPed in a while.

If know I get "rusty" if I don't pvp for a while because of other obligations.

Would a couple of them probably still be better? Sure, it's a possibility, but I'd imagine all these
PVPers that consider themselves "top tier" wouldn't be riding so high if these got axed.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can agree, that the game would benefit from a level playing field, but doesn't it have that already (program-wise)? Everyone has the option to use just about anything that the large majority of players are already using. As you said, UO isn't enforcing it's rule against third party programs. So how do they have an unfair advantage over you, when you can use whatever it is that they use? I don't think players don't use the same things that everyone else does because they think it's "cheating," I honestly think they don't because they are lazy. It's the same reason that people cry constantly about supernovas and conflags, meanwhile the only reason they don't use them is because they are too lazy them selves. They are just making excuses for being bad. Let's not pretend that UO players don't cheat because of some moral principle. If "cheating" would mean leveling the playing field for you, and no one is enforcing that you can't, and everyone else is doing it, then why wouldn't you? If doing it meant leveling the playing field for you, what would be so immoral about it? Immorality would lie in giving yourself an unfair advantage. But how would using a third party program be unfair when everyone else can and already does use it? They don't enforce it because they know UOA hasn't been updated since what? 2004? Instead of crying that cheats are ruining the game, try to focus more on getting better. Cheats aren't the reason the top players are at the top.
No, Bane, it's NOT because we're lazy. The real reason: If we had to use these programs, what would be the point of playing, when it isn't our own skill? Whether "everyone else is doing it" or not (PS: that's a bull**** argument), it actually doesn't make the ones using it GOOD. In fact, if "the top pvp'ers" were any good, they wouldn't need to use everything under the sun to compete. Let me put it this way: if, for whatever reason, "the top pvp'ers" suddenly couldn't use all the programs/bugs the genius devs are allowing (solely due to a lack of enforcement), they would NOT be "top pvp'ers" anymore. When you have people that can do things like skip multiple tiles at once, mages that can cast Lightning faster than mini-heal (which is not a timing/ping issue, they legitimately cast Lightning that fast), and my personal favorite, bola/teleport? Come on man, you should be smarter than this.

btw, nobody is crying about supernovas and conflags - by themselves, they aren't the problem. 80% EP Supernovas (because of the 80% EP) and double conflags (bug) are the problem.

The cheat programs are quality of life improvements more than anything. I would bet that you could take all the players who complain that they don't PVP due to cheating and give them cheat programs, then take the people who do PVP and remove the cheat programs from them, and the outcome of the fights will still be the same. The complainers will get rekt as usual, then they would have to find some other excuse to latch onto. Yes there are advantages to using these programs, but it isn't nearly as significant as people on here make it seem. These programs aren't making the elite PVPers elite, some of the best PVPers use UOA only. It's just an excuse that people use to tell themselves that they would totally beat that guy if he wasn't cheating. They are in denial / delusional, and don't want to admit that they just aren't that good at PVP.
Yeah, no. I use ***** only (mostly because it's free), and I don't even use a quarter of what it's actually capable of - I could switch to UOA and be completely unaffected. I'll agree that your statement isn't entirely inaccurate - non pvp'ers with cheats won't beat people that do pvp. Experience DOES matter. But you're delusional if you think that, in an equal setting (i.e. no programs), it wouldn't make a difference in a fight between an experienced pvp'er (that doesn't run everything) against someone that runs programs.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
This isn't an apples to apples comparison.

The difference here is that you're taking people who would have a skill advantage from normally pvping and giving them an higher one vs others who normally pvp and don't use them, let alone those who haven't PVPed in a while.

If know I get "rusty" if I don't pvp for a while because of other obligations.

Would a couple of them probably still be better? Sure, it's a possibility, but I'd imagine all these
PVPers that consider themselves "top tier" wouldn't be riding so high if these got axed.
I know you and the rest of stratics would love to believe this is true for the sake of your own ego... but it's not


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know you and the rest of stratics would love to believe this is true for the sake of your own ego... but it's not
Who's your pvp'er? In my experience, EVERYONE that uses this rationale is one of the "pvp'ers" who runs multiple illegal programs. It's always the same crap: "Tell me what I'm using", "the programs don't make a difference", etc.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I know you and the rest of stratics would love to believe this is true for the sake of your own ego... but it's not
This is equivalent of saying "nuh uh" and leaving it at that.

Besides if those guys were THAT good, they wouldn't be using them right?

Judging by the videos posted we can see that isn't true, can't we?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Who's your pvp'er? In my experience, EVERYONE that uses this rationale is one of the "pvp'ers" who runs multiple illegal programs. It's always the same crap: "Tell me what I'm using", "the programs don't make a difference", etc.
I use EC. Best cheat program there is. Get accused of cheating constantly. So do many good PVPers who use only UOa. Basically anyone who loses a fight will ease their own pain by telling themselves their opponent was cheating. These are the same voices in stratics complaining about cheating. Half the time they are wrong and can't tell the difference anyway
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use EC. Best cheat program there is
I've fought EC users. They could run faster, and there's tile-skipping when they turn (due to design), sure, but for the ones that are actually skilled? It shows. Most people are pvp'ing with the CC, which makes the tile-skipping (which is completely different from the EC's) hilariously blatant.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
I use EC. Best cheat program there is. Get accused of cheating constantly. So do many good PVPers who use only UOa. Basically anyone who loses a fight will ease their own pain by telling themselves their opponent was cheating. These are the same voices in stratics complaining about cheating. Half the time they are wrong and can't tell the difference anyway
There's some of this that happens, sure. I've been accused of everything under the sun.

But you're lieing to yourself (and everyone else for the matter) if you're saying they're all using UOA or EC and everyone else is just mad because they may have died in PVP.

I mean I'll even spot you a link to a video if you want one.

You can then explain to us about the health percentages overhead or the modded field files to become squares or the half walls etc etc etc.

I've been pvping for a while, let's not kid ourselves here.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is the extent of the "cheats" people use, yes CE is annoying and yes most of the pvpers do use, its a competitive game and people will try to find an advantage over the other fairly or unfairly.
Scripts are... well they have there place, again nothing that is really going to make any person an elite Pvper.
There is no casting lightening faster then mini heal hack, exploit or cheat, if there was,it would be abused so more that everyone would know about it.

UO Especially in Pvp has no secrets everyone knows every trick, any thing that is a game changer or a real advantage gets spread about so quickly.

i know this has taken the thread off course kinda and taken away the pvp balance issue, but Christ people think that stopping cheats would solve the issues with PVP are delusional.

Christ the bigger issue with Pvp balance is in fact stems from the lack of new players and how the dev continue to not address it.

the only people making this game harder and turning people to use anything is the Devs them selves.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
There's some of this that happens, sure. I've been accused of everything under the sun.

But you're lieing to yourself (and everyone else for the matter) if you're saying they're all using UOA or EC and everyone else is just mad because they may have died in PVP.

I mean I'll even spot you a link to a video if you want one.

You can then explain to us about the health percentages overhead or the modded field files to become squares or the half walls etc etc etc.

I've been pvping for a while, let's not kid ourselves here.
I didn't say everyone is using EC or uoa. I said those who accuse everyone of cheating can't tell the difference between someone cheating and someone playing legit

-Hey Arnold-

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
80% EP Supernovas (because of the 80% EP) and double conflags (bug) are the problem.
I get that people dont like double conflag damage because they are dumb and run into both of them (which is being fixed..even tho i think its fine)...but what is wrong with novas at 80 ep?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I didn't say everyone is using EC or uoa. I said those who accuse everyone of cheating can't tell the difference between someone cheating and someone playing legit
Listen dude, if you've been pvping a while and even grasp a portion of the game mechanics, it's fairly obvious who's using what.

Aside from this, we don't really have to guess, a lot of them just post the video of them using it.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Listen dude, if you've been pvping a while and even grasp a portion of the game mechanics, it's fairly obvious who's using what.

Aside from this, we don't really have to guess, a lot of them just post the video of them using it.
Tell me then. What mechanics are you seeing that make you know someone is cheating ?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I get that people dont like double conflag damage because they are dumb and run into both of them (which is being fixed..even tho i think its fine)...but what is wrong with novas at 80 ep?
I always thought the "just don't run into them" was a funny argument when discussing broken game mechanics.

Do me a favor and tell me what the damage is for a nova at 80 EP while cursed.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Tell me then. What mechanics are you seeing that make you know someone is cheating ?
The Speed (skipping) and reaction speed of
Mechanics I.e. Cure Apple etc. The infamously obvious one was the auto dismount for the bolas the list goes on.

You can also base of off movement of their char vs your ping.

Or you can just watch the videos here:


Take your pick.

-Hey Arnold-

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I always thought the "just don't run into them" was a funny argument when discussing broken game mechanics.

Do me a favor and tell me what the damage is for a nova at 80 EP while cursed.
I mean its one of the only things in the game u can actually dodge just by not moving or moving 2 tiles lol Nova do like 27 damage while cursed but u also have to be right on top of them and has a 1-2min cooldown..not sure why u think thats op lol.
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