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4/6 Remove Curse (Chivalry)

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Lore Keeper
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so let's see a PRACTICAL example of HOW a mage "cannot" kill a CHIVARLY parry char , from FULL life ..., take a LOOK carefully on how the chiv dexer is stucked CASTING REMOVE CURSE ( ahhhh this amazing spell!!!) ...while getting dmged anyways....so LOOK AT THE EFFECT OF REMOVE CURSE DURING THIS 2 SECONDS FIGHT , 150 HPI removed in 2 seconds....


so..... I think Paithan is just twisting reality, because he has a super defensive unkillable toon 1vs1 , ie ALCHEMY-PARRY HEALING mage!!!! I mean....a mage who can use bandages to heal , 1vs1 is IMPOSSIBLE to kill for any chars , and he is crying about a 13 yrs old spell .

He wants simply to UNBALANCE the game as many other players stated in this thread.


P.s. thanks to my friend for this precious example :shots:
You keep trying to make this thread about me. And you aren't even correct seeing as how I play a lot of different mages across multiple shards. But this thread is not about me.

This thread is about remove curse vs the curses it removes. it is as simple as that. You have not posted ONE single thing about that. lol. I have underlined key words for you, in case you want to give it another try.

And that guy you killed in the gif is exceptionally bad. Everyone kills him.

If you would like I will hop on a 4/6 chiv char for fun and you can play that mage and see if you get me below half life. lol
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A 4/6 chiv char still needs to have all that casting on his temp, not the easiest temp to build or play, most ppl who play it, aren't really good at it anyways. As far as i understand the remove curse has been the same for like 9years since it came out, why is all of a sudden it is a problem?!?!
Please read the thread as this has been addressed multiple times throughout.


Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
No let's do this, you fight that BAD player with your MAIN mage which is super defensive, you will never kill him 1vs1

You are simply avoiding the fact that BY CHOICE you have a super defensive toon, a MAGE who can HEAL with bandages, with hpr ( passive), with ALCHEMY and pots ( 80 EP) plus has PARRY mastery ( enchanted parry), and you can MAGE in mani and invasmani....

I mean you are clearly set up for NOT dying and you complain about OTHER toons ( ie a dexer) who is also DEFENSIVE but has problems to kill players because of its nature.

You want to unbalance the game and have JUST one toon HARD to kill, ie your TEMPLATE, how bad is that?

Everyone knows you run with 5 archers, you just cast a couple of CURSES and they do 50 dmg moving shots with their elemental bows and double spells.

You're a shame to yourself and to UO tbh.

Just make a Tank mage and stop crying. Make an offensive toon and as proven you can kill anyone in a few seconds if you do things right, always if you know how to use the combos properly darling.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No let's do this, you fight that BAD player with your MAIN mage which is super defensive, you will never kill him 1vs1

You are simply avoiding the fact that BY CHOICE you have a super defensive toon, a MAGE who can HEAL with bandages, with hpr ( passive), with ALCHEMY and pots ( 80 EP) plus has PARRY mastery ( enchanted parry), and you can MAGE in mani and invasmani....

I mean you are clearly set up for NOT dying and you complain about OTHER toons ( ie a dexer) who is also DEFENSIVE but has problems to kill players because of its nature.

You want to unbalance the game and have JUST one toon HARD to kill, ie your TEMPLATE, how bad is that?

Everyone knows you run with 5 archers, you just cast a couple of CURSES and they do 50 dmg moving shots with their elemental bows and double spells.

You're a shame to yourself and to UO tbh.

Just make a Tank mage and stop crying. Make an offensive toon and as proven you can kill anyone in a few seconds if you do things right, always if you know how to use the combos properly darling.
Not. About. Me.

I play:
A focused mage with alchemy.
A mystic mage.
A necro mage.
A parry mage.

All of which are negated with one spell. Even the supposed high DPS mages I play.

You are crying because some people are suggesting remove curse be slowed down by a half of a second. Your "argument" has been heard. Thanks for your amazing input on the thread. (sarcasm).

You are the only one crying. I asked for other peoples opinions- they have already been heard. I then asked that the thread be locked because you derail it every time you post.


Crazed Zealot
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You keep trying to make this thread about me. And you aren't even correct seeing as how I play a lot of different mages across multiple shards. But this thread is not about me.

This thread is about remove curse vs the curses it removes. it is as simple as that. You have not posted ONE single thing about that. lol. I have underlined key words for you, in case you want to give it another try.

And that guy you killed in the gif is exceptionally bad. Everyone kills him.

If you would like I will hop on a 4/6 chiv char for fun and you can play that mage and see if you get me below half life. lol
I couldn't figure out why the dude kept trying attack, didn't attempt to heal chug or run.

Instead he ate a mana dump then a nova.

I wouldn't use that dude as an example.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That " dude" is very hard to kill 1vs1 , and PAITHAN the "great" healing mage will not kill him 1vs1 .... on his main char, because he decides to go TOTALLY DEFENSIVE and with low offense. But also the Chiv char will not kill Paithan, he will just survive....but if you want to kill a chiv dexer, you MUST choose an offensive toon. GO ARCHER DEXER WITH SPLINTER WEAPON OR TANK MAGE... is it hard to understand?

You cannot ask to lower the cast on remove curse, as you see , by casting REMOVE curse he died within 2 seconds, because he got stucked and even if he took back the resists to 70 after the curse , you can always make INSANE dmg with many toons ( ie archers or tank mages).

You want to propose to UNBALANCE the game and DESTROY totally one toon , and one spell that exists since THIRTEEN YEARS ( LET ME UNDERLINE THIS FOR YOU) , and nobody ever needed the request to remove that spell...so ask yourself some questions.

Maybe paithan...are you just bad at uo now?
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Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
110 HP ???ahahahahaha another lie....

EXPLO + FS + AI with double hit spell( as your archer friends do) and super nova with alchemy....

150 hp , learn the GAME.


Crazed Zealot
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That " dude" is very hard to kill 1vs1 , and PAITHAN the "great" healing mage will not kill him 1vs1 .... on his main char, because he decides to go TOTALLY DEFENSIVE and with low offense. But also the Chiv char will not kill Paithan, he will just survive....but if you want to kill a chiv dexer, you MUST choose an offensive toon. GO ARCHER DEXER WITH SPLINTER WEAPON OR TANK MAGE... is it hard to understand?

You cannot ask to lower the cast on remove curse, as you see , by casting REMOVE curse he died within 2 seconds, because he got stucked and even if he took back the resists to 70 after the curse , you can always make INSANE dmg with many toons ( ie archers or tank mages).

You want to propose to UNBALANCE the game and DESTROY totally one toon , and one spell that exists since THIRTEEN YEARS ( LET ME UNDERLINE THIS FOR YOU) , and nobody ever needed the request to remove that spell...so ask yourself some questions.

Maybe paithan...are you just bad at uo now?

LET'S WATCH AGAIN REMOVE CURSE IN GAME .....look at that! woowowowow
How can you say that with a straight face?

The guy must not be too hard if someone killed him in several seconds.

No one else in their right mind would hang around and eat a mana dump.

edit: Besides, if the dude is very hard to kill doesn't that contradict the argument you're trying to make?
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Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
MANY chiv chars will do that because they think they can survive due the DEFENSE nature of the toon but if you have a SUPER offensive toon as a tank mage you can deal 150 HP damage within 3-4 seconds....simple facts.

I killed personally THOUSANDS of ppl within 5 seconds in my UO career.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no wrestling but you take ANATOMY, you just need 100 anatomy.

Parry well you can keep 120

Then you must add 80 skill inc if you want to have 100 alchemy....and 100 healing too.

If you can add more skill inc you can also have some meditation.

Some HEALING ALCHY PARRY MAGE can also go with REFINED SUITS....and HIGHER the fire resist to 75 ( by lowering the dci to 40) and you have also 75 ENERGY because you stay elf...

SO imagine... PAITHAN....cries about ONE Spell old 13 YEARS and he uses the MOST OP And UNBALANCED toon left in game....:

- refined suit with 75 fire and 75 energy

- alchemy 80 ep

- healing on a mage ( ana+healing)

- parry with mastery (enanched parry)

- hpr 18 (passive regen)

how are you supposed to kill him?????? is his toon MORE op than a chiv char? yes it is.....

1vs1 YOU CANNOT DIE on his toon, instead a chiv char can ALWAYS die to a disarm archer or a tank mage. Simple facts.


Crazed Zealot
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How do you fit all that in? Tons of +skill gear?
Legendary jewels have made these templates available.

I have some with 60 points of skill on them. I'd guess there are some with higher


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That " dude" is very hard to kill 1vs1 , and PAITHAN the "great" healing mage will not kill him 1vs1 .... on his main char, because he decides to go TOTALLY DEFENSIVE and with low offense. But also the Chiv char will not kill Paithan, he will just survive....but if you want to kill a chiv dexer, you MUST choose an offensive toon. GO ARCHER DEXER WITH SPLINTER WEAPON OR TANK MAGE... is it hard to understand?

You cannot ask to lower the cast on remove curse, as you see , by casting REMOVE curse he died within 2 seconds, because he got stucked and even if he took back the resists to 70 after the curse , you can always make INSANE dmg with many toons ( ie archers or tank mages).

You want to propose to UNBALANCE the game and DESTROY totally one toon , and one spell that exists since THIRTEEN YEARS ( LET ME UNDERLINE THIS FOR YOU) , and nobody ever needed the request to remove that spell...so ask yourself some questions.

Maybe paithan...are you just bad at uo now?

LET'S WATCH AGAIN REMOVE CURSE IN GAME .....look at that! woowowowow
I have killed him multiple times on my parry mage. lol. But- that is not the point now is it?

No one said to remove the spell.

The things that were suggested in this thread:
  1. Increased mana cost
  2. Slow down the spell slightly
  3. Have it remove less curses/fail more with more curses on
The thread will get locked as soon as they see your GIF with a 3rd party program in it btw.

You still have not brought up spell speed vs the curses it removes and how it can remove multiple curses at once- so there is nothing further that needs to be addressed.
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Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you're the only one who cries about a 13 years old spell, good job , you cannot kill anyone now 1vs1? prolly because you don't know how to play anymore without having an archer army doing ALL the dmg for you.

If you keep casting JUST curse or weaken spam....then sooner or later you forget how to play the game.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no wrestling but you take ANATOMY, you just need 100 anatomy.

Parry well you can keep 120

Then you must add 80 skill inc if you want to have 100 alchemy....and 100 healing too.

If you can add more skill inc you can also have some meditation.

Some HEALING ALCHY PARRY MAGE can also go with REFINED SUITS....and HIGHER the fire resist to 75 ( by lowering the dci to 40) and you have also 75 ENERGY because you stay elf...

SO imagine... PAITHAN....cries about ONE Spell old 13 YEARS and he uses the MOST OP And UNBALANCED toon left in game....:

- refined suit with 75 fire and 75 energy

- alchemy 80 ep

- healing on a mage ( ana+healing)

- parry with mastery (enanched parry)

- hpr 18 (passive regen)

how are you supposed to kill him?????? is his toon MORE op than a chiv char? yes it is.....

1vs1 YOU CANNOT DIE on his toon, instead a chiv char can ALWAYS die to a disarm archer or a tank mage. Simple facts.
This has nothing to do with the thread AND is not accurate at all. lol

I think you have lost your mind.


Crazed Zealot
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MANY chiv chars will do that because they think they can survive due the DEFENSE nature of the toon but if you have a SUPER offensive toon as a tank mage you can deal 150 HP damage within 3-4 seconds....simple facts.

I killed personally THOUSANDS of ppl within 5 seconds in my UO career.
I find it tough to base an action on human error.

I mean by that logic, if we took mortal spam it would have never been nerfed because we used a justification that some guy didn't know what he was doing or was overconfident.

I think looking at remove curse they could scale it with some reason. Do I really care if they do? Nah.

You should probably edit the video out though.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Alright guys and gals,
I think the useful purpose of this thread has degenerated into a more personal griping contest over each other’s builds and tactics. Several posts are right on the lines of what is allowed within Stratics rules. Instead of handing out individual warnings, I will leave a public one here.
Heated arguments and discussion are OK, as long as they do not involve personal attacks, trolling, and/or public humiliation. Leave that stuff at the door when you want to discuss changes within the game that you wish to see.
If you want to boast over PvP wins and who sucks, we have pvp threads in every shard forum which offers rule lenience for trolling. Personal attacks and displaying illegal third party programs is still not allowed there either, so again leave that stuff at the door.

This thread is being locked, and this topic needs to take a rest for a time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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