First and foremost, you are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Secondly and lastly but not nonwordly.
The short thought: Ron, if you want a wiki, build it and it will proliferate.
The long thought: There are two sides of a gaming wiki.
The side UO will take, is just the facts. They won't give much more than basic info to allow people to explore the world themselves which I think is good.
The other side is comprised of guides to utilize the facts.
The most important thing is the skeleton of the wiki and how deep you want it to go and how looping you want it to be.
UOGuide has this a bit where there are links embedded in pages to pages that have links to pages. (yah
) But often doesn't satiate the need of information.
Stratics currently has links to whole pages at the top to other whole pages of great guides but everything is so separated and not linked.
If the two could be melded without overlapping information and done in a consistent format. It would be great!
As the game is almost able to go to R rated movies without an escort ....
There is nothing that truly can be considered unique or copied since it literally comes from the game through our brains out our fingers and yes, there are some formulas that have been given by the devs to sooth the number crunchers, but as long as credit is given If it truly is unique like a guide how to build a sunflower. (not sure how in depth the wiki would get) Stratics would reaffirm itself as the official place for UO.
I don't send people to UO other than to download and buy the game. Everything mostly comes from my brain and googling if needed because I don't know who will have the information I can understand. For example: I am not a weapon/shield/armour crafter as I can't grasp the numbers. For those things I just pass on.
There is a learning curve for UO and as long as the wiki can take someone from newbie to gandmaster in knowledge of the game I think it would be worth it!!