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WoW Heartwood scripters!!!

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it's crazy how many people see scripting runics as a legit thing to do sux.


I don't think its people seeing it as legit... but its people realizing nothing will stop them so they just don't care anymore and have become accustomed to scripters.

Lets all face it.. scripters have and will always be in uo.

If you are one of those crafting type of ppl.. i do feel sorry for you as they have ruined ur gaming experience but for the majority of you people who are monster bashers or pvpers etc... really makes no difference to you. If anything, it makes life easier.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think its people seeing it as legit... but its people realizing nothing will stop them so they just don't care anymore and have become accustomed to scripters.

Lets all face it.. scripters have and will always be in uo.

If you are one of those crafting type of ppl.. i do feel sorry for you as they have ruined ur gaming experience but for the majority of you people who are monster bashers or pvpers etc... really makes no difference to you. If anything, it makes life easier.
then pls go to heartwood and page on them

we can make a diff if we all do it


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are &*%$*ing Kidding, right?


The only good news is that Karma will have her way with all of you.

Unfortunately, not all of us will get to see it.

I know I would enjoy it immensely.

Oh well. We all know that cheating is what those that lack integrity do, as well as those that condone it...all are simply:

This is kinda my point entirely.

I'm not going get into one of those point for point debates with you, as fun as it would be. What I find interesting is that the really passionate anti-scripting people in this thread are coming across as being aggressive and abusive. I mean really, calling people names and saying that karma is going to "have her way" with someone because they play a computer game in a way that you find disagreeable. I'm not sure if I find all this funny or sad.

I agree with the sentiment that Jack Flash has made about 'cleaning up the game'. If you see someone that you are certain is scripting, and they're creating a barrier in your gameplay experience then page a GM. I've done it myself.

The problem I have is when some idiot appears next to you, watches you for a little while and then starts trying a bunch of idiotic things to try and 'disrupt your script'. I've spent a lot of time raising my taming recently, and there's been a number of times when some spanner has ran over and killed the thing I've been taming, and then said something like "oh sorry, just testing you weren't scripting". These people interfere with my gaming experience many, many times more than a scripter does.


Don´t read the threads. It´s as simple as that...

And oh yeah, one scripter down in Fel Heartwood, Europa. :thumbsup:
You're right, I really shouldn't. But I see all those exclamation points and I just can't help myself. My subconscious sees all those poor little guys lined up at the end of a sentence fragment, and it's like Lassie is running from the well barking.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hate to say it but think about this...
Scriptors pay for accounts... EA bans them and loses money. They all know whats happening in the obvious high population scripting areas, yet do nothing because bannings mean lost income to them. thats kinda my thoughts on it. I paged on the same obvious scripters in heartwood once a day for a week... result, nothing. same people same spots same scripts all running unhindered. Wish heartwood had no guards, would love to see a young tamer wander in with a greater dragon and have it "accidentally go wild"

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hate to say it but think about this...
Scriptors pay for accounts... EA bans them and loses money. They all know whats happening in the obvious high population scripting areas, yet do nothing because bannings mean lost income to them. thats kinda my thoughts on it. I paged on the same obvious scripters in heartwood once a day for a week... result, nothing. same people same spots same scripts all running unhindered. Wish heartwood had no guards, would love to see a young tamer wander in with a greater dragon and have it "accidentally go wild"
i have read countless posts of peeps quitting due to scripting etc, i bet loads will return and revenue will go through the roof if the 3rdparty script progs were blocked

i wish one day the devs would give an answer as to why they wont, becaunse the CAN, change the input code, so no illegal progs can interface with the game system


You are &*%$*ing Kidding, right?

[INTENSESARCASM]I gain a Sh&tload of satisfactionof bringing my own Monopoly money to games with my friends. I then beat them every time. They don't know about my hidden money...and they would ban me from playing if they caught me. But screw them. Screw THEIR rules...I have my own...just like you, Jolt...yeah? Feels F%^$ing GREAT!!

I also gain great satisfaction from using loaded dice at my D&D games, so I gain an advantage over the honest players, who don't use the loaded dice, or know that I am using them.[/INTENSESARCASM]

For someone that condones Cheating...you use Big Words...does that help your mental acceptance of saying that Cheating is OK?

I am disappointed that Seemingly Mature posts like yours can be shown to be the childish work of those who accept and embrace Cheating in such broad strokes.

Who appointed yo the Cheating Post Proctor, by the way, Oh Mature One?

LOL....your age IS showing...in your posts.

A shame really.

You have some seriously distorted views of what is and isn't acceptable. As well as what "Facts" are important to the discussion. Sad, really.

The only Fact that matters is that Scripting unattended IS cheating, no matter how you justify it, at all.

Yeah...cheating greatly aids Knackered economies...

Screw you and any other cheating players, Jolt. If you don't want to pay the price, based on the rules of the game as it sits, then screw you, and all just like you.

I am convinced the economy would THRIVE if we got you, and every other scripter banned.

ALL the people that quit because of people just like you, and those whose actions you condone, would be back.

Yup...you are as bad as a Cheater, when you condone it.

Sounds like you need new friends, or maybe read a good book.

Scripting is Cheating, as of today's rules. You need to be at your computer, and engaged in the actual game, or you are cheating.

Those that aren't gain a significant unfair advantage over those that do not cheat.

How flippin hard is that for you to grasp?

Impossible, it seems.

The only good news is that Karma will have her way with all of you.

Unfortunately, not all of us will get to see it.

I know I would enjoy it immensely.

Oh well. We all know that cheating is what those that lack integrity do, as well as those that condone it...all are simply:

I find you slightly annoying for some reason, not that you would care, and I dont care if you care or not.
So I took the pleasure of bolding a couple of sentences that you might want to check for accuracy (ooooh...a big word)

So scripting unattended is ok, but scripting is illegal period?
I think you meant macroing unattended. Kind of helps you to make your point if you proofread your posts, ya know.

Might want to go back and fix those.

Just sayin'.

As far as scripters...I don't care either way. It doesn't ruin my gameplay because I tend to ignore them. I don't really sell much besides pots and petals, so it's not like I have to compete. If I need something I usually ask in guild or alliance if someone is willing to part with what I need. That usually gets me whatever it is, and I'm always keeping an eye out at IDOCS in case I see something someone in guild/alliance needs.

As far as in pvp, I've noticed those that don't script but have several years of practice in usually fare better than the scripters anyways. They don't need to cheat to be good.

Lucy of Kenton

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Stratics Legend
immotive as always. the economy helping effects of scripting are a joke. you will never be able to afford the good new stuff coz the scripters with endless money will inflate them.
i am in the same uo guild as jack and one of the reasons for that is that we all think the same about scripting. i too know many who left due to the lack of interest from ea over scripting and have gone to other games that are supported almost 24/7. we all keep paging but i think they have a macro that puts you in position 6 for 24 hours and automatically sends out the canned response. the few times when action has been taken the offender normally finds you and gives a mouthful of bile which is frankly satisfying. keep the faith. what were the arguments against punkbuster again?


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Why kill 2D if you admit it won't stop them? Just your own pleasure?
It will kill most of the currently used scripts, so "we" will have a script-free period if devs would decide to kill 2D. However, after some time, the new scripts will come into use. So it will serve for a time, but not fundamentally, this is my point.

And pleasure is not the question, sorry. :sleep2:


Seasoned Veteran
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This would do nothing to scripters, but would hurt the honest player. A scripter would just open up a few more dummy accounts to make up for the difference, while the honest player is just screwed unless they want to open up more accounts, thus costing them more RL money, just to inconvenience scripters. Sorry, but this just wouldn't work.
Why would cutting down game time per account hurt a "honest" player? Do you play 24h/7d? How much game time do you invest? And forcing scripters to open more accounts does cut back their revenues. Do it to a point where they don't earn much, then u will get rid of them.

The only real solution to scripters would be for EA/Mythic to start actively enforcing the ToS & RoC by adding more GM's who would actually check to see if someone is scripting or not AND adding something like Punkbuster.
This is time consuming and costs a lot of money. AND, if scripting is attended, pointless.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I'm not defending scripters, they're lower than pond scum......but, When I do Heartwood......I usaually walk the same path and park in the same spot.....habit, routine.....and I'd probably move a bagball as well......I do answer when spoken too though,......that's just common courtesy.


Why would cutting down game time per account hurt a "honest" player?
Exactly how long does an honest player play every time they log on? 2 hours? 4? 6? Who are you or anyone to decide how long someone gets to play or not to play? I pay for my account every month. That gives me the right to log in anytime I feel like, for however long I feel like. You can't put some arbitrary number on gametime.

Do you play 24h/7d? How much game time do you invest?
A lot.

And forcing scripters to open more accounts does cut back their revenues. Do it to a point where they don't earn much, then u will get rid of them.
No, you won't. You'd have to limit every player to 1 hour a day to have any affect on them.

This is time consuming and costs a lot of money. AND, if scripting is attended, pointless.
If there was a 3rd party detection program running, it wouldn't matter if they were attended or not, they'd get caught using it. If there was any question, then a GM could verify very easily.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bring a friend, kill him with a dp shuriken and take the guard-whack. Friend can rez you after the scriptor is dead, loot and go on about your business! :)

Does this not work in Trammel?

We kill scripters in the GZ protected Heartwood quite frequently, on Siege. We check around for scripters on a regular basis and police it ourselves.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
how about this, they make a random "Deadly Storm" in heartwood. If a player sits in it too long they die, make it give warning so good honest players can evacuate in time. Of course theyd prolly get a script to recognize the coming storm and leave for it.
Paging does work sometimes, a scripter got a 72 hour ban on sonoma last nite, then he jumped on a second account and left a bunch of books around the game full of his whinning. His excuse? he couldnt see the gm talking to him because of the crafting text on the left side of the screen. only someone unattended would fail to see red writing popping up over the screen. and this morning i look around heartwood and see a few of the common names that were there scripting everymorning are gone... guess my pages got through. If you truly hate scripters then page often on the ones YOU KNOW are scripting, we dont want to hurt players that are legit and just dont wish to respond to you.


only someone unattended would fail to see red writing popping up over the screen.
Unless they're color blind of red. I never can see the text unless I'm about 2 inches away from my screen, and can't read it unless I cursor over it to highlight it. When I page a GM I have to actively pay attention to where the text pops up to make sure I don't miss it or I most certainly will.


Why would cutting down game time per account hurt a "honest" player? Do you play 24h/7d? How much game time do you invest? And forcing scripters to open more accounts does cut back their revenues. Do it to a point where they don't earn much, then u will get rid of them.

This is time consuming and costs a lot of money. AND, if scripting is attended, pointless.
Dont you know by now everyone is a honest player by now. We all like to mine for 12 hours straight and do quest for 20 hours straight.

Thats the problem all us honest players like to do bods for 10 straight hours.

We always get shammed when it comes to solution to scripters.

Anyway the arguement goes on endlessly like that.


I know several people, myself included, that this would not be out of place for.
But would you be standing on the tailor dropping bods straight through. Probalby not.

Maybe more like a person.

But I have to ask... Why are you doing bods? Just curios. Nothing they give cant be bought cheaply.

The time you take doing em you could get gold a buy stuff.

Thats the problem I have with the bods. The rewards are totally satuated. The scripters make the high end stuff cheap to buy.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hate to say it but think about this...
Scriptors pay for accounts... EA bans them and loses money. They all know whats happening in the obvious high population scripting areas, yet do nothing because bannings mean lost income to them. thats kinda my thoughts on it. I paged on the same obvious scripters in heartwood once a day for a week... result, nothing. same people same spots same scripts all running unhindered. Wish heartwood had no guards, would love to see a young tamer wander in with a greater dragon and have it "accidentally go wild"
scripters are all on 45 day new acct codes, there is no money changing hand here


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As far as in pvp, I've noticed those that don't script but have several years of practice in usually fare better than the scripters anyways. They don't need to cheat to be good.
The only common PvP scripts are the ones that pop trapped boxes or chug potions, which aren't a great advantage since you can practice doing those things yourself without the use of a script.

Although I'm sure there are some scripts out there that do help in PvPing. One I remember hearing about alot was a script that would dismount your character whenever someone threw a bola at you, but I don't know if it was used alot.

The more problematic cheats in PvP are the people running speeder programs and the tree stump and field hacks.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Europa Tram scripter free, 2 days of paging several times a day, i wonder if this is working? try for yourselves you cannot be ignored forever


But I have to ask... Why are you doing bods? Just curios. Nothing they give cant be bought cheaply.

The time you take doing em you could get gold a buy stuff.
I do bods to sell the rewards, and have a very profitable vendor that sells them. The profit margin is unbelievably high.


Its pretty simple. Limit 45 day accounts to 1 hour of same activity related to scripting.
Where does one get a 45 day account? If you can't get it anymore then it is not fair for those that still have them from whenever. As that was not part of the agreement when they received it. I still have about 7 codes from the old boxes that one day may come to use makes no sense to punish me for something that you can't get no more unless you have it. Hell I bought those boxes for that reason only. Incase I find a prime real state spot.


But would you be standing on the tailor dropping bods straight through. Probalby not.

Maybe more like a person.

But I have to ask... Why are you doing bods? Just curios. Nothing they give cant be bought cheaply.

The time you take doing em you could get gold a buy stuff.

Thats the problem I have with the bods. The rewards are totally satuated. The scripters make the high end stuff cheap to buy.
I never have a problem selling my rewads. One of the most profitable things I have for money. val still going for over 20 mil each verite over 15 mil agapite over 7mil gold around 3mil bronze 250-350k, 120 power scrolls around 250-350k mining glove 5-10k pof 25-45k copper 25-45k dull-shadow hammers there cheap but still useful to make newbie suits like a full self repair suit or full lrc suit or mana regen suit. Training purposes but they still sell well. Anvil rewards not sure think comparable prices to material.

Tailor rewards 45-65 spine kits 350k horned kits 2-3mil barbed kits. !20 power scroll 200k or so level 5 cloth still sell well.

Add the gold you get when turning in larges especialy if you're a miner or have a nice guild. nce you got youre collection up then these rewards come to you like water. Yep one of most constant profitable area once you set up a loyal customer base.


Hi there :)

Some know me... most here probably don't. Just thought I'd drop in my .02

Scripters make the UO world work. We're like the garbage men. Often, you don't see us, we do our thing out of your way. Sometimes we bother you a little and you complain, but for the most part we're behind the scenes just doing our thing.

But when the garbage doesn't get collected, man do we hear about it.

You like having tons of boards? You like having cheap ingots? How about all that top level armor? Bows? Yep, you like all that stuff but for the most part you're just too lazy to get it yourself.

That's our job. We keep the vendors stocked. We make those items that you could never get yourself, available to you. Don't believe me? How many here have actually done all the work to get Mace n Shield Glasses? Blackthorne's Kryss?

See most people would just say "aww to heck with it. I'll farm up 8M and buy the darn things".

So there we are... making them available to you. Doing our part to keep the UO Machine running smoothly.

I welcome any discussion, PM or replies. I'll answer in honesty to any questions put to me. I won't violate the TOS here though. If there's something you've always wanted to ask a scripter - here's your chance.

Hopefully, the powers here will allow me to spend some time here and enter into some discussions.


For the record:

On Siege Perilous, not only is it perfectly legal to to block them, you can also reveal them and kill them.


train stealing and steal the kits they pull out.

just saying....

You got a problem maybe you should try Siege.


Hi there :)

Some know me... most here probably don't. Just thought I'd drop in my .02

Scripters make the UO world work. We're like the garbage men. Often, you don't see us, we do our thing out of your way. Sometimes we bother you a little and you complain, but for the most part we're behind the scenes just doing our thing.

But when the garbage doesn't get collected, man do we hear about it.

You like having tons of boards? You like having cheap ingots? How about all that top level armor? Bows? Yep, you like all that stuff but for the most part you're just too lazy to get it yourself.

That's our job. We keep the vendors stocked. We make those items that you could never get yourself, available to you. Don't believe me? How many here have actually done all the work to get Mace n Shield Glasses? Blackthorne's Kryss?

See most people would just say "aww to heck with it. I'll farm up 8M and buy the darn things".

So there we are... making them available to you. Doing our part to keep the UO Machine running smoothly.

I welcome any discussion, PM or replies. I'll answer in honesty to any questions put to me. I won't violate the TOS here though. If there's something you've always wanted to ask a scripter - here's your chance.

Hopefully, the powers here will allow me to spend some time here and enter into some discussions.

Well said Cerv! I am also open to any discussion anyone would like to discuss as well! PM box is always open.

I will admit I like to ruffle feathers here and there but in all reality this is a game I love and scripting makes it just that much better for me.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
ah, interesting. Seems you deserve the Victoria Cross, for scripting JUST to help the community. Eagerly, I am awaiting your free give-aways, val hammers of course, some billion uo gold and a full set of scripted talismans from the britain library. Or a scriptet Mace & Shields... Since you are doing it for the community....

You are plain and simply selfish bas++++s with the logics of drug dealers. "I am helping getting the kids happy! I'm not bad!". Laughable. You script for your own business. To make millions of uo gold, most probably to sell them for real cash. In fact, you are drug dealers.

The game is designed in a way that you don't get things for free. Even if you "just" want to take a crafter to GM Carpenter this game is designed in way that will make you go into the woods and chop enough wood to become GM Carpi. OR, if you hate chopping the woods, u will be happy to kill enough critters to buy the wood from someone who is happy with chopping the woods, for a price that reflects the time this fellow had to invest.

Scripting de-balances game systems in a way doping de-balances sports. Following your logics, we get the "perfect" game in making all things free - skills, resources, artifacts... But then u don't need a GAME anymore, you can just join ICQ and chat there.


Seasoned Veteran
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Dont you know by now everyone is a honest player by now. We all like to mine for 12 hours straight and do quest for 20 hours straight.

Thats the problem all us honest players like to do bods for 10 straight hours.

We always get shammed when it comes to solution to scripters.

Anyway the arguement goes on endlessly like that.
yeah. It's funny how addicted people react if you touch their pretty shiny "make me happy"-thing.

FREEDOM. People, you really don't know what this word means if u hang on your computers to play uo straight away. If you REALLY sit there and mine 12 hours it's a question of mental health, and not of freedom.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where does one get a 45 day account? If you can't get it anymore then it is not fair for those that still have them from whenever. As that was not part of the agreement when they received it. I still have about 7 codes from the old boxes that one day may come to use makes no sense to punish me for something that you can't get no more unless you have it. Hell I bought those boxes for that reason only. Incase I find a prime real state spot.
yes i agree i have bought them too, and use, so no thats NOT waht i am after, i was simply answering a question about income, and using 45 day codes does not generate income,

i have been told ther eis an easy way to stop scripters, somethin to do with access coding, i am confident they will NEVER release the code do 3rd party scripts will not work with SA, so why not change code now?

and another option was to add a patch, or small code EVERYDAY, this will knock out script progs and UO wins

lastly, IF scripters quit game cos they cannot cheat there way to billions of gold, and the uo for cash websites close, will we shed a tear? NO WAY, please do it, get rid of the crap, and letsa see the game grao, and VETS will return

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there :)

Some know me... most here probably don't. Just thought I'd drop in my .02

Scripters make the UO world work. We're like the garbage men. Often, you don't see us, we do our thing out of your way. Sometimes we bother you a little and you complain, but for the most part we're behind the scenes just doing our thing.

But when the garbage doesn't get collected, man do we hear about it.

You like having tons of boards? You like having cheap ingots? How about all that top level armor? Bows? Yep, you like all that stuff but for the most part you're just too lazy to get it yourself.

That's our job. We keep the vendors stocked. We make those items that you could never get yourself, available to you. Don't believe me? How many here have actually done all the work to get Mace n Shield Glasses? Blackthorne's Kryss?

See most people would just say "aww to heck with it. I'll farm up 8M and buy the darn things".

So there we are... making them available to you. Doing our part to keep the UO Machine running smoothly.

I welcome any discussion, PM or replies. I'll answer in honesty to any questions put to me. I won't violate the TOS here though. If there's something you've always wanted to ask a scripter - here's your chance.

Hopefully, the powers here will allow me to spend some time here and enter into some discussions.
But it is illegal, Binmen are paid essential working doing an honest job, so ther eis no comparisson here, thanks for posting though, and your UO char is?.......

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well said Cerv! I am also open to any discussion anyone would like to discuss as well! PM box is always open.

I will admit I like to ruffle feathers here and there but in all reality this is a game I love and scripting makes it just that much better for me.
YOU cannot possible "love" the game, because you are breaking the RULES and you are using illegal means to achieve PERSONAL gains

Also, if oyu are so proud, whats your char name, post it here:) see how long oyu last before perma ban, you are a real hero to UO:)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can flame scripters.
You can flame those who try to harm scripters.
You can flame the GMs for not doing enough about it.
You can flame those who buy game items for real cash.


What it boils down to is the same old core problem:
High-level items have become too important in UO. Without those, you cannot compete in PvP, you cannot fight high-level creatures, you cannot succeed in public events. To my opinion, the high-level crafting kits are too rare and require an insane amount of repetitive stupid tasks. Changing this is the only way to solve your problem.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
,What it boils down to is the same old core problem:
High-level items have become too important in UO. Without those, you cannot compete in PvP, you cannot fight high-level creatures, you cannot succeed in public events. To my opinion, the high-level crafting kits are too rare and require an insane amount of repetitive stupid tasks. Changing this is the only way to solve your problem.
that's another work-around. however, you don't target a) gold farming b) resource farming, two major sript-fields that touch fundamentally the uo economy.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does this not work in Trammel?
Of course not. :coco:
Well, sorry, I had no idea you all played in such a protective little bubble. Since you choose to play in such a palace, I suppose you'll just have to put up with it. In our world, scripting isn't as much of a problem because when they get caught, they die and there are plenty of us who go to great lengths to take care of scriptors.


Well, sorry, I had no idea you all played in such a protective little bubble.
You had no idea you can't arbitrarily attack someone in Tram? And we're the ones playing in a bubble? :coco:



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, sorry, I had no idea you all played in such a protective little bubble.
You had no idea you can't arbitrarily attack someone in Tram? And we're the ones playing in a bubble? :coco:

Correction: I said protective bubble. Don't bother playing your little twist of words game with me. Its not nearly impressive as you think it is.

I presumed there were guards in Trammel for a reason. Where I play, there are guards, but players can still actually attack and possibly kill someone in the GZ. It does, however, result in a guardwhack if done in front of an NPC. Pardon me for not realizing your guards are there for no reason beyond decoration. Where I play, we have freedom of choice and resulting consequences. I suppose the consequence of playing in your world is that you have to live with scriptors and the repercussions they produce for your economy. Eh, no skin off my nose. :)


Correction: I said protective bubble. Don't bother playing your little twist of words game with me. Its not nearly impressive as you think it is.

I presumed there were guards in Trammel for a reason. Where I play, there are guards, but players can still actually attack and possibly kill someone in the GZ. It does, however, result in a guardwhack if done in front of an NPC. Pardon me for not realizing your guards are there for no reason beyond decoration. Where I play, we have freedom of choice and resulting consequences. I suppose the consequence of playing in your world is that you have to live with scriptors and the results they produce for your economy.
Somebody needs a hug. :grouphug:

And maybe a valium too. :thumbsup:


Thanks for posting your comments here scripters.. coming out of the closet is the first step in healing.

Now take the second step in the path to enlightenment, PROUDLY declare your name/shard/toon name/and location of scripting, so we may all come and worship at your feet! Hide NOT behind the anonymity of the boards! Be LOUD and PROUD!

I mean really, why do these people blame the one who uses a knife to do the stabbing? Clearly, it's the skins' fault for not being impervious to the metal! Geez peeps... get your facts straight! :D


Correction: I said protective bubble. Don't bother playing your little twist of words game with me. Its not nearly impressive as you think it is.

I presumed there were guards in Trammel for a reason. Where I play, there are guards, but players can still actually attack and possibly kill someone in the GZ. It does, however, result in a guardwhack if done in front of an NPC. Pardon me for not realizing your guards are there for no reason beyond decoration. Where I play, we have freedom of choice and resulting consequences. I suppose the consequence of playing in your world is that you have to live with scriptors and the repercussions they produce for your economy. Eh, no skin off my nose. :)
It seems a lot that you're playing dumb about this, to turn it around to be a tacit "play Siege".
You play on Siege, which is widely recognised because of the "Felucca" ruleset in all places, as opposed to the "Trammel" ruleset.
It's a real stretch to believe that you honestly believe that Production Heartwood wouldn't be under Trammel rules (and therefore symbolising a primary reason people play Siege over Production).

lastly, IF scripters quit game cos they cannot cheat there way to billions of gold, and the uo for cash websites close, will we shed a tear? NO WAY, please do it, get rid of the crap, and letsa see the game grao, and VETS will return
If scripting for items disappeared tomorrow, the rich would still be rich, the poor would still be poor, and the rare items would be so rare as to not drop in price terribly. So, for the average player, there wouldn't be much of an improvement.
As for vets returning... Naive idealism...
If scripting was the only reason they quit, then the game didn't exactly have an iron hold on them, so what makes you think they'll all come rushing back? Not to mention that there'll usually me multiple reasons they stopped playing, which wouldn't have been fixed, and they might have developed other pursuits/responsibilities.

Trebr Drab

I do a lot of coding and I too have a 12 year account.

Without getting into things, EA cant tell if you using 3rd party programs without manually checking each person by showing up and asking them questions to see if they respond. These 3rd party programs dont mess with the data stream.

Reality is that as it is(and any game not running a 3rd party program that reports back to them the .exe's running in your process tree), EA cannot prove your are using any program(unless it physically alters the data stream) and as such they cant tell if you using a scripting program any more than they can tell if your using AIM or ICQ.

IMO its UO's fault that they have made the process so tedious that to get these rewards you have to do an EXTREMELY simple process 10000000 times to get a reward. It is not how other games work and as abundant as scripting is in this game really they are asking for it themselves. As a programmer I can only think of 3 million better ways to make a system that makes it so that normal people playing would be just as effective as scripting it, but I am not programming UO.

Honestly, don't blame scripters, blame EA. They make the method of getting these rewards over simple and overly repetitive to be successful at. As such, the most efficient way to be successful is to have your computer do it non-stop. If EA would make a interactive way of questing where things are much more variable, with more frequent good rewards, people COULD get these themselves and so scripters wouldnt want to script because their would be less profit, the money would be in selling the product you make with the kits rather than selling the kit itself because of its rarity.
I agree. I've harped for years that predictability is a major problem.


Hi there :)

Some know me... most here probably don't. Just thought I'd drop in my .02

Scripters make the UO world work. We're like the garbage men. Often, you don't see us, we do our thing out of your way. Sometimes we bother you a little and you complain, but for the most part we're behind the scenes just doing our thing.

But when the garbage doesn't get collected, man do we hear about it.

You like having tons of boards? You like having cheap ingots? How about all that top level armor? Bows? Yep, you like all that stuff but for the most part you're just too lazy to get it yourself.

That's our job. We keep the vendors stocked. We make those items that you could never get yourself, available to you. Don't believe me? How many here have actually done all the work to get Mace n Shield Glasses? Blackthorne's Kryss?

See most people would just say "aww to heck with it. I'll farm up 8M and buy the darn things".

So there we are... making them available to you. Doing our part to keep the UO Machine running smoothly.

I welcome any discussion, PM or replies. I'll answer in honesty to any questions put to me. I won't violate the TOS here though. If there's something you've always wanted to ask a scripter - here's your chance.

Hopefully, the powers here will allow me to spend some time here and enter into some discussions.

Well said Cerv! I am also open to any discussion anyone would like to discuss as well! PM box is always open.

I will admit I like to ruffle feathers here and there but in all reality this is a game I love and scripting makes it just that much better for me.
Interesting points made.

I don't have a beef when people obtain things through scripting.

When a program is used in fighting other players it becomes lame.

If scripting makes rare items come down in price then I have no problem with it.

There are many on these boards the are acting saintly; but only care about the money you make versus what they make.

Cheating is just a concept, just like politics.

When a regular joe steals something he gets attacked; while a politician gets rewarded.

Work applies the same way.

Make a lot of money in a few hours and you are looked up to.

Work a few hours and not make much, and you are looked at as lazy.

People should measure their worth, in enjoying what they do; not by what someone else does.

Vincia Eaglehorn

i never did heartwood, but to be honest if i would do it i would use a script too

why? quite simple ... these quests are tooooo boring to do manually (same with BODs)

feel free to flame like a 10 years old children ;)
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