Now I would not throw rotten fruit at you or anyone if they actually enjoy using and like KR.
Course some of them folks probably eat their meals ala microwave oven all the time or fast food it, unlike some of us OLDSTERS whom still make a meal in an old school oven and prefer it.
I figure it will come down to maybe even an *age* difference those that are more *old school* UO may never really like UO KRified,..some do/will like KR more though.
I sort of look at it more like, just personal preference...and yeh I can nuke meals in microwave oven too, but just not as enjoyable for me like the *real stove* but then again I still reject Ipod and VISTA and lucky I have taken kindly to this old WIN XP and love it, and actually use cds for my music and some movies even. hehe
HECK I still have 8 tracks and cassettes.
Would prefer an older model car as opposed to some computerised new model cars...some look more like car embryos to me than a REAL CAR. haha They can KEEP THOSE TOO !
Just cuz something is newer even possibly greater, does not mean some folks HAVE TO accept it. hehe My kids wanted to get me that ipod thingie and I said wth for ? NO thanks, just get all my music on CDs for me from *albumns* cassettes and 8 tracks and I be *updated* as far as I want to be. hehe And if my XP dies doubt seriously I will buy ..........a VISTA. May wait for the BETTER model later on.
So for this old school UO-er and oldster...KR just not my cup o'tea...if some really enjoy it more power to em. If they dump 2D I would have to be one that exits. But heck I have had pretty much a full usually fun 10 great UO years, inspite of AOS, etc.... so no complaints here.