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(Question) where did the clean up officers go?

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wanted to claim a reward and couldn't find any of the clean up officers at their usual locations. I checked Minoc, Britain and Moonglow...

Have they gone missing? Anybody know where they are these days?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes it's a bit of time they disappeared... Anyway in New Magincia in the inn,near dock, there is one :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are two or three (guys in red) in the New Magencia square.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The normal New Mag guy respawned inside a shop instead of standing out on the docks like normal.


Stratics Veteran
From what I remember, there were only ever 4 locations for Siege. Brit, NM, Buc's Den, and Ter Mur. Brit's Officer seems to have run off sometime around publish 100, but the other 3 are still around. NM down by the Docks (at the Inn), Ter Mur by the farmer's market / soulforge, and Buc's is at the Pirate's Den (north along the road from the moongate, across the first bridge). Two NPCs in each location.

Ol'Rac Nnod

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I did find Brit 's officer, I was wondering the same thing too I found him wandering a bit SE of the West bank. I'll check again but I think he's still there, near the bridges to the east side o town.