I have not seen a thread like this unless I’ve missed it. As a young player during the early age of UO, aside from building my skills, my goal was to save enough gold for an L shape home. Many fire elementals and players killing me later, I finally had the deed to my dream home. I had a few minutes before I had to leave for class, so instead of looking for an area to place the structure, I decided to take a preview of what was to be mine. So I double clicked the deed to look at the outline of the home standing next to the bank. I don’t remember the exact bank. I want to say it was occlo. When I went to click off the screen, to my amazement the outline of an L shape home was above my head where I stood at the bank. I walked away from underneath the home to see an L shape home half way sitting on top of the bank. I had placed the house on top of the bank for everyone to see. The laughter started and the shock struck. I had no time to call a GM as I had to go to class. So when I returned as quickly as I could an hour and a half later, I found it to still be there. The GM who showed replaced my deed because I had a copy of the key that matched the home.