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What was your most embarrassing experience in UO?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When I started to play this game, I did not know you could heal yourself for the first three months. I'd go out, fight, and if I was injured I'd wait for my health to naturally regenerate. So one day I'm at the minoc reaper area with several others fighting and of course i get injured so I walk away and wait for a bit. One of the guy asks me wtf i'm doing, why don't I heal myself, and I'm like "Heal?".....I'm sure you can figure out the rest...
haha..that is exactly what my brother in law did when he started playing.

Me: What method of healing did you chose?

Him: Natural Healing

Me: WTF is natural healing?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Well..... I'm sad to say I had another "blond" moment myself....

I decided that I should spend my day off of work working the skills on my "other" characters.... (I have at least 8 accounts so I have a BUNCH of "other" characters).... so I decide OH! I know I should work my taming..... I have about 6 or 7 tamers so I log them on one by one... Take them over and tame about 5 or 6 unicorns or Kirins each... and all is going fine.... I get through about 4 of my tamers... and then I log in tamer Number 5 I'll call her... Now I don't often get on this account and I really can't recall the last time I was on her.... but I recall over to my favorite taming spot... and low and behold there is a nasty there waiting to attack me!.... Np I says to myself I got my tamer.... so I hop off what I thought was a nightmare and say "All kill"!..... and the animal obeys only to be instantly dead two seconds later.....

I'm like WTH?

That's when I realize this was the tamer I was storing that really nice black horse on .... you know the ones you could only get from dismounting faction guards.... Yeah... and it wasn't bonded..... so yep I just killed an 8 million dollar horse .... *sighs*... You know... I should have checked what I was sitting on first I guess..... but hindsight as always is 20/20.... and I'm still blond.... Oh and I was so distraught over killing my horse that I darn near died to the flesh golum myself.... that would have really stunk as there are NO healers in Malas...


I remember first venturing into the new land of "trammel" and roaming about, looking at all the trees!

Pretty much everything else was the same though, but i heard that there weren't reds about, so that was great.

So at the west brit bank i would put away my items, and make sure my resource and valuable bag was covered up by my cloaks to keep prying hands out. I would make sure to stay away from anyone if possible so they wouldn't steal from me.

So one day i'm at the bank, not many people there, and some guy comes running up and stops right next to me, and "bank". I of course go "this dude probably is going to steal from me, i'll watch my stuff." So i walk a few spaces left away from him.

he goes "hi there", and I respond " hi, not being rude, but just keeping some space so no one steals from me".

Of course he goes "you big stupid ***, you can't steal from people in trammel." Of course, i've been doing this for like a month LOL.