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What was your most embarrassing experience in UO?



I have not seen a thread like this unless I’ve missed it. As a young player during the early age of UO, aside from building my skills, my goal was to save enough gold for an L shape home. Many fire elementals and players killing me later, I finally had the deed to my dream home. I had a few minutes before I had to leave for class, so instead of looking for an area to place the structure, I decided to take a preview of what was to be mine. So I double clicked the deed to look at the outline of the home standing next to the bank. I don’t remember the exact bank. I want to say it was occlo. When I went to click off the screen, to my amazement the outline of an L shape home was above my head where I stood at the bank. I walked away from underneath the home to see an L shape home half way sitting on top of the bank. I had placed the house on top of the bank for everyone to see. The laughter started and the shock struck. I had no time to call a GM as I had to go to class. So when I returned as quickly as I could an hour and a half later, I found it to still be there. The GM who showed replaced my deed because I had a copy of the key that matched the home.


Grand Poobah
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When I first started playing I was pked by someone. Then this gump showed up asking me if I wished to report the murder and assign a bounty. I put in the maximum amount unknowing that it was really my gold that I was placing for the bounty. It was around 5000 or something, but at that time that was a lot of money for me.

So I went to the bank to restock and get some gold and saw it was all gone! So I paged and a counselor and eventually found out that the gold I put on someones bounty was my gold, lol.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I do stupid things in UO all the time...

Like recall somewhere, and have no regs on me to get back. Kill myself with my own pets due to mis-targeting, etc.

But the stupidest thing I think I ever did was way back in like 1998, I had been working on magery summoning Water Eles. I gated to the bank, and proceeded to try on all of the different armor pieces I had in the bank. I finally put together my absolute best suit, and then decided it was time to go reg shopping. I took a large amount of gold, about 10k (back then it was a lot of money) out of the bank, and was all ready to go. I closed my bank, and realized I had left something in there. So I hit my "say Bank" macro. Or so I thought, I actually hit my "say last thing" macro ... which made me say 'a release' (remember, I had been summoning eles). So the water elemental with me released, and WHAM! ... guard whacked.

The crowd on top of Trinsic bank descended upon my corpse like vultures :)

Not my brightest moment.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Seems to me like this has been done before.
It was good for a laugh then, and it's good for one now.

My moment: Being killed by about 10 rabbits that I tried fighting at the same time, in newbie clothes with no skills, no weapon, and no armor.

Just remembered this when I read Morgana's post.
Just recently, a few months back, I created a new sammy. I started out in New Haven and was working hiding in the dojo on the newbie quest. There was a mongbat up on the roof who kept screeching and was driving me nuts. So I decided that I was going to take care of him. I ran to the mage shop, and bought my self a teleport scroll and headed back kryss in hand to deal with the little beast. I teleported up, took care of business, and then realized that I couldn't get back down. I used the help I'm stuck option and waited. After a few minutes a GM appeared to teleport me back to the ground. We both had a good laugh about it. Not my best moment. Espically for someone who's supposed to be an experianced player.


Lore Keeper
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My Moment:

Sitting unsuspectingly at Brit Bank back in the late 90s, when I suddenly see a gate appear. "Oh! I wonder what's on the other side?" says my at-the-time pre-teen brain. I hop through and am blocked into a house. I get killed by three people, apologize for hopping their gate, and try to leave. I can't because the door is locked. They kill me again.

Taught me not to gate-hop, though.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)


Did anyone else happen to walk into that mushroom field in Deceit?

That was a blond moment for me :D


-ahh yes, killed by a cow, resurrected, and then killed by a mongbat-

"Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"


Grand Poobah
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A bad mage moment, when you want to do several things at the same time. The plan: Run into the lair of the phoenix, invis, and sic your demon on him! Practically fool proof!

The steps:

1. summon demon
2. precast invis
3. run into the phoenix' lair
4. target yourself
5. hit your "all kill macro"
6. target phoenix

DON'T switch steps #4 and #5, you will be in for a surprise. I got that phoenix though, he died from laughing so hard.

Actually I don't know if this counts as an even more embarassing moment, I consider it more of a noob moment. I was really new to the game, maybe a week old, and my new friend had given me a rune book full of dungeons to hunt in. So I check out this "shame" place, the rune sends me to the gate that goes to the second level.

Anyways, I am fighting earth elementals and trying to avoid scorpions, but alas I finally succumb to poisoning - my healing wasn't high enough yet. So I die, and realize I have no clue where the entrance is. I am running around looking for it so I can get back to my body, some guy loots my stuff off my corpse and is OOoooOOing me when I try to ask him where the entrance is, that was a sad night for me. I eventually got ressed, I think he gave me back some of my stuff, it was probably too terrible to keep. ;)

Oh I got another one, from when I had played for a while. I was always having a hard time seeing in dungeons, even with nightsight, and when they put in BODs I would get frustrated because it was so hard to see the tailor BODs. Finally someone suggested that I turn up the brightness on my monitor. Heh. :eek:


More noobish than embarrassing I guess but mine would have to be the first time I got to upgrade to a big house (10x14, because that was big to me at the time). I unlocked max loads at a time from the place I was staying in and moved them to the new home. Took several trips (of course several trips of pure garbage that I valued o so much). Got everything outta my bank box, moved in. Whohooo, new home, I loved it. Logged out. Some time passed, I logged back in to play .... and all my stuff was gone, lmao ... (yea I can laugh now) I apparantly forgot to lock everything back down.

Now I double and triple check all lockdowns, all the time, lol.


A few months back I was with my guild raiding a faction guild in despise and I chased a guy who all the way up to the Ogre Lords. I had put on my Conjuror's trinket talisman to kill the factioners who were in wraith form and didnt take it off. The guy we were chasing was going down and with his last swing the guy disarmed me and I got 2 shot killed by the reverse slayer (repond) Ogre Lords. It was pretty embarassing.


My wife laughs at me all the time I will forever be a newbie in her eyes. I am always doing the stupid thing. the worst of all is I finaly got that Keep I wanted. placed and recalled to town to get packys. OOOPPPPSSSSS I had no rune to my new house and don't remember where it was on the map. after an hr or so I finally come across where I thought I had placed it but it was not there it was a castle. (WOOOHOOO) free castle for me. nope. my wife informs me that the castle is on trm side so my house is on fel. After many truck thru red that like to kill newbies I found my house.


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Here's a classic one....

I was doing the Witches Apprentice/Hag Quest....

The first step of the quest is running up the road towards the Yew Cemetary, looking for the corpse of the dead apprentice, and the imp who killed him. Of course, this goes right by the lich spawn in the woods, and liches occasionally wander onto the road.

I get jumped by 2 liches at once, desperately fighting a running battle to stay alive. As I move, I get hits in on the liches, and miraculously, I kill the last one, having ONE Hit Point left -

Only to take one additional step, have Zeefzorpal the imp (a YELLOW quest NPC monster, BTW), and the corpse spawn, the imp take a swipe at me, and connect, KILLING ME.

I was killed by a yellow quest NPC....

I got the last laugh - I discovered that, at the Magincia imp location, that if you timed blowing the flute and yelling for the guards just right, you could return the favor, since he also takes a swipe at you when he appears from the flute....

I HATE that ******* Imp....


I misspelled "guards" on my crafter. So I ran through most of Brit being chased by a red yelling "GAURDS GAURDS GAURDS!" He ended up killing me, thanking me for the count and we had a hearty laugh. Then he killed me again.


Crazed Zealot
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Being in awe at seeing a shard celebrity carpenter at one of my first visits to an auction ... and getting scolded for talking about him in the third person.


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When I first started playing I was pked by someone. Then this gump showed up asking me if I wished to report the murder and assign a bounty. I put in the maximum amount unknowing that it was really my gold that I was placing for the bounty. It was around 5000 or something, but at that time that was a lot of money for me.

So I went to the bank to restock and get some gold and saw it was all gone! So I paged and a counselor and eventually found out that the gold I put on someones bounty was my gold, lol.
Oh dear, I did that!

Long time ago I ventured to Ice Island for some reason and got PKd there, was so furious, because I lost stuff, and there were no healers around took me forever to res and BAM... I put all my money on that red's head...


Babbling Loonie
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Back when I first started my own acct had played an Ori on my husbands acct, I recreated Ori once again as my first official char. So Since I'm on my own a bit I decide to walk through Britain Felside. Well I had been here before no big deal, just never on my own. So I see a curious person walking around named Oriana as well. So I being asking the person questions. I tried rping a bit, asking time, name, then started getting into more personal questions, like where they got the name from, because it's not so common, well that rude person, then began to ignore all my questions and walking away. I got quite upset. Said a few not so nice things. Then huffed off. Well my husband comes home and I relate the story to hime, he's only been playing about 3 months and with the aid of a friend. So he calls his friends....Well how was I supposed to know NPCs would respond to somethings and not others lol. Anyway, the crew we played with made fun of me for months after that. But I still had fun.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I misspelled "guards" on my crafter. So I ran through most of Brit being chased by a red yelling "GAURDS GAURDS GAURDS!" He ended up killing me, thanking me for the count and we had a hearty laugh. Then he killed me again.
Yeah... :sad4:

Me too...a long time ago before I had a macro for it.


- When I first started and finally decided to venture outside of the little mining area North of Minoc, having grown weary of those red dudes that kept killing me every few hours and taking some of my hard earned ore. I found some mountains and thought I'd followed my cloth map well-enough to know where I was, but I ended up getting so engrossed in my activities, that I became so lost that it took me several days of play (a few hours); running, walking, and trying to avoid monsters (with a full backpack & lots of luck staying alive) to find a town & bank again. Things just weren't familiar to me and I wasn't wise enough to know that the cloth map is very, very accurate, so I kept doubting myself and circling around in the vast wilderness. Being a newb is exciting :)


I guess one of my funniest moments was when I first started playing, got a sword and figured a wolf would be a good starting point for my noob character... Whiff... RAWR OW! whiff RAWR OW! RAWR OooOooOoooo

But I guess my most "embarrasing" moment was much later on, on one of those laggy events in moonglow a few years back, the shard was hanging out in glo waiting for the event to start and I was getting a few gains by castin invis on people...

Well I get this message on my screen... "Guards may now be called on you" I am thinking to my self... WTH? so I type to my friend "says guards can be called on me? whats up with that?" hit enter...

Guardwacked myself there LOL kinda hilarious for the peanut gallery :p


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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*laughs at the other stories*

Well those are all very funny and yes I have done a few of those blonde moment things.... especially saying "All kill"..... targeting and finding myself dead moments later.... *sighs*.... But I'm afraid I have a story that beats all those hands down..... and I know I've told this one before but... hehe it still makes me laugh.... thankfully yes I can laugh about it now!

Way back when I was a "newb" I used to spend a lot of my time in Tram at the Yew cemetery training my archer. I recall that I would always spend quite a bit of time luring the evil undead out into the open... for you see if it were to dye and fall in the shadow of a building or mountain I could not "see" to loot it. Many times I would see others killing monsters in the shadow of the building and I would ask them "How did you loot that corpse?" To which they would laugh and yell "newb"... Every once in awhile someone would actually try to help me by saying "Circle of Transparency NEWB!" followed by a few LOL's....

Well I ventured with every penny I had to the mage shop in Brit and searched and searched but I could not find that spell..... No Circle of Transparency Scrolls..... darn!

So I'd head back to the cemetery and ask around again.... "Where do I get the Circle of Transparency scroll?" To which I would get more LOL's and shouts of "Newb"!...... but no one would "enlighten me" to the secret.....

So one day I'm off in the woods and get chased by a pack of 3 Dire wolves (I still hate them to this day and go out of my way to kill them if I see them!)..... They chase me through the woods and I die.. of course it's right in the shadow of a small tower.... I get rezed and return to my corspe but of course it fell out of sight..... Not knowing about CNTR/SHIFT or that stinking circle I frantically run around the building clicking every spot I can... I run inside and see my corspe beside the building just in time for it to decay.... but still I could not reach it....... well there went a good valorite heavy archer set and my best bow..... I was so angry.....

However not nearly as angry as I was when I finally happened upon that spell...... in my options menu..... right there on my paperdoll...... Grrr......


Always Present
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I guess one of my more stellar moments as a newbie was not listening to my *mentor* in UO whom also was my son. He got me the game. Anyhow he was trying to show me HOW he fights defends himself when attacked by some pk out there. He told me just to watch observe etc. and to LEARN.

np I can do that I thought.

So there we were in the then new lost lands exiting downtown Delucia to go out towards that infamous bridge pks often clustered around to kill peeps. As we go towards the area...I was to watch and observe not to interfere to LEARN from my mentor whom was deliberately taking us out there for HIM to become attacked and I was to see watch learn how he handled it all.

Welllllllllllll it did not go that way...my mentor was my son an adult male son in the rl US NAVY...and a then UO VET ...me the newbie ..but his rl mother. LOL

Man did I screw that up somebody attacked MY SON and I went ballistic and went to defend and kill attack whatever at that red attacking my son. The guy promptly KILLED ME..and I heard my mentor say.........MOM I TOLD YOU TO JUST WATCH OBSERVE LEARN... !!

The pk said OMFG IS THAT YOUR RL MOM ??????????

They both stood there laughing at me..........res'd me... and the pk said ..OMFG this is sooo cute ...............momma defending her son....a NEWBIE even LOLZ LOLZ .....son laughin with the pk yet ticked off cuz I did NOT listen to HIM the adult male uo vet and my mentor. LOL

*was funny* ya had to have been there...my mom instinct just took OVER forgot my kid was a grown man, in the us military even, playing in a pixel game and probably could pk that pk anyway..but we will never know cuz......I interferred like a momma lioness tryin to defend her cub. :) OOoOOOO lol


Old and in the way
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QZ... Have I told you lately that I adore you. *hugs*


Not necessarily most embarassing, but funny nonetheless when I look back upon them.

When I started to play this game, I did not know you could heal yourself for the first three months. I'd go out, fight, and if I was injured I'd wait for my health to naturally regenerate. So one day I'm at the minoc reaper area with several others fighting and of course i get injured so I walk away and wait for a bit. One of the guy asks me wtf i'm doing, why don't I heal myself, and I'm like "Heal?".....I'm sure you can figure out the rest...

Never really played a mage, so like the first time I create and train a mage was 3 years after I began the game. One day i tell someone I'm waiting for my mana to regenerate and he tells me why don't I actively meditate.
"Actively meditate?" I reply....

The VERY first thing I ever did in this game. I was born, I walked outside, saw a mongbat, attacked it, almost had him, oOOoooOOOO....damn practice weapons.

A funny follow up to the previous story. First thing I did when I was born on Siege. I was born, I walked outside, saw a mongbat, attacked it, at that exact moment a Guard had teleported and guardwhacked the mongbat just as I was double clicking to attack, so I end up double clicking and attacking the guard and getting guardwhacked. The first two things I ever did on two different shards was attack a mongbat and die....


Always Present
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I had a newbie moment with magery too back in the day. :) All I had been told is that I had to at least try to get enough magery to *recall* 4th circle..so while my mentor was back on his submarine...I was alone in town Delucia and figured ok I will try all these spells in that 4th circle figure out what they are all about and get the SKILLZ to recall.

Casting all of these no issue...till I got to this one spell I had no clue wtf it was all about...nor did I know enough about even reading stratics to learn about *bugs* in game. Apparently there was this bug regarding this spell happening at that time too. Not like it would matter to me I was clueless.

So I cast this spell......suddenly I am dismounted probably in my panic...and I am seeing a THING reminded me of my blender in my rl house...attacking my precious pet ostard..a pretty blue one...and attacking everything in it's sights..I had no clue we could AIM those things...nor that we were supposed to direct em in some way shape or form...and my poor lil blue ostard crying out for it's life trying to also defend me...wailing weeping poor lil thing was fighting and it was exterminated...and SO WAS I...guards were also very angry at me too.............I NEVER CAST BLADESPIRITS ever again..nope not since 1998 ! LOL

Can cast just about anything in the mage book np no issues but one spell of 64 spells just brings back a nightmare of my poor ostard screaming for it's life fighting dying trying to save me...angry guards whacking me too...nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol I still wont cant cast that spell hehe...can sic a daemon on some one np..know what I am doing now...but I will NEVER trust bladespirits they could even be *bugged* just to not listen even to pro mages like they were then let alone newbie clueless me back then. :) *shudder* fricken blender chewing us to shreds no thank ye...rather get pkd eaten by dragons..np...me no like BLADE SPIRITS ! lol


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The very first day on my adventures. When to walk outside Britain and followed the road. I saw a pig and thought, aha a easy first victim. So i drawed my sword and attacked it! But wait, my health when down and the pig got no scratch. So in panicked i log out and hoped the pig would be gone . After a few minutes i logged back in and only found myself death!

Alot has changed in 11 years but that first day, Frarc got killed by a pig! :blushing:


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Not knowing about CNTR/SHIFT
I have a new most embarrassing UO moment...

...after more than 11 years of playing UO, I did not know about CNTR/SHIFT until I read that post!!

Wow, same for me just now, lmao.
And to think I created another macro for it despite the fact that it already existed. :O

Hehe I'm amazed at just how many don't know that ..... and I'm very pleased to help you out... and enlighten you..... how I wish I had known that.... the most embarrassing part of that.... It took over 3 months before I found out about that silly Circle!.........

*laughs at self*.... hehe where do you get that spell?????


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When I was new I played several months with 37 second bandie heals. The only other people I knew in UO were new too and didn't seem to have a clue why my heals were so slow. I was mostly playing with a couple swordsmen and I was a fencer, so I just thought (with a lot of envy) "wow can those swords guys heal fast."

Finally someone told me to change to a different key and that worked. I guess I had some conflict. lol What a different game when your heals don't take 37 seconds. rolleyes:


Giving my [blessed] Jester hat to a newb cause he said he liked my hat. Wasn't till later that i figured it out, i still got my [blessed] Jester tunic though.



I'm not sure what my most embarassing moment ever was, but I have one that's pretty fresh in my mind.

so I was going around, as I often do, gating to my vendors *points under sig*. I noticed folk were going in, and then going right back out... and I'm thinking that's kinda strange. So I go to a different bank. And the same thing.

After like 20 minutes, finally someone said "Dude, that gate goes to skara brae".

So then, I say "Oh! I must've targeted the wrong rune book" and cast another gate

"lol that's skara again man! Lay off the sauce!"

I informed the man that I was, for a change, blind stinking sober (maybe that was the problem?), and reset the default, and tried again


so I recall, sure enough...

On one of my previous drunken gaming sessions, I renamed the rune to skara brae "Minoc Gate Vendors" and stuck it in my book. Why???

I blame Cthulu. *shakes his fist at the heavens*


In the months preparatory for the intro to Trammel, we were told repeatedly that housing placement would be turned off at some point.

Again, we were told repeated, pointedly, that housing placement was halted until Trammel was activated.

Many many times.


Oh, I wanted to check to see if I could place that log cabin in the spot with my current little house. I, for some unknown reason, really, really unknown, put everything I own into a few chests, drop my little house, and then try to put the log cabin up. I absolutely have no idea what I was thinking, I really really don't.

"You cannot place housing at this time"

I was SO lucky that I knew a good sized guild at the time so I could move my things into their tower that was nearby, otherwise I would have literally ripped my hands off and beat myself with them.


Nine Dark Moons

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Queen Zen - BOTH your stories cracked me up - the first one made me laugh out loud!
thanks for sharing everyone, those are great stories :)
*tries to think of her most embarassing uo moment...*


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Long time ago in a corner of Britannia (running as fast as you can north from the crossroads) I was training with my friends. All noobs to be true. I was a mage, they were parry/swordsmen.
- can you cast blade spirits?
- I think I can...
- OK, so you cast, he parries, I keep him healed
- Cool

So I casted 1 blade spirit and it went well, I casted another - lovely, great parry gains and all. At 3rd or 4th the hell broke loose...
Either healing failed or the shield broke (yea, it was an ancient times when stuff would break), the spirit poisoned the parrier... as a result both parrier and healer started running around like headless chicken with the spirit chasing and randomly poisoning them, meanwhile everyone was scresming in caps:

and I was like:
- wha? which circle is that? oops, sorry cannot cast that...

Before I was done fizzling they were both dead and the spirit run away into the woods. I was laughing so hard I could barely type to tell them - sorry guys, cannot res.

That was the day I defeated half my guild on my newbie mage.

Der Rock

this one is not so old:

i told to my son to come back to UO because of Kingdom Reborn the brand NEW client
he saw it the first time and started to roar with laughter
i was ashamed :eek:

:gun: EA


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My earliest noob memory. This was pre-tram trying to place a small house after a friend (just as new as I was) and I saved for the deed. We had no idea about placement rules. We didn't know that all available land was taken and there would be no way we could place it. We just bought the deed and went looking for a spot.

We found a quiet spot and tried to place. There was a tree right in the middle of it and we (slowly) learned the tree was blocking placement. No problem I thought. I will run to town, buy an axe and chop it down. I chopped forever but the tree would not fall. It would just keep respawning logs. My friend then went to get an axe and we both spent what seemed like hours chopping.

In time, my friend and I chatted and came to the conclusion the tree was bugged. We paged a GM and explained our problem and asked him to remove the bugged tree. After he stoped laughing at us, he explained how it all works. OOooooOOh!

I think back about it and smile. I could only imagine what was going through that GM's head when he poped in to see piles of logs laying all over the place. Two frustrated noobs who wasted their afternoon trying to chop down a tree.


Hmmm first of let me say hilarious stories!!!

I would say mine would be wen i first started, during the 2nd age, id wandered around fightin critters and found a dungeon (despise i now know it as) so i had a wander around went up the stairs, started killing a few lizardmen (i was new but not that new :p). anyways i was about to leave the entrance when i noticed the stairs down and thought...hell why not..went down and saw a few dead ettin corpses, walked around a bit more and saw and earth ele...thought to myself...how hard can it be!!


another one that always makes me laugh was wen i somehow(still cannot remember how) got hold of a fellucia moonstone and double clicked it, went through the gate, thought...hmm looks the same! (oh btw i was lost before i went through it) so running around saw some people and thought id say hi...bamn!!!

Now for almost a week i was running around fel trying to find my way back to trammel (and avoid Pk's...this didnt always go well!!)


let's see....

i played a few years back and decided to come back about six months ago. i start me a tamer from an advanced char token. my friend helps me get a greater dragon and i eventually go off on my own to do the bag of sending quest. went to target a queen and all killed myself. i then sat and watched as my unbonded dragon had his health sucked away by acid.

imagine my friends response to the story.. ><

Noobish Noob

A veteran Uo player was always talking about the game, and reds...murderers, counts etc. This made me hypersensitive to the evil red pker's. After playing for a little while I decided to take a walk in fel. Wandering though the woods I noticed that there was a red player stalking me and ran off as fast as my feet could carry me. I ran a short distance off only to encounter the red again. Seemd like no matter where I ventured in fel I was being stalked. I told my friend and she smiled knowingly but wouldn't offer an explanation. A few days later I decided to confront the red instead of running off immediately. Boy..I sure gave that red NPC healer a piece of my mind :) I had ben so busy running away I never noticed that the names were different each time and had no concept of red healers, only blue ones in Haven.

I can't count how many times I:

Got guard whacked for releasing my freshly tamed pets in town to make stable room and getting guard whacked when they agro'd something.

Forgot that unbonded pets can't recall. At one point T2A was strewn with my lost pets and maybe a loaded horde minion from time to time.

Poisoned my newbie character by clicking on the wrong potions.

Attacked and killed my horse while trying to mount it after double clicking and dismounting myself in the heat of battle.

Other favorites include:

Trying like hell to kill things with the expensive "use best weapon" Crossbow I just purchased for my fencer. I couldn't hit a barn if someone threw it on me. I just thought archery sucked for 6 months after that.

Not understanding the housing rules and dropping a keep on Pac for a tiny 7x11 on SP(I saved up forever to get it too). I guess they really meant what they said in the gump about dropping all other houses on the account. I thought it was one per shard..not account.

Deciding that a black rock elemental wasn't very tough looking.

Taking a swipe at a quest dragon in the bottom of some dungeon and getting one shotted. Long walk of shame on that one.

I think my list grows monthly.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
OMG this thread is making me laugh so hard! I really miss those days of confusion and ignorance sometimes...I remember when I started my very first character, I played them all day and logged them out, and the next day they were gone! Off the character list, so I made the same character I had before, and proceeded to play them and learn this game.

Well I made a friend who was more than happy to give me a few things and show me how to fight monsters, etc. We had a great time, I got his ICQ and everything (and installed it, I didn't have ICQ till I played UO). The next day the same thing happened again! My new character - gone! So I tell my new friend about this on ICQ and he asks me "uh what shard are you on?" And I go "shard?" I had no idea that it mattered what server you were on. I still remember him chanting at me as I logged in "BAJA BAJA BAJA!" and later reminding me before I logged out...

BTW my first "official" character is on Sonoma, they are still all newb'd out I believe. ;)


OMG this thread is making me laugh so hard! I really miss those days of confusion and ignorance sometimes...I remember when I started my very first character, I played them all day and logged them out, and the next day they were gone! Off the character list, so I made the same character I had before, and proceeded to play them and learn this game.

Well I made a friend who was more than happy to give me a few things and show me how to fight monsters, etc. We had a great time, I got his ICQ and everything (and installed it, I didn't have ICQ till I played UO). The next day the same thing happened again! My new character - gone! So I tell my new friend about this on ICQ and he asks me "uh what shard are you on?" And I go "shard?" I had no idea that it mattered what server you were on. I still remember him chanting at me as I logged in "BAJA BAJA BAJA!" and later reminding me before I logged out...

BTW my first "official" character is on Sonoma, they are still all newb'd out I believe. ;)

hilarious, luckily my friends told me to be sure i picked lake superior. otherwise, i would've ran into that same problem.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Not sure if this wins but it's pretty funny.
Back when I just started I picked skara brae as my starter town and I was either swords or macing I forget which but I had a practice weapon and I was thinking cool time to see outside skara brae. I got outside skara brae and right outside of town and a mongbat attacked me. I started fighting and for some reason wasn't killing it. I eventually started running for my life and got owned by a normal mongbat. I later learned a guy that I knew who also told me what shard to play that practice weapons can't kill anything. After that I started a character with enticing and macing and started to lure seekers of adventure and nobles to there death.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

More revelations from the blonde with the black hair here...

It took me almost 4 weeks into playing UO before I knew that you could get gold out of your bank somewhere other than where you deposited it. Some of the members of the first guild I joined were preparing for an outing, and I needed to grab some gold so I could buy some reagents. I told them I would meet them in few, and recalled off to Trinsic. I come back a few minutes later, and this guy El Stinko asked me where I went. I explained that I had to go and get money out of the bank. He didn't say anything for a second or two, and then said..."you know we are at the bank, right?" I said something like, "yeah, but my gold is all in the Trinsic bank".

They made ass fun of me for weeks! :eek:


Spent a week invisible as a ghost lost in 2ta. Cursing at passer bys for not rezzing me. I didnt know you had to toggle your ghost to show.

Old Man of UO

Back when fishing first came out, it seemed really hard to get good gains. Two friends I made in the game would first run to the provisioners' shop to stock up on ale. The we would head out on my boat and sail around telling stories between *hics*

After an hour or so of fishing and UO drinking, I had to run to the bathroom. The other two got an idea to start a fight with my character while I was gone, one healing the other poking me with his fishing pole. When I came back, I was low on health and getting beat up by a mad fisherman, and my other buddy was laughing too hard to keep me healed.

I said, "What are you doing? You're killing me! Help me! Guards! Guards!" Just then we were floating by the north end of some island, and for some reason the guard zone extended out into the water at that point. Just at that moment I see the message that we are now in the guard zone, a guard appears on my boat and the mad fisherman gets guard whacked! I didn't know guard zones extended into the water... honestly! Of course, my friend didn't believe me and I'm kinda glad I couldn't read his long stream of OooOoo's.

We didn't have enough magery or healing to resurrect our now very irate friend, so I pull the boat over to let him off into town, and waited for him to come back to his body, but he never did. It was weeks before he would speak to either of us again.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Stratics Legend
last week i was running an auction and was in a party with a guild mate, i meant to say in party "whats up pancake" but i accidently said it outloud and everyone laughed but i appologized...

another time i transferred to an asian shard and forgot to bring a return xfer, there were no xfer tokens for sale on vendors there but luckily i found someone that spoke english who sold me one


Oh i remember mine after all these years. It stuck in my head long after I did it, just to remind me to stop being an idiot.

Long ago on catskills i was really into the BOW guild of Catskills (britiannna order of woodworkers) a craftsman guild. Many non pvpers joined up here who lagged to much to pvp, so we had a nice safe craftsman guild. We had some events at our "town" area outside Wrong.

So, i had my nice new large marble house, which i was very proud of even though i spent lots of RL dollars to get it. We were having an event over the weekend and i had some vendors on the roof with items my craftsman had stocked up on. (chairs, furniature, etc).

Also on the roof I had a nice furnie dye tub, which I was going to use to dye furniature for people for free during the event. So I had the tub locked down on my roof. When the event started i realized that i had to unlock the tub to use it (you couldn't change the color while it was locked down then). So I unlocked the tub, and some hidden thief swiped it and recalled away.

If of course paged a GM and said "so and so stole my tub! we are having an event!" and the GM basically said "sorry, put it in a container next time."

And i thought.. you can put them in containers and change the color? DOOOoohhhhhh..

Yep, i got powned...

And my smuggest moment was when i was at west brit bank and someone was talking to a friend that they wanted to sell their trammel castle for 2 large fel homes so they both could play together. So I paged a friend of mine, said "hey, do you have 2 large fel homes?" he said yep. I contacted Centurio, a tradespot broker to handle the trades. He got 1 mil gold to handle the trades. I got 1 mil gold for getting the people together..

So I made 1 mil gold just by standing at west brit bank practicing my tinkering and talking to a few people on ICQ. Sweet.. I love trading LOL.