It is all my son's fault. At the time he was in the US NAVY. He was into UO and computers not me. He was oft far far away. He felt if he could get me interested in this game we could hang out somewhere together in some pixel make believe world and then still get to talk see one another as pixels somewhere and not be weeks mos apart never even being on the same side of planet earth at the same time.
So he helped me get a computer. He taught me how to run a mouse and he bought me this game called Ultima Online. He was my first vet mentor in UO back then. He had come home on leave and began to teach me dual things how to run the mouse, how to play UO ..he even made my first ever UO character on Chesapeake. HE named her not me. He called her Queen Zen. He shouted that is soo you mom.......archer sworder ie warrior but I know you won't want to stay in ugly newbie outfit so I gave her you some tailoring too.
I been Queen Zen ever since warrior queen knight of justice yet always tastefully attired kept some tailoring on her, she and the others of me among many other chrs. of my selves primarily that orig QZ is chesapeake..the other QZ is on Siege she cant tailor..I made a crafter for that there...Siege knows me more as Miranda. Chesapeake knows me more as Queen Zen no matter what chr I am playing there they all get called QZ. hrmm even sometimes my guy chrs. lol
I was sucked into this pixel world but then we had a Lord British then, and a Lord Blackthorn, I read their books, we had Chaos shields and Order shields which no one could equip unless they entered the palacial estates of our lords and signed up to become Order or Chaos.
I got sucked into how my son playing a warrior miner oft outsmarted those that were hellbent to lol and pk a supposidly defenseless miner which he oft dirtnapped and I was hooked............back in a SKILL based game of UO and the make believe world that it was back in the day. Then the new lost lands came and it was awesome.
So it is my son's fault I ever even entered the UO world. Then trammel came he got mad and quit...course he also got a rl girlfriend at the same time
soooo he got busy too busy rl for UO. They got married finally this past July. They could not even remember how long they knew each other. I laughed said to my son ya met ye future bride the year trammel was being put into UO ! 99 or so.
Weird how a UO CD can be a timeline for when ye son was getting a gf rl ! HAHA But we did have fun in UO back then hangin out together. He tried to get his sisters to play too they got guardwhacked for killing *pet cows* by Delucia, we forgot to inform them of *blue hued* pets etc. and their guardwhacking soo shook em up in fear being guardwhacked both my girls said
'UO is too VIOLENT not playing no more' and they never returned to finish their newbie chrs. !