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What online game(s) are you currently playing?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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5 days to go and finally GW2 :)

I been pwning Fruit ninja slice and Jewels Star on my phone of late.

Please put me out of my misery for doing so lol.
I'm not ready! Necro or ranger?

Also, which server? Arg!
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Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
LOL what server did you try? I am going to play on Jade Quarry.

All the professions rocked but between those two above you mentioned I would go with a ranger. I played with one alot in WvW. You just have to go with the one you feel comfortable with.

List of the servers at launch.


  • Fissure of Woe
  • Desolation
  • Gandara
  • Blacktide
  • Ring of Fire
  • Underworld
  • Far Shiverpeaks
  • Whiteside Ridge
  • Ruins of Surmia
  • Seafarer’s Rest
  • Vabbi
  • Piken Square
  • Aurora Glade
  • Gunnar’s Hold
  • Jade Sea [FR]
  • Fort Ranik [FR]
  • Augury Rock [FR]
  • Vizunah Square [FR]
  • Kodash [DE]
  • Riverside [DE]
  • Elona Reach [DE]
  • Abaddon’s Mouth [DE]
  • Drakkar Lake [DE]
  • Baruch Bay [ES]


  • Anvil Rock
  • Borlis Pass
  • Yak’s Bend
  • Henge of Denravi
  • Maguuma
  • Sorrow’s Furnace
  • Gate of Madness
  • Jade Quarry
  • Fort Aspenwood
  • Ehmry Bay
  • Stormbluff Isle
  • Darkhaven
  • Sanctum of Rall
  • Crystal Desert
  • Isle of Janthir
  • Sea of Sorrows
  • Tarnished Coast
  • Northern Shiverpeaks
  • Blackgate
  • Ferguson’s Crossing
  • Dragonbrand


Site Support
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So, What online game(s) are you currently playing?
Star Wars: The Old Republic (The Shadowlands Server)
Ultima Online (Chesapeake)
LotRO occassionally (Windfola Server)
Combat Arms here and there.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I really want Counter-Strike: Global Offensive but I have too many things on backlog at the moment to justify immediate purchase, especially since Steam has so many sales.
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Stratics Veteran
We should prolly do a TF2 portal. Problem, as Cirno said, is that its hard to improve upon the TF2 wiki.
TF2 is the awesome. And they just came out with the MvM mode. Super fun times.
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Slowly making my way through Borderlands 2 co-op playing as Maya, so much fun!
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Slowly making my way through Borderlands 2 co-op playing as Maya, so much fun!
Would you recommend Borderlands 2 to someone who played the first game, but didn't really have any desire to play the expansions? Is there enough new content or is it more like a really big expansion pack?

as of late I've been addicted to LoL and Remnant Knights, also play Minecraft when I just want to mess around.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Would you recommend Borderlands 2 to someone who played the first game, but didn't really have any desire to play the expansions? Is there enough new content or is it more like a really big expansion pack?

as of late I've been addicted to LoL and Remnant Knights, also play Minecraft when I just want to mess around.
It depends on what you liked about the first game. Most of the complaints I've seen have been that they didn't make it enough like the first one especially in regards to classes. If you were really attached to one specific class or character than you may not be happy with what's in Borderlands 2 since they've all changed. But it sounds to me like you're looking for something new and so I think you'll be happy with it right from the start since you'll be picking an all new character to play as. But really the game has done very well among media and fans alike (except for that one bizarre Wall Street Journal review which has since been revised).

The only returning class (in name) is the Siren which plays much differently from the Siren of the original Borderlands, I did a little write up about that in particular on the front page. The Commando resembles the Soldier class, however the turret has been upgraded to new levels of awesomeness. As for other changes, there is a new vehicle, character and vehicle customizations, a new and better developed plot line with tons of added humor, and a whole host of new creatures and enemies unlike anything in the first game (especially if you never played the expansions). The skill trees and class mods for each character can be adjusted for solo or cooperative players, though I will always recommend co-op for Borderlands games :) So yes, I think they have added enough to it to be able to recommend it to anyone who liked Borderlands 1 and also kept enough the same so that anyone who played the first one will be immediately familiar with what's going on.
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Stratics Veteran
Started Uncharted Waters Online last night, DDO though I'm kind of on a break for this one and awaiting Neverwinter Online


Lore Master
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Primarily Guild Wars 2, but I have Diablo II installed and have invested about 20 hours in to it before GW2 was released. Other than Torchwood II when the Mac client is released I'm not anticipating any other new games currently.

Proto Foe

Stratics Veteran
Currently playing:

Fifa 13
Replaying Reach, Halo Anny, 2 and 3! In time for 4!


Always Present
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Ultima Online
The Secret World
Sims 3 (lol shh dont tell anyone)

Cyr Isis

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have GW2 but I got sick when it first came out, got to lvl 3 and haven't played it since. Diablo 3, got through normal on my Demon Hunter and lost interest.
I mainly play on my Minecraft server when I do play a game.
I do want to get back to DAOC but one of my sidekicks forgot his info, the email is wrong in his account and I cannot find the notepad I wrote his info down on. Hopefully he can retrieve it.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I hope nobody minds me bumping an older thread since I'd posted in it previously, but I picked up Guild Wars 2 when it was on sale just before Christmas, I'm a level 70ish Ranger on Gate of Madness now.