As I said, a Twinked (the word I was searching for but had not used for a very long time) Out Character...."now a few days old char, fully tweaked out in the most UBER GEAR can hunt almost all on overland"
...and you can easily kill a dragon with a character with 80 or less in every skill
all you need is 60-70 resist armor...
One should remember that a character is NOT born with 50K Gold and a 60 to 70 resist suit and a Slayer Weapon.
One is born with 1K Gold, and cloth.
If I have a Big Brother/Sister give the Newly Born a Uber Suit and access to the family Gold, Weapons, Jewelry, Armor etc, then by every definition there is, I have Twinked that character to be able to Kill the Dragon immediately.
IF one starts out NEW on a Shard, with no friends, NO big sister/brother or EVEN NO KNOWLEDGE of the game, then what of them? Shall we just throw them out because some feel they are bored and dont want to take on Tsuki Wolves and go Punch out Ettins instead and want the Ettins to be as tough or tougher than the Tsuki Wolves?
Or in short, for the sake of those that HAVE options, we should take from those that DO NOT have options?