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Welcome to Siege Perilous. We have something to offer


Siege... Where the fun begins.
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Sounds like it's missing an "except" to me.
Exactly... Had they added that, I certainly would NOT have purchased one - since it was specifically for my new Siege char..


Seasoned Veteran
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I have used a regular adv. char token not long ago on Siege...no probs at all after I got my total skills under 200.


Siege... Where the fun begins.
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I have used a regular adv. char token not long ago on Siege...no probs at all after I got my total skills under 200.
I was/am aware of the under 200 requirement. This was a brand new char with around 170 total skill points... The message said that "this promotion is not active on this shard."


Stratics Veteran
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It should definitely work. Hope Messana can straighten it out for you.


Grand Poobah
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Yeah, I believe they made them work on Siege not that long ago.


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Haven't played UO in several months, but have been getting the itch to play again.
How active is Siege now?
I remember last time I played, I think I ran around Britian and didn't see anyone and the chat seemed fairly dead.
The whole no insurance system interests me so much :(


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I have been at it since the first of this month. Its no Atlantic but the lack of mass amounts of people is made for in how tight the community is. By far my favorite realm ever played and wish I came here years ago.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2


Queen of The Outlaws
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We are growing strong, the new dungeons loot did help us as it made imbuing much cheaper and now new house rules allow more players to own a house on Siege.
New players are joining us, both from other shards and total new to UO and we see a lot old names back.


Stratics Veteran
Siege Perilous are a little different than other shards but sure not harder to make it on.
1. You can now place a house on Siege and keep your old one on normal shards
2. Siege have a more healthy economy, as the Siege rules keep the system from adding a lot gold to the game. You can't sell to NPC vendors but players will buy, that only make the money move around. Look at the bazaar vendors to see what they buy and pay.
3. We do not have Item Insureance, but you can easy find a LRC suit for 15k. If you want 5x70 resist and maybe LRC and 6 MR, you can still get it for less than 100k. Just keep a spare suit in bank.
4. Yes you may get PK'ed, but there are a lot hunting spots, where you rarely see a red and NEW2 tag will give you one month to train.

I could go on, the list is long, but what about making a char and give it a try, you may get the joy back from playing again. If you fail to make it, only time is lost.
The few times i have TRIED to play on Siege I was unable to go anywhere without being killed by the first person who encountered me (and since it was a new char, wasnt hard for them). That makes scraping together 15,000 for a suit a bit problmatical, not to mention having to do so repeatedly as no insurance there. So thanks for the KIND invite to get myself killed repeatedly, but I have absolutely no desire to be on that shard for one second. However I did notice that Mugen has a New Haven and that peeps there seemed nicer - not as likely to kill you if you're a baby char. (Probably because Siege is full of young angry u.s. children [for angry see... "insane wanton killers"] and Mugen has some adults on it, ROFL.)
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Queen of The Outlaws
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The few times i have TRIED to play on Siege I was unable to go anywhere without being killed by the first person who encountered me (and since it was a new char, wasnt hard for them). That makes scraping together 15,000 for a suit a bit problmatical, not to mention having to do so repeatedly as no insurance there. So thanks for the KIND invite to get myself killed repeatedly, but I have absolutely no desire to be on that shard for one second. However I did notice that Mugen has a New Haven and that peeps there seemed nicer - not as likely to kill you if you're a baby char. (Probably because Siege is full of young angry u.s. children [for angry see... "insane wanton killers"] and Mugen has some adults on it, ROFL.)
Not sure how long since you tried Siege last. We don't have a lot of ids on Siege, most of us are parents and grand parents.
We do not have New Haven, but we do have the guild Newborn on Siege, NEW2
Players new to the shard, can be in NEW2 one month. The tag will protect you vs most PK's or at least make them not loot you.
After a month, it should not be hard to make 15k. If you have imbuing, it's just 2 relic from shame loot or 2-3 of the essences from Abyss or wool from 100 sheeps or leather from 100 animals.

As we do not have Item Insurance, the smart guy, make sure he have at least 1 spare suit in bank and some money.

I'm sure all, who started this month, can tell, making gold on Siege is not that hard.

However, Siege is not for everyone and it's ok not to like our shard.

Your signature say "Don't stress, don't fear - remember, it's just a ride. ", this words fit the life on Siege well. You may die, it may be a little more challenge, but if you like the ride, Siege is a great shard
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Stratics Veteran
Not sure how long since you tried Siege last. We don't have a lot of ids on Siege, most of us are parents and grand parents.
We do not have New Haven, but we do have the guild Newborn on Siege, NEW2
Players new to the shard, can be in NEW2 one month. The tag will protect you vs most PK's or at least make them not loot you.
After a month, it should not be hard to make 15k.
Thank you Freja, that is valuable information. I didnt know about the newborn guild thing, and may give it another shot armed with that info. :) Could you describe how to go about getting into NEW2?


Always Present
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The few times i have TRIED to play on Siege I was unable to go anywhere without being killed by the first person who encountered me (and since it was a new char, wasnt hard for them). That makes scraping together 15,000 for a suit a bit problmatical, not to mention having to do so repeatedly as no insurance there. So thanks for the KIND invite to get myself killed repeatedly, but I have absolutely no desire to be on that shard for one second. However I did notice that Mugen has a New Haven and that peeps there seemed nicer - not as likely to kill you if you're a baby char. (Probably because Siege is full of young angry u.s. children [for angry see... "insane wanton killers"] and Mugen has some adults on it, ROFL.)
I haven't been attacked or killed on Siege since.... man, maybe 2004? And I'm probably the second least likable person on the server, you'd think people would make it a point to do so.

But hey I guess insulting everyone on the server as "young angry u.s. children" is a valid thing to do before you go away.


Stratics Veteran
But hey I guess insulting everyone on the server as "young angry u.s. children" is a valid thing to do before you go away.
Well Aran, was going to say I was just joking around... but then i took a closer look at your profile pic.... OMG thank you for the best laugh i've had all day! Point made I think.
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Queen of The Outlaws
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Thank you Freja, that is valuable information. I didnt know about the newborn guild thing, and may give it another shot armed with that info. :) Could you describe how to go about getting into NEW2?
Easy, just join gen chat, ask for a NEW2 leader or ask for Freja/TinaTink :)
one of our houses are Young Travelers Inn in New Magincia, you can also hang out there until you see a NEW2 and ask for a leader


Babbling Loonie
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I decided to give Siege a look just after the new housing changes, and it's been very interesting...

Deliberately didn't join NEW2 since I really wanted to see if I could manage on my own there, and since I have four accounts I figured I could cover most of what I might need from those four characters. Scouted out the New Magincia vendors to see what was being bought and sold, set up a pure resource gatherer to raise funds, a crafter to make things I needed, a tamer because they are handy for gathering items and materials for imbuing, and a fourth slot still to be used.

After three or so weeks, I've not yet been attacked or stolen from by another player (though there would be little point since I can't fight and never carry anything remotely valuable outside a guard zone!). I've a small tower nicely placed for gathering, and a max storage place in Ter Mur as 'home', both partly decorated and with all the basics for my crafters including a soulforge, tailor and smith furniture. Main character has just under 1 million in the bank, despite not selling off any of the old stuff like heritage or soulstone tokens I had from just logging in Siege a few times over the last years.

I'm still not convinced it's 'home', that's always going to be Europa, but it's been nothing like as bad as many fear, as long as you are careful and sensible. Usually general chat is helpful, of course it has it's idiots but every shard does, so no big deal there. Just think things through before you play there, you'll go through a huge amount of tools gathering and crafting thanks to the faster decay rate, and the RoT skills system actually works fast up to 70, and is bearably speedy after that if you remember to plan for it. Playing is 'harder' in a few ways, but far from unpleasant or particularly difficult.
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Queen of The Outlaws
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Welcome to Siege, time will show if it someday will feels as home. Even when it's not that hard to do it on your own, I will advice new Siege players to join NEW2, as it will give guildmates to hang out with and that may be, what make the shard feels like home.

Have you been thnking of joining a guild on Siege. Feel free to ask me for advice both about the guilds and about other Siege stuff.


Always Present
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Well Aran, was going to say I was just joking around... but then i took a closer look at your profile pic.... OMG thank you for the best laugh i've had all day! Point made I think.
Enjoy your xenophobia I guess?


Stratics Legend
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Per the suggestions made in this thread and some light research I've found it's actually quite easy to start an economy. Of course, a friend of mine has succeeded in surpassing my efforts by quite a lot. We have a two story custom now (hey, 500 gp per tile is expensive! hahaha) and we're working past 64 magery. Even so, I'm curious as to how affected I would be upon losing my LRC.

I wonder what item is most commonly blessed per class. I would imagine jewelry, or a weapon would be the most prized item. I look forward to that first 3/1 ring/bracelet.


Always Present
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My ringmail mining gloves on my crafter, my archer's bow, and nothing on my fencer.


Queen of The Outlaws
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My weapon on Freja and not really anything on my crafters.
Just never run around in more expensive gear, than you can replace. If you die to much, run in cheaper suits until you are back up running.
I always have at least one backup suit for Freja. Keep in mind, as son you are in new gear, you will feel better after getting killed, running around browsing vendors in death robe is not fun at all.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
... I wonder what item is most commonly blessed per class. I would imagine jewelry, or a weapon would be the most prized item. I look forward to that first 3/1 ring/bracelet.
My -29 mage spell channeling weapon... I wouldn't say it's prized, but is a nice training tool for me being a newbie. My suit is all pieced together from cheap loot, and have backup pieces in the bank. But the training weapon isn't as easily replaced for now.


Grand Poobah
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My 50 SSI comp bow (3 blessed ninja belts)....template specific crafted jewelry (easily replaceable)...shame loot armor (again, easily replaceable).

Tina Small

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I wonder what item is most commonly blessed per class. I would imagine jewelry, or a weapon would be the most prized item. I look forward to that first 3/1 ring/bracelet.

On my crafter, I bless whatever crafting talisman she has equipped. On my peace tamer, I bless her musical instrument. On my miner/LJ, I bless her mining gloves. On my other characters that I don't use as much, their blessed item is usually a piece of jewelry. I don't own any artifacts or spellbooks worth blessing and don't have any real dexxer characters that need to bless a weapon.


Babbling Loonie
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Since I have zero interest in PvP, my choices of items to bless are the mining gloves for my miner, and of all things at the moment a Ter Mur training crystal ball for my tamer so I can tell what's best to tame for skill gain without constantly checking lists...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I blessed my skill training ball... Weird I know.

But I figured everything else can be easily replaced and honestly so could the training ball..... but I was using it. Suppose if I were fortunate enough to have a scrappers I'd bless that.


Stratics Legend
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For like a billion years I had my AOF that I got from the blackrock trade in event (When was that? It was a looooong time ago) blessed, but when I switched my template from tamer to warrior I usually just blessed whatever weapon I was using. The plan was to find an epic shield to bless, but I got bored and stopped looking. :/

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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I bless my Sword on my Dexxer, my spellbook on the mage, my lrc lmc mage armor mining gloves on my smith, and on the Tamer, i have his robe blessed (+10 to Stealth, forget the name at the moment). it all really depends on what is important to you.


Stratics Legend
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I bless my Sword on my Dexxer, my spellbook on the mage, my lrc lmc mage armor mining gloves on my smith, and on the Tamer, i have his robe blessed (+10 to Stealth, forget the name at the moment). it all really depends on what is important to you.
Your spellbook? Is it like a ToT or something?

Captn Norrington

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siege is very fun to play if your a vet player, one bad thing though...shopping for...well anything is a near impossible task, takes ages to find the right powerscrolls, imbue ingredients, armor, etc. if this problem could be fixed I am sure more people would be willing to give siege a chance.


Crazed Zealot
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not sure if it was mentioned but its not 100% non insurance. we do get to give free insurance to 1 item (siege bless)


Queen of The Outlaws
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Just went back to the Origin Store (where I purchased the Advanced Character Token) and here's what it says on the page where you purchase the token:

It seems to me that this explicitly states that the token is good on Siege...​
The mystic token is better, 5x70 skills and 225 stats. If you already have more than 225 stats, only set the skills. you need to drop some skills on soulstones to get below 200 skill points if an older char.
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Queen of The Outlaws
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As far I know, Devs are working to add vendor seach, that will help alot, when you seach for an item. It may also help the crafters find their ustomers. I hope we will see it soon


Queen of The Outlaws
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If I remember correctly the regular advanced token didn't work and was reason they allowed with the Mystic token to work on Siege. The coding of the original token or something like that .. I read this quite some time ago... so I might be wrong...
I believe there may be an bug with the adv char token. It didwork in the past on Siege and old tokens from the past do work new ones from EA store seem to have hard with understand, they now are allowed to work on Siege.


Crazed Zealot
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Thanks for keeping this thread alive. Thanks to following up on the mythic char token (which gives 5 skills at 90 and 225 stats, unless something has changed) I now have a another question for the general forums. Lord knows I am tired of training up taming, stealing and weaving.


Stratics Veteran
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Perhaps if we were allowed to buy another slot, like the 7th char slot for prodo, only make it a 2nd char slot for siege! I know I know, we give them money as it is, but that silly origin store is helping keep this game alive!


Queen of The Outlaws
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Think Mesanna told, it hard to code, would be much easier to allow all the slots but I think that would not be good for Siege.


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I would love to see a few more char slots, but alot do not agree with me in that.
The thing is, I'd wager most people who play Siege as their main shard use more than 1 account to get around the limit. You can also do it with a ton of soulstones. Either way, the restriction is arbitrary and only really acts as a barrier for casual players who are only interested in keeping one account open these days. It is ridiculously difficult, to the point of being totally undesirable, to be locked down to 1 single character with limited ability to diversify so much so that a multitude of accounts or soulstones are essentially a mandatory requirement to play the shard properly.


Queen of The Outlaws
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The thing is, I'd wager most people who play Siege as their main shard use more than 1 account to get around the limit. You can also do it with a ton of soulstones. Either way, the restriction is arbitrary and only really acts as a barrier for casual players who are only interested in keeping one account open these days. It is ridiculously difficult, to the point of being totally undesirable, to be locked down to 1 single character with limited ability to diversify so much so that a multitude of accounts or soulstones are essentially a mandatory requirement to play the shard properly.
We always lose players when they are done building their first char and would love to try other templates, that be crafting/gathering, other kind of combat, a treasure hunter or fisherman. One char slot is just not enough to survive on Siege and switching skill att the time is no fun, special not if you love to roleplay your chars. On Siege we love roleplayers but it do not make sense to use same char for a peace loving crafter/fisherman/miner as for a agressive PvP char, that be a guardian, an assasian, a brigand or a pirate char.

I can afford several accounts, I get the bonus of more than one house but I would love to see players who only can afford one account to be able to have more than one char, and play more than one role on Siege.