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we need official details on Endless Journey like right now please


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh did I get your panties in a bunch there jr?????:p

For your info my kids (my son and his friends) played that game for maybe under 3 months total... they sat back each one and added up every dime they spent...
3 of the 12 who all joined in as a group spent more then 2 years worth of UO and WoW Subscription combined.. before they realized the cost of it.
The less pocket money quit way sooner and added up closer to a year of UO.
That's the downfall of the that type of game... What is worse was they didn't even notice the cost till it came time to pay bills.(they are all adults btw)

As for my view..
I read the newsletter, went to the uo.com and read the full thing.
Went to all the M&G's and paid attention to all that was asked about it and all that was answered. I even asked a question on it myself.
If you do not think I got it right go read Larisa's transcripts of them and see exactly what Mesanna did say.
I learned early in my UO life to listen and read all the UO GODs say... and then keep your ears pealed for changes...
Cause if you don't it will come around and bite you in the rump.
My panties arent in a bunch, but I refuse to tolerate people like you talking down to others because they have different views. Theres a name for people like that.. hmm... Moving forward, you just proved my point. Going to a free to play, offering content that people actually WANT will earn the company MORE money then a subscription. Thanks for proving MY point, and completely proving against yours. As for your view, we all know what it says. We can all read. You throw your spin on things in a negative way, when they dont suit your playstyle or wants. Nobody cares what you want. People know what THEY want. I think its a load of crap that a few handful of "stratics elite" get to dictate what the popular opinion of actual players would want. You're in the minority there. Enjoy the high horse, thanks for trying to step down, all you did is step in your horses shi.... k bye.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Oh did I get your panties in a bunch there jr?????:p

For your info my kids (my son and his friends) played that game for maybe under 3 months total... they sat back each one and added up every dime they spent...
3 of the 12 who all joined in as a group spent more then 2 years worth of UO and WoW Subscription combined.. before they realized the cost of it.
The less pocket money quit way sooner and added up closer to a year of UO.
That's the downfall of the that type of game... What is worse was they didn't even notice the cost till it came time to pay bills.(they are all adults btw)

As for my view..
I read the newsletter, went to the uo.com and read the full thing.
Went to all the M&G's and paid attention to all that was asked about it and all that was answered. I even asked a question on it myself.
If you do not think I got it right go read Larisa's transcripts of them and see exactly what Mesanna did say.
I learned early in my UO life to listen and read all the UO GODs say... and then keep your ears pealed for changes...
Cause if you don't it will come around and bite you in the rump.

If they spent that kind of money on League they have impulse issues. League has a free champion rotation and you can buy all champions with influence points gained by playing the game. And it's not an unreasonable amount of play like in mobile games. The only thing you can possibly spend that kind of money on are skins and a lot of champions. Better just to choose a few champions or find a deal. You're only going to use a few anyways and can supplement with a few free ones you get playing the game and the free rotation.

Your adult son and his friends just got sucked into impulse buying. This isn't inherently a bad thing of League. You can impulse buy anywhere.. League is very well balanced for the amount of content they have.

I play league off and on for years and have probably spent less than $100 on it for skins on champions I really like. I have all champions except for a handful in the 2 highest priced brackets.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Show me a plan in alpha or beta stage, months before publish and tell me everything intended makes the final cut. I read what was notated in the intent. Adding a negative spin to everything doesnt make it true, it makes it speculation. Thanks for your 2 cents. My dribble has yet to be countered with any real argument other then opinion.
Could it be because it is just worthless dribble and speculation? I am betting you like everyone else will learn, what does or does not make the final cut when the dev team has finalized the final cut. I am actually kind of happy that they laid it out and have not had the usual leaks.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tyrath you ol softy.....
Like you too kiddo.

I think I need to clear up a tiny error on your side there Strussywear...
EA lowered the boom, Broadsword runs the game but EA holds the purse strings.
That's final. No new billing system and forget thinking of getting the purse strings....
There is no way EA will let anything slip away like that if it means loosing a penny....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, look at this lady on a high horse, spouting off nonfactual statements like she's the queen of everything.
Get used to her and have some popcorn and a good laugh like the rest of us ;) Posts of her been always like that..

As for EJ, I think we can just wait and see. Maybe they give it to the secret focus group a couple of weeks in advance and we will get some early leaks like the last time. Mesanna is not exactly known for being tight-lipped ;)
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know about anyone else but most of the people I know see EJ as being exactly the same as the free trial we have now minus the 2 week limit. They already said it will be very restricted to try and force people to sub. in fact with the changes to the bank it will be more restricted than the trial as it is now. I don't know how much success they will have with it, at worst people might stay a couple of months before they move on. Maybe if they did some kind of deal for new subscribers, to soften the subscription a bit for a few months.... not many games still have a monthly sub now, even games that started out with them. *shrugs*


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
EJ is not as restrictive as trial accounts thats already been covered so please don't say it's a trial account and link their restrictions as if they are relevant. The features of the program by this time must be known by the dev's so just tell us already what to expect so we can make important account decisions now.

Endless Journey – Ultima Online

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Please give me information on when I can drop my paid account so I can get EJ for free... I wouldn't hold my breath ;)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ahh, no EM drops. But the scripter/multiboxers will be able to have 3-4 EJ accounts at the event to spam heal on them and their pets over and over I bet. Cool beans :D

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Ahh, no EM drops. But the scripter/multiboxers will be able to have 3-4 EJ accounts at the event to spam heal on them and their pets over and over I bet. Cool beans :D
Well that's suppose to be an account ban when EJ gets going so we'll see what happens. I think they'll especially be watching events more closely.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Ahh, no EM drops. But the scripter/multiboxers will be able to have 3-4 EJ accounts at the event to spam heal on them and their pets over and over I bet. Cool beans :D
So can you... and you can now.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
With what staff? :(
I bet it's going to be torch and pitchfork style where any report is taken more seriously than it should be and little effort to investigate is done for a couple months.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
With what staff? :(
Well Mesanna said it at the 20th party that's what they were gonna do. There will be at least an EM there ;) Like I say, let's see what they got planned. I'm sure it isn't that hard to see 5 accounts with the same IP and take a little look at what they're doing. Time will tell if they're just blowing wind or what. I'm sure there's some players that wouldn't have a problem reporting it. But I hear ya....


Why is this thread so derailed ? Why are we talking about shard bound powerscrolls.

All I want is a simple update from the developers on what we will be allowed to do on an Endless Journey account. I was mistaken about the 3 month period of inactivity before going EJ I guess I got the house decay timer and EJ mixed up so I admit I was wrong about that thanks for clarifying that for me. But it was mentioned at a Meet and Greet or somewhere cannot remember that EJ accounts will be able to obtain and use powerscrolls so that alone mean's its more then just a trial account and I want to know what else they can do in advance so I can make a decision on what's best for me financially. I already knew about the boat and housing restrictions and event item drops as those are the only restrictions that have been mentioned so far, and those I am able to live with although the house will take an adjustment.

Excess money is not something I have a lot of so possibly being able to save on a monthly subscription cost would be huge for me. Like I said originally though I just want the opportunity to make an informed decision about my accounts future if the endless journey does not work for me then I will happily continue paying my monthly subscription but is it really to much to ask to get the full details in advance so if I need to spend *4* months inactive I can do that now instead of when people are hopefully populating the shards once again?

@Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak

Morgana Grim

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok ladies, back on topic!

I for one am totally stoked for endless journey. It seems really simple to me. If your plan is to amass mountains of junk and be the king/queen of UO, you are going to need a paid account. If you are more like me and want to role-play, meet people, and generally have fun, endless journey should allow you to do that for free! Yay!

I miss the days when there were people in the world that didn't have endless piles of junk and were barely scraping by. When I first played, I was always envious of the people that had all the cool stuff and I wished I was one of them. Life cut into my playing time and I left for many years. I came back after AoS and getting all the cool stuff that I wanted was stupid easy and it bored me to tears. I came back last year and got rid of all the stuff that I had, which made for a much better experience for me. Hopefully, if endless journey goes well, we may see an influx of role-players and people having fun again. If collecting junk is your thing, more power to ya, but I will be enjoying the free life!
This ^^^
Will miss not being able to have a boat way more than not having a house. Also, I do wonder about our current pets....and um stealing.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
If you're worried about content and how this will affect it, maybe you don't really want the game to have more players. Long timers on stealing objects isn't a good game design for a lot of players to have fun. I don't understand your pet comment, but if you elaborate on it, I may agree.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My understanding is EJ is intended to give people a taste of/for the game with enough access to be enjoyable, but not that much that subscribing players are short-changed. To encourage people to subscribe so that they can have houses - one of the biggest draws, and the biggest reason (from what I've seen) that people on the existing free trial have subbed before the end of their 14 days.
While it may not have quite the same rule set as the current free trial, I don't think it will be as far from it as some people might believe/hope.

I've a feeling that a few players who think they're going to drop subscriptions and use EJ to exploit loopholes may end up disappointed.

Morgana Grim

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you're worried about content and how this will affect it, maybe you don't really want the game to have more players. Long timers on stealing objects isn't a good game design for a lot of players to have fun. I don't understand your pet comment, but if you elaborate on it, I may agree.
It's doubtful a game that doesn't advertise will have "more" players. There will be more accounts, yes, but those accounts will probably be made by existing players with a few returning players scattered in there. So yeah in my mind it won't bring any "more or new" players. With the stealing, I mean I wonder if EJ accounts will be able to steal from other players.
Wondering if there will be any pet restrictions with an EJ account.

To quote from the page....
"What do I get with Endless Journey?

Endless Journey accounts receive complementary access to all Ultima Online expansions through Stygian Abyss. Other expansions can be purchased and applied to an Endless Journey account. Endless Journey accounts have access to Ultima Online’s core features and can enjoy exploring Britannia, training character skills, making friendships that will last a lifetime, and much more!"

It's a little blurry to me for existing accounts. Especially since other expansions can be purchased....well I already have purchased High Seas but it will be an expansion I won't be able to use if I switch to EJ. Along with extra bank storage, not a biggie though I can do without it. With those points, my pet concern is if there will be stable restrictions with the previously purchased additional slots, and previously purchased expansion of ToL, and if EJ accounts will be able to use pets they currently own. Since it's not item storage, it probably won't affect it. I mean I can kinda see where they are going with house, bank storage and no boats. It's an attempt to make those "stuff" oriented to continue to pay to for accounts to have a house and more slots to put their stuff.
So just a little clarification would be nice for those of us that can do without a house, do not have to time to play like we used to and could still play using their account switched to EJ.
How about a boat that can be battle ready with cannons but no storage? @Mesanna
Had heard about another expansion to High Seas. I would be willing to buy that on an EJ account if it was possible to use a battle ready boat without storage capability.

Morgana Grim

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My understanding is EJ is intended to give people a taste of/for the game with enough access to be enjoyable, but not that much that subscribing players are short-changed. To encourage people to subscribe so that they can have houses - one of the biggest draws, and the biggest reason (from what I've seen) that people on the existing free trial have subbed before the end of their 14 days.
While it may not have quite the same rule set as the current free trial, I don't think it will be as far from it as some people might believe/hope.

I've a feeling that a few players who think they're going to drop subscriptions and use EJ to exploit loopholes may end up disappointed.
Oh yeah there will be a LOT looking for loopholes. I'm sure some of them already have some things sorted out. LOL
For me personally I don't have the time to play like I once had. The EJ option would be great for me so I could log in and play with a developed char when I have time without having to go through the hassle of waiting for a game time code to process, and not feeling like I just spent money to play for a few hours. I certainly do not want to start up an EJ account from scratch and go through the grind of developing a char again!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I'd hate to see them remove any viability from a main skill like stealing. Yea, the lack of advertising will be bad, but Wing Zero posts Youtube vids and I am a huge forum talker so I'll be posting about it on a ton of forums focused on MMOs. There's a lot of people that nostalgia over UO.


Stratics Veteran
Why is this thread so derailed ? Why are we talking about shard bound powerscrolls.

All I want is a simple update from the developers on what we will be allowed to do on an Endless Journey account. I was mistaken about the 3 month period of inactivity before going EJ I guess I got the house decay timer and EJ mixed up so I admit I was wrong about that thanks for clarifying that for me. ... <huge snip> ...
Archnight posted all that EA/Broadsword has divulged. If that is not enough for you at this moment, I'm sorry ... but that is all we know.

Did it ever occur to you aor anyone else twitching in their pants about this that the lack of info might be because the powers that be explicitly stated to not say anything until it's all ready? Sort of an internal NDA. I had that happen when I was still in the workforce and codding.


Crazed Zealot
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As much as I dislike Storm and her condescending attitude with all but a select few..... She is right about a couple of things Mesanna did lay out pretty clearly the intent, what would and would not be allowed and the basic framework of EJ. Pretty much everything else both of you wrote is just worthless dribble that means so much as fart gas :)
Generally it's referred to as "drivel", unless you meant to accuse him off drooling.

When being dismissive of someone's post I find it important to differentiate the two.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
Aside from the power scroll bit, I don't think I'd even consider coming back if it weren't free.

The endless journey could ensure longevity in the game if they set up their pay to win platform correctly.

But reality should sink in that even if they multiplied their income by 1000, the odds of it doing anything but going into someone else's pockets is slim.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EJ is not as restrictive as trial accounts
It may not be quite as restricted as a trial account, but it will be close. If you are expecting it to be something fairly close to what you are used to with a subscription... I wouldn't cancel your account. It WILL be very limited. That's the whole point.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those accounts are very limited on what they can do.
With the trial account limitations we can assume are on these accounts you can still make some ok templates to assist your paid accounts. Especially on siege. Don't know how I feel about that. :/

Could make a decent GM max crafter mule. GM Alch, Cooking, Carp, Bowyer, Inscribe, Tinker, Poison/Magery. Save you 60-70 bucks in soul stones. :p Less useful if they can't use runics, but still get good for potions, food, scrolls and tools. Can't hurt right?

A rouge/scout character would be a good use of EJ too. GM Hide, Stealth, Tracking, Detect, LP, RT, Magery. Good for clearing out champ spawns of cams, etc.

Or a treasure hunter (assuming they can do maps). GM Carto, LP, Mining, Taming, Lore, Vet, Magery. Might have to get creative with pet choices, but I think it's doable.
Alternatively, it could just be a facilitator second account, that decodes, digs up, unlocks/disarms the chest, then stands back while you actual characters do the looting/killing. Cart, LP, Mining, Detect, RT, Hide, Magery, GM whatever.


It may not be quite as restricted as a trial account, but it will be close. If you are expecting it to be something fairly close to what you are used to with a subscription... I wouldn't cancel your account. It WILL be very limited. That's the whole point.
And that's why it's going to fail.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I personally feel that not being able to enter public houses, have vendors, limited bank, No EM items, No Vet time, no Holiday items, and no ships is about the limit they should go in restricting these accounts. Much more and there will be no point at all and I definitely wouldn't want to explain a laundry list of restrictions to people I try to show the game to.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
I personally feel that not being able to enter public houses, have vendors, limited bank, No EM items, No Vet time, no Holiday items, and no ships is about the limit they should go in restricting these accounts. Much more and there will be no point at all and I definitely wouldn't want to explain a laundry list of restrictions to people I try to show the game to.
Is there anything you can do?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Pretty much everything you could in the 90s except ships and houses. Which I think would be awesome.
As long as Fel would be open and the dungeons, that would be about the only thing I'd be concerned about if I tried EJ.


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
My understanding is EJ is intended to give people a taste of/for the game with enough access to be enjoyable, but not that much that subscribing players are short-changed. To encourage people to subscribe so that they can have houses - one of the biggest draws, and the biggest reason (from what I've seen) that people on the existing free trial have subbed before the end of their 14 days.
While it may not have quite the same rule set as the current free trial, I don't think it will be as far from it as some people might believe/hope.

I've a feeling that a few players who think they're going to drop subscriptions and use EJ to exploit loopholes may end up disappointed.

People need to realize this won't be fully F2P, cuz honestly if it was the game WOULD shut down. Freemium is more how this will be and can see a wide range of players coming back to the game... from old vets, freesharders, role players and extremely occasional UO gamers (few hours a month). Now I just hope the devs will advertise this more online once it's released and maybe spam every account email they have in their database, so people will know to come back and give it a try

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Archnight pretty much summed it up.
The EJ is not F2P.
This is just an extended trial of the game.
Which was what many asked for who felt 14 days was not long enough to get the feel for the game in the time they had to try.
Most people who play games on line have very little free time these days.
This was structured to make it more compelling for some of them to have that time to develop a real feel for UO.
Its not saying for those of you who are of the same limits in time and can handle the restrictions given cant join them.
For those of you who thought your going to have your cake and eat it too on a silver service... The Dev are not that Dumb.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
We're all assuming, but to Archnight's point... it's been long believed that all the RMT people and multi-account owners are what is keeping the game alive. By all proposals from both sides this would still be required for housing and storage and all the things you all use today and like. So I don't feel like this would cause the game to lose subscription. It would only appeal more and increase subscription when people want houses. My opinion is that EJ with only the restrictions they've already listed and little else would only help the game. I don't understand the No Ships rule though. Maybe no High Seas ships would be more fair. There are places in the world only accessible by ship.

People are going to want to sub for a house, storage, and latest expansion.. It's just the big appeal of UO.

Making EJ simply an unending trial is not going to attract players at all.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I'm sure you know more about it than a team that's paid to run the game lol
Touche, correction, it's not going to attract me to recommend it to friends that have played the game in the past. It would be an embarrassment to get them to download it for the time spent not having a good time. In marketing world that would make me a negative net promoter if this would be the case.

I would not be able to recommend trying it out.


I'm sure you know more about it than a team that's paid to run the game lol
This is always a dumb argument when spouted off as a one liner. But to counterpoint:

There's a track record regarding successful F2P conversion. Broadsword either is in a corner and has to ignore it, due to code or other restrictions, or refuses to learn from other game's successes and failures.

I suspect it's actually due to coding. The ideal middle ground would be to allow F2P to post classic only, one room houses (8X8?, I forget the tile size), and have them have a warning that they can be overwritten at anytime by a paid account attempting to house place.

This lets the returning/new player "taste" what UO has that's different from other games out there, the housing system, but doesn't give away the whole kit.

Incentivize continued subscription by a sovereign stipend.

But, the Sovereign System is incredibly unyieldy, and the shop itself is not exactly filled with high incentive items. I'm sure they -could- code a "Renters Placement tool" That allows access to the one room houses, but implementing an overwrite system where subs can bulldoze EJ players homes opens all kinds of worms code wise, I'd expect.

Plus, they're banning boats, yet selling a boat expansion. IMO, if you buy High Seas, you should get boat access, EJ or not. If they don't, they're just going to have some salty regret purchases short term that's going to hurt long term through poor word of mouth.

IMHO: UO has the tools to be a successful F2P game, but EJ as worded is the exact opposite of what needs to occur, and the Sovereign Shop would need revamps interface wise, as well as content wise.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
This is always a dumb argument when spouted off as a one liner. But to counterpoint:

There's a track record regarding successful F2P conversion. Broadsword either is in a corner and has to ignore it, due to code or other restrictions, or refuses to learn from other game's successes and failures.

I suspect it's actually due to coding. The ideal middle ground would be to allow F2P to post classic only, one room houses (8X8?, I forget the tile size), and have them have a warning that they can be overwritten at anytime by a paid account attempting to house place.

This lets the returning/new player "taste" what UO has that's different from other games out there, the housing system, but doesn't give away the whole kit.

Incentivize continued subscription by a sovereign stipend.

But, the Sovereign System is incredibly unyieldy, and the shop itself is not exactly filled with high incentive items. I'm sure they -could- code a "Renters Placement tool" That allows access to the one room houses, but implementing an overwrite system where subs can bulldoze EJ players homes opens all kinds of worms code wise, I'd expect.

Plus, they're banning boats, yet selling a boat expansion. IMO, if you buy High Seas, you should get boat access, EJ or not. If they don't, they're just going to have some salty regret purchases short term that's going to hurt long term through poor word of mouth.

IMHO: UO has the tools to be a successful F2P game, but EJ as worded is the exact opposite of what needs to occur, and the Sovereign Shop would need revamps interface wise, as well as content wise.
Ya get EJ. If you like it you buy it. If they can't scrape together $13 bucks a month from pop cans or their mom or something then they sure aren't going to be buying stuff from the store. Had the game been created with F2P in the beginning, maybe things would be different. You'd have a sword that did basically nothing or buy a great sword for 5 bucks that lasts a week. That's how that works. But it wasn't. Every true F2P game I've played I would have loved to have just subscribed to cause they cost a ton more than 13 a month. Nothing is a voluntary purchase unless you really enjoy sucking at everything. I guess that's my response to that "dumb argument". Log in and find your house and stuff "bulldozed" lol I can tell it's Friday night! Weeee You got 2 coders to rewrite the game and add your "improvements". And you probably want that in the next 10 years too lol So much nonsense in this thread. All you guys know so much get together and code your own game. Let me know how it goes. The people running the game now are professionals with years of experience. I'll follow their lead while some are being snarky on a message board ;)
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Pros: I actually had a 10 year old nephew (who has a 98 skill garg thrower on my wife's acct on GL) call me last night asking when EJ was coming. He is waiting very anxiously to play with us, but had no intentions of paying now or later. He does not want to try the trial account now, he just wants to wait for that. He will be rather sad that he cannot open chests in our house, yet I understand, THAT is a good thing due to sad people who don't have jobs in real life farming UO for extra paychecks.

The Cons:
1. There will now be 10-12 man kill teams (manned by a single user w/ scripts running) farming things like Exodus. No people there to report ya!!! Surprise.... I knew there would be a way for 'friends' to make gold to sell!!!! Friends of whom you might ask??? Friends of whom..... indeed. Now you know why I think they destroyed crafting. There's a reason for every rhyme.
2. Everyone will have IDOC runners running around every shard endlessly, from coast to coast on their specific "rails" using path finding to know the location of every single IDOC in the game. Oh wait.... they are already doing that, only with trial accounts.
3. Mining bots, Lumberjacking bots.... I foresee these being used in unison with paid bots to store/gather resources, which doesn't make people as much gold to sell as it used to, but for someone with 12 laptops, a VPN for each with different IPs, and nothing to it aside from a simple 20 clicks (pushes play button on 20 bots to 'go!'), every little bit counts, right?

So basically what I am getting at is that what has destroyed this game is... endless changes that have benefited scripters over and over again and hurt the players. For example... destroying blacksmithing/tailoring and making UO an item based game. People have to buy their gear now to be the best, rather than imbuing your 5 properties. Buy the 20 property leggings instead! Inequality drives people away. Only people who either profit from the game or are very stupidly spending thousands on gear (oh they do, trust me, they do) would argue otherwise. There's about 100 players in that category who come and go, and support the 5 major scripters/dupers/cheats in the game. Endless journey is more of the same with the 'endless changes' that have occurred, is the way I see it. My nephew will get as tired of this game as he did Zelda for the Wii, and only wants to play now to play with us. As the true players die... the game dies. I see nothing coming that will help any of those true players come back.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
As have been all of the teams running UO over the decades. Yet its hard to believe at times.
UO has been riding a sled downhill ever since Everquest launched. That's just the way it goes. Everyone goes to the next new thing. When BS got hired EA had given up on UO. If not for BS EA would have shut it down years ago. That tiny team has been working miracles all considered.


I Hate Skilling
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The Pros: I actually had a 10 year old nephew (who has a 98 skill garg thrower on my wife's acct on GL) call me last night asking when EJ was coming. He is waiting very anxiously to play with us, but had no intentions of paying now or later. He does not want to try the trial account now, he just wants to wait for that. He will be rather sad that he cannot open chests in our house, yet I understand, THAT is a good thing due to sad people who don't have jobs in real life farming UO for extra paychecks.

The Cons:
1. There will now be 10-12 man kill teams (manned by a single user w/ scripts running) farming things like Exodus. No people there to report ya!!! Surprise.... I knew there would be a way for 'friends' to make gold to sell!!!! Friends of whom you might ask??? Friends of whom..... indeed. Now you know why I think they destroyed crafting. There's a reason for every rhyme.
2. Everyone will have IDOC runners running around every shard endlessly, from coast to coast on their specific "rails" using path finding to know the location of every single IDOC in the game. Oh wait.... they are already doing that, only with trial accounts.
3. Mining bots, Lumberjacking bots.... I foresee these being used in unison with paid bots to store/gather resources, which doesn't make people as much gold to sell as it used to, but for someone with 12 laptops, a VPN for each with different IPs, and nothing to it aside from a simple 20 clicks (pushes play button on 20 bots to 'go!'), every little bit counts, right?

So basically what I am getting at is that what has destroyed this game is... endless changes that have benefited scripters over and over again and hurt the players. For example... destroying blacksmithing/tailoring and making UO an item based game. People have to buy their gear now to be the best, rather than imbuing your 5 properties. Buy the 20 property leggings instead! Inequality drives people away. Only people who either profit from the game or are very stupidly spending thousands on gear (oh they do, trust me, they do) would argue otherwise. There's about 100 players in that category who come and go, and support the 5 major scripters/dupers/cheats in the game. Endless journey is more of the same with the 'endless changes' that have occurred, is the way I see it. My nephew will get as tired of this game as he did Zelda for the Wii, and only wants to play now to play with us. As the true players die... the game dies. I see nothing coming that will help any of those true players come back.
You dont think people have 10 accounts now and are doing that. They will still pay $160 a month for the convenience of housing and banks.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
You dont think people have 10 accounts now and are doing that. They will still pay $160 a month for the convenience of housing and banks.
True, they are doing it now already. But not everyone has 10 accounts to gamble throwing away into that... most people value their accounts and don't want to lose their houses by getting zapped by a GM. Those people who do it now have 40-60 accounts and don't really care if those 10 get zapped b/c they are empty accounts basically; they are there for holding housing spots around/after IDOCs and scripting only.

Once EJ comes, everyone can have 20 of those for free if they want... or 40 'throw away' accounts even. Anyone can make 20 mages and 20 archers in a month or so... and it's endless after that. If an account gets zapped, do it over again with a new spoofed IP (but there is extremely little risk I am sure.) They will still have their other 10 paid accounts for sure, only with zero danger of getting zapped now b/c they will essentially just be there for IDOCs at that point... unless GMs decide to somehow actually attend an IDOC on GL or something and see a certain someone's LOOTONE, LOOTTWO, LOOTTHREE, LOOTFOUR, LOOTFIVE gargs log in with 25 pack horses and script (and of course, don't forget the 25 hidden loot bots that are there; those visible ones are just their 'chest bots.') Slim chance of any GM caring about that though... I dunnnno whyyy.

(All generic names in this example... just saying. Have to include a disclaimer or possibly get zapped by mods for mentioning names.)
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
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You dont think people have 10 accounts now and are doing that. They will still pay $160 a month for the convenience of housing and banks.
No I have more than 10. And so do some others I know.