Lord Kynd
The problem is, as someone else pointed out, what we agreed to was the possibility of being banned for duping, exploiting, or KNOWINGLY posessing dupes. With Mythic not telling us what to be careful of, no, we cannot say FOR CERTAIN than anything is or is not a dupe. Not like it has a tag. Unless you personnally dupe it or the seller tells you "hey, I duped this" you DONT know. Sure, you can SUSPECT, but what good is that?
it also makes people not trust others.
now the problem is the people don't know who or what they can trust to buy.. this can be thanked to EA tho for how bans where handled.. they should have fixed the dupe bug.. then taken the dupers out and then deleted every duped item.
if EA would have fixed the dupe bug right away alot of people wouldn't have bought the item and even more wouldn't have gotten banned..
kinda like going to the bar and drinking,, it's illegal to drive after you've been drinking yet alot of people take the risk and break the law by going to the bar's and drink then drive... yet you don't see cop's sitting at the entrances of the bars handing out tickets before people can leave, nor do you see them doing mass raid's because they know you will be driving once the bar closes.
allowing a dupe bug to continue when known about is more or less entrapment on EA's part for not taking care of it right away.. i'm near positive they could have turned off bod's ( if thats what was allowing the dupe) with a flip of a switch. but instead allowed it to continue until alot more people then was needed got banned.