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Warning - Doors on your house can cause suspension.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
ROFL....can you read or did you just choose not to??? I was not ingame and had not been in game in a few days. I did NOT have locked doors hence the problems!! I can't ban a creature that I don't know is there. If I'm not in game and not there then I can't ban it. Remember if you read my post, this all happened while I was offline SLEEPING!


Oh yeah and if you find my post further down, there is more to the story.
I went by your orriginal post about logging on and findin'g cu's released to kill you. I also read that you were blue and had good karma... cu's DON'T attack good karma. Ok no locked doors thus the "illegal" trainer in your home, but a GM can tell who tamed the cu's. If you did not, then the GM is wrong to have banned you.. however there are other reasons that my cause a ban... was the tamer friended to or co-owned to your house and stuff.....As far as having pens in your house, there is nothing wrong with them IF they are used in the right way.. i.e. chicken fights and stuff. NOT for training up on skills for either pet or toon.

And if no one else has access to your account that could of dont this... but I think I remember reading you said no one was on your acct.

Some GM do can can make mistakes. Unfortunately, if it was that case that somone helped themselves to your house to train and you got banned for it, then I hope Cal finds the error and corrects it.

I read that you did clarify a few things.. I.E. haveing a pet pen in your home. I did assume that the illegal house design was that you may have had an entry tile into your house and no way out.. but then I thought about the "leave house" feature that was emplimented because the trapped house features were too abundant so they fixed it with the leave house feature.

The title alone mentions doors being illegal..thus the thought of locked doors.

But my thoughts about being banned for the doors and having released pets in the house as per your first post... my thoughts were correct in there must have been more to the story. Upon longging in and re reading the second page... thuse there was more to the story. Nothing was mentioned in the first few posts about haveing a pet pen setup in your house. I myself have a pet pen and the GM that came to help me with my chicken lizard problem after transfereing to that shard never mentioned anything about my pet pens being illegal. He even commented on my hard work with the chicken lizards (as you see how many chicken coops there are and he had to friend each lizard back to me, or fix the ownership) Thus me doubting the story about illegal house set up i.e. pet pen.

With that being said.. and I said before.. some GM's do make mistakes. They do however have an uncanny way of knowing who did what when and who belongs to what in game.

If you were banned unjustly.. then I hope you get a reprive and the mark taken off your account.

Tina Small

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Although I felt REALLY REALLY stupid after reading your post, THANK YOU!!! I did not realize that: a) stable doors were able to be set with security and b) I would ever need to set them. I just logged and changed both stable doors to owner only!! THANKS AGAIN!!! I always assumed they were decor and not real doors so that they would not need security features on them!
Don't forget to check the security on teleporter pads and doors after you use the house customization option. Customizing your house or just changing the house foundation style from the house sign generally seems to reset the security setting to "anyone" and also resets teleporter pads that have stopped functioning because a character died on them.

Co-owners used to be able to change the house foundation style, which was very handy if your house was being used as a guild house, the teleporters had become bugged, and the owner wasn't able to log in and fix them. However, sometime in the last three years that function was removed.

Note also that if you ever have buggy house teleporters (and perhaps doors as well?) and have to resort to using the "change house foundation style" option to fix them because there is a deedable container on a floor you can't reach and therefore can't empty it and axe it or vendors placed by non-owner characters are in the house, you CAN change the house foundation style while standing on the outside front steps.


Babbling Loonie
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You're the Producer.

Isn't it kind of your decision?

-Galen's player
Maybe if he were arrogant and possessing a sense of entitlement like some people around here, he'd go that route, but I suspect he'll get with the rest of the UO team and together they'll figure out what their policy should be.


Lore Keeper
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Was just thinking more about this, the fact that UO allows you to create a house design that can get you banned.

They really need to address the issue here, instead of just whacking the "symptom" with the ban hammer. I can think of places all over this game that someone could train thier bard skills in complete safety.

The first spot that comes to mind is in New Haven. You could plop a Cu on one side of the rail and one on the other, and train away. In fact I should do it and Page on myself, to see if the GM decided to ban the "owner" of the NPC shop, or if the doors will just be removed, lol. Need to check that one out.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was just thinking more about this, the fact that UO allows you to create a house design that can get you banned.

They really need to address the issue here, instead of just whacking the "symptom" with the ban hammer. I can think of places all over this game that someone could train thier bard skills in complete safety.

The first spot that comes to mind is in New Haven. You could plop a Cu on one side of the rail and one on the other, and train away. In fact I should do it and Page on myself, to see if the GM decided to ban the "owner" of the NPC shop, or if the doors will just be removed, lol. Need to check that one out.
Hmmm.. lucky if someone else would not page on you.. hehe or if you page on yourself you would probly be sent to a no no room then logged off. hehe


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Dear EA,

Please stop hiring people from foreign countries that don't only know what UO is but might not even know what a computer is to be your customer service representatives... Please dont add new content for the next 2 years and work on getting better customer service reps and GMs that actually use common logic before going through suspending someone, lets get rid of the auto message whenever a gm is paged and instead, go back to the days where GMs would go out of their way to suspend/ban scammers and cheaters.

P.S. Please do something about the people that scammed all the rares at the Pacific Rares Festival Auction, if you cared about your player base you would have tracked the items down, given them back, and ip banned the people that stole them


Grand Poobah
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I'm not sure he's in charge of the GMs, they might be run by CR and that's why he had to request.
Hmm. Yeah I guess if the GMs serve multiple games then he's probably not in charge of them, even indirectly.

However, I think they would still be enforcing his decisions, even if not under his supervision.

And, if the GMs are UO-specific, only way he wouldn't be in charge of them, even if indirectly, is if they have some really weird structure.

What I think he likely meant was, "I am investigating what current policy is, I can't possibly know what current policy is because it was made before I was Producer. After that, I'll evaluate policy in light of my own priorities."

I am attempting to encourage him to use more specific language.

Aside from my own personal preference for specificity, when you're dealing with UO players ambiguity can be deadly. Specificity and clarity need to be encouraged.

-Galen's player


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I figured I would share a picture of my "pen" with you.

WOW!! My mind imagined something way different. Dunno why.Your pet pen looks very nice indeed. Pretty. No room for the cu to even walk.... talk about being pinned up....

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I'm not sure he's in charge of the GMs, they might be run by CR and that's why he had to request.
Except, of course, that "CR" would still have to abide by the game rules put in place by Mythic for the game that they're supporting.


Lore Master
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Except, of course, that "CR" would still have to abide by the game rules put in place by Mythic for the game that they're supporting.
Think outside the box, if they're "CR" they're probably GMs for multiple EA mmos. Thus they probably have a cheat sheet of things that are and are not against the ToS and if they don't know, they pick a canned response and threaten to ban anyone who persists.

But on a serious note, if you work as a GM for multiple games that you may not even play, would you know the ins and outs of 2-3 ever changing worlds with their own community? No, you don't get paid enough for that. Sure, there are a few good ones, the hard workers, but there are the bad ones too. That's life. Not everyone is good at their job.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Think outside the box, if they're "CR" they're probably GMs for multiple EA mmos. Thus they probably have a cheat sheet of things that are and are not against the ToS and if they don't know, they pick a canned response and threaten to ban anyone who persists.
As Producer, Cal would basically write the cheat sheet as far as UO was concerned. Or at least sign it.

As I said in my post above, I think I understood what he was saying, but I'd like to encourage him to use more precise language. Let's face it, we UO players are crazy even by MMO standards (please don't try to deny it, people....) and using imprecise language with us is a bad, bad idea.

-Galen's player


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think people are reading into this way too much.
It's not that the design was illegal. It's that someone put the dog in the house, and trapping pets is illegal to do.
You can have doors. You just can't put an animal in a house and trap it there. It has nothing to really do with the house design because I've seen plenty of people suspended for having cus in their house without a pin.


Doors curently WILL NOT stop a wandering animal as it wonders in your house. Steps DO NOT STOP monsters or wondering animlas or npc's. Steps and doors only stop aggressive locked on monsters and npc's. So taking youre doors off the house will not matter. This sounds like a action that was takin more than a year ago.For under current codes in game what you said would not matter.The most animals we have ever had in a house at one time was 150 chicken lizards all wild.And perhaps if it really did matter we would have received a suspension also. I mean not even tables or chest stop the roamers currently. Nor do teleporters. I have migrant npc's constantly using my teleporters between houses. is that bannable also? NO its not. In closing un fortunatly you made some one mad whom was able to convey in 3 little sentences how you were doing wrong.I mean really how do you fill out a gm inquiry with like 3 sentences? What was date of in fraction ? Was your client accidentllly On? for thats the only reason compiled with the other facts that would make for even a half way excuse to give out a suspension. And the other thing is of course more than one person on a acct. I DO NOT recommend it ever. And that probably and truthfully was the reason.You did not know for it was not you. so your acct is still guilty. And that makes it a closed case. I would about bet.:gun:


Thanks but I can't take credit for it. It was built before I bought the house.
I like it too but never imagined the trouble it would cause. HOWEVER, now my stable doors are set to owner. I've learned my lesson.

WOW!! My mind imagined something way different. Dunno why.Your pet pen looks very nice indeed. Pretty. No room for the cu to even walk.... talk about being pinned up....

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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What about non-custom houses? I can't remove the doors on my tower.
I wouldn't worry about it. I think it was more the pen with the stable doors that trapped the Cu inside she got the banned for. If she had the doors set to owners only the Cu wouldn't of been in there no one would of paged there would of been no ban.

Lord Gareth

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Thank you,Mariam!
Again, I did follow up, but I will try to get more info out about both what is an acceptable practice and what is an offense in terms of proper home design and use.

- Cal
Well I would like to page on EA/Mythic for having doors in NPC buildings. :popcorn: