I went by your orriginal post about logging on and findin'g cu's released to kill you. I also read that you were blue and had good karma... cu's DON'T attack good karma. Ok no locked doors thus the "illegal" trainer in your home, but a GM can tell who tamed the cu's. If you did not, then the GM is wrong to have banned you.. however there are other reasons that my cause a ban... was the tamer friended to or co-owned to your house and stuff.....As far as having pens in your house, there is nothing wrong with them IF they are used in the right way.. i.e. chicken fights and stuff. NOT for training up on skills for either pet or toon.ROFL....can you read or did you just choose not to??? I was not ingame and had not been in game in a few days. I did NOT have locked doors hence the problems!! I can't ban a creature that I don't know is there. If I'm not in game and not there then I can't ban it. Remember if you read my post, this all happened while I was offline SLEEPING!
Oh yeah and if you find my post further down, there is more to the story.
And if no one else has access to your account that could of dont this... but I think I remember reading you said no one was on your acct.
Some GM do can can make mistakes. Unfortunately, if it was that case that somone helped themselves to your house to train and you got banned for it, then I hope Cal finds the error and corrects it.
I read that you did clarify a few things.. I.E. haveing a pet pen in your home. I did assume that the illegal house design was that you may have had an entry tile into your house and no way out.. but then I thought about the "leave house" feature that was emplimented because the trapped house features were too abundant so they fixed it with the leave house feature.
The title alone mentions doors being illegal..thus the thought of locked doors.
But my thoughts about being banned for the doors and having released pets in the house as per your first post... my thoughts were correct in there must have been more to the story. Upon longging in and re reading the second page... thuse there was more to the story. Nothing was mentioned in the first few posts about haveing a pet pen setup in your house. I myself have a pet pen and the GM that came to help me with my chicken lizard problem after transfereing to that shard never mentioned anything about my pet pens being illegal. He even commented on my hard work with the chicken lizards (as you see how many chicken coops there are and he had to friend each lizard back to me, or fix the ownership) Thus me doubting the story about illegal house set up i.e. pet pen.
With that being said.. and I said before.. some GM's do make mistakes. They do however have an uncanny way of knowing who did what when and who belongs to what in game.
If you were banned unjustly.. then I hope you get a reprive and the mark taken off your account.