it doesnt matter to your point, that is what bo was commenting on. Bo's point was there is nothing to fight over in VvV, making it a useless pvp system.
You might be surprised since I am a big VvV promoter but I completely agree. Its really just a mindless merrigo round pvp with no real point in and of itself....
To make it worth playing (at least for me), I had to put alot of effort into creating some sort of RP around it. Stories, weekly events, giving guilds a chance to declare for Virtue, Vice or be Independent, creating an overall score for shard, etc
Luckily all my nonesense tends to create interest from other players and caters to many playstyles rather then a single group thus creating a community of participation rather then from a group like "pvpers", "pvmers" or "rpers" alone, etc.
Hopefully the actually game will incorporate some rp themes into VvV to get interest and faction style defenses and town control to make it worth participating long term.
have any of you people against this actually log on? hell does anyone? Cause the Bo has been a good bit as of late and its a ghost town. Dont you people think it is time for a change?
Ironically I seems like almost everyone is in favor of change, its only whether VvV artifacts should be useable by everyone or just VvV people that is causing all the issues.
One side says, everyone should be able to use because it creates an unfair edge for pkers over pvmers in a ruleset that anyone can be attacked
The other side says, Its doesn't create any advantage and so only people in VvV should have access as a bonus for extra risk in participating in VvV.
Me I hear the concerns of the community and agree with them. I have no problem letting non VvVers use artifacts from VvV. I don't feel I need an extra bonus for being in VvV outside of actually making silver to earn the artifacts, participating in town battles, having access to VvV traps, VvV mount, VvV robe and having my character and guild on the war board - that's plenty of bonus for my added risk and none of those put the rest of the player base at a disadvantage.
This isn't a situation like on prodo shards where you have all these "VvVers" in tram, using artifacts, completely insured and completely untouchable.
This is a major issue in the eyes of non VvV players but only a minor one for those in VvV - so compromise and move forward, make some positive changes for the shard and community as a whole.