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Vendor fees are so outrageous people are shutting theirs down


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The rapid decline of vendors in-game is just plain sad, especially non-luna vendors which pretty much don't exist anymore.

The point of vendors is to be able to sell many goods long-term. If you want to sell a single item you can spam the bank. The problem is that the fees are so ridiculous that people are actually losing money on their vendors. My vendor which I recently had to shut down, was moderately stocked with decent goods. My vendor fee was 750k per day, which is straight up insane. My runic armor and weapons were a few mil a piece, so I sell one per day on a good day. It's just not worth it, I spend more time giving my vendor checks than taking them off.

I can't even imagine the real high end vendors stocked with 40+ mil jewels and weapons. The point is that the fees outweigh the profits, especially in non-luna areas. They need to be adjusted, or you will see more and more bank spammers and less vendors. Almost 1 million gold per fee day is asinine.
No offense but based on what the OP said he has no idea how to run a vendor and appears to have "Luna" issues.

He states that he is selling "runic" armor worth in the millions and losing gold?
Runic armor(depending on the type of runic)is at the very top of the value chain. If you are dealing at the top you should damn well know what you are doing.

Hrmmm, does he maybe have alot of time to play Uo now because his rl overpriced Mercedes dealership located in the middle of nowhere went under?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No offense but based on what the OP said he has no idea how to run a vendor and appears to have "Luna" issues.

He states that he is selling "runic" armor worth in the millions and losing gold?
Runic armor(depending on the type of runic)is at the very top of the value chain. If you are dealing at the top you should damn well know what you are doing.

Hrmmm, does he maybe have alot of time to play Uo now because his rl overpriced Mercedes dealership located in the middle of nowhere went under?
No one wanted to buy his emu eggs, actually. :p

To be fair, you can have an item that is worth what someone will pay for it, but bringing together the item with the buyer can be a trial, and when you are a player who has been exposed to the simplicity of an exchange type system as exists in most of the newer MMOs you will find the vendor system in UO leaves a bit to be desired.

Vendor fees are a fantastic gold sink and a great way to tax the rich (so to speak). I'd still be in favor of a system that would let you put items valued under, say, 5k on the vendor for no fees, or a small, one time price shot. There is absolutely no incentive for people to run vendors for dinky stuff like repair deeds or consumables, except as an incentive to bring in customers.*

* Why yes, most of the vendors I have sell dinky things priced under 5k. Why do you ask? :D


No offense but based on what the OP said he has no idea how to run a vendor and appears to have "Luna" issues.

He states that he is selling "runic" armor worth in the millions and losing gold?
Runic armor(depending on the type of runic)is at the very top of the value chain. If you are dealing at the top you should damn well know what you are doing.

Hrmmm, does he maybe have alot of time to play Uo now because his rl overpriced Mercedes dealership located in the middle of nowhere went under?
What a stupid post.

People need specific pieces for their suits. With val hammers being 20+ mil, a few million for specific runic pieces is perfectly normal, and the sell time is long term because its not every day someone comes along needed an exact piece.

My stuff is not overpriced, that's a stupid argument to begin with. It's supply and demand, people DO pay my prices, but not as often as the ridiculous vendor fees can keep up with.


What a stupid post.

People need specific pieces for their suits. With val hammers being 20+ mil, a few million for specific runic pieces is perfectly normal, and the sell time is long term because its not every day someone comes along needed an exact piece.

My stuff is not overpriced, that's a stupid argument to begin with. It's supply and demand, people DO pay my prices, but not as often as the ridiculous vendor fees can keep up with.
Sounds like you need to hit the pavement with your wares and drum up business.

What your talking about now is clear. You have stuff. You have to find buyers.

Dumping it on a vendor is not the best way to sell high end pieces.

Hit the pavement man. Time to spam away. Drop runes daily. Become a high end armour dealer that the world knows about.

The Home Guild

Nahhhhhhh vendor fees are spot on...

Jeepers the poor sods stand there all day selling your stuff - never moaning!! and you want to pay em less....pay em peanuts!!! u try standing at the bank all day for less than 100-200k for the whole day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nay lad nayyyyy....if vendor fees get reduced i will call on the NUV to strike!!!

national union of vendors........no no no to pay cuts...no no no
you sniff/huff paint/gas or any meth product when you were a kid?
Just wondering.


What a stupid post.

People need specific pieces for their suits. With val hammers being 20+ mil, a few million for specific runic pieces is perfectly normal, and the sell time is long term because its not every day someone comes along needed an exact piece.
True, but if by "a few million" you mean prices like the 45 mil that I saw for some pieces on Atlantic, then you're shooting yourself in the foot. They sure weren't worth 45 mil, regardless of what shard they were on. Since sell time can be long term on runic armor, it would seem that some face to face customer relations would be in order. Put out a few choice pieces to show off your stock, then drop a bunch of runes and wait for your customers to show up. Tell them you've got more in stock if they don't find exactly what they're needing on the vendor. If you just toss things out on a vendor for 5 mil each and let it sit by itself, then you've only got yourself to blame for getting hit for 750k/day vendor fees.

My stuff is not overpriced, that's a stupid argument to begin with. It's supply and demand, people DO pay my prices, but not as often as the ridiculous vendor fees can keep up with.
It's not a stupid argument when people feel that simply having 20 LRC and something being made from Barbed Leather justify 10 mil, even though the total resists are lower than anything I'd pick up as loot off a monster. You might get faster sales if you tried lowering your prices some.

Aside from this, what Raven said is dead on.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Conor, I tired to explain to others in this thread the same things you said. Just because someone will pay super high prices for an item, dosent mean it has that *value*. All I got in return were insults.



Conor, I tired to explain to others in this thread the same things you said. Just because someone will pay super high prices for an item, dosent mean it has that *value*. All I got in return were insults.

Eh, no worries. I don't seem to have any problems at all with vendor fees, nor did I have problems when I sold the near 300 pcs of runic armor I made several weeks ago. If people don't want to listen to those who have already been where they're having troubles, then it's their own fault and they can happily watch their gold go down the tubes and/or come here and pancake about it.


Conor, I tired to explain to others in this thread the same things you said. Just because someone will pay super high prices for an item, dosent mean it has that *value*. All I got in return were insults.

Your posts have nothing in common with Connors. Your are complaining about things you do not understand.

All I got in return were insults.
Get thicker skin, if you feel people have rubbed you the wrong way, its the way you have presented yourself. Your ignorant comments towards items in the last post I quoted you shows that.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Dude, I am sorry if I insulted you in any way. We disagree on a single issue. That's ok. That's what makes America great. We can disagree and still hold a civil discussion, cant we?

Lets forget about any items. Vendors charge what, like 6% a day? Do you think that is too much? I don't have any problem with the fees. 6% of one million is 60k. That's not too bad as a per day charge. 6% of 1 billion? That is indeed a large sum of gold. So what do you think would be reasonable?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lowering vendor fees would benefit UO. Less fees means more things being sold on vendors, more vendors, more players selling things, and more players spending time shopping. Things would be more active on all shards. Dead = no good. Active = good.

Fees were lowered on Seige. The same logic that applied for lowering fees on Seige applies also to production shards.

To the OP, it sounds like you dont have enough time to market your non-Luna vendors. It takes a significant amount of time to do it properly. Simply rent the cheapest decent vendor spot in Luna, drop runes in high traffic locations each weekend, and you will be set.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

Vendor fees are fine. If you're paying 750,000 gold per day and are losing money in that fashion, you are doing something HORRIBLY wrong... either selling the wrong stuff or asking WAY too much for what you are selling.

I took mine down due to lack of sales, not because of the vendor fees, but because the location I am no longer has the traffic it used to have, thus I had items that sat for several months (and could have sat for MUCH longer had I wanted).

At most I had a few thousand gold per day as a vendor fee (and that was loading the vendor up with BOD rewards (powders and hammers)), I have never even gotten anywhere near 100,000 per day much less 750k per day.

If I were to take the time and keep stocks up and do the promotion, I could raise business, but that's not my focus in game right now.

I would still like to see some sort of centralization of player sales (other than Luna), but the fees really aren't a big deal.


Site Support
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Charging the going rate is now greedy? If you put items up for cheaper people will likely buy to resell. Then you end up with much less than if you sold for the going rate.
In so many words YES. It's a reflection of the person or persons that established the "Going Rate"'s greed. That is the source of your inflation, it's not OMG HE'S GOT 1 BAZILLION GOLD. It's someone decided to try to get as much of that gold from that person as possible and established a new "High" end for the cost of that item. A Secondary cause is Lazy People...Yep you heard it LAZY PEOPLE who log in stock vendors log off, contribute nothing to their shards community, care less about other players, and are driven only by GREED for GOLD that is in reality pretty much worthless...I can't buy a Whopper with UO Gold now can I?

This is a problem tied to inflation. An item that once cost 5,000 gold is now selling for 2 million. When it was 5,000 gold it only cost 10 gold per day to keep on a vendor. Now it costs 4,000 gold per day.
Players are the cause of Inflation, not vendor fees. You could very well still sell that item for 5k gold. People choose not to out of Greed Period.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
i always charge insanely less because i got the item for free.
so i end up making a ton. but yeah. i know what you mean.


i always charge insanely less because i got the item for free.
so i end up making a ton. but yeah. i know what you mean.
You my friend have GM'd merchanting. Sell based on what you pay for it. Profit is relative to only that. Nice work.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's been very weird for me watching this thread grow like it has.

Maybe I'm weird....I prefer to sell low and make the quick sale; get the cash in my pocket. Vendor fees have almost never been an issue for me. I currently have a Luna vendor and a non-Luna vendor. Right now I think both have been pretty under-stocked for a long time; I really need to find some Replicas soon.

I, for one, would never run a non-Luna vendor with multiple items selling for millions. You'd have to be gating or passing out runes an awful lot to get the traffic in.

-Galen's player


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No offense but based on what the OP said he has no idea how to run a vendor and appears to have "Luna" issues.

He states that he is selling "runic" armor worth in the millions and losing gold?
Runic armor(depending on the type of runic)is at the very top of the value chain. If you are dealing at the top you should damn well know what you are doing.

Hrmmm, does he maybe have alot of time to play Uo now because his rl overpriced Mercedes dealership located in the middle of nowhere went under?
What a stupid post.

People need specific pieces for their suits. With val hammers being 20+ mil, a few million for specific runic pieces is perfectly normal, and the sell time is long term because its not every day someone comes along needed an exact piece.

My stuff is not overpriced, that's a stupid argument to begin with. It's supply and demand, people DO pay my prices, but not as often as the ridiculous vendor fees can keep up with.
The entire premise of your post is stupid. I completely agree.

You sound like an even bigger fool each time you reply :(

So it seems that you want to burn/sell the most precious & valuable items ingame(high-end runics)but dont wanna take any time to sell them in person and dont want to pay any substantial vendor fees? Hrmmm, anything else you want just handed to you on a silver platter asap? Just what Uo needs more of. Not!!

Worse though is that you are not even pricing them to sell quickly. You want the luxury of being able to overprice your items and let them sit on your vendor forever. In the hopes of gouging the person that needs that specific piece? Lol, you are quite the tool.

Peace :)


Maybe I'm weird....I prefer to sell low and make the quick sale; get the cash in my pocket.
Not weird at all. This is the premise for all of my vendors, and is the reason why my non-Luna vendor house has been so successful. I've been told by many people that do have Luna vendors that I need to raise my prices because a lot of my items are being bought then resold in Luna for a markup. They don't seem to understand that I move the items almost immediately, and make a lot more of a profit on the markup (and realize that profit almost immediately) than the person that buys and resells, yet don't overprice anything. I got the item for free, so I make 100% profit out of it, while someone else might make 10% by reselling, plus have to pay vendor fees if it doesn't sell the first day that I didn't have to.