No offense but based on what the OP said he has no idea how to run a vendor and appears to have "Luna" issues.The rapid decline of vendors in-game is just plain sad, especially non-luna vendors which pretty much don't exist anymore.
The point of vendors is to be able to sell many goods long-term. If you want to sell a single item you can spam the bank. The problem is that the fees are so ridiculous that people are actually losing money on their vendors. My vendor which I recently had to shut down, was moderately stocked with decent goods. My vendor fee was 750k per day, which is straight up insane. My runic armor and weapons were a few mil a piece, so I sell one per day on a good day. It's just not worth it, I spend more time giving my vendor checks than taking them off.
I can't even imagine the real high end vendors stocked with 40+ mil jewels and weapons. The point is that the fees outweigh the profits, especially in non-luna areas. They need to be adjusted, or you will see more and more bank spammers and less vendors. Almost 1 million gold per fee day is asinine.
He states that he is selling "runic" armor worth in the millions and losing gold?
Runic armor(depending on the type of runic)is at the very top of the value chain. If you are dealing at the top you should damn well know what you are doing.
Hrmmm, does he maybe have alot of time to play Uo now because his rl overpriced Mercedes dealership located in the middle of nowhere went under?