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Vendor fees are so outrageous people are shutting theirs down



Maybe it would make sense, to adjust fees based on the single item prices - reduce the fees for low price items and increase them for high end stuff.

I.e. if an item costs:
0-25000 GP the vendor fees for these items would be 0, thus supporting stocking items in the lower price range without loosing money, if the stuff is not instantly sold.
25001 - 100000 GP next level, half of the current vendor fee for these parts
100001 - 1000000 GP next level at current vendor fee for these parts
1000001 - 10000000 GP double of the current vendor fee for these parts
> 10000000 GP triple the current vendor fee for these parts

(And fix the current workarounds to circumvent the penalty.)

Ah a free thinker. Out of the box.

Great point. You could make no vendor fees for items under 25k. Basic supplies and such. This way tinkers and smiths can make money. It allows for a logical play style. Alchemist etc that make lower cost items.

Once you get to 25001, the vendor fee system kicks in.

GREAT COMPROMISE. Great idea. I actually think the Devs will doe this.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Vendor fees also keep players from exploiting the Vendor system. If there were no fees, players would load vendors up with all kinds of items at ridiculously high prices so they wouldn't need to store the stuff in a house or their bank box.
Like they do with BoDs


Like they do with BoDs
Bods are, and have been for years, legal to store on vendors. There's no comparing bod storage and item storage as if you had to store bods in your house, the house would be full to overflowing within a couple of months or less.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That may be the ONE thing I liked about WoW better than UO... I LOVED the auction house system in WoW. It became a game within itself due to how it gave a centralized (non-government version of "centralized") method of selling items.
You know, if they made an AH for every city, and did NOT link them all together, I think that'd be very good for UO. It'd get people going to cities other than Luna again. It'd also be a guarantee that a certain amount of money is ciphered out of the economy for every item sold. Vendor fees of course do this, but the sting would be less if it were an item-by-item basis.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bods are, and have been for years, legal to store on vendors. There's no comparing bod storage and item storage as if you had to store bods in your house, the house would be full to overflowing within a couple of months or less.
An item is an item. I do quite a number of bods myself and don't need to use vendors like that.

And yes, there is comparing. It's an item, just like rings, bracelets, t-maps.....ect.

I don't see any special containers or lack of restricitons for them.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

If vendor fees are removed, the prices on everything will go up significantly higher. Not the other way around.

1) Vendor fees = biggest gold sink in UO. Removing it means increased gold supply = more inflation.

2) Vendor feels = incentive to not let your item sit on vendor forever and ever till you find that one fool who is willing to shell out your super high price.

I pay approximately 3-4M gold a day on vendor fees. That adds up to 90 to 120M gold a month, more than a billion gold annually. If I did not have to do that I would never lower the prices of items and I would have even more gold to spend on nothing.
That is not true - that assumes that someone would ever pay your inflated price. TRUE vendors would price competitively to get the item sold.

Again - charge a percentage on the sale (like 10%) and get rid of daily fees.

Who cares about storage. I can go down to best buy and buy a Terabyte Hard Drive for $100 which would store every UO shard and every item on it in an Oracle DB.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
charge a percentage on the sale (like 10%) and get rid of daily fees.
At least one more person agrees with me :)
And this makes sense, the seller (vendor) gets a commission on what he sells, instead of charging you storage fees.

Make it happen devs ;)

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
750K per day means you have a lot of what most players think is junk and refuse to buy it. Just because it is made with a Runic does not mean it is worth 1mill +. Why do people but stuff on vendors made with runics and think that it is worth the cost of the charge no matter how bad it is.


At least one more person agrees with me :)
And this makes sense, the seller (vendor) gets a commission on what he sells, instead of charging you storage fees.

Make it happen devs ;)
Luckily, this is not a democracy. Gold sinks are good for UO and we have far too few of them as is. Tomas is right, this is the best way UO has to remove currency from circulation and slow inflation.

When you can get straight currency at 100k+ an hour off monsters, per player.... We need a lot of gold to be removed.

The vendor fee system is already scaled. I used to sell arties until I ran out, my vendor fees were a few 100k a day. I now sell BoS and petballs, my vendor fee is like 10k a day or something very similar (or would be if I didn't sell out daily). 1/500th (vendor fee) of a 10k keg is 20 gold (+60 for normal daily free-fee). If you consider that, people already CAN make money moving low cost comsumables, perhaps more money than the big ticket items.

If anything needs to happen, its a really really big gold sink to deflate our economy followed by a drastic reduction in monster direct-currency payout. Monsters should be killed primarily for marketable goods, not currency. Perhaps crafting ingredients? It could be that this is the plan for SA with imbueing/unraveling.


You are so far off your blinded.
The going rate is whatever can be had.- its all relative. The item that cost 1 million years ago now cost 20 million.
I'm not blind , but you are only able to look backwards instead of looking ahead.

1) Ban dupes and their accounts deleting all dupes.

2) Remove all the excess gold from the game.

Create a game so new players and returning players can play w/o having to rely on gold sellers for 10's of millions of gold.

Trying to simply say its relative is what is "blind" , blind to the fact that there was duping 10 years ago and "blind" to the history of dupers/gold sellers ruining UO.


I can show anyone how to make 10 million a week by selling items. Its simple. THERE is no need to buy gold. People usually buy gold because they have the cash and want to play other parts of the game. Leave them alone.

And I'll bet you 10 million gold it cant be done by anyone and everyone w/o a gold seller involved in the process.


It was probably Luna vendors calling for the change. It does benefit them most. Because now they have no competition at all.


I'm not blind , but you are only able to look backwards instead of looking ahead.

1) Ban dupes and their accounts deleting all dupes.

2) Remove all the excess gold from the game.

Create a game so new players and returning players can play w/o having to rely on gold sellers for 10's of millions of gold.

Trying to simply say its relative is what is "blind" , blind to the fact that there was duping 10 years ago and "blind" to the history of dupers/gold sellers ruining UO.

NO ONE HAS TO RELY on gold sellers. GEEZ. Sorry if you believe that, you dont know how to play. Any new characture (if they feel like playing) can jump into the million gold economy and be up and going in a month or 2. HELL, I give new players that seem legit 1 milllion to start.

Learn the game - make gold. End of story.

By they way its all relative because a new player comes into the game... He goes to a champspawn. Hangs with some vets. Kills spawn. Participates with killing champ. GETS A COOL COOL RELIC worth 20 million. Yeah 20 million he can put on a vendor for 15 million. YES cheaper and now he has 15 million.

He can create a faction characture, collect silver, sell that. Make lots of gold.

What do you mean you have to rely on gold sellers to play? If you mean you start today and want everything high end by next week, WELL DUH you need to rely on gold sellers. If you want to learn the game a play a month. YOU DONT.

I spent 10 years acquiring gold. And you want to remove it for what reason?

Cause in your head is seems more realistic to pay 10k for a great sword instead of 1 million. People that buy gold will buy gold. Instead of paying $20 for 20 million. Theyd pay $20 for 1 million if the gold was removed from the game. Thats relative. You just dont understand.

Dude so your remove the gold. In a few years its back. So what - you remove it again? You solution is short sighted.

Create sinks for gold.

Though I do agree ban dupers. But by the time they find them the gold is spread out through the economy. And yes duping has been around for 10 years. The worst one was in the last 3 years. CHECKS.

All they have to do is create some items for people to by that dont unbalance the game.

Gold would be spent and go away.


And I'll bet you 10 million gold it cant be done by anyone and everyone w/o a gold seller involved in the process.
You dont know how to play.

Give me the parameters of your test. Ill do it.

Ask someone for help.
They give you gold.
Set up a vendor.
Collect silver.
Sell silver.
Buy more silver.

Youd have 10 million in 7 days.

Why can I do this? Because I learned to sell. I can teach a brand new player what to sell.


I can show anyone how to make 10 million a week by selling items. Its simple. THERE is no need to buy gold. People usually buy gold because they have the cash and want to play other parts of the game. Leave them alone.

And I'll bet you 10 million gold it cant be done by anyone and everyone w/o a gold seller involved in the process.
I'd take that bet, and would know it wouldn't be gambling to do so.


I'd take that bet, and would know it wouldn't be gambling to do so.
They're saying that, even if you don't have to buy gold to get started, someone throwing around that much gold probably got some from a goldseller.

Not that there's anything particularly wrong with that. I think newer players in particular should buy some gold as way to get started. It can be depressing, when you're only able to make like 100k a week and everything you want is multi-millions. I remember that feeling, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I eventually did buy gold when I needed it as a new player.

Now I'm in more of a position to sell it, and in greater quantities than I ever bought. There are lots of ways to make money in this game, but very few of them are open to new players, and the ones that are don't pay off nearly as well.

I tried to farm some BoS on my newbie SP character... omg what a nightmare. You forget how hard this stuff is to do when you're new and have no resources. I'm guessing I'll have to sell leather for now, if I'm going to get serious on SP, because that's about all I can do with no skill above 80.

Those of us that've been around for a while forget that the first time you GM something, it takes a while. That new players don't yet know how to make that money. And that's why goldsellers prosper.

Does the current value of gold make life easy on gold sellers? You bet. When gold was $15 a mil, it was a lot harder to earn and there was less in circulation. Less money changed hands, as a whole. Back then, it was a struggle to sell a 20 mil item. Its not anymore. Sure, gold is worth less but the demand is higher because the goldsellers are very very smart about how they make their money, and most players just wanna do what they wanna do when they wanna do it. For them, paying $20 to get enough cash for that weapon of uberness is far preferable than spending a few days farming for it. Besides, someone else could've gotten it by then.

In summary, for the new player or the lazy/casual player that wants to play at the fullest, goldsellers are necessary and in especially high demand in the current economic state.


why don't the devs make a new item you can only buy from a NPC for a 100 mill called a ( wait for it ) a gold sink

basicly a house decoration which is a sink thats gold

i want 5% profit from each one if its implemented thou LOL


A gold-sink is what the high vendor fees essentially equate to right now - but I like the idea of a Gold Sink - we need a Gold Bath and Toilet too come to think of it!!


A gold-sink is what the high vendor fees essentially equate to right now - but I like the idea of a Gold Sink - we need a Gold Bath and Toilet too come to think of it!!

Don't forget my 5% !!!!!!!!

i just popped into my head when i was reading this thread and i thought it was funny to be honest , i fully expected to be flamed for it LOL


NO ONE HAS TO RELY on gold sellers. GEEZ. Sorry if you believe that, you dont know how to play. Any new characture (if they feel like playing) can jump into the million gold economy and be up and going in a month or 2.
2 months ?? you said a week , going back on your word already , that was quick !

RavenWinterHawk said:
I can show anyone how to make 10 million a week
By they way its all relative because a new player comes into the game... He goes to a champspawn. Hangs with some vets. Kills spawn. Participates with killing champ. GETS A COOL COOL RELIC worth 20 million. Yeah 20 million he can put on a vendor for 15 million. YES cheaper and now he has 15 million.
Well I know we are talking about a "fantasy" game but can you bend real time too ?
What you suggest is ridiculous ! There is no way any number of new players are all going to be able to go to any champ spawn and all get relics they all can sell for 15 million.
What do you mean you have to rely on gold sellers to play? If you mean you start today and want everything high end by next week, WELL DUH you need to rely on gold sellers.
Umm ... it was YOU that said they could , now your contradicting yourself , agreeing with me , that it would require a gold seller , you just pwned yourself.

Cause in your head is seems more realistic to pay 10k for a great sword instead of 1 million. People that buy gold will buy gold. Instead of paying $20 for 20 million. Theyd pay $20 for 1 million if the gold was removed from the game. Thats relative.
The point you are missing is the perspective of a new mmo player. If UO is going to attract new players those people need some reasonable expectation that they will be able to play higher game content at a closer or equal footing with other players within the game itself ,w/o having to purchase gold.


Millions of gold for not high-end gear is your problem.

I see vendors in luna just rotting with no sales, and it's because they somehow expect to get a million for a mediocre piece of leather armor.

You also have to realize that not everyone who is playing this game has millions of millions of gold so that they can casually toss around a mil for random armor.

I tend to support a vendor that sell decent armor for around 10k, then really charge for the amazing stuff; and they always seem to have lots of commerce, even though they aren't necessarily in luna.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Can someone explain this to me? It just make no sense. I just dont see how its worth 72.5 million.

This is of course in Luna.



Can someone explain this to me? It just make no sense. I just dont see how its worth 72.5 million.

This is of course in Luna.

You should take this up with the crafter , his sense of humor should be better than his prices :ten:


The problem of high vendor fees isn't overpriced goods.

That's completely illogical. Someone said its incentive to not leave goods on a vendor for a long time... but that's entirely the point of a vendor.

Want my fix? Make the fees commission at time of sale, not a daily fee based on prices, it doesn't make any sense.

Wraith One

Just running some numbers past you all.

An item for sale at 100mil has a vendor fee of 600k per day. That is exactly 0.6%.
you still aren't losing profit. you might lose some base costs for keeping the vendor alive to sell it. you would have to keep that single item on the vendor longer than 150 days to lose the full value of it. 10 days at 600k per day is only 6 mil. once that item sells you have 100mil minus 6 that still leaves you 94 mil. Mind you this doesn't count the base cost of having a vendor which is 60gp per day when its empty. Now, lets look at something lower in value. An item valued at 10k has a vendor cost of 60gp. Omg its the same 0.6%, but lets look closer. 10 days of 60gp is 600gp. Everything is still the same. You still have to have that item up on the vendor for over 150 days to lose the value of it. profit is still made. Now, someone said 10% of the base value of said item being sold. 10% of 100mil that is pretty simple its 10mil. Lets compare the 2. 10mil right after the sale, and 0.6% per day. It would take the 0.6% daily 16 days to rack up a bigger vendor fee to be more than 10 mil upon sale, while 10 mil can remain on the vendor a lifetime. So the Devs implementing the 0.6% actually is a bigger sink whole than a base percentage upon sale given that you don't sell the item before 16 days. Lowering the said value of an item doesn't decrease the percentage of fees just the overall cost of having it on the vendor.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just running some numbers past you all.

An item for sale at 100mil has a vendor fee of 600k per day. That is exactly 0.6%.
you still aren't losing profit. you might lose some base costs for keeping the vendor alive to sell it. you would have to keep that single item on the vendor longer than 150 days to lose the full value of it. 10 days at 600k per day is only 6 mil. once that item sells you have 100mil minus 6 that still leaves you 94 mil. Mind you this doesn't count the base cost of having a vendor which is 60gp per day when its empty. Now, lets look at something lower in value. An item valued at 10k has a vendor cost of 60gp. Omg its the same 0.6%, but lets look closer. 10 days of 60gp is 600gp. Everything is still the same. You still have to have that item up on the vendor for over 150 days to lose the value of it. profit is still made. Now, someone said 10% of the base value of said item being sold. 10% of 100mil that is pretty simple its 10mil. Lets compare the 2. 10mil right after the sale, and 0.6% per day. It would take the 0.6% daily 16 days to rack up a bigger vendor fee to be more than 10 mil upon sale, while 10 mil can remain on the vendor a lifetime. So the Devs implementing the 0.6% actually is a bigger sink whole than a base percentage upon sale given that you don't sell the item before 16 days. Lowering the said value of an item doesn't decrease the percentage of fees just the overall cost of having it on the vendor.
I don't think anyone is arguing that the .6% is a bigger gold sink. The issue is the bigger the gold sink the more you have to inflate the cost of a good to cover your selling costs.

The problem is as less people play the game - there are less vendors around and if things don't sell right away - whats the point of having a vendor? Before you know it - your vendor costs kill any profit.

You want an exercise in frustration? Try starting a new char on a less played shard.

I was working a char on Legends. I had money to spend and COULD NOT FIND A SPELLBOOK to purchase for like 2 hours. Finally asked a player and they made me one.

How much fun is that for a new player?

I even used the dreaded 'search tool' for luna and not a single filled spellbook for sale. Why? Because it might sit for 2 months there before selling and by then its not worth selling.

Vendoring has gotten really bad and you can't seem to find even simple stuff to buy that is needed.

If I start a new char on a shard - i don't want to have to create a scribe to get a full spellbook. Thats insane.

Vendoring is a mess and it is discouraging play.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can someone explain this to me? It just make no sense. I just dont see how its worth 72.5 million.

This is of course in Luna.


That's expensive but it's also really good i mean it covers the most needed resists for a PvP mage, has max LMC and near max LRC and basically near-perfect resist mods if not perfect. Should probably be 25 mil or so for the average user, but I mean some people are billionaires, some people have 100s of billions by now. And it happened before the recent gold changes, rofl, imagine now. Prices on Atlantic are crazy-high though versus other shards.

There's a shield being sold on Origin right now all it is is GM made with gold ingots, SC-0, and it's being sold for 1.5 mil. Ahahahaha.

People will charge what they think they can get for an item, simple as that. I bought a Night's Kiss for 20k and then I made 45k killing spawn with it in the next hour, sounds about right to me. Yep, that's right, I'll never be rich ;D but can enjoy the simple buys in life!


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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That is not true - that assumes that someone would ever pay your inflated price. TRUE vendors would price competitively to get the item sold.

Again - charge a percentage on the sale (like 10%) and get rid of daily fees.

Who cares about storage. I can go down to best buy and buy a Terabyte Hard Drive for $100 which would store every UO shard and every item on it in an Oracle DB.
Umm what is not true? I made two distinct points.

In regards to your storage spiel, I am sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about.

Theo_GL; said:
I was working a char on Legends. I had money to spend and COULD NOT FIND A SPELLBOOK to purchase for like 2 hours. Finally asked a player and they made me one.
And the reason you did not find a single spellbook is because there are very few people who bother to sell them nowadays. The reason for this is because in the current economy, not many care about 10k gold. It has absolutely nothing to do with vendor fees. Removing vendor fees would create more inflation, thereby making spell book vendors even more pointless and scarce.

Please think through before trying to make connections where none exist.


I don't think anyone is arguing that the .6% is a bigger gold sink. The issue is the bigger the gold sink the more you have to inflate the cost of a good to cover your selling costs.

The problem is as less people play the game - there are less vendors around and if things don't sell right away - whats the point of having a vendor? Before you know it - your vendor costs kill any profit.

You want an exercise in frustration? Try starting a new char on a less played shard.

I was working a char on Legends. I had money to spend and COULD NOT FIND A SPELLBOOK to purchase for like 2 hours. Finally asked a player and they made me one.

How much fun is that for a new player?

I even used the dreaded 'search tool' for luna and not a single filled spellbook for sale. Why? Because it might sit for 2 months there before selling and by then its not worth selling.

Vendoring has gotten really bad and you can't seem to find even simple stuff to buy that is needed.

If I start a new char on a shard - i don't want to have to create a scribe to get a full spellbook. Thats insane.

Vendoring is a mess and it is discouraging play.

You wanted to buy a spellbook because you dont feel like doing the work to make one. I dont blame you. I dont want to do it either.

The crafters make maybe 5k a full spell book. I can say to players at a bank can you lend me some gold and youll get 50k in 2 minutes. NO profit in spellbooks.

Crafters arent pulling their spellbooks off because of vendor fees, its just not profitable. When you can go to champspawn and pick up 30k, why spend the time making spellbooks.

There are some nice rune vendors on atlantic that do runes, filled rune books, and spellbooks. Thats their thing. But when they are out, its hard to find stuff like that.

No profit really. Plus the other problem is spellbooks never wear out. And if you have a full spellbook you can hold an empty spellbook of undead slaying and get the full use of it.

See. 1 spellbook last forever and you can thus use any other type of spellbook. A minor fix is needed.


DING !! We have a winner ! :cheerleader:
I never bought gold and I have stupid amounts of gold.

You guys dont get you can be brand new, get a spawn drop and have 20 million in a blink of an eye.

You also dont get the gold never leaves the game. So we accumulate tons of gold even without duping.

If there is no place to spend it? What happens? That is spend and remove it.

A love all the people that think players that have stuff buy it via real cash. Silly really. The game is quite easy to acquire items and wealth.


I can't even imagine the real high end vendors stocked with 40+ mil jewels and weapons. The point is that the fees outweigh the profits, especially in non-luna areas. They need to be adjusted, or you will see more and more bank spammers and less vendors. Almost 1 million gold per fee day is asinine.
If someone duped a val hammer, then I could see why you would put a 60mil plate arms on a vendor. If I received a val hammer through the BOD system , I personally would keep everything I made with it.

IMHO it's sad however that the duping was not fixed , but the prices on vendors were. IMHO vendor prices has nothing to do with inflation. It has everything to do with all these new item properties that keep getting added every expansion. If they would work on bug fixes and balancing instead of adding all this new crap ever expansion , vendor prices would have never gotten so out of control

Now we're going to have gargoyles and imbuing...



Nice JA. I use them to move my unbought wealth around UO.

Wraith One

Originally Posted by Theo GL
You want an exercise in frustration? Try starting a new char on a less played shard.
I actually have. I've done it more than once and still I seem to walk away from it with over 100mil in gold or items in a month's time. I don't start out buying gold either, or tokens. I build straight from scratch. Its all a matter of how you play.


I actually have. I've done it more than once and still I seem to walk away from it with over 100mil in gold or items in a month's time. I don't start out buying gold either, or tokens. I build straight from scratch. Its all a matter of how you play.
I did the same thing on chessy. Even found kind people that gave me a free vendor in luna. Someone else gave me a house. Very cool people.

How did I do it. I made a beggar and begged the rares items 2 years ago. It worked. I sold. I spent gold on stuff to resell.

Id be curious how you made yours.

Der Rock

Can someone explain this to me? It just make no sense. I just dont see how its worth 72.5 million.

This is of course in Luna.

NO explanation needed here,
who in the hell cares what the price is!
if u dont need it DONT buy it! sound easy or not.
it IS NOT your item,so the seller can price what ever HE want!
the ongoing complaining of the have-not destroy this game :wall:

HINT : people who cant effort such prices should ingnore those vendors, it is NOT their class,they should search for wall-mart vendors .


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
NO explanation needed here,
who in the hell cares what the price is!
if u dont need it DONT buy it! sound easy or not.
it IS NOT your item,so the seller can price what ever HE want!
the ongoing complaining of the have-not destroy this game :wall:

HINT : people who cant effort such prices should ingnore those vendors, it is NOT their class,they should search for wall-mart vendors .
Sorry if my post came off as a complaint. It is not intended to be. I read this post and went to Luna and looked at some vendors. This jumped out at me is all. And I agree, the owner can price any item at any price they want. I was simply curious as to what makes it worth 72.5 million gold. In my opnion (I know, whos cares what I think) its not worth 1 million gold. But hey, you can price anything at any price. Have fun paying the millions in vendor fees.


Sorry if my post came off as a complaint. It is not intended to be. I read this post and went to Luna and looked at some vendors. This jumped out at me is all. And I agree, the owner can price any item at any price they want. I was simply curious as to what makes it worth 72.5 million gold. In my opnion (I know, whos cares what I think) its not worth 1 million gold. But hey, you can price anything at any price. Have fun paying the millions in vendor fees.
And thats why they have vendor fees. You price it as you wish and you pay the vendor fees upfront.

This is a perfect example of why the system is just fine.


Sorry if my post came off as a complaint. It is not intended to be. I read this post and went to Luna and looked at some vendors. This jumped out at me is all. And I agree, the owner can price any item at any price they want. I was simply curious as to what makes it worth 72.5 million gold. In my opnion (I know, whos cares what I think) its not worth 1 million gold. But hey, you can price anything at any price. Have fun paying the millions in vendor fees.
9/10 it was made via a duped valorite hammer and hence you SHOULD complain about it

If his high end stuff is priced this high , his low end stuff is still 5 mil...
What that means is EVERYONE is pricing their items similar to this person, which destroys the economy. A Person then goes to a gold seller to buy gold with real $$$ (which they got probably from duped bank checks)


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Nahhhhhhh vendor fees are spot on...

Jeepers the poor sods stand there all day selling your stuff - never moaning!! and you want to pay em less....pay em peanuts!!! u try standing at the bank all day for less than 100-200k for the whole day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nay lad nayyyyy....if vendor fees get reduced i will call on the NUV to strike!!!

national union of vendors........no no no to pay cuts...no no no


NO explanation needed here,
who in the hell cares what the price is!
if u dont need it DONT buy it! sound easy or not.
it IS NOT your item,so the seller can price what ever HE want!
the ongoing complaining of the have-not destroy this game :wall:

HINT : people who cant effort such prices should ingnore those vendors, it is NOT their class,they should search for wall-mart vendors .
English may not be Der Rocks first language, but his point is crystal clear and is 100% correct.

That same vendor that has those arms, sold a gorget last week for a cool 90mil. Ergo, people can and will buy items such as those, because THEY feel its worth it.


You guys dont get you can be brand new, get a spawn drop and have 20 million in a blink of an eye.
No, you can't, because you cannot do sufficient damage to a champion or survive the spawn in general. Before someone says "protection", you can't do that either because you don't have the Justice virtue as a new player-- Need to kill reds for that, which a newbie CANNOT do.

You also dont get the gold never leaves the game. So we accumulate tons of gold even without duping.
I think most of us understand that, and that's why no one is suggesting vendor fees be done away with. Personally, I think they're fine as-is.

A love all the people that think players that have stuff buy it via real cash. Silly really. The game is quite easy to acquire items and wealth.
Its not when you're a genuinely new player. If you don't know the tricks, this game is incredibly daunting to start. All the content is endgame, and to perform in UO Endgame you need gear we never even imagined you could actually obtain when I started back with AoS. The prices for these peices are generally seven or eight digits, when the best a new player can do (again, without knowing the tricks of the trade), is get about 300 or so off an earth elemental.

Think back. Remember how long your first GM skill took? Those of you who came after ren, remember the first time you heard the horror movie noise of going into fel and saw all the intimidating tombstones and dead trees? The boogy-man PK stories?

Have any of you ever TRIED a champ spawn with lower than GM skills? What about being raided? I don't know about you guys, but I get raided almost every time I try to do a champ on atl (no guild affiliation).

I started a character years ago on... uh... Well, some server that was up when atl wasn't. I managed to get 60k for a paragon artifact I got off of a paragon skeleton, and that set me for my character creation. Now, that same artifact is almost completely worthless, the drop rates from low-fame paragons are incredibly small, and the worthwhile gear is actually more expensive than it was then. How, then, does this new player expect to get a start toward competitive gear?

To that end, they put in faction artifacts... But now you're a target whenever you go to feluca (even to "blues", which are now orange to you) and get made fun of if you stay in Trammel except to farm silver. What would you do as a newby? Stay away.

So, in conclusion, without some lucky break or a random vet to show you the ropes, you're not going to be able to make it without either A) scripting up skills or using cheats or B) utilizing a gold seller as a new player.


Nahhhhhhh vendor fees are spot on...

Jeepers the poor sods stand there all day selling your stuff - never moaning!! and you want to pay em less....pay em peanuts!!! u try standing at the bank all day for less than 100-200k for the whole day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nay lad nayyyyy....if vendor fees get reduced i will call on the NUV to strike!!!

national union of vendors........no no no to pay cuts...no no no
lol... your post actually made me think...

maybe instead of discussing vendor fees we should learn from the car industry and ask the government, the Devs in our case, for incentives for the customers to buy our products so that massive layoffs of our sales staff can be avoided in the current economic crisis. I'm thinking along the lines of a 25% refund generously created out of nowhere (easy in UO) dropping directly in the bank box of the customers for every purchase on a vendor. I am absolutely positive we can get the unconditional support of the NUV for this plan.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I am calling shenanigans on this thread.

I have honestly never had vendor fees of more than a few thousand gold pieces a day. If I'm going to sell something big that is less than or equal to 100m, I find a buyer myself through appropriate channels, agree on a price, meet the buyer in-game, gate to my vendor, place the item on the vendor for the agreed upon price, the buyer buys it, and Voila! no vendor fees.

I thought that people had already found a way around the new vendor fees, anyway: Have a second account buy the items before the vending fee is assessed. I was under the impression that no vendor fee was assessed if the item actually gets bought. Which means that the old way of avoiding vending fees is still possible, it just takes two accounts and some shuffling of money back and forth.


Seasoned Veteran
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English may not be Der Rocks first language, but his point is crystal clear and is 100% correct.

That same vendor that has those arms, sold a gorget last week for a cool 90mil. Ergo, people can and will buy items such as those, because THEY feel its worth it.
That's all good, and I am glad for it. The issue is vendors charging to much. I do not think this is true. Items are over priced, hence the insane vendor fees. I have no problem with anyone selling anything for any price. And the picture of the arms is just an example of what I found after reading this post. That vendor happend to be the first one I looked in. If those items sell, GREAT! That being said, vendor fees are dead on, and do not need removed or lowered in any way. Like others have said in this thread, if the items don't sell, and you are losing money, lower the price.

On a side note, the arms in question are in no way, shape or form worth 72.5 million. I do believe that they will sell, tho. You could take the 72.5 mill, buy 3-4 valorite (duped for sure) hammers and make a full set of that armor and probably have better mods/stats than the item in question. So I ask again, what makes it worth that much gold. And this gorget for 90+ million. Please tell me how you can justify that price, and don't say "someone will buy it". That may be a valid reason to charge that much, but it does not justify the idea that it has that much "value".

Also, I would like to apologize to the owner of that vendor. In hind sight, I should have blacked out the makers name on it. I had no intention of holding any individual up for scrutiny. So I am sorry to the owner.


Wow, that's the longest post I've ever made.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why does anyone need a vendor anyway?

It's not like there are any items in this game that are not easily obtainable solo.


That's all good, and I am glad for it. The issue is vendors charging to much. I do not think this is true. Items are over priced, hence the insane vendor fees. I have no problem with anyone selling anything for any price. And the picture of the arms is just an example of what I found after reading this post. That vendor happend to be the first one I looked in. If those items sell, GREAT! That being said, vendor fees are dead on, and do not need removed or lowered in any way. Like others have said in this thread, if the items don't sell, and you are losing money, lower the price.

On a side note, the arms in question are in no way, shape or form worth 72.5 million.
You forgot the "In your opinion" part. Which, after reading the rest of your post, doesnt count for very much.

You could take the 72.5 mill, buy 3-4 valorite (duped for sure) hammers and make a full set of that armor and probably have better mods/stats than the item in question.
Wrong. You could take that 72.5 mil and buy val hammers and TRY to make a full set of that armor, it does not mean you will though. Ask anyone who has burned a val hammer, you could waste 15 charges and not make a damn thing thats good.

So I ask again, what makes it worth that much gold. And this gorget for 90+ million.
If you are asking these questions, why did you post this?

I do believe that they will sell, tho.
You have no idea why xxx item is worth xxx amount of gold and yet you "believe they will sell tho"

*insert witty remark* cuz I have none =(

Please tell me how you can justify that price, and don't say "someone will buy it". That may be a valid reason to charge that much, but it does not justify the idea that it has that much "value".
Thats just it. I dont need to justify "anything".Nor do the people selling items on their vendor. If a person thinks they can get xxx amount of value for xxx item then more power to them. Also, this question was already answered as to why armor like this is expensive. You could buy 10 val hammers and POTENTIALLY not make a single thing you could use, nor make back the money that the vals cost. Try burning some, maybe you will understand then.

btw that gorget that sold for 90mil, was something like mr 2 lmc 7 lrc 19 24/23/7/8/7


You could buy 10 val hammers and POTENTIALLY not make a single thing you could use
That is statistically impossible.
Valorite Runic Hammers impart 5 properties with an intensity range between 85% to 100%. All Valorite Runic Hammers have 15 charges when new.
Please don't act like the most powerful crafting tool in the game is somehow crap or only "decent". Its godly.

While you likely won't get the exact peice you need, you WILL get several very usable "something"s. As for paying for the cost of the runic, at the current armor prices, if you manage to sell a single peice out of fifteen of armor with 5 properties at 85%-100% each, you will make back that money (atl pricing). That is not opinion, that is statistical fact.

That being said, there's no reason for any armor to cost more than a val hammer imo. Some of the **** I see in luna for 8 digits, I've made similar to off a bronze hammer. In fact, I know someone selling weapons made with a bronze for multi millions in Luna personally... So don't try to tell me these poor crafters have to waste away their fortunes to do some public service, they might enjoy it but they do it to get $$paid$$.


That is statistically impossible.
Please don't act like the most powerful crafting tool in the game is somehow crap or only "decent". Its godly.
If you took it like that, thats your fault. Ive said valorite armor pieces have sold for alot of gold(90+mil), hence that means I think its far from crap or"decent". Crap, or decent do not sell for 90+mil

While you likely won't get the exact peice you need
my point

you WILL get several very usable "something"s. As for paying for the cost of the runic, at the current armor prices, if you manage to sell a single peice out of fifteen of armor with 5 properties at 85%-100% each, you will make back that money (atl pricing). That is not opinion, that is statistical fact.
Ive just stated POTENTIALLY, and my statement stands correct.

That being said, there's no reason for any armor to cost more than a val hammer imo. Some of the **** I see in luna for 8 digits, I've made similar to off a bronze hammer. In fact, I know someone selling weapons made with a bronze for multi millions in Luna personally..
Again, people like you just do not get it. An item is worth whatever a person is willing to pay for it. End of story. Theres just no arguing that point.

So don't try to tell me these poor crafters have to waste away their fortunes to do some public service, they might enjoy it but they do it to get $$paid$$.
Your perception is skewed. Im not trying to tell you anything of the sort.