You guys dont get you can be brand new, get a spawn drop and have 20 million in a blink of an eye.
No, you can't, because you cannot do sufficient damage to a champion or survive the spawn in general. Before someone says "protection", you can't do that either because you don't have the Justice virtue as a new player-- Need to kill reds for that, which a newbie CANNOT do.
You also dont get the gold never leaves the game. So we accumulate tons of gold even without duping.
I think most of us understand that, and that's why no one is suggesting vendor fees be done away with. Personally, I think they're fine as-is.
A love all the people that think players that have stuff buy it via real cash. Silly really. The game is quite easy to acquire items and wealth.
Its not when you're a genuinely new player. If you don't know the tricks, this game is incredibly daunting to start. All the content is endgame, and to perform in UO Endgame you need gear we never even imagined you could actually obtain when I started back with AoS. The prices for these peices are generally seven or eight digits, when the best a new player can do (again, without knowing the tricks of the trade), is get about 300 or so off an earth elemental.
Think back. Remember how long your first GM skill took? Those of you who came after ren, remember the first time you heard the horror movie noise of going into fel and saw all the intimidating tombstones and dead trees? The boogy-man PK stories?
Have any of you ever TRIED a champ spawn with lower than GM skills? What about being raided? I don't know about you guys, but I get raided almost every time I try to do a champ on atl (no guild affiliation).
I started a character years ago on... uh... Well, some server that was up when atl wasn't. I managed to get 60k for a paragon artifact I got off of a paragon skeleton, and that set me for my character creation. Now, that same artifact is almost completely worthless, the drop rates from low-fame paragons are incredibly small, and the worthwhile gear is actually more expensive than it was then. How, then, does this new player expect to get a start toward competitive gear?
To that end, they put in faction artifacts... But now you're a target whenever you go to feluca (even to "blues", which are now orange to you) and get made fun of if you stay in Trammel except to farm silver. What would you do as a newby? Stay away.
So, in conclusion, without some lucky break or a random vet to show you the ropes, you're not going to be able to make it without either A) scripting up skills or using cheats or B) utilizing a gold seller as a new player.