August 22, 2011 seems to have been a very confusing day for the new Account Management system
Just checked my bank, my credit card is waiting for six-month charges to two Ultima Online accounts
Just checked my email, got two from 'donotreply' at mythic.ea saying that those very same accounts have now ended their subscription due to no billing information on file
Both items dated yesterday
I truly dread making a call to customer service (someone, somewhere on UHall posted that to correct their billing errors the CS representative told them to re-install the game) but between this and the loss of 120 days of gametime, I'm just about to pick up the phone
somebody stop me please!
Good luck to anyone trying to calling them on the phone , i myself have been attempting to recover 3 UO accounts in which their bright and so worthy new system lost. So far 18 emails , 3 live chat sessions and 8 phone calls , 4 in which i was hung up on , i have yet to get my accounts recovered and listed on the master account system so i can reactivate them and play the game.
Last i was told they had sent my issue to tier 3 agents and to await their email with instructions how to fix it. I can log in through mythic and SEE all 3 accounts , all 3 state they are unsubscribed and all 3 show proof of my accounts existance, however they arent listed on the EA master account list at all. As of today its now 32 days and still i am sitting here waiting and wondering why i even bothered to go through this.
I hope you and anyone else has more luck than i have getting anything done over the phone no matter what the issue, It has been my experience and my personal opinion they just got too cooperate like most other games have in the past and the political proccess to get anything occomplished through customer service is like trying to pull teeth from a live shark.
Good luck with your phone call ...........