~ OT
Nice VIP badge there, Logrus. Welcome!
*Muses* Does this mean the Mythic machine has relaxed their mandate of using real names rather than our beloved UO monikers, if one so chooses? If so, then I belt a hearty: Yea!
I'm not sure, I've still to do the official introduction thingy.
I'll probably get smited some by the bosses for posting before making official introductions, but I wanted to get in on the discussions and shed light where I could and glean information elsewhere.
I'm also looking into the finer points of spell interruption DOT stacking etc.
But considering stuff like being interrupted by damage has been in the game for more than 10 years, (I didn't play mage until mid '98) its not as simple as setting a variable or switch. You take damage you get interrupted.
Also, as I said there are many things I'd like to do (especially with regards to taking a good look at all special moves) , but if I did that, I'd be giving all the love and fun stuff to dexers.
Some fixes like just putting in a hard cap or raising mana cost etc, may solve an immediate issue but they also tend to make everything merge together and basically do the same thing.
So you end up with all these special attacks that may be written up differently, initially designed to do varying stuff, and all basically do the same thing. And sometimes a hard cap is exactly what is needed.
I don't like the idea of useless, spells, abilities, or specials. Then again looking at some things in UO as well as many of the other MMORPGs you will notice there tend to be tonnes of different abilities which usually boil down to a different name for the same thing.