So... If they already have people testing it, how is it so difficult to get more people testing it?
The focus group is small, and likely involved manually approving the people. This much larger closed beta requires some automation that wasn't in place.
#1 they need to decide (from the mountain of applications) which system specs/internet connections/operating systems to choose and how many of each.
#2 they need to prepare the legal aspects, and have the NDA agreed to in the proper fashion BEFORE you log in, and have the NDA linked to your account
#3 they need to make the accounts beta enabled (we saw some progress on this yesterday as your subscription status webpage now has a spot for this)
#4 they need to make sure the new lands/client are truly ready for the next step -- and influx of testers. A small focus group where everyone knows everyone is one thing, this is another.
#5 they need to email us! (and also email the people who won't be invited)
You do realize that UO is not EA's top priority when it comes to resources, right? They do a tremendous amount of work with a SMALL staff.