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[UO Herald] Beta Update


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

But, lets give em a fair chance to work out the bugs they can. We've waited this long folks, whats a little more?
I dunno, if they can't even release the beta application process without bugs and delays, what does that say about how the actual beta & SA will go?



Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Betas are supposed to have bugs, it's a testing phase.

Foolio the Bard

I thought Betas were so that certain players could find out where the best loot is ahead of everyone else, so that they were ready on launch day??



UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
I doubt they will start the beta test right before the weekend my bet is on next week

Foolio the Bard

I doubt they will start the beta test right before the weekend my bet is on next week
First of all, the beta of SA is already underway for a small focus group of players.

Secondly, you are assuming that these "invites" that we are waiting to be sent out will give you instant access. They may -- or may not. It might say "Congrats! You are accepted into the beta that will start on [insert date here]"


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
First of all, the beta of SA is already underway for a small focus group of players.

Secondly, you are assuming that these "invites" that we are waiting to be sent out will give you instant access. They may -- or may not. It might say "Congrats! You are accepted into the beta that will start on [insert date here]"
as far as i have seen any testing is internal ATM if you have proof otherwise I would sure like to see it

Foolio the Bard

as far as i have seen any testing is internal ATM if you have proof otherwise I would sure like to see it
The focus group involves players, some from right here on stratics and especially those involved in the KR modding community. They all signed NDAs to not discuss it.

I signed no such NDA so I will.


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
the sign up is for closed beta and the invitations to my knowledge have not been sent yet chrissey has posted a few times saying they are finishing last things up unless i missed a post somewhere

Foolio the Bard

the sign up is for closed beta and the invitations to my knowledge have not been sent yet chrissey has posted a few times saying they are finishing last things up unless i missed a post somewhere
The player focus group is going on right now. It is essentially a "closed beta phase 1". Certain players were invited unsolicited because of their long time involvement with the UO community and also with the KR modding community to get feedback on that aspect for the SA client. They had to sign an NDA to get in.

We are waiting on the invites now to the official closed beta, but like I said, they are invites -- not necessarily instant access to the beta.

And you will need to sign an NDA.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So... If they already have people testing it, how is it so difficult to get more people testing it?

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well for what its worth, I probably WON'T get a invite to be a beta tester.

Why?? Because I have sh**ty luck.
Let's see the RNG HATES me. I am the suckiest PVPer in all of UO.
I could walk into a Casino where like every slot machine is paying off and I'd get the one that wouldn't even give up a nickel.

...And for my "Pièce de résistance" I spent the WHOLE DAY listening to the radio in hopes of winning front rows tickets to the George Strait concert in Dallas. The winner was some chick who could have give a **** less and here I sit eating my heart out.

c'est la vie ! Now that I've wallowed in my self-pity, I feel much better! Sometimes is good to vent. No?

I think I'll go play UO :D


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The player focus group is going on right now. It is essentially a "closed beta phase 1". Certain players were invited unsolicited because of their long time involvement with the UO community and also with the KR modding community to get feedback on that aspect for the SA client. They had to sign an NDA to get in.

We are waiting on the invites now to the official closed beta, but like I said, they are invites -- not necessarily instant access to the beta.

And you will need to sign an NDA.
ok got ya I knew that modders where in the closed closed beta(or whatever its called) my concern was the one posted in the herald ..... if I get in great if not that's OK to but just want to know when they are sent out so if i have not received one I can forget about it and move on and stop hoping !

Foolio the Bard

So... If they already have people testing it, how is it so difficult to get more people testing it?
The focus group is small, and likely involved manually approving the people. This much larger closed beta requires some automation that wasn't in place.

#1 they need to decide (from the mountain of applications) which system specs/internet connections/operating systems to choose and how many of each.

#2 they need to prepare the legal aspects, and have the NDA agreed to in the proper fashion BEFORE you log in, and have the NDA linked to your account

#3 they need to make the accounts beta enabled (we saw some progress on this yesterday as your subscription status webpage now has a spot for this)

#4 they need to make sure the new lands/client are truly ready for the next step -- and influx of testers. A small focus group where everyone knows everyone is one thing, this is another.

#5 they need to email us! (and also email the people who won't be invited)

You do realize that UO is not EA's top priority when it comes to resources, right? They do a tremendous amount of work with a SMALL staff.

Foolio the Bard

Isn't that called an Alpha Test?

Definition of: alpha test

The first test of newly developed hardware or software in a laboratory setting. When the first round of bugs has been fixed, the product goes into beta test with actual users.
From PC Magazine (pcmag.com)

Since the focus group that is currently going on consists of actual users (players) I said it was essentially a closed beta phase 1.
Alpha stage is almost always regarded as internal.

But you can call it a delicious apple pie test if it makes you feel better. ;)


Should we have gotten a confirmation when we REGISTERED for beta?