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UO forum is a complete joke

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
I like how he is giving his order to no one, unless he sees someone there that we all don't......

Stabling my horse and on his way to the Wine Cellar my friend.

*Tips a Glass of Good Old Moonglow Red and smells the beautiful Bouquet*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The main character I play is a stacked sdi tamer (mage/sw) and the only reason I can tackle her in that time frame is due to WOD. If it were not for that the Sampire would seem to be quicker.

Shadowguard and time frame? I am not sure, I just let the pets do the work there, but I have just started trying to solo it with the newer changes (pet damage triggering spawn). Once I get used to the way things go I may start casting some in there.

I will say Sampires being able to stack slayers (wep and talisman) does seem to give them an edge.
Haven't really done Shadowguard since they changed it, but when I was doing 3-man Roof (with two of us multi-clienting), we did all of the bosses in like 10 minutes. The entire run took about an hour. Tamers (Rune Corruption is HUGE, especially when you're taking advantage of the weakest resist), Sampire, Bard, and WoD.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Haven't really done Shadowguard since they changed it, but when I was doing 3-man Roof (with two of us multi-clienting), we did all of the bosses in like 10 minutes. The entire run took about an hour. Tamers (Rune Corruption is HUGE, especially when you're taking advantage of the weakest resist), Sampire, Bard, and WoD.
Sounds right for that size crowd at that time. The spawn from pet damage now is not a huge game changer if you have a pet or someone else doing ww. I have probably done 4 runs over the last week with nothing but FWW/Goo Tritons (x3) until I get used to how things go. Will be adding the RC and a thrower or archer in the next few runs though along with the casting. Just working the strategy of multi clienting in there atm. So, my current goal is not speed but survavibilty and success. I can tackle the entire deal in an hour and forty five to two hours that way though.

But that is breaking the Armory and the Fountain into two separate runs. Too much spawn to run 3 accts solo in there... at least for now anyway. I expect to be able to get to where that can be done though.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Bold statement. Perhaps you could back it up with a description.
You were probably being sarcastic, but in case you weren't... it's responses like this that are probably why he writes essays. I got so fed up on forums for a while because you literally do have to write full on research papers for things you say for some people and they will still reply to just one sentence ignoring context.

Also, I can tell by the tone of the OP that deleting post was probably deserved.

I recommend just making your side known and not getting in a back and forth at all. Don't even bother replying to him. Just make your own valid points and let him dig himself into a hole where he eventually contradicts himself. Which happens a lot by you UO players. Probably because you're all out for your own interests and not for what's actually fun to play.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Sorry, I'm going to have to decline, you see. The pollen from the trees of Trammel, makes for difficult breathing.
*A book magically appears in your pack with an invitation from Lord Nabin to meet him at the Serpents Cross Tavern a glass of Good Old Moonglow Red.*

P.S. When they found out I asked you to meet me here they required I take care of your overdue tab before letting you in. Merry Christmas my friend

Serpent Cross.png


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think I've ever sided with Malagaste, but you clearly don't have a clue about sampires. There isn't a boss in this game you can't kill with a solo sampire, at least I haven't come across one. Sampires don't need a nerf, the only thing that needs a nerf is life leech. Change how life leech works will easily fix the issue. Weapon life leech and vamp embrace shouldn't stack or cap the benefit to a maximum amount of life you can leech per swing to 20% of the players life. There is no reason why you should be able to gain 125 hp in one swing, you can't even heal for that through band aids or greater heal from a mage.
There are numerous bosses that wreck Sampires. Exodus, Osiredon, Corgul and Shadowlords can't be life leeched from, most of them in fact damage you when you attempt to life leech from them. Then there's bosses like Slasher of Veils (who's rock barrage kills Sampires while they're stunned), Monstrous Interred Grizzle (who wrecks Sampires and their gear with his acid and debuff), Ilhenir the Stained (Acid), Harbinger (Acid), and Tyrannosaurus Rex (high damage and stuns).
Hell, the Paragons at recent events give most Sampires hell. A Paragon WW or AOL spawns, and most Sampires have to run out the door, as i sit there and easily Tank & Spank them on my Macer/Paladin. I've even tanked and killed a Para WW and Para AOL at the same time on him by running Stagger on both. Used to do the same to kill a Para LL and Para Ram at same time during Deceit.

Show me a video of anyone leaching 125 HP in one hit. You cant because it doesnt exist.
My Sampire leeches 150+ Health per attack against Chief Paroxy, but that's because i have GM SS and can stack Curse Weapon with Vamp Form for 70% Hit Life Drain (3.5x more than the average Sampire). During Corpse Skin+Onslaught (dropping Paroxy to negative Fire Resist), i can deal 250-300 damage with Double Strike against Chief Paroxy and regain my entire health bar. Chief Paroxy can occasionally hit me for 120 in a single attack though, and that's while riding a Paroxy Swampy (12% damage reduction).
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There are numerous bosses that wreck Sampires. Exodus, Osiredon, Corgul and Shadowlords can't be life leeched from, most of them in fact damage you when you attempt to life leech from them. Then there's bosses like Slasher of Veils (who's rock barrage kills Sampires while they're stunned), Monstrous Interred Grizzle (who wrecks Sampires and their gear with his acid and debuff), Ilhenir the Stained (Acid), Harbinger (Acid), and Tyrannosaurus Rex (high damage and stuns).
Hell, the Paragons at recent events give most Sampires hell. A Paragon WW or AOL spawns, and most Sampires have to run out the door, as i sit there and easily Tank & Spank them on my Macer/Paladin. I've even tanked and killed a Para WW and Para AOL at the same time on him by running Stagger on both. Used to do the same to kill a Para LL and Para Ram at same time during Deceit.

My Sampire leeches 150+ Health per attack against Chief Paroxy, but that's because i have GM SS and can stack Curse Weapon with Vamp Form for 70% Hit Life Drain (3.5x more than the average Sampire). During Corpse Skin+Onslaught (dropping Paroxy to negative Fire Resist), i can deal 250-300 damage with Double Strike against Chief Paroxy and regain my entire health bar. Chief Paroxy can occasionally hit me for 120 in a single attack though, and that's while riding a Paroxy Swampy (12% damage reduction).
Agreed, but spirit speak isn't a standard run on a sampire.

Although I am toying with doing a similar build just dedicating to the hard hitting bosses like proxy.

I had a garg wraith swordsman that I used for years that I loved, but has fell to the side I need to revitalize


There are numerous bosses that wreck Sampires. Exodus, Osiredon, Corgul and Shadowlords can't be life leeched from, most of them in fact damage you when you attempt to life leech from them. Then there's bosses like Slasher of Veils (who's rock barrage kills Sampires while they're stunned), Monstrous Interred Grizzle (who wrecks Sampires and their gear with his acid and debuff), Ilhenir the Stained (Acid), Harbinger (Acid), and Tyrannosaurus Rex (high damage and stuns).
Hell, the Paragons at recent events give most Sampires hell. A Paragon WW or AOL spawns, and most Sampires have to run out the door, as i sit there and easily Tank & Spank them on my Macer/Paladin. I've even tanked and killed a Para WW and Para AOL at the same time on him by running Stagger on both. Used to do the same to kill a Para LL and Para Ram at same time during Deceit.

My Sampire leeches 150+ Health per attack against Chief Paroxy, but that's because i have GM SS and can stack Curse Weapon with Vamp Form for 70% Hit Life Drain (3.5x more than the average Sampire). During Corpse Skin+Onslaught (dropping Paroxy to negative Fire Resist), i can deal 250-300 damage with Double Strike against Chief Paroxy and regain my entire health bar. Chief Paroxy can occasionally hit me for 120 in a single attack though, and that's while riding a Paroxy Swampy (12% damage reduction).
Agreed, but spirit speak isn't a standard run on a sampire.

Although I am toying with


Crazed Zealot
There are numerous bosses that wreck Sampires. Exodus, Osiredon, Corgul and Shadowlords can't be life leeched from, most of them in fact damage you when you attempt to life leech from them. Then there's bosses like Slasher of Veils (who's rock barrage kills Sampires while they're stunned), Monstrous Interred Grizzle (who wrecks Sampires and their gear with his acid and debuff), Ilhenir the Stained (Acid), Harbinger (Acid), and Tyrannosaurus Rex (high damage and stuns).
Hell, the Paragons at recent events give most Sampires hell. A Paragon WW or AOL spawns, and most Sampires have to run out the door, as i sit there and easily Tank & Spank them on my Macer/Paladin. I've even tanked and killed a Para WW and Para AOL at the same time on him by running Stagger on both. Used to do the same to kill a Para LL and Para Ram at same time during Deceit.

My Sampire leeches 150+ Health per attack against Chief Paroxy, but that's because i have GM SS and can stack Curse Weapon with Vamp Form for 70% Hit Life Drain (3.5x more than the average Sampire). During Corpse Skin+Onslaught (dropping Paroxy to negative Fire Resist), i can deal 250-300 damage with Double Strike against Chief Paroxy and regain my entire health bar. Chief Paroxy can occasionally hit me for 120 in a single attack though, and that's while riding a Paroxy Swampy (12% damage reduction).
THIS ^^^.
So nerfing the Sampire more will do nothing but p*ss off folks more, and likely to cause more people to be more unhappy and maybe even eventually quit.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not going to get involved in all the detail, I have read the entire thread, and I'm not going to respond to each bit, but just my overarching viewpoints.

Re the original topic, I at least believe his posts are always polite, and can be agreed or debated against politely. Yes he may post too much, yes I and everyone else may respond too much, I think maybe the best tactic is to respond less, be clear in what you say and why you agree or disagree with him, and move on. I believe an above poster in this thread said a similar thing, and I would agree. I think his weakness is he cannot ever change his viewpoint, no matter how clear you are in your logic, but so many are the same I guess.

Re Sampires… I have clearly said in the past Sampires should be deleted. Sounds controversial when I say it like that I guess. To be a bit more logical, and a bit less controversial - I agree with many players who think that Necromancy and Chivalry just should not go together. From a game lore point of view, it is just a mess, and the result is a mess. They are super powerful, but I'm not going to go so far as saying they can solo everything ingame, I accept they have some weaknesses, and the Devs are working against them in more recent content. I think Sampires add a lot in terms of new player go-to character, trading, crafting and economy in that every player wants one, and they go to a lot of effort with equipping them and their various slayer weapons. I really wish that effort went towards the more pure classical warrior styles, archer, thrower, paladin, samurai, swordsman, fencer, macer etc. I wish Healing was stronger, and outweighed Hit Life Leech and Mana Vampire combined etc. I just feel the entire concept of a Sampire (Paladin+Necromancer) causes philosophical issues for UO, and real balance issues, whereby it almost negates much of the entire Warrior class, which is a huge shame.

Edit - due to tiredness, I made a mistake by focussing purely on Paladin/Chivalry, when I also mean Samurai/Bushido (the military Nobility of Japan)+Necromancer.
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Crazed Zealot
Not going to get involved in all the detail, I have read the entire thread, and I'm not going to respond to each bit, but just my overarching viewpoints.

Re the original topic, I at least believe his posts are always polite, and can be agreed or debated against politely. Yes he may post too much, yes I and everyone else may respond too much, I think maybe the best tactic is to respond less, be clear in what you say and why you agree or disagree with him, and move on. I believe an above poster in this thread said a similar thing, and I would agree. I think his weakness is he cannot ever change his viewpoint, no matter how clear you are in your logic, but so many are the same I guess.

Re Sampires… I have clearly said in the past Sampires should be deleted. Sounds controversial when I say it like that I guess. To be a bit more logical, and a bit less controversial - I agree with many players who think that Necromancy and Chivalry just should not go together. From a game lore point of view, it is just a mess, and the result is a mess. They are super powerful, but I'm not going to go so far as saying they can solo everything ingame, I accept they have some weaknesses, and the Devs are working against them in more recent content. I think Sampires add a lot in terms of new player go-to character, trading, crafting and economy in that every player wants one, and they go to a lot of effort with equipping them and their various slayer weapons. I really wish that effort went towards the more pure classical warrior styles, archer, thrower, paladin, samurai, swordsman, fencer, macer etc. I wish Healing was stronger, and outweighed Hit Life Leech and Mana Vampire combined etc. I just feel the entire concept of a Sampire (Paladin+Necromancer) causes philosophical issues for UO, and real balance issues, whereby it almost negates much of the entire Warrior class, which is a huge shame.

Edit - due to tiredness, I clearly made a mistake by focussing purely on Paladin/Chivalry, when I equally meant Samurai/Bushido (the military Nobility of Japan)+Necromancer.
You are entitled to your opinions, and:

I partially agree with the first paragraph of your post about @popps. He gets a lot of flame-throwing, but it is elicited mostly, but ok.

As for the second paragraph about sampires, there are many points to debate about validity, propriety of Chiv/Necro mix, powerful character. Too many points to post, it would take a book likely. And, there is one more issue being the way things are, the game satisfaction overall floundering, new content being the way it is, unfixed issues, general dissatisfaction with Dev team responsiveness and plans and many other things the player base perceives, add oil to the fire, and one more nail to the coffin of uo?

I seriously doubt that messing with this warrior class will benefit the game overall, including survivability:
Just think for one moment how may players have a sampire, or Chiv/Necro character or variation thereof.
"Nerfing the Sampire more will do nothing but p*ss off folks more, and likely to cause more people to be more unhappy and maybe even eventually quit."


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Necromancy should require negative karma to use and chivalry should require positive karma to use, no exceptions, the Devs should not allow any template to have both, they just should not work in one template. Sampires are an abomination that should never have been possible. Like many things in UO it's now too late to change, they allowed the stable door to be opened and now the horse is long gone.


Crazed Zealot
Necromancy should require negative karma to use and chivalry should require positive karma to use, no exceptions, the Devs should not allow any template to have both, they just should not work in one template. Sampires are an abomination that should never have been possible. Like many things in UO it's now too late to change, they allowed the stable door to be opened and now the horse is long gone.
This your personal opinion, and it is ok to have it.

But you must look at the bigger picture, see the entire forest and not just a few ideological trees. There are other mixed or hybrid templates, and if we start modifying them you are opening a Pandoras Box the size of which we have never seen likely.
Leave Sampires as they are. We cannot afford losing more subscriptions. There are thousands of Sampires and conversations like this will cause a lot of damage to the game. Sampires do lose Karma by using Necro spells, and that should be good enough. Changing the Sampires will do two things : Incite a lot of anger and frustration, and also start a Domino effect on other hybrid temps that will affect both PvM and PvP templates. Not good.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is one players Sampire skills first one I saw on the warrior forum.

120 Weapon skill
120 Tactics
120 Bushido
120 Parry
100 Resisting Spells
99 Necro
80+ Chivalry

The Sampires I see do not have chivalry they have Anatomy instead. So, no conflict.

Mine looks like this. I have no skills on jewels or items so its at 720. I have 1.7 points that are dropping.
