Just coming back from a 2 week vacation and reading up on all the UO news... I saw the "NL Launches Oct 15" and clicked it expecting to see details of expected results/functionality for season 1 (less than 2 weeks away) and I'm not sure if I was surprised there were zero details on that or if I was expected that.
So quick cliff notes summary of NL... Development started 5ish years ago / announced 4.5ish years ago / 2-3 videos on their idea 4ish years ago / whole lot of nothing for for 3ish years / beta testing past 2 months (with a ton of changes from start to finish) .... and still no info on Dev team expectation on how the shard will work or how long the first season will be and what actually happens at the end. It almost feels like the Dev team is just going to play things by ear and randomly stop the season on short notice (or just keep it going indefinitely) based on a whim; ie doesn't feel very well fleshed out.
On top of all of that; they are starting the season on Oct 15th which is likely going to be during the Oct/Halloween Prod event (first "fresh content" since spring) that seems like it will be 1 month and will be followed by what appears to possibly be the ToT event in Nov. Seems like poor timing with people focusing on their "home (permanent) shard" for Oct/Nov/Dec (Artisan Fest / Krampus).
Mesanna is the only person to say something. She wont say something because she doesn't know. If someone else from the team says something they will get chewed.
As mentioned in the other thread, NL was initially marketed as "an expansion to bring the biggest crowd to UO". When all plans failed and interest divindled after the beta weekend, they started panicking. Right now, they are telling people NL is just another shard where players can have a fresh start with different ruleset.
That is 5-6 years of development time going towards an expansion that is pretty much dead on arrival. They will try to spin NL in whichever way they believe will keep the current users occupied. I believe, right now, they don't even have a plan. They will play by ear.
Given Mesanna's history of continuously misreading the players demands, and then doubling down whenever players criticize her, I would not expect much.
We all are here because of what Garriot and Long built. Mesanna believes she is a genius because UO is still not dead. She seriously believes the success of UO is all her making.
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