Can you do any of the quests without having to kill anything, none of my characters are strong enough to kill anything serious?
Iolo's Quest (located below West Britain bridge at the 4 huts)
you just have to purchase bread loaf & pitcher of milk from waiter or waitress at the tavern below west Britain Bank
and shoes from a cobbler
(reward is a fluffy pillow)
Jaana's Quest (located at the Court of Truth, must go in the East door & she's in the back room)
she wants you to go to the Winery (in the back room)
ctrl shift and double click rolled parchment
a scroll will appear in your backpack (toggle as quest item & return to Jaana)
(reward is a barrister's robe)
Katrina (located at New Magincia Tailor shop)
requests you to kill 50 Trogs at Painted Caves (can get there with corrupt portal)
these can be killed with blade spirits
you will have to invis, so they don't target you
(don't venture in too far, there is a tough black bear that spawns in there)
)reward looks like a bunch of black colored bandages)
wants you to kill 5 Greater Dragons, 20 dragons, and 40 drakes
easier if you have someone else tank them.
if you have magery, you can cast energy bolt & get credit for the dragons and drakes.
you have to hit the greaters more times to get credit, not sure how many times...
ask for help in General Chat
the others i'd ask for help in General Chat.
Dupre (located at the tavern, just east of Trinsic park)
he wants you to kill the Unbound Energy Vortex.
let someone else tank
cast earth elementals and cast fireball on it.
I might be able to help you on Wednesday, if you are around.
I don't have the places marked on Europa, but I know where they are all at.
(I'm assuming you want to do it on your home shard?)