Meh, talk about shard merging has been going around for years. It gets talked about, then it fades, then it comes back. No idea how you would pull it off with all the issues around housing. However, I tend to never rule anything out. Just because one dev team at one point in time says "no way...never" doesn't mean that 6 months down the road another dev team wouldn't look at the options.
A player item store was just something I was thinking of. The model for it already exists with what Sony did with the "Sony Station" or whatever it was called for EQ/EQ2/SWG/whichever games were actually incorporated into it. I think that got started back in 2005 or 2006? Not a bad idea really. EA sets up an ebay-like framework, then lets the playerbase populate it with items. Sales would be direct from player account to player account for real cash, with EA taking a nominal fee for "administering" the system. Again, it's been done before, so nothing new for the MMO world. Might be a good little side revenue generator for EA actually. It might also financially cripple some third party sites where that exact type of interaction is taking place, but where the revenue is kept by the third party site and out of EA shareholder's wallets.
I have taken a whopping 3 database classes, well Access - so possibly not even really database, depending on your viewpoint, and have no idea what a "lesser" or "greater" programmer would do. I only know enough about databases to be ***Dangerous***. I do know that maintaining a lot of separate things, rather than one consolidated and well planned one, is really a pain in the butt. If I was in charge, and someone came to me and said "You have two choices, 1. Make 24 separate databases that can't talk to each other without additional programing and leave you no paths forward without a lot of additional work and time, or 2. Make 1 database that keeps track of everything for the entire game and will give you many different options for the future", I would choose 2. Maybe that's just me.
Most of the dev team probably falls into the "greater" programmer category though, so I'll leave the decisions on how to best code the game up to them.