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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 97 to Origin, Izumo, & Baja

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Greetings, We have published Origin, Izumo & Baja with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes. Also visit the individual wiki pages on the Discovering Animal Training Quest, Animal Training, and Animal Training Abilities to learn more. We want to thank everyone who took the time to test Publish 97 and send in feedback! While this is not a mandatory patch, you are encouraged to update your client to the latest version before playing Origin, Izumo & Baja. Character transfer on these shards will be disabled until Publish 97 is released world wide later this month. As always […]

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Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
The following pets now have a chance to spawn in rare hues,
  • Snow Leopard
  • Frost Spider
  • Nightmare
  • White Wyrm
  • Giant Toad
Will be intresting to see what colors that is.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could we maybe scrap the "Train" button as a whole and just have it replaced with "Add to plan" permanently. Then just add a "Apply training plan" button to the plan. This would make it so much easier...
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Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Will be intresting to see what colors that is.
Yeah I think they messed something up here because I was killing nightmares in Kyrin pass and one spawned with over 2k HP and said it couldn't be tamed....then I died :/ LOL

Nevermind..it was a paragon that was not paragon-colored....that could be an issue!!!! I didn't see the paragon tag until after I was dead....*sighs*
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Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah I think they messed something up here because I was killing nightmares in Kyrin pass and one spawned with over 2k HP and said it couldn't be tamed....then I died :/ LOL
That was a paragon..... I guess...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could you maybe also put the remaining points for all those caps somewhere on the plan?
I.e. if I have +STR or +INT on my plan, I'd like to see, how much training point weight AND how much individual attribute points I have left before reaching my caps.

Usability FTW! ;)


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Okay another paragon but different style



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will be intresting to see what colors that is.
I really wonder why so few can be colored. I was completely expecting hell hounds to have rare hues, seeing as they used to come in different shades with rare bright red ones. I still have a hell hound pack leader (the old tougher 2 slot hell hounds, that mysteriously stopped spawning ages ago) on LS that got ruined by AOS not giving it any stats. Looks dope though.

Seems like a missed opportunity to add in easy value/interest. Hopefully the add more in over time.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Got one pure black like..BLACK black lol



Babbling Loonie
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. We want to thank everyone who took the time to test Publish 97 and send in feedback! […]

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Case of thanks but no thanks, as always, advised of the bugs/exploits, ignored, pushed patch out anyway.
What is the point of putting it on test centre in the first place?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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And another...was hoping for other COLORS not just variations of black :/ But this one is rather pretty too..shiny!!



Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Looks like they won't come in new colors, just variations of the colors they already are


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 2 now....the jet black and the metallic looking one.
Did you have to kill like 500 in between each of those?
Otherwise, they wont be "rare" after the 1st day of general release. ;)


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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new stable pet list, neat, and its numbered!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
Did you have to kill like 500 in between each of those?
Otherwise, they wont be "rare" after the 1st day of general release. ;)
i was wondering that myself, so im here now farming to see what i can get, 30 in and so far nothing.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Did you have to kill like 500 in between each of those?
Otherwise, they wont be "rare" after the 1st day of general release. ;)
About 15-20 Nightmares..the frost spider was just there in the dungeon...killed about 6 or 7 White Wyrms and didn't see any interesting colored ones but will try again later :)

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Wait for May or
  • Stable Slot Increase Token
  • This account-bound token will increase the maximum number of creatures a character can house at the stables by 3, up to a maximum of 42 total stables slots from all sources. A character may use a total of 7 tokens.
  • You may not use this item as it is an account-bound item that is bound to a different account.
  • You have increased your stable slot count by 3. Your total stable count is now ~1_VAL~.
  • You cannot increase the number of stable slots on this character. You have already reached the cap of 21 additional token stable slots or 42 total stable slots.
  • Stable Slot Increase (Account-Bound)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So I wonder how much for each tolken and it seems its per character?
Maybe $9.99 each so around $70 bucks to max if so that's insanely over priced for most people.


Stratics Veteran
Did anyone ever figure out if pet Discord works on Blackthorn captains and Peerless?


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
3, that's not very many compared to how many new tamables and colors there are. Why does it matter what I have in my stable? Should each account be limited to 42 weapons or pairs of pants?

After thinking about it WHAT is the point of only 42 to please the one poster here that feels we shouldn't get any extra ?

I have hundreds of weapons wtf


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did anyone ever figure out if pet Discord works on Blackthorn captains and Peerless?
On Peerless it should. Player discord doesn't work on Blackthorn Captains though so I wouldn't think it would.


Grand Inquisitor
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Three slots? Just three? o_O Why not five for a total of 55 or something? Its not as if server space is an issue...

I am also concerned what the price will be. 300 sov per token would be tolerable, but much more would be overpriced (and the store has way too many overpriced items as it is...)

I need to go distract Malag with something shiny before she goes nuclear...

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Wait for May or
  • Stable Slot Increase Token
  • This account-bound token will increase the maximum number of creatures a character can house at the stables by 3, up to a maximum of 42 total stables slots from all sources. A character may use a total of 7 tokens.
  • You may not use this item as it is an account-bound item that is bound to a different account.
  • You have increased your stable slot count by 3. Your total stable count is now ~1_VAL~.
  • You cannot increase the number of stable slots on this character. You have already reached the cap of 21 additional token stable slots or 42 total stable slots.
  • Stable Slot Increase (Account-Bound)
Where did you see this?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait for May or
  • Stable Slot Increase Token
  • This account-bound token will increase the maximum number of creatures a character can house at the stables by 3, up to a maximum of 42 total stables slots from all sources. A character may use a total of 7 tokens.
  • You may not use this item as it is an account-bound item that is bound to a different account.
  • You have increased your stable slot count by 3. Your total stable count is now ~1_VAL~.
  • You cannot increase the number of stable slots on this character. You have already reached the cap of 21 additional token stable slots or 42 total stable slots.
  • Stable Slot Increase (Account-Bound)
Is my reading comprehension off, ? or is this tolken per character not account so for both my tamers on same account I'll have to buy 14 tolkens ? If so I hope they are only 100 sovereigns per.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is my reading comprehension off, ? or is this tolken per character not account so for both my tamers on same account I'll have to buy 14 tolkens ? If so I hope they are only 100 sovereigns per.
I read it as per character as well. This will make EA a mint regardless of the pricing.


Stratics Veteran
On Peerless it should. Player discord doesn't work on Blackthorn Captains though so I wouldn't think it would.
I was under the impression that Discord only drops Peerless bosses by 1% in stats and skills or something ridiculous like that.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
And the damned things are account bound...so no selling the tokens to other players.

I wish they would take that account bound phrase and stuff it up their umm, printer slot.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
And why the eff it is account bound?
This would be great stuff to sell for in-game gold.

Also, 5 more slots per token would be far more reasonable.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
on test i tried giving a hiryu poisoning. it then starts with 20 poisoning skill. i went and put it on a bunch of mobs but havent seen it poison anything, nor has it gained in poisoning. Has anyone tried poisoning? Does it need something else to be capable? On the hiryu i didnt have an option to give it any specials moves after this because it already had some, but the original list didnt contain anything like infectious strike

second question... anyone tried chiv and spell weaving? what do the pets do with them?

with weaving do the pets cast like wind and thunderstorm? with chiv, what do they do? enemy of one maybe?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It seems shard bound is the way they are going

This is going to hurt them more those of us that can afford them will buy them those that can't afford them are screwed
If we could sell them to people that can't afford to buy them for in game gold more would sell for real money.
Some players have a lot of gold in game but not IRL


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You want to know why there is a limit of 42?
Two reasons:
1) Marketing. If it was not capped, most tamers would buy just a few extra that they REALLY need and try to moderate their stable. With the limit, everyone will be shooting for the cap.
2) Psychology. Most people are now complaining about the limit instead of streaming: "You are selling tokens for THREE?!! THREE?! stable slots? Does you greed have no limits?!"

Just my theory.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You want to know why there is a limit of 42?
Two reasons:
1) Marketing. If it was not capped, most tamers would buy just a few extra that they REALLY need and try to moderate their stable. With the limit, everyone will be shooting for the cap.
2) Psychology. Most people are now pancakes about the limit instead of streaming: "You are selling tokens for THREE?!! THREE?! stable slots? Does you greed have no limits?!"

Just my theory.
Interesting theory but why only 42? Why not 62? More money for them...


Stratics Veteran
I'm not against them adding stable slots to the UO store, but maybe they should've gave everyone at least 1 extra slot for this publish. Would be less angry people.