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Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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*banter's about people not paying for their accounts and checking emails while he picks up more crap he doesn't need from an IDOC*

Angel of Sonoma

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*banter's about people not paying for their accounts and checking emails while he picks up more crap he doesn't need from an IDOC*
Now did I say I did idoc's? (You know what they say about assuming.) I haven't camped an idoc in years nor do I plan to.

My question is geared towards the other side... a person whose home has entered the decay stage.

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
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To all others: Please refrain from the banter about continously paying for accounts or checking emails. My accounts are linked to an unmonitored email account. My credit card number has changed 4 times in the past year. And I've also fallen prey to the failed payment system. Last of all, UO is a hobby, not my full time job to keep up with whether or not the billing system has hiccuped. If it weren't for people like me, you wouldn't have as many idoc's to find. ;)
Don't take this as a personal attack, but why wouldn't you want notifications about your UO accounts if you place any value on continuing them? If it's web-based, can you set up a rule for that inbox to forward anything from ea.com to a monitored e-mail address? My accounts don't use my main e-mail account, but it's still an important enough address that I check it daily. It is an extremely low cost for me to stay abreast of my accounts' status.

And if you've gone through so many changes to your credit card, you might want to look into game time codes.


Slightly Crazed
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A real situation, which shows, why clearing the access list is a bad idea: I am a member of a very old guild on Drachenfels and friended to the guild tower. With these permissions I have also locked down decorative stuff associated with my guild character in the tower (i.e. whispering rose). So it would be very bad, if due to whatever reason the guildmasters account is no longer paid (maybe he does not gamble the 90 day game, but is sick for longer time or even worse), if I could not recover this own locked down stuff.


Lore Master
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everyone wants to know why access list is cleared............ well kiddos its because they are trying to make it so that no one can get in, stand on top of an item and run a script on it........use ur brains. i would also suggest dont store items ur not willing to part with at other peoples homes ....it needs to be fair either private to everyone or private to no one
It's not like the IDOC hunting scripters are coowned or friended to every house in UO. This part of the changes only screws people's friends. It's not like they know when someones account is going to go down in order to clear out their belongings. If anything they should go PRIVATE when they start to decay, then the notifications like those used for rented out vendors in decaying houses show up for all coowners and friends letting them get their stuff out, and when it hits IDOC stage THEN you clear the list. That way the scripters never get a chance to see inside. People can get their own stuff out, and no one has the advantage of being inside when it falls. Not to mention that if you know your friends house is starting to decay you can let them know and potentially retain a customer for UO.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Wow very good changes!!

Well maybe except the part where a condemned house will get a cleared access list. That means, if one of my accounts does start the idoc cycle because 90 days inactivity i wont be able to retrieve the stuff with my coowners accounts because i wont have access anymore. I'll need to reactivate the account, then add my others accounts as coowners again.. oh well, i guess this change could possibly give more $$$ to broadsword because now i feel its important to reactivate my accounts before the 90 inactive days and not when a house is already condemned, just to save me the hassle.

I was thinking that there are still very old houses with items that were placed by old GMs and devs. These items arent movable and when the house fall the items just get stuck to the ground BUT now with the grubbers around.. maybe we will be able to loot a few of these kind of items from their little dead corpses :thumbsup:

Miri of Sonoma

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everyone wants to know why access list is cleared............ well kiddos its because they are trying to make it so that no one can get in, stand on top of an item and run a script on it........use ur brains. i would also suggest dont store items ur not willing to part with at other peoples homes ....it needs to be fair either private to everyone or private to no one

So here is yet another thing that is changing because of stupid scripters. Why is it considered an advantage to try and help my friends out? I am so sick of them making dumb changes just to try and trip up the cheaters.

Also no need to insult people, not everyone knows how scripting works *frowns* They can just make the house private then.


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When a house goes into the condemned stage the house will go private and all access will be removed.
I agree with the going private, but why remove all access? I have many houses.

Scenario 1) I decide to use an account to place somewhere else. I place somewhere else, and the old house on that account goes IDOC. Now suddenly all of my other accounts get cleared from ownership (including my main accounts)? I just did this last week, abandoning one to move to another location... having my mains not able to access here, or even step onto the plot (it's private now, and they've have their access cleared...) doesn't make sense.

Scenario 2) I don't plan to renew an account; I plan to empty the house and let it fall. Similar to above, but now, if I don't empty the house before it goes into the IDOC process, the only account that still has access to finish emptying is the account I don't plan to renew? This doesn't make any sense either.

Scenario 3) A house I plan to keep accidentally exceeds the 90 days, and begins to decay. Now even when I re-fund that account, I have to go to the extra bother of re-co-owning/friending all my accounts... which also means that any containers locked down by co-owners now are only accessible by the owner, so I also need to release / resecure by coowner all of those items and containers... ugh.

I don't see what this change is fixing, but at worst the house access list should only be cleared when the house goes into the final IDOC stage, not the minute the house is condemned.

What I would at least like to see, on the ownership tab of the house menu, is the account name which owns the house (able to be toggled so it can be seen only by owner/co-owner/friends), and when the house will enter decay ("account is currently funded" / "house will be condemned on March 6, 2015" / "house is currently condemned").

I would also like to receive warnings, like the vendor decaying house/renewal messages, when any houses where my character/account is friended/co-owned get condemned. These warnings could perhaps create maps, like vendor search, to take me to that house, so I can figure out which one the warning is talking about.

Finally, I've personally lost 2 vet tele tiles, both of which I bought, when friends were kept off UO and their houses fell. Both cases, the person had financial problems, and lost net access, thus could not be reached. Because they'd had to be the one to lock the tele tile down on their end, I couldn't retrieve it. Given the nature of vet and recharagable tele tiles, I'd love to see these pop into the moving crate over at the linked house, rather than they fall with the house. Only if both halves of the tele tile pair are in the falling house should they fall with the house.

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Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Now did I say I did idoc's? (You know what they say about assuming.) I haven't camped an idoc in years nor do I plan to.

My question is geared towards the other side... a person whose home has entered the decay stage.
Did I say that you did? my post was directed more to the fact that you thought you can tell anybody what they are allowed to talk about.


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I think the access list being cleared is a good idea...that means that NOONE has any advantage.
Ummm, the house owner made the choice to give access to those players/accounts. "Advantage" assumes that everyone is there to grab something someone else owns. Let's say I am co-owned to a friend's house, and have stuff stored in a container there. I don't realize that that person is letting their house go, and the only way I know in advance is when I see the house sign showing the condemned state. With the access list cleared, now all of *MY* stuff is immediately taken from me, the minute the house enters a condemned state - and worse, if that owner pays to re-fund the account, now I've been cleared from the access list and those items have had their access changed to only that house owner. Why should I not have an advantage in removing my own items from the house before it falls?


Babbling Loonie
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Friends list cleared is a good idea. Should be no advantage for saving "friends" items bc they are not paying for there accounts. Just keep your accounts paid up and then there are no worries.


Lore Master
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Friends list cleared is a good idea. Should be no advantage for saving "friends" items bc they are not paying for there accounts. Just keep your accounts paid up and then there are no worries.
The issue a lot of people are having is not about saving your friends items, its about getting your personal items out of their house when it starts to decay. If you're coowned or friended and all of the sudden the second the house hits like new status the lists get wiped and it goes private you can no longer get your stuff out WITH NO WARNING. People just want the opportunity to get their own property back before the house falls, we aren't in charge of our friends account payments and we shouldn't be punished for them quitting.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
i have three homes.. my main is home free and i keep him that way in order to place and sell houses... so that being said all of my stuff is on other accounts.

am i worried about me messing up and not paying for an account and having no access to my stuff?

NOPE. if that did happen i would pay for the account and give myself access again... or if im really worried guess what ill do... ill pay for them early.. or just toss a six month code on em and be worry free!

Lady CaT

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The issue a lot of people are having is not about saving your friends items, its about getting your personal items out of their house when it starts to decay. If you're coowned or friended and all of the sudden the second the house hits like new status the lists get wiped and it goes private you can no longer get your stuff out WITH NO WARNING. People just want the opportunity to get their own property back before the house falls, we aren't in charge of our friends account payments and we shouldn't be punished for them quitting.
Not taking any sides here, but couldn't this be viewed as 'THE WARNING' that it's not a good idea to store stuff in a house that isn't yours. Because like you said, ultimately you aren't in charge of your friends account payment or desire to keep playing UO. Moral of the story has always been don't store stuff in another persons house that you aren't prepared to lose.


Grand Poobah
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I´m sure there are people that access friends as a safeguard in case something happens that prevents them from paying for the account to keep the house up and letting their friends know.
That way there´s a chance that the accessed friends can see it´s decaying and save their items until they get back. Not something that happens often I´m sure but at least the option is there.
If a house owner gives someone access to house/containers/items then that access should remain until either the house owner removes that access or the house falls.

Claudia presented a good alternative if the access list has to be touched at all:

It's not like the IDOC hunting scripters are coowned or friended to every house in UO. This part of the changes only screws people's friends. It's not like they know when someones account is going to go down in order to clear out their belongings. If anything they should go PRIVATE when they start to decay, then the notifications like those used for rented out vendors in decaying houses show up for all coowners and friends letting them get their stuff out, and when it hits IDOC stage THEN you clear the list. That way the scripters never get a chance to see inside. People can get their own stuff out, and no one has the advantage of being inside when it falls. Not to mention that if you know your friends house is starting to decay you can let them know and potentially retain a customer for UO.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry all but i'm of the opinion that clearing the entire list is the way to go. Yeah it's gonna suck for co-owners that still have active paying accounts, friendly fire, casualties of war et al.

Pretty simple, keep in touch with your friends. If you're co-owned to a house of a friends, and you haven't seen or heard from him in a while (like almost 90 days). Be proactive, or end up reactive. :p

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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I don't have a definitive answer on this, as I've been out of town for the past couple of days dealing with a family matter. The change is not on TC, and has not been deployed to production. There is still time to answer any questions you have.
Thanks Friend, No rush on the answer I am sure it can wait till Tuesday or so.

Take care of the family. That's what is important.

*Taps Pipe and Sips on his glass of Good Old Moonglow Red*


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Also just to clarify...the LATEST postings to the decay of houses was from Bleak here:


Since there still seems to be some confusion about how long it take for houses to fall I will provide a more detailed explanation.

First case is where your account is inactive for 90 days then becomes condemned.

Second case is where you trade an existing house or place a new house and the first house becomes condemned.

As stated in the Producer Letter houses will fall within 5 days. There are 6 states that the house will transition to within the 5 days. There is no defined time that a house will be in each state.

Decay Stages:

1. Like New
2. Slightly Worn
3. Somewhat Worn
4. Fairly Worn
5. Greatly Worn
6. In Danger Of Collapsing

So an example:

Day 1: Like New-> Slightly Worn

Day 2: Slightly Worn

Day 3: Slightly Worn -> Fairly Worn

Day 4: Fairly Worn -> Greatly Worn

Day 5: Greatly Worn-> In Danger Of Collapsing -> Drop

Another example:

Day 1: Like New-> Slightly Worn

Day 2: Slightly Worn -> Fairly Worn

Day 3: Fairly Worn -> Greatly Worn

Day 4: Greatly Worn

Day 5: Greatly Worn ->In Danger Of Collapsing -> Drop


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Dixie chessy/legends

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
or just dont make em private al all...better solution ....that way the friends can loot their stuff and idocers can still see whats in it...........cant be both ways......if friends are allowed in it till idoc stage starts they will still be able to see said items and script them..........................now if they were only allowed in till lets say somewhat worn i wouldnt have a problem with that...........................or!!!!!! just leave idocs alone and stop the newbs from looting to start with and see if that helps things 1st


Lore Master
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Also just to clarify...the LATEST postings to the decay of houses was from Bleak here:


Since there still seems to be some confusion about how long it take for houses to fall I will provide a more detailed explanation.
The problem was that information wasn't very correct as some houses were going from not decaying to gone in 3 days as verified by several idocers across different servers as well as my own houses I knew were falling and I let go. I think that's the way they INTENDED for it to work though.


Lore Master
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Not taking any sides here, but couldn't this be viewed as 'THE WARNING' that it's not a good idea to store stuff in a house that isn't yours. Because like you said, ultimately you aren't in charge of your friends account payment or desire to keep playing UO. Moral of the story has always been don't store stuff in another persons house that you aren't prepared to lose.
Why ruin what little community we have left by saying no don't keep stuff in your friends houses? I mean some people play on other servers where they have no house but cohabitate with friends. Not really fair to them if they log in and end up under the house sign with it saying Slightly Worn/Private and unable to recover any of their items when they logged out the day before and it was fine. I mean this situation is the very reason they DID recently add the new rented out vendor gump. To not screw people through no fault of their own.

I'm a long time idoc hunter and even I'm no so jaded and greedy that I want to loot an actively playing coowner's items that he should be able to walk in and retrieve.


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or just dont make em private al all...better solution ....that way the friends can loot their stuff and idocers can still see whats in it...........cant be both ways......if friends are allowed in it till idoc stage starts they will still be able to see said items and script them..........................now if they were only allowed in till lets say somewhat worn i wouldnt have a problem with that...........................or!!!!!! just leave idocs alone and stop the newbs from looting to start with and see if that helps things 1st
Realistically, how many are you assuming are friends at any given house? It's not either/or. If the problem is people standing on top of some desirable item, and their coowner/friend status not being sufficient to take it before the house falls, you can make them private, and only clear the list when the house actually goes IDOC. Doing it before then is simply premature, and has a lot of unintended consequences.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you clear the list when it goes condemned...noone able to get access.. friends that stored stuff should have you on icq or something and give ya a heads up..

if you are wanting it cleared at idoc stage.. well my only issue with that.. is if its still public.. your giving people time to setup loot scripts.

compromise.... just clear access list and make pvt on condemned. leave friends and co own till idoc stage. i think that would end this argument/debate.

Dixie chessy/legends

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Realistically, how many are you assuming are friends at any given house? It's not either/or. If the problem is people standing on top of some desirable item, and their coowner/friend status not being sufficient to take it before the house falls, you can make them private, and only clear the list when the house actually goes IDOC. Doing it before then is simply premature, and has a lot of unintended consequences.
i hate to sit and argue on here , but i think idocers are just getting the short end jammed right up the back side. so i wont post any more after this cause all this aggravation is messin with my Chi.... but my reply is , because there will not be a server down in between idoc and ground "atleast most of the time there isnt" if someone is in the house at greatly, and server dosent go down they can keep toon there and still be able to see items, making them scriptable. so i say either they are private to everyone or they just leave em alone.....or let it be entered by friend up untill a certain stage but not greatly........................the more i think about it the more i dislike it all =( march quit time is gettin closer, i may just give it up all together.
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Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
i hate to sit and argue on here , but i think idocers are just getting the short end jammed right up the back side. so i wont post any more after this cause all this aggravation is messin with my Chi.... but my reply is , because there will not be a server down in between idoc and ground "atleast most of the time there isnt" if someone is in the house at greatly, and server dosent go down they can keep toon there and still be able to see items, making them scriptable. so i say either they are private to everyone or they just leave em alone.....or let it be entered by friend up untill a certain stage but not greatly........................the more i think about it the more i dislike it all =( march quit time is gettin closer, i may just give it up all together.
The stance you seem to be taking gives the impression that you think the people who script loot idocs happen to be friended or coowned to every house in UO when in actuality it might be a factor in maybe 1 in 1000 IDOCs. If the house goes private the second it hits Like New the real idoc scripters will never know what items are in it. Even under the old system it was still fairly rare that you had friended or coowned people show up to loot.

The Craftsman

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the friend's list should only get cleared once the house gets to the in danger of collapsing stage

that one's a no-brainer - at least give people a chance to get their stuff out before the house drops - it's only fair
This. The Devs almost got it right but this one simple amendment would solve any concerns people have about co-owned/friended houses whilst maintaing the intention that when the house drops its a level playing field.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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you clear the list when it goes condemned...noone able to get access.. friends that stored stuff should have you on icq or something and give ya a heads up
If the friend is offline in UO, the chance is high, that he is offline in ICQ as well.
From all my attempts to contact friends or players whom I knew ingame about their house decaying, whom I had (partially) on ICQ, only two ever succeeded. (And one of it only, since I could retrieve the private telephone number of this player via a few links from ICQ.) This was also a player in financial shortage, who could not efford the money to reactivate the account.
And it is really a non issue if the house turns to private and only entitled people keep access (would this happen also with vendor houses) - and why not allow them a headstart to recover their friends soulstones or whatever from being grabbed by any other player? As others mentioned, it is rarely happening that players are friended/coowned to a house and are present at the IDOC. I had this exactly two times in the last year, and one of those was, as the owner passed away. The coowner in this case granted everybody who appeared there access to the private home and to the chests to grab, whatever he wanted.


Grand Poobah
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guess you did not read the last paragraph about a solution / compromise... on my same post...


Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i like those changes!

but i do think they could add a bit more fun besides just the Grubbers.
how about one or even a pack of Harbingers?
those are always a crowd pleaser.
you could always have random packs of orcs spawn - cause heaven knows they are scavengers and really the party isnt going until the orcs arrive!

bravo on the changes.
I'd like to see the same type of spawn as T-Maps, and make it match the facet as well. that would at least break it up and make it fun, then as someone else suggested have a "boss" that holds any Vet Rewards.


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I'd like to see the same type of spawn as T-Maps, and make it match the facet as well. that would at least break it up and make it fun, then as someone else suggested have a "boss" that holds any Vet Rewards.
Imho, that's taking it a bit too far. A house fell down. I can see the game fiction rationale for grubbers. In the case of a t-chest, there's game logic for why there is spawn. ...so.... What rationale is there for a falling house to summon an army of defenders, including some sort of boss?

If the time when the lists are cleared is moved to the IDOC stage, rather than the 'slightly worn' stage, I'd tend to think it's about as 'fixed' as it can be. If they added the tweak for tele-tile I mentioned earlier, that'd be gravy.

Actually, thinking on it, similar to the tele-tiles, why not kick all soulstones/fragments to the bank of the house owner character when its time for the house to collapse? At least if they come back, as so many of us do, there's that one extra incentive to stay, rather than one extra reason to feel disappointed.
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old gypsy

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I'm not sure yet what I think about the changes. I have a long friends list. At the present time they don't usually store stuff at my house, but if that should happen for some reason, I would like to think they would have access to retrieve their items if my house decayed. It could happen... I'm old, my subscription is month-to-month, and if I died the house would decay rather quickly. (I'm not too familiar with house decay in general, as I'm not an IDOC camper and don't pay much attention to the issue usually.)
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Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Imho, that's taking it a bit too far. A house fell down. I can see the game fiction rationale for grubbers. In the case of a t-chest, there's game logic for why there is spawn. ...so.... What rationale is there for a falling house to summon an army of defenders, including some sort of boss?

If the time when the lists are cleared is moved to the IDOC stage, rather than the 'slightly worn' stage, I'd tend to think it's about as 'fixed' as it can be. If they added the tweak for tele-tile I mentioned earlier, that'd be gravy.

Actually, thinking on it, similar to the tele-tiles, why not kick all soulstones/fragments to the bank of the house owner character when its time for the house to collapse? At least if they come back, as so many of us do, there's that one extra incentive to stay, rather than one extra reason to feel disappointed.
there doesn't need to be any reason, it would just be a neat thing in my opinion. add a bit of fun to an IDOC


Queen of The Outlaws
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Sounds like some great changes.

Except for the first part. Why clear the access list?
Obviously the owner trusted some people enough to have access to house and in some cases even containers. The house should go private but the access list should stay.
Just my opinion.
It may be needed in Trammel, I don't know, as I never play there, but why in Fel and on Siege. It could be a guild house, where something happen to the owner or there could be others living in the house.
I believe it would be fair for them to know. I do dislike when someone only pay for their house 3 months a year and I do not mind to see this houses made without access 3 weeks after they go unpaid, but there should be a warning to players accessed to the house the day it go unpaid.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I'm not sure yet what I think about the changes. I have a long friends list. At the present time they don't usually store stuff at my house, but if that should happen for some reason, I would like to think they would have access to retrieve their items if my house decayed. It could happen... I'm old, my subscription is month-to-month, and if I died the house would decay rather quickly. (I'm not too familiar with house decay in general, as I'm not an IDOC camper and don't pay much attention to the issue usually.)
well if you died.. plz dont.. they would have 90 days from when your account went unpaid.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
in all honesty just make pvt and remove access list.. but leave friends and co owners till idoc... plenty of time to clear out there chests and i dont see it being a problem

and on top of that i really don't see many houses that would even have anyone with chests in them loaned out to friends or co owners anyways... what maybe 1 in 100?..

im pretty sure by the time the changes are made and live the devs will make that minor tweek to end this idoc issue once and for all.

this minor change .. which seems to be the only issue being nit picked.. is ez fix... understandable and not a big deal imo.

above being said... im for the full wipe but that is cuz i own my own houses and pay for them monthly.. and don't put stuff in other peoples houses i don't plan on loosing ... heh.

thanks for the new additions i believe they are a great addition and a good end to all the idoc threads. hat off to the team!!


The Enchanter
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If you gave stuff to a friend who hasn't shown up in game for 30-60 days... might be a good idea to get your stuff back rather than risk it. Keep your stuff at your own place then. No advantage should be given to anyone at an IDOC - friend or not. If your friend stops paying their account, you should have to fight for it along with all the non-friends who might want to IDOC it.

Otherwise, too bad so sad.


Queen of The Outlaws
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If you gave stuff to a friend who hasn't shown up in game for 30-60 days... might be a good idea to get your stuff back rather than risk it. Keep your stuff at your own place then. No advantage should be given to anyone at an IDOC - friend or not. If your friend stops paying their account, you should have to fight for it along with all the non-friends who might want to IDOC it.

Otherwise, too bad so sad.
That sounds like pure greed, sure any friend of the house should have advantage. Maybe RL problems made them stop paying and they will be happy to get their stuff back, when RL trouble are solved.
If someone die RL, familie and friends in the testament comes first. Look at the access liste as a kind of testament, first co-owners, then friends, then accessed and last anyone.

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
Honestly, of all the things a few of you will find to whine about. Maybe you should pay some tiny amount of attention to where you store your crap, or go get mad at your friend for quitting the game and not bothering to tell you before his house goes condemned.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Honestly, of all the things a few of you will find to whine about. Maybe you should pay some tiny amount of attention to where you store your crap, or go get mad at your friend for quitting the game and not bothering to tell you before his house goes condemned.
Calling others whiners are a poor way join a debat


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The issue a lot of people are having is not about saving your friends items, its about getting your personal items out of their house when it starts to decay. If you're coowned or friended and all of the sudden the second the house hits like new status the lists get wiped and it goes private you can no longer get your stuff out WITH NO WARNING. People just want the opportunity to get their own property back before the house falls, we aren't in charge of our friends account payments and we shouldn't be punished for them quitting.
Well you would have up to the 4 days until you can not access your stuff. Chances are if it's idoc and you didn't know about it your stuff would be gone anyways. If they changed it to what you like I could co-own all my other accounts and if my house ever did fall I would get warnings/my items back.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How, they may not know before it goes IDOC, think all friends right to try to safe their stuff and their friends stuff too if they have access to it.
in all honesty how many players have all there stuff accessed to a group of friends........... waaay more trusting then i am... i also would not want to.burden my friends with having to watch my stuff... i don't go to friends homes and think "i better check to see if their house is falling.. they may be having rl issues!!"

what a joke.


my house could fall at any moment.. and i would loose bills... but anything thing that is not re placable or has some stupid sentimental value to me is in a bank box. and i could have a rl issue and guess what... i can go collect cans and pay for my account.. or if someone is dieing its not hard to find a way to take a second to pay ur account... i guess i just don't understand and im cold...