What about doing what the players in the early days did in reaction to the game breaking lag...Protest at Lord Brit's Castle in Trammel Atlantic!There's only one way for EA to take notice and take action. Quit.
It wouldn't surprise me if EA has absolutely zero interest in UO other than to count how much money was deposited every month from subscriptions.
If you want EA to get involved and reassess Broadswords actions and/or inaction then we need a good old fashioned strike. Mass quit.
All our stuff would be safe for 90 days. Get enough players to cancel their subscriptions and EA will notice. Unfortunately, few will quit. We've all just become numb to the pain and addicted to pixel crack.
Let us gather, get naked, get down, get drunk, and get funky!!!
I mean what's her nibs going to do ban everyone and herself out of a job?
I'd like to see her try and explain it to the suits at EA!
So what do you say?
We give it one last ditch effort; at we can say we tried.