In regards to not having risk? It's pretty simple to protect your possessions from a thief, just because you choose not to take the time, should not be blamed on a thief...la
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hince why the devs crippled the thieving profession to it's current form. what's the point of having a system in place that would inconvienence the majority of players more than anything? especially as death is not at all a deterrent to thieves (maybe if thieves recieved stat-loss when brought to justice...), and there were no true safe zones. (at least towns kept you from impending pk doom)
thieving was unbalanced with too many advantages towards the thief, even the thieves had to admit. it was unfortunate that the devs all but got rid of it, instead of working towards a more reasonable middle ground.
In regards to not having risk? It's pretty simple to protect your possessions from a thief, just because you choose not to take the time, should not be blamed on a thief...la
[/ QUOTE ]
hince why the devs crippled the thieving profession to it's current form. what's the point of having a system in place that would inconvienence the majority of players more than anything? especially as death is not at all a deterrent to thieves (maybe if thieves recieved stat-loss when brought to justice...), and there were no true safe zones. (at least towns kept you from impending pk doom)
thieving was unbalanced with too many advantages towards the thief, even the thieves had to admit. it was unfortunate that the devs all but got rid of it, instead of working towards a more reasonable middle ground.