So... Ummm... Mr. CatHat... A discussion rages about the merits of allowing classic housing, specifically keeps and castles, one of two things:
Ability to perform limited customization, like floor tiles, walls, windows in walls, that sort of thing
Or a fixed selection of floor plans that the developers deem appropriate. and on uo housing and castles board, i stumbled upon this keep design and some insightful ideas.
Certainly I like the ideas. I’ve got a whole list of new features I think we need to add to housing to improve its ease of use and increase its functionality. One of my tasks is to be proposing various new features and figuring out how they’d all work. The only catch is, there has to be a big enough bonus to any new proposed features, with a realistic feasibility of successful operation. New things must be weighed against other things, approved, and worked into a schedule with room for new features.
Right now - we’ve got all hands working on fixing up KR & 2d stuff, and others working on SA. So you could say, things are pretty booked right at this moment we’re speaking.
Understand – there’s usually a lot of Artist & Engineer time & tricks to getting prototypes & stuff to work in game. I’ll spare you the game engine techno babble associated with making game prototypes. Often it can sound like a tired Star Trek techie story loophole,
<font color="blue"> “Well, if we vent plasma, and convert our primary sensor dish to emit tachyon particles, we can refract our signal so that we can get Cathat’s new system to read properly with a minimum impact on server/client systems and manpower – bla bla bla.” </font> LOL
So obviously, I can’t say exactly when Housing’s time will come. Ya have to consider all the other things we’re already working on, all the other cool things we want to add, and all the other systems that are already in line to be worked on too. Housing is not forgotten, and since I’m actively planning out proposals for additions to champion, I’m actively reading everyone’s proposals online be they new or old ideas to integrate with my own.
That’s how it works on the seven seas of game development.
Sings, “Yo Ho, Yo Ho – a Dev’s life for me.”