Atheistic, evolutionistic and secular belief systems are responsible for more evil and death than all the religious battles of the 20th century combined.
How so? please prove this.
This is explained in the list of dictators I provided in the origional post.
Hitler killed 6 million Jews
lol not really I think he hardly killed any himself actualy though he did inspire others to kill relentlessly for him.
That may be so, but he was responsible for the ordering of millions of deaths, and the ordering of the facilities that carried out many of those deaths, including human incinerator chambers and gas chambers.
He was also responsible for the ordering and overseeing of concentration camps where people were starved and worked to death.
Hitler did not kill anyone (that I know of) directly, like pointing a gun to a person's head and pulling the trigger, but he was definately responsible indirectly, and by the direct ordering of deaths.
Hitler was a staunch evolutionist that believed in survival of the fittest.
Nope nope nope. He believed in preserving the purity of the gene pool to which he faulted for killing jews since in his veiw they are actualy quite clean compared to other ethnic groups.
Wait. You say here that Hitler killed Jews, while just above you say he didn't. Which is it?
Plus, it is actual fact that Hitler considered Jews as sub human. Even if he never thought the words "sub human", his beliefs indicated such because of the purity of the gene pool, as you mentioned.
The Jews along with other peoples were viewed by both him and those following him to be a species of sub-human
That includes your church then lol I've found no matter how nice the christian when it comes down to Jews they can't stand them as a people.
Can you explain this a little bit for me? Do not forget that Jesus himself was a Jew, born a Nazareen, and followed Jewish laws and customs.
Also, it wasn't only the Jews that wanted to kill Jesus, but it was also the Romans that carried it out. Yet you do not hear of Christians hating Romans. So if we do not hate Romans for the same reason, why would we hate the Jews? There are in fact Messianic Jews that are still Jews, but believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Why would we hate them?
Hitler, to all Christians, was a horrible monster that did and ordered unspeakable things to be done to millions of innocent people. For someone to think that Hitler was doing right, or think he wasn't a madman is to be considered insane.
Hehe, now would be a good time to put forth the speculation that the church sanctified his actions before everything kicked off. Old habits die hard for your church eh?
Even with people within the Christian faith, you can be sincere and be sincerely wrong. The Crusades were wrong, the Inquisition was wrong. Anyone can do something in the name of God, but that doesn't mean it's God's will that you do it. You have to follow what Jesus taught, and what God teaches in the Ten Commandments and elsewhere.
Yet if no God truely exists nor ever did exist, they were neither innocent nor guilty. Hitler simply did what is recorded in our DNA through evolution to do what needed to be done, and did nothing wrong whatsoever.
There is nothing in my DNA that says I have to kill to survive. If simple minded animals can go about their lives and not kill each other then I'm sure we can so your argument is moot. True there is potential but that;s the same in all of us wheather we have a god or not.
Two things here. Simple-minded animals do indeed kill each other, with no knowledge of God. So the very reason you gave for my argument here becoming moot is removed, thereby strengthening it once again.
The same whether we have a god or not? Have you looked at the YMCA, the Salvation Army and the American Red Cross? These three organizations alone have helped literally millions of people in all walks of life around the world, in disaster relief, shelter, soup kitchens and a vast array of other things.
These three organizations all have Christian roots, and were all founded by people that had given their hearts and lives to the Creator God.
Without them, these organizations would not exist, and we may very well be worse off today if not for them.
In fact, without God, or the belief in ANY god, right and wrong are nothing but the fantacies of every individual person. Sure, each of us has a concept of what is right, but it is only personal opinion.
Your bible is just personal opinion lol Everything that is written in thoughs pages are how people interpreted Jesus' actions.
That would be true what you say, if it could not be verifyable. Once something that is stated is verified in the physical world, it becomes fact. This is so for the Bible.
Setting aside the story of Creation and God's acts on mankind over the ages (which can be verified indirectly), we still have to consider the issues of prophecy in the Bible being correct, and archaeology constantly only verifying people, places and events.
And not everything written in the Bible is about Jesus' actions. Take the entire Old Testament for example. Yes it tells of the Messiah's coming, but doesn't tell about the actions of Jesus until the New Testament.
And many of the things Jesus says is point blank, leaving no room for interpretation whatsoever.
****, murder, abortion, taking advantage of another for your own gain... it is all there in our DNA, according to this view. It is a very bleak scenario. **** is required to purpetuate the species and help it to survive.
Do you read what you type? There is something seriously wrong with you if you really believe that. You make me laugh.
Ok, I will give you credit on this one. It may not be in our DNA, but survival of the fittest IS (according to, if not naturalistic view, evolutionist view).
We see it in nature all the time.
where? Please tell me where is it in nature that it's common place to ****? Different mating practises doesn't make it ****. You're putting Human morals on animals. You cannot do that lol
Perhaps not the same morals, but the same physical definitions. What is **** but mating, the result giving birth?
You wanted an example, so here is one. Many times in nature, if you ever watch nature shows and the like, you will see a group of males surrounding one female. One male does the dirty deed, then another steps up, then another. What is this?
Murder is another story. Just as we kill others out of anger, so do animals if one male gets pissed off at another for whatever reason and it winds up in a battle to the death.
Abortion may not be found in the animal kingdom (because of the technology involved), but killing newborns IS found in nature, and is very common in some areas.
Now, without God and relying only on evolution, are we not animals ourselves? If not, how did we transcend?
What I have just described is very disturbing. Yet to hold to the totally naturalistic view, it is absolutely required that one also believes in the affore-mentioned scenario as well, or the view has no validity.
Just because I don't follow your crazy view of what a "naturalistic view" of humans are doesn't discredit anything I say. You did this the last time i posted. You tried to make out I was a hypocritcle nazi and anything I my put forth to the debate is worthless because of that fact. I just thought I'd make sure everyone understood what that post was about incase they missed it. I think many would agree your just trolling your BS now.
I do not do that on purpose. I merely present details and I leave it to the reader to decide.
As long as we can carry on a logical debate and avoid exasperation, this can actually be quite constructive. But as soon as people resort to hurling insults at each other the topic breaks down and we get nowhere fast.
I implore you, think carefully before making such a decision as this, research and study for yourself what I have related to you previously, and the concequences of the stand you now have. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide where you stand.
That's the thing. I have. I've chosen to for my own opinions with the information I gathered. It's you that is spewing forth only what otehrs have written before you. What the churchs has taught you to say and think.
You certainly have a right to your own opinions and I will respect that. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves what to think and believe.
Now, if in the cases I am "spewing forth," as you so colorfully put it, information that others have written before me, is because I believe them to be verifyable fact.
And in actuality, this is necessary for most conversations. Are you not "spewing forth" information based partly on what others have written and said before you? Are you not saying things now based on what others have helped to teach you to think about things? Even evolutionists, while learning in public schools, learn from what others have written before them, and repeat what they have learned to others. Without doing that, there would be no evolutionists and no christians today, or at the most very few.
If it were not for what others have written before us, we would not know very much about our past at all. I am not an archaeologist. You are not a biochemist or paleoentologist (forgive spelling). So we both rely on such data, since we cannot explore these things on our own outside of pre-written texts.
Now, not meaning to insult you based on your sexual orientation, but at the same time following the "logic" of a totally naturalistic view, consider the following:
If you truely hold to a naturalistic view, homosexuality is absolutely detrimental to the natural order of things in the way that it does absolutely nothing to assist in the propogation of the species.
Actualy, I asked if you though science was of the linieage a naturalistic view? Because my dear if you bothered to read any kind of sociology/psychology books you would find that in the "normal" family that you christians try and foster. Boy, girl, mam and dad, if they are brought up with loveing parents they will both turn out to be bi-sexual. Sciences teachs thoughs that read it's papers that the only norm in actuality is bi-sexuality and anything else is abnormal. Sexuality in the end Is a choice there is no doubt but you need to change how you view sexuality before you can understand what I'm saying. Imagine a bar and each end is gay----straight and in the middle is bi-sexuality. All of us swing on this bar, even if just alittle every day of our lives. Our nature is to seek what pleases us. Sex is just apart of that. It's your morals and judgements that have caused so much suffering. My sexuality is a very small part of what I am.
This in no way negates the fact that homosexuality does nothing for ANY species, not just human.
There is pleasure yes, but that is all and nothing more that benifits any species. Only in the human race do you see two members of the same gender pairing together, and nowhere in nature.
A note: None of my posts are purposely intent on being insulting or accusing in ANY way. If I have insulted you in any area, I truely do appologize. My only intent here is for logical discussion of issues and information. I do not want this to degrade to the point where we only hurl insults at each other. None of my posts here are meant as personal attacks, though others here may and will do just that. I expect it. But I will to the best of my ability avoid doing that, for that only pushes people away. So for the record, I am sorry. I hope you are like-minded in this.
I look forward to future discussion.