From what I've read Pacem can't comprehend the idea nor humours the idea of a world where god doesn't exsist. Everything is because god has willed it but only that is good is gods work. Everything that he or she thinks is based on this premis, to him/her we are crazy for thinking otherwise.
I can indeed comprehend and humor the idea of a world where God doesn't exist.
As proof of this, I present to you the following:
The World Without God
After considering all of the evidence presented, if you still wish to believe in evolution and the non-existance of God, you should be aware of the dangers that come with that belief.
Atheistic, evolutionistic and secular belief systems are responsible for more evil and death than all the religious battles of the 20th century combined.
4000 are killed in abortions every day in America.
Cambodia's Pol Pot killed 2 million
Hitler killed 6 million Jews
Karl Marx had multiplied millions killed world-wide
Stalin: 20-30 million
China's Mao Tse-tung killed 65 million
One example that stands out in particular is the Hitler didtatorship. Hitler was a staunch evolutionist that believed in survival of the fittest. The Jews along with other peoples were viewed by both him and those following him to be a species of sub-human. He then proceeded to exterminate them, in his view wiping out a lesser species to make way for the perfect species of the German people. The strongest shall survive. According to naturalistic evolution, this is perfectly acceptable behavior and is required for the survival of the species.
Hitler, to all Christians, was a horrible monster that did and ordered unspeakable things to be done to millions of innocent people. For someone to think that Hitler was doing right, or think he wasn't a madman is to be considered insane. Yet
if no God truely exists nor ever did exist, they were neither innocent nor guilty. Hitler simply did what is recorded in our DNA through evolution to do what needed to be done, and did nothing wrong whatsoever.
In fact, without God, or the belief in
ANY god, right and wrong are nothing but the fantacies of every individual person. Sure, each of us has a concept of what is right, but it is only personal opinion.
****, murder, abortion, taking advantage of another for your own gain... it is all there in our DNA, according to this view. It is a very bleak scenario. **** is required to purpetuate the species and help it to survive. We see it in nature all the time. So there is no reason to exclude ourselves from that rule as well, without the true God of the Bible to teach us how to treat our neighbor, etc.
I can go even further in stating that all that we think and do are nothing more than the random processes of chemical reactions in what we call the brain to trigger responses from the animated matter that is our bodies, triggered by actions of other animated matter outside of our own.
What I have just described is very disturbing. Yet to hold to the totally naturalistic view, it is absolutely required that one also believes in the affore-mentioned scenario as well, or the view has no validity.
This is the world without God.
I implore you, think carefully before making such a decision as this, research and study for yourself what I have related to you previously, and the concequences of the stand you now have. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide where you stand.
Of course, this scenario in its entirety is absolutely dependant on the possability of everything coming from nothing. I will explain this in further detail in future posts as the need arises.
Now, not meaning to insult you based on your sexual orientation, but at the same time following the "logic" of a totally naturalistic view, consider the following:
If you truely hold to a naturalistic view, homosexuality is absolutely detrimental to the natural order of things in the way that it does absolutely nothing to assist in the propogation of the species. It does nothing to increase numbers for a more stable foothold and does nothing but provide mis-placed pleasure to those involved. People say homosexuality is natural, but if enough of a species, human or otherwise, engaged in this, it would eventually lead to extinction.
This is only one reason God has labeled homosexuality a sin. There are, of course, other reasons, such as God set it up from the beginning that a man should be with a woman in the bonds of marriage (Genesis 2:23-24, Matthew 19:4-6, Mark 10:6-8), and that the very sight of it is an abomination to God (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13)