Thing is, the quote that this all came from wasn't even here on Stratics. The only reason we here even knew about it is because particular people who have been hounding him for ages now decided to bring it over here and walk with it.
It's been an interesting ride, but it was, at its base, resultant from a smear attack by a vocal minority.
Whether the intent was a personal attack on JC or not, the people deserve to know if EA supposedly favored an individual player. That is where I became involved in this topic. That was was attracted me. It seems that the properties were already in JC's hands and that their was no game-master action involved in the transfer. So apparently that issue is put to rest.
-The rest of this is my opinion, all of which has been gathered by following these threads. If you don't want to read it, stop now, you have been warned.-
I still have more questions. Did Xanthar transfer the houses to two seperate accounts that JC owns?, or did he simply give that account in whole to JC? If he transfered them one at a time, the grandfathered status was gone at that point. If he gave the whole account to JC, and JC let the houses lapse into decay status, then the grandfathered status would be lost at that point.
If, and it is a big IF............. If JC was transfered a grandfathered account, and he:
1. Let the grandfathered houses grow into decay status- That is very irresponsible and a shame.
2.Moved the supposed "blessed" rares out of the house into one of his "personal" houses, and claimed that "the houses were empty," that would be considered a lie I believe, and of course a shame. (This is in the case that this actually happened, which I am not yet sure).
3. Intended on converting the towers into customizable plots ("for decoration purposes"), then he must not be very concerned about the perservation of these historical places. (This was put into question by his own poll on teh Atlantic forums. I do however honor the fact that he DID ask the community after all, but the fact he would even CONSIDER that, seems to not keep the best interests of preserving these properties in mind).
How do people overlook these possibilities, or at least not acknowlege them?
What do I want? I want to see these properties restored to their original state, and be granted for the use for the entire shard of Atlantic. If JC can withstand that responsibility, then so be it and more power to him.
But honestly, they are HIS houses now, he is free to do with them as he wishes. However, to claim that his intent is to preserve the houses, and CONSIDER changing them to customizable plots seems to contradict his own statements.
I am one who would most certainly understand the scrutiny that JC would have to go through as the GM of HOT (true or false). Whenever you have a large guid thats has a firm player base, attacks will fly in from all directions.
You are talking to a founding member of the GRI guild on Catskills, the largest inter-player alliance by far on the shard of Catskills. We have been attacked on astronomical levels.
Several of our upstanding members, our current guildmaster and myself have all been victims of "hate attacks."
The idea that JC, a proven respectable member of our UO community, would go out of his way, to "bate" former members of his guild, protesters and haters, sounds very immature for the GM one of our game's largest and most respected guilds. Why would he be wasting his time on dealing with folk removed from HOT?
Why post a fake auction? I know he posted is reasons but seriously, he is the GM of one of the largest guilds in the game, not some 1yr pvp vet with no morals. He should be "above" revenge.
I am still formulating my opinion. We shall we what the thread entails.