Some really great fights recently here on legends of all different "types and settings", both OF! and LGC have had their strong showings the past couple of days.
Delayed pvp report post
A few days ago (in the twilight hours) both guilds were busy finishing their respective spawns, largely unknown to each other. I had been doing a quick spawn sweep while some of my fellow guildies were finishing a Semidar spawn, when I stumbled upon a decent sized group of OF! completing a Barracoon spawn. Koala and friends promptly greated me with the standard pvp welcome of Curses, Explosions, and Spell plagues, I quickly answered back with a Rel Por (teleport) and a brief wave as I fled the scene. Those kind players even said hello to me in general chat (after the fact) and politely asked if I would be comming back (preferrably with friends), but unfortunately my other buddies were previously engaged, still they were very kind. We ended up finishing almost exactly the same time so now each team knew the other was active and ready.
A quick guess that OF! might try and take the sigils netted our group a very effective base defense by aggressively pushing into our base. The following battle ended decidedly in our favor after several minutes, but never count OF! out... They regrouped as we skirmished around yew and after a few kills on both sides momentum began to shift in OF!'s favor, they were able to sucessfully push into the SL base as we were in turn forced to regroup ourselves. A hasty tally in vent yielded enough intrest (3 to start) to try my bold attack plan on the OF! sigil carriers, we shall call it "Why not? It could work (or at the very least be fun) attack manuever Beta". To be honest it did work out pretty well, we set up in the Britain forest (one path a carrier might take) and scored a quick kill on an OF! sigil carrier, the rest of the sigil carriers had caught up and both teams began pulling in their remaining reinforcements for the last big battle of the night. This battle lasted a good while and all seemed content at the end, a win for both teams in my opinion.
Some smaller fights here and there... (Drew and I are proud of our two man late night team performance) and zip ahead to today's action.
Drew and I couldn't prevent the sigils from being taken last night, so this morning just so happened to start with some sigil defense by OF! at Minax base. I wasn't here for all of it, but it sounds as if there was quite a bit of fighting for most of the morning. Drac had seemingly been able to reset the Britain sigil at some point. The biggest fights took place within the last hour or so of the sigil timers (10 hours) which was around 1 eastern. Both teams numbers were close enough for the major fighting in my opinion (small scale fights can go back and forth number wise quite often), LGC just failed to be as effective in the fields/choke point fighting today. This battle lasted a long while and luckily during one instance where OF! pushed out for the deathblow Drew managed to sneak his thief in and nab the Yew sigil, the fight continued in the woods where we faired far better then at the choke point entrance. Overall OF! came out with the win this morning and there was a long break until the fights in the evening.
In the afternoon it seemed everyone was again itching for some more combat. After a few brief 1v1's against Galy, where he promptly killed my new dexxer, and then proceeded to show me my mage skills still need some work (while talking trash at the same time, it was impressive... I guess?) general chat unfortunately was lit up with some "chat pvp". *sigh* You can be a great player, but if your attitude is lacking it's difficult to have any respect for you, not necessarily that respect matters to everyone, and that's ok too. I guess the positive was that a few more players must have been woken up and both teams began assembling their fighters as small battles continued to erupt around yew. The following fight was huge and at its largest point outside an OF! castle it felt like it was at least 12v12 (I know we had 10 in vent at then end), but regardless it was a big fight. There was a moment after the first chaotic encounter where we chased OF! into the SL base, only to be promptly turned to into 6+ ghosts by a well timed OF! counter, it definately felt like revenge for the previous night... We continued to battle for at least 45 minutes all over yew, and it's safe to say that some people had to wait out at least 40 minutes to an hour of stat loss due to all the switching that was happening. Now that I think about I'm not even sure thats the exact order of events, it was that crazy, good times, and good fights everyone.
MVP of the day: I'd give it to Galy because he really did do quite well in the field, and put a sound beating on me 1v1, but he had to go all pvper stereotype... I'll give it to Koala and RL's instead who have also crushed me 1v1 recently, without the need to measure each other's manhood... Oh and Koala is my valentine.