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The Legends Pvp Thread


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Jan 11th

Another great day of fighting, and it's nice to be able to call it a "win" for us, as we managed to accomplish a few important tasks today. It's sort of funny, but as I sit here trying to decide how I want to write this up, it dawns on me that the days where we fail (or get beat) are usually easier to be creative with, and are generally more memorable. I'm not saying that the fights today were any less exciting or fun, but that they just lack the one "thing" I can point to and say, "Here is where the fight went south. Man we were dumb! Lets write about it..."

The day started out for me with a rough 3v4-5, OF's team was Koala, Batosi, and Naughty Girl versus our team of Ghetto, Drew, Justin, and myself (Trent joined at the very end I believe). We got beat pretty bad here, Batosi's poison, Koala's mage skill, and Naughty's healing skills really put the pressure on us. If memory serves me correctly we lost 4 characters at least (possibly 5 there was switching going on), and only got one kill ourselves... It was a pvp clinic, goodtimes!

Shortly after, we gained a few more players and decided to do a Despise. It was raided at the very end, so we rallied in star room to run out a few 120's we got, and prepare a better defense. After a brief wait, some tactical feignts, and a back and forth push we got our very first successful star room defense, and counter push victory. *I figure around this time OF took back the sigils we had been holding.* Seeing as we had just run around battling in Tera and it was popped we figured we would just work it up, it doesn't get done very often. While we were doing Tera someone else was apparently doing Despise again, because when the call went out that OF was at the front of Fire and dropping in, we were pleasantly suprised when informed that we had enough time to put the boss down, and get back to the star room. This time however OF was not going to play into our advantage, so we waitied till we all could leave, and then left the star room. We made a quick plan to have a small group grab sigils and a smaller group field our base for defense, it would prove to be a smart plan.

*Dramatic music begins*
It seemed as if the very second we placed the sigils that the gates of hell opened upon us... There was an earth shaking rumbling in the sky, it sounded as if some terrible god in the heavens was laughing at us. A bolt of lightning ripped from the clouds and struck the ground out front, from the smoldering and blackened crater stepped the first of the horde, It was A Vicious Koala! His eyes shone red and as he looked upon our meager defenses he grinned, and held out his hand. A ball of fire began to grow and take shape, seemingly dancing with life in his palm. When it appeared as if the flare could no longer be contained he simply let it fall from his fingertips unto the ground by his side. Time slowed to a crawl as the flaming orb descended towards the earth and finally collided, erupting in a brilliant flash of blinding light, we shielded our eyes and attempted to squint into the distance. The glowing slowly abated and where there once was only A Vicious Koala, there now stood A Vicious Kitty as well! The OF army began to magically take shape and gather, eager to commence their onslaught. *Dramatic music ends* This fight ranks right up there with that awesome Britain fight we had recently, so it deserved a "cool" beginning. Koala and Kitty had the most threatening names so it seemed fitting... ;)

The fight was a stalemate for the first several minutes with only a kill on Koala, who had bravely attempted to flank our defense from the back of SL by himself. After a few more minutes of testing each others strategy and defenses OF made the first tactical kill on Drac and followed with an extremely aggressive push. We lost alot of ground and a few characters as well, but we quickly recovered some momentum as we made the decision to retreat out front and push back in from the outside. OF gathered in the sigil room and we pushed all the way towards the sigil room stairs. After a prolonged battle at the foot of the stairs we managed to make several kills ourselves, but OF wasn't going to be taken out easily. Theo and his dragon had made a bold push comming from the bridge to distract, luckily we were ready. Some clutch ressing and patented aggressiveness resulted in a few kills for OF as well and they made another forceful push, knocking us all the way back to the bridge stairs. It took alot of effort, but we managed to hold off the finishing blow just long enough to turn the tide, and push the remaining OF characters back into the sigil room. A quick regroup and we made the final push, "We have exorcised the demons, this base is clear." There was some second wave fighting around yew that was fun, and later on some more fighting outside Minax.

It was a very good day/night for pvp. I wish I could fully capture the "awesomeness" for those that only read about these battles.
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Jan 12th

The day was mostly uneventful, some small pvp around noon, and not much at all until late night. It was so slow during the afternoon/evening that we managed to run almost every spawn and a Harrower (It felt soul draining). Later on we had a good fight at Minax base and then OF had a good fight at SL base. Some time after the SL fight OF did a Despise, it was a nice change of pace to be able to attempt a raid. We tried to push them with fields and lost one before we fell back under the pressure of their mages and the ogre lords, so we regrouped in star room. After a short wait A Vicious Koala attempted to solo raid the star room, it can never be said that he is afraid of pixel deaths, and I commend his bravery (It's not the first time I have written about it). Seeing as I had already awarded Eris the "internet win" for her funny post earlier, todays win defaults to OF.

MVP of the day: Koala, that dude is vicious... and brave.


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Jan 13th

Not a bad day of pvp, we actually had an IDOC to fight over today. It was around 5pm est when it finally fell north of Minoc (in the High Steppes) and OF was quick to get their guild mobilized and ready to defend. A house was placed for loot storage by OF and we slowly began to attack the group in hopes of pressuring the looters. The location was a nice change of scenery for a pvp battle, it was also seemingly well suited for tactical field play, and strategic defense. We never fully succeeded in overcoming our slow start and OF's well played defense of the location, but all agreed afterwards that it was a fun fight. It was mostly confirmed that the keep had been a resource home, so some mild profit was made, but more importantly I imagine the materials were a welcome sight for all the OF crafters who have been extremely busy banging out new suits. *OF runs sweatshops!!!*

The next big fight was in Tera where we had a 30 minute long grinder against a sizeable OF force. Not my ideal style of fighting and the gaps between many kills were long, so I will be brief on this encounter. When I try and recall much of the fight all I can picture is fields... row after row of shiny fields. Poison fields, para fields, poison fields, para fields (Did I say poison fields?), energy fields, rainbow fields, a whole lot of fields. Pretty much all my kills were from RCs, which just makes me feel lame, but damn they are some good pvpers aren't they? I feel like we did ok in Tera for the group we had, but some aggressive mage play by OF flankers, and teamwork handily won them this one in the end.

We pretty much capped the night off with a crazy battle in and around the Yew wilderness. Both teams had large rosters on and the fight raged for 20 minutes easily. There was several times I believed we had lost completely, or won, only to have the situation change. We managed to make some good kills towards the end of the fighting that tipped the scales in our favor, but there was alot of deaths for nearly everyone involved.

Shout out to two returning pvpers, Cash and Dodge This. It was a pleasure seeing you two fighting during the day, and also later on with Vyal in yew.

MVP of the night: Stewart Little, not Stewart Little, or Stewart Little, but Stewart Little... you know who I'm talking about... Stewart Little. *This Stewart Little was one of the flankers in the Tera fight and later won 2 duels. One was against me, it was incredibly close, and a great fight.*
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Jan 15th

The past 2 days haven't had as much pvp as I would like. I suspect the wave of recent IDOCs on all shards might be one factor, but at least tonight we got two large fights. OF had a skillful crew, rough *pvp math* would be 6-8, which was small for the numbers they were going against, but there was also alot of character switching. You gals and guys must have on average at least 3 characters each, so you can understand the confusion sometimes. Our crew tonight on the other hand was quite large (8 LGC in one vent, 2 DOTA in another vent - we are allied ) and there was also at least 3 VFW (seperate vent - we are not allied, but we don't attack them). I'm not trying to make excuses with these details, merely trying to paint as accurate a portrait as I can for this report. While our numbers at times can be large we aren't the unified force we could be.

The fight:
OF started the fight by comming in from the lower level of Despise because we had the drop down fielded, and as we had caught someone in the fields earlier in the spawn, they were aware of this fact. We had been watching the west entrance as well, so we were ready when the call went out. There was a little bit of spellplay before the fields started being layed down, the grinder had started *Sigh*. OF made two quick kills on players that overextended and were trapped behind walls, the grinder raged for a good 5 minutes before RL's stated they weren't really interested in playing a grinder at the time. I certainly welcomed that idea... vent was less certain, but in the end we let some fields drop, and the OF team bravely charged in (Props for the impressive charge).

The following battle took place amongst the third level spawn. If anyone has ever tried this it's pretty damn difficult, those hellhounds, and ratmen mages are competent pvpers in their own right. They were quite likely responsible for some pvp kill assists.
*High fives* Tuteltoochek the Minax slayer. *Glares at* Rikel'chak the Shadowlord assassin.

In the end our numbers and the spawn defeated what would turn out to be the first wave of OF's attack. A smaller second wave was thwarted by some quick awareness and thinking from Ghetto by flanking with some well timed stone walls, but not without a few losses to Batosi and Sanity X in combination with some Ogre lord assists. To the credit of OF's crew tonight in an impressive fashion, they made even more quick character switches, and came back to fight in Tera against some of our stragglers. This fight as well raged with spawn all around us and OF was successful in scoring some kills, and after some brief fighting we managed to defeat the remaining players. OF agreed we won the fight, but claimed to have been more effective in fighting by killing more with their smaller crew tonight. A claim that is pretty fair to believe, as we had a great deal of players in Despise, but not full control of the different groups. Good fight OF.

The next fight was an intense guild on guild, characther switching, fight to the last man, no holds barred style beatdown in the Yew wilds. The fight raged for a good 20-30 minutes and for a long time we held an impressive lead on kills, but OF's tenacity and skilled mage-play won them the fight in the end. All with the EM's watching! Hopefully an OF player can chime in with some of what they talked about, because every time I attempted to get close and listen, you fine folks greated me with explosions, and flamestrikes... Good fights tonight everyone, it was nice to get some pvp since the past days had been slower than usual.

MVP of the day: Ghetto really impressed with his flanking maneuver. Honorable mention to the OF crew in Despise for fighting some impressive numbers and doing very well.
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RL'S pker

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Stratics Legend
There was some fun fighting tonight, and a lot of slop.

We averaged 4-5 people. The main crew was Shane,Jake,twista,twinkie,and me. Jawbone made it there at some very key moments, but the poor guy can hardly move in game. I'm sure you guys can tell by the way he runs, and then just comes to a complete stop. We had scribb,fox,and wicked also log in at different times during the fights. Sadly we couldn't get people on at the same time, and keep them online...blast that IRL crud.

It's been nice to have Jake back playing. It's been a good while since i was able to pvp with him in the field. Reminded me of the good old days. Now just need to get DJ back at it.

Placing faction guards when you already have a rather large # advantage was extremely pathetic. I've got a feeling it was Salts or Mysts idea. They show no honor in fights like you do, and are lower class players.

I've enjoyed the last few nights of pvp on the shard. Hopefully we can find more fights in the next few days. The woman is out of town, so i actually have some time to log in and pvp before work, muahahaha.


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Ha! Im getting that itch! Just a simple dexxer itch that is....whats the temp of the day?


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Dexxer wise there are a few options in my eyes. You could go Throwing, which arguably is the most powerful and flexible dexxer currently. I would personally recommend against a thrower as they are exceedingly easy to play, and would instead suggest an archer if ranged is more to your liking. Bleak has also said:

Mysticism - Stoneform + Protection will be looked at.
Throwing - will be adjusted with the total weapon re-balance.
Archery - will be adjusted with the total weapon re-balance which will bring it up to throwing levels.
Melee Weapon Skills - Two handed weapons will be adjusted with the total weapon re-balance and all weapon special moves are subject to change.
Granted this was 3 months ago...

Melee Dexxer wise the three top dogs remain Death Strikers, Poisoners, and Nerve Strikers... or some crazy combo of all three! Hehehe
Hope that is somewhat helpful.


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Hrm...my archer tamer is still kicken....
Hehehe still a solid build as well.

PvP report for Jan 17th

No huge fights recently, but the EMs did hold some arena battles that was a fun change of pace. They originally started out in Tram with some "free for alls" that weren't entirely "free for all". LGC had a fairly large crew on at this time and the majority of the 10 arena participants were us for the first several fights. Thankfully Twinkie, Kitty, and Koala from OF, were able to spice things up a little bit by persuading the EMs to move the battles to the Khaldun arena, and in the process also do a couple smaller battles. We got a few 3v3s ,a 2v2, and capped it off with one last "not quite free for all"... Heh, it's a difficult thing to persuade guildies to attack one another while other players are around. I'm gonna try and work on that for next time, it would be at the very least good practice for situational awareness.

I must comment that "pvp guilds" can seemingly make some of these events difficult for smaller groups of players to participate in. Wether the smaller group ends up being LGC, OF, solo pvpers, or as the case is nearly all the time, the Tram only players that come wanting to try some pvp out for the event. I wish I had a magic solution, but currently can't think of any excellent ideas myself. I just hope the EMs keep this issue in their minds for future events, regardless it is always nice to have some attention shown for pvp events, so thank you.

We capped the night off with some more small scale pvp in Despise, outside of Despise, around the Chaos shrine (get where this is going...), and finally around Yew which was all pretty fun. Both sides lost people, but OF ended up taking the Baracoon after a decent battle, good fight.


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Sorry for the delayed report, sometimes when you spend so much time in the game a day to rest and recover is needed, even if it's just watching movies with your family. Magic Mike was delightful!

Jan 18th

The 18th was a long day for me, please forgive me if some details are hazy. Fel had two castle Idocs in roughly the same area that we wanted the timers accurate on, so a large portion of the early morning was spent checking on house signs... FUN! After several hours we had the timer on one castle and the decision was made to try and get some sleep. Fast forward 4 hours (didn't feel like I slept at all) and the first Idoc occured without any issues, apparently Ghetto had stayed up all night/morning to get the last timer, what a trooper. I'm fairly certain there was some small scale fighting before the second Idoc, but it's entirely possible I was still dreaming... If I was indeed still draming we I obviously won while being heavily outnumbered. :D

The second Idoc went ok for us. I feel like we certainly could have done better if we hadn't began fighting too early (Drago agreed), after all we had the timer, so by showing our hand too soon we lessened how successful we could be. The actual fighting over loot was fairly even with alot of back and forth control of the Idoc site. We did have someone who wanted to place a castle, but towards the end we couldn't keep up with OF's determination to place at the location themselves, and the spot eventually went to Hongwu (OF), congrats.

The night also brought many more Arena battles (not FFA's ;), 5v5s, 4v4s, and even 2v2s) thanks to our EM's, I believe all were held in Fel with only 2 minor incidents occuring at this event. Hopefully we can avoid more incidents in the future, and continue to show that at least the pvpers on our shard can be respectful, and just want some good competition where all players (reds) can attend. Thanks to the Fel location for the event, the Fel castle idoc, luck that schedules allowed it, the turn out for this event was very impressive, and much more evenly represented guild wise. In the final FFA match of the night we even had Soul Tamer from FARM walk away with a win. I'm glad we had more blues from TMC/FARM participate this time around, our spectators, and cheerleaders were also quite numerous.

Jan 19th - (Wasn't on myself.) It would also appear that LD has finally come back over with a few characters, so stay tuned for some potentially more complex fights.
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Jan 20th

I was not able to log on till later in the afternoon, seemingly just missing a large fight in Tera. General chat certainly appeared to still be busy however... After a short break we got a brief fight against LD in Destard/Tera that ended in our favor. It is certainly nice to have some new opponents to fight. The major fight of the night took place in Despise (Go figure) with all 3 factions joining this large and lengthy battle.

It started with (What the) announcing they were doing a Despise. I must sidetrack a moment and thank you for this, it is certainly appreciated having another guild work a spawn for a fight. We recently made it a point to not work Despise as often (gets old fast), so keep an eye out for us at other spawns. When Barracoon was up we made our push in with a sizeable force of about 8+, it didn't seem that LD (6+ would be fair, I don't always stop, and take a head count...) was entirely ready as we were able to aggressively push from both sides of the island and score some quick kills, consequently taking control of the center island fairly quickly. Around this time OF joined the fray from the drop down with around 6+ of their own, at the very least it was clear each team had a decent sized group in the dungeon at the start of the fighting. There was now some chaotic fighting from the 3 teams around the island as we all got a feel for the tempo of the fight. After some kills were made by all teams involved we took to the island to begin fielding and defeating the Barracoon, LD ressed up and regrouped (they are really good at fighting in stat and regrouping, credit where credit is due), and OF seemingly went to take the star room (heard this in vent, so correct me if I'm wrong please). Barracoon stood still and let us kill him like he always does... The scrolls were checked and we had nothing of value, so we decided to fight it out.

This is where multiple team fights can get interesting and in this particular instance deadly. We still maintained a large force and fields on the island(it was quite sparkly), OF was still out of the fight at this point, and LD was at the west bridge. Riley decided to flank with poison fields and I suggested at least the dexxers should accompany him, in this case we obviously underestimated how many LD were out there and able, the result was some quick deaths on our side. Hindsight would later reveal that we should have maintained the island for awhile longer, only pushing out together as a large group... Damn Hindsight! The following chaos (a truely accurate description) saw our now divided and scattered team utterly crushed between the LD group, Ogre lords, and the now returning OF force comming from the front of Despise... :stretcher: It was bad, very, very bad. I'm not sure who walked away with the "win" here (not us), but at the most basic level it was alot of fun to see, and experience all the crazy pvp.

This did bring me to my other realization of the night; unfortunately I will not alway be able to provide the entire scope of these multi-team fights, as I can not guarantee that my team will be left standing at the end. :rolleyes: In the future I guess I might have to run around as a ghost and watch... Thanks Hindsight.

MVPs of the night: Hindsight: The ability to understand, after something has happened, what should have been done or what caused the event. You can be so cruel sometimes... Therefore MVP goes to all players involved tonight who let their actions speak instead of taking it to general chat, respect for the pvpers that can stay classy, and not reinforce our the awful stereotype.

Good fights, see you next time.
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RL'S pker

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Stratics Legend
!OF! never took star.

When we made a push on LGC, LD tried to pinch from behind. We lost two people on that push.

We pulled off to the ramp and tried to regroup. At this point we had around 5 people left, and once again tried to single a guild out. Our scout first spotted LGC grouping up near the west bridge, with no sight of LD...so we made our move. Once again we aimed for LGC, and once again LD came up behind us. All but one of us died being pinched again.

Some of us came back on ALT chars and had a little rumble with LGC, and LD in the upper levels entrance of despise. !OF! was a little out manned at this point, and out played. We still scored a few kills, but got rocked by walls/bolas outside the dungeon.

For awhile it seemed as though LD, and LGC were working together. We were mistaken as you guys later fought each other hard.
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Bedtime for me. I just want to say... I missed 90% of those battles yesterday (not that it would have made any difference) but... my oh my what a battle at Minax base tonight (morning yours). We almost lost the last major push. All but 2 of the sigs were corrupted. You guys came in mage heavy+colossuses. Thank goodness for 2 more people logged in and it made the difference. They came and pinched while we pulled some in the passage to get quick drops.. then my dismounter got out of stat and I made a decision to push out and it went our way this time. You guys were tenacious I tell yah. You came at us 11x. Mr or Ms Thief, hats off to you sir/mam.. you almost resseted brit! I had to whip out my tracker/detect hidden gal!

Ty for the GF and for keeping it clean and not a lot of garbage in chat. After hours of battle we won this round.



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Jan 21

Well Eris' post covered most of this mornings activity, thank you and good fight. Forgive this less detailed post, but I'm a little worn down at the moment, there has been alot of fighting recently, and unfortunately much of it has been received roughly on our part. Attitudes are getting a little tense to say the least. Today there was a ton of fighting: In the morning like Eris mentioned, in the afternoon in Yew wilderness, and later on at the Harrower in Wrong. The fighting for us today followed a pattern; we would start strong almost all the time, making good kills and pushes, but we frequently begin to fail more, and more as OF characters returned to the fight or the fight dragged on. My good buddy hindsight tells me we might just have to make our kills and then retreat if we can't keep up or fall behind, otherwise at this point I'm at a loss trying to solve the issue. We could just suck less maybe?... but lets be honest I'm not sure thats an option at this time. :p

Here is how I experienced the Harrower fight. We gathered our team of about 8, this number fluctuated as the fight lasted a good while. (I think I might start taking pictures of vent to be more accurate, thank you for the idea Eris.) Our team had 3 dragons to start with, Trent joined in later with 1 more, apparently dragons are a big deal in this kind of fight.

The fight breakdown: LGC 8-10, OF 8+, LD 8+, safe to say all guilds were represented with decent teams, feel free to correct me on numbers.
LGC pushed the dungeon entrance that was guarded by OF. We successfully pushed into the dungeon and set up at the teleporter. I believe there were a few OF in level 2 with TMC working the Harrower. OF made a counter attack from the front, but seemingly was flanked by LD at the same time, and was pinched in between both teams. We then dropped down into level 2 and cleared the remaining OF/TMC, and set up our defense. LD dropped in (most likely weakened from fighting OF) and we successfully defended with only a few deaths on our side. There was a long pause in fighting as we were watched by ghosts getting the Harrower ready, and then started. LD returned fully prepared with gifts of renewal running and handily defeated our now weakened defense after a brief standoff. As we regrouped outside LD was seen regrouping as well, apparently from a lost fight with the OF team that had followed shortly after LD's push on us. We gathered our remaining pvpers (some logged) and set up outside the teleporter to floor 2. LD returned and told us to move if we weren't going to push in, we unfortunately complied. At this point I was mentally exhausted (still am), so I did not even argue. We probably should have fought, but I can understand why it happened the way it did. If you think about it, the three teams were sort of in a standoff: OF was finishing/done with Harrower and waiting to get the scrolls out, LGC was in the middle nervously looking both ways, LD was bloodthirsty and watching us both, eager to fight the bigger challange. Which gunslinger would blink first? Well instead of blinking we kindly stepped aside... LD rushed in and apparently beat or scattered the OF team, some of who made it out with scrolls. - If you want, you can fill in what happened here. Our team at the top stuck around for a few more minutes before ultimately just calling it due to people leaving, and fatigue, at least in my case.

MVP of the day: The OF guild, who did a ton of fighting, and performed very well throughout the day. There will be people from my guild that won't agree or be happy with my opinion, but like I said earlier in the post, ultimately it falls on us to play smarter, and to adapt to how the pvp metagame is currently. Good fights, hopefully we can rise to the challange, and have some better fights end in our favor. Honorable mention to LD who logged on and played well like they always do, they just need to log on more often for some smaller field fights. Hehehe.

An exhausted pvper saying, See you all next time.
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RL'S pker

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Stratics Legend
Eris took this screen shot on her ghost while keeping an eye on both LGC, and LD.

Fatigue or not working together with LD showed a sign of weakness. It was rather comical to watch.

With LD/LGC working together we had to change plans in the way we got the scrolls out. I'm not going into much detail on our method since it seems we might have to resort to it in coming battles.

I will say when you guys made your first push in with the super dragons we were not prepared. We only had a few people on mages, and not set up for grinder fighting vs the dragons. That was an impressive push by LGC. We switched to more grinder appropriate templates, and came back for the battle. I really do hate grinders. All those fields make it a little laggy.

It's been a long time since I've seen a grinder fight like that on legends. Guess I might have to get serious with my pvp templates.:(


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I will say when you guys made your first push in with the super dragons we were not prepared. We only had a few people on mages, and not set up for grinder fighting vs the dragons. That was an impressive push by LGC. We switched to more grinder appropriate templates, and came back for the battle. I really do hate grinders. All those fields make it a little laggy.

It's been a long time since I've seen a grinder fight like that on legends. Guess I might have to get serious with my pvp templates.:(
I am with you 100% on the grinder fights comment, lag issues aside, for me it feels exceedingly lame in grinders as most kills come from aoe, summons, and pets, thus taking all choice on targets, and much of the skill out of the combat. With LD over here at this time it might be a good idea to tweak the templates a bit, they sure do love grinders... You can always tell as their first option is to pop a Despise for a fight, which I am still thankful for, but not always excited to play.

I really do wish we had fought them last night, alas a guild is not one person, and I was in no mood to argue. The part that really got to me later was, that it potentially would have been an entirely different fight. It could also just be me, but in general OF has a better attitude when it comes to keeping the game "clean", by which I mean not spamming general chat, following the rules so all can enjoy fel events, and usually being respectful. Obviously we all still have our vocal players and sometimes people will get emotional.
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but in general OF has a better attitude when it comes to keeping the game "clean", by which I mean not spamming general chat, following the rules so all can enjoy fel events, and usually being respectful.
I highly recommend public wedgies. They weren't born sopranos you know.



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LOL. That picture definately made me laugh. Ouch!

Jan 22

I'm calling it a night a little earlier than usual, but today had a pretty good amount of pvp. The standard yew fighting between LGC and OF. Seeing how this is more my style of pvp I enjoyed these fights the most. There was also a pretty big fight in Tera keep, albeit an one-sided battle.

It was shortly after the last major yew fight that we found ourselves thankfully not in stat-loss. The guild checked each other over for missing body parts (not as sexy as it sounds...) and luckily all of us (that were born anatomically correct... It's rude to talk about it!) remained whole. We still had a good sized force of 7 on, so we decided to work a spawn that was not Despise. I had been sitting in Tera working my valor up, so we decided to just go ahead and do it. Tera has certainly produced some exciting fights in the past. A little ways into the second level we were spotted by OF, so we knew a potential fight was brewing. Not 5 minutes later we also spotted HaHA (LD's spawn checker), now we were certain there was going to be a fight. LD will seemingly only battle if/when they can match numbers and are also fully prepared. This meant that they needed a circle for Essence of Wind spam, so we had eyes on the brit circles. There was some misinformation about this next part in general chat. We all left the spawn and met up at the GH, prepped our spells, and then portaled to brit bank for a sneak attack. The potential for this manuever was epic, but unfortunately many of us came with the wrong spells pre-casted. You may now laugh at our foolishness, however we still managed to kill one of the many LD (8 would be a safe estimate) at the bank. The rest of LD scattered and ran, but we managed to get one more kill at the brit moongate. Our scouts then told us that LD was back in Tera working the spawn, so we headed to yew to regroup and prepare, and had a brief fight with some OF players.

The following fight in Tera went pretty bad for us, but it's worth telling if only for the fact that someone might learn from our mistakes. Shorlty after we dropped in, we began the fantastically fun process of setting up fields, walls, and casting summons... It's a lot of fun I promise, I'm giddy with excitement just typing this. We lost 2 early before stabilizing against LD and then OF joined the fight with a smaller crew (around 5 was what I saw). There was a fairly long standoff before the call was made to try and stop OF from killing the champ, a mistake on our part as this put LD on our backs. Needless to say there was alot of deaths and scattering with LD regaining control of the spawn. We did a few character swaps, only losing one person to having no viable back up, and went at it again with very similar results. The majority of our 7 man team (or over a dozen in pvp math...) logged out. I'm sure OF's 50 person crew was afk as well. ;)

LD then popped a Harrower, but got no bites for their grinder. They then claimed to make it "public", but killed the few blues that showed up who didn't know any better. Classy as always.

MVP of the night: Essence of Wind. The ability to utterly neuter casters is priceless in a grinder, and best of all it hits everyone on screen with no need to target. Mmhmmm.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do believe both of your guilds have improved. LGC really needs to start taking credit for their DOTA presence at spawns. It appears your guild has gone from a history of over exaggerating numbers to underestimating numbers. But I do believe you're all improving.

L*D finds fighting in yew boring. House hiding and hiding in guard zones tends to ruin the skill and team skill of fighting. We'll be popping despise and harrowers going forward. We hope you'll all attend.


Seasoned Veteran
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I guess I can appreciate your tepid response. I will have to disagree on the "skill" comment, but that's fine, we are both entitled to our own opinions. I must say that we certainly have our differences (attitude mostly), but I have grown to appreciate the skills you employ, compared to the majority of your cohorts. Seeing as how we battled quite a bit in the field last night I had plenty of time to experience the way LD fights. Your open field team was slightly different than what you run in dungeons: You had more emphasis on the ever powerful tamer/archer template, (you had 3 dreads, fun...) which made the bulk of your offense. The rest of the team was casters as usual, two of which would mostly spam the screen with spellweaving aoe (more fun). Effective, yes. Skillful, highly debatable. This is why I believe that you as a necro/mage employ more skills than many on your team, your aoe certainly does not hit the whole screen, and you are a very effective support character. Your healing especially last night made a big difference. LD's actual "team skills" are however not as debatable, you guys have been playing together for a long time, and it shows.

Not a whole lot of pvp during the day, it must have been an off day for OF yesterday. We had an impromptu 1 round "not FFA" arena event with 4 OF and 5 LGC that went as expected because of the extra player. It was supposedly for a bronze trophy, but I'm not quite sure how this works. There was a small issue after the fight with some res killing by Busta, so hopefully we can just avoid all this in the future, or I suspect we will find the arena events back in tram and even more one sided...

The pvp event from last night.
The set up is fairly straight forward: Both evil factions (SL and Minax) have an altar, a spirit, and a chest outside their bases. *See mentiras' post.* Each base also had 10 guardians, Ogre lords for Minax, Demons for SL. *My only criticism on the guardians so far would be that they potentially have just a little more health than they need. LD seemed to think so as well.* After defeating the guardians the chest would be lootable, inside we found some silver, and some blackrock pieces. The blackrock could then be given to the spirit, who would say something along the lines of, "Your dedication to evil has been noted." There is possibly more, but I was "prevented" from witnessing it. Perhaps someone can post the rest, but it sounded like there was a final guardian, and if defeated a memorial stone with the defeating guilds name would be placed on the altar.

- (For a first run especially.) This event has great potential and I look forward to seeing how/if this event evolves. I appreciate the effort by the EM's to give us fel players a little attention as well, thank you.

We tried several times last night against LD, but were ultimately out matched. We will certainly be trying some more. The teams last night were close enough that numbers wasn't the "deciding factor", LD had 8+, LGC had 8+, and OF had a small team of 2-4 that I would see briefly at some points in the fighting. Congrats to LD who got both memorial stones last night.

MVP of the night: Finglonger. Mostly for the reasons I stated earlier in the thread, but also because when I picture the fight in my head it was Finglonger who made many clutch saves with his heals, and interrupts on the players we would get low. Actually having to recognize an opportunity and then move to aoe takes way more skill than Thunderstorm/Essence of Wind ever will.

Just one pvpers opinion. Good fights, see you out there.
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RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do believe both of your guilds have improved. LGC really needs to start taking credit for their DOTA presence at spawns. It appears your guild has gone from a history of over exaggerating numbers to underestimating numbers. But I do believe you're all improving.

L*D finds fighting in yew boring. House hiding and hiding in guard zones tends to ruin the skill and team skill of fighting. We'll be popping despise and harrowers going forward. We hope you'll all attend.

I'd like to see if you've improved any. Lets see if ya know any keys other than your wither, and right mouse button.

Grinders take 0 skill. A tram guild full of myst tamers, and spellweavers can hold a grinder. Yes, at times it's kinda fun to play the chess game of walls, and fields but 90% of the time it's the chosen game play of lesser players.

It's funny most pvpers left playing the game find grinders boring, and prefer open field fights. LD finds open field fights boring, and prefers grinders. lulz.

I'm not like Truama, I call a spade a spade.

Finglonger, you're trash when it comes to pvp. Go sell something.
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Matt, less Ron Burgundy, more Tolkien.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to see if you've improved any. Lets see if ya know any keys other than your wither, and right mouse button.

Grinders take 0 skill. A tram guild full of myst tamers, and spellweavers can hold a grinder. Yes, at times it's kinda fun to play the chess game of walls, and fields but 90% of the time it's the chosen game play of lesser players.

It's funny most pvpers left playing the game find grinders boring, and prefer open field fights. LD finds open field fights boring, and prefers grinders. lulz.

I'm not like Truama, I call a spade a spade.

Finglonger, you're trash when it comes to pvp. Go sell something.
Yewbies, as you folks have been known for 10 years, are generally such because they were never capable of fighting in a group. Most of the yewbies that remain were booted from virtually every guild on every shard for years before they found other yewbies to play stealth archers on.

Take the guard zones back out of felucca, make house hiding utterly impossible (whether you attack or were attacked) and remove smoke bombs. Fighting in Yew might be fun.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
...It's funny most pvpers left playing the game find grinders boring, and prefer open field fights. LD finds open field fights boring, and prefers grinders. lulz.

I'm not like Truama, I call a spade a spade...
Hehehe. You know I agree with you on most of what you said, and sometimes I do call a spade a shovel... :p

Matt, less Ron Burgundy, more Tolkien.
Easier said than done. I have a few ideas, but I need to get the right kind of pvp fight to make it work.

Brief update:
There has still been quite a bit of fighting recently, but mostly just alot of back and forth action where one team has more than the other (we've been taking turns), not as many fun close to even fights to write about. LD has been doing very well in most of their fights, still using lots of tamers, and aoe though... :rolleyes:

lol us Yewbies need to take our horde of stealth archers (I know maybe 2 that play currently) and all use LDs templates, where the real skill is to be found. :D

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yewbies, as you folks have been known for 10 years, are generally such because they were never capable of fighting in a group. Most of the yewbies that remain were booted from virtually every guild on every shard for years before they found other yewbies to play stealth archers on.

Take the guard zones back out of felucca, make house hiding utterly impossible (whether you attack or were attacked) and remove smoke bombs. Fighting in Yew might be fun.

Yewbie? I play all Red chars, and if ya ask any LGC they can tell you I DON'T house hide. I also go out and fight even if it's a 2 v 10. I'm not scared of pixel deaths. If it's a fun fight, I'll fight.

Stealth archer? Are you for real? I play mages 90% of the time, and if given the chance i can prolly put you in the 10 second club mage vs mage.

The thing is, !OF!'s core players have rather busy lives. We can't devote time into managing the guild, other than log on and pvp some. We don't care what templates people run. If someone brings a 1 tile dex monkey to a grinder...I'll let them. Will they be of much help, no. I just don't care. I'm not going to yell at them and pull a Pug.

If you truly think you can handle this yewbie in group play I'll offer you a challenge. Lets set up a 3 v 3. we can do best of 3 field fight, and best of 3 down in terra. I honestly don't see you winning a single fight.

Come at me bro...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have no idea what "managing the guild" would entail. This is UO. Everyone has played long enough to know what to bring to any fights. If they don't know which of their characters to bring, they're probably not particularly talented. These small scale fights between OF and LD happen quite often. OF loses. OF lost 3v6 last night (apparently azn using a dread mare somehow made it even numbers according to OF).

OF then spent most of the night house hiding. Hell, LGC had fewer people on than OF and they were willing to fight.

I'm sure everyone has busy lives but aren't you the guy (maybe it was your buddy omnicron) who used to complain that LD members only log in for a brief window during the evening (ie: week day east coast prime time)?

As for more of this open field stuff, last night was a prime example of why you're laughed at. Your guild hid in houses most of the night. Your guild's rationale for avoiding harrower fights was a desire to get sigils. Your guild wants to avoid pvp so bad they actually place faction guards and run into guard zone around to pray that the guards will kill us for cross healing.

We flat out tell you when we're online. We have always popped harrowers to get fights. We pop harrowers when you have plenty of people online. We have no desire to fight in guard zones.

I'm sure we'll have many more 3v3s. I can't remember the last time I saw OF win anything equal numbers.

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't speak for what happens when Eris and I are not online. if either of us are online no one in the guild will ever be hiding in a house, or putting faction guards up.

As for the managing a guild comment....you know nothing.

Let's set a date for a 3 v 3. I have Sunday, and Monday nights off. Lets get a nice even numbered fight. You claim !OF! can't win even #'s, so prove it.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does managing a guild involve work? I can only imagine it might if you recruit random subpar people. Contact me when I'm on. We're down to kill you guys some more.

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does managing a guild involve work? I can only imagine it might if you recruit random subpar people. Contact me when I'm on. We're down to kill you guys some more.

Let's just set a time, and place.

You're not backing down are you? If you are, it's ok. You prolly don't have 2 guild members willing to fight with ya. That's a lot of dead weight for them to carry.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As I said, just contact me when I'm on. We don't take UO so seriously as to make UO dates. When I'm on, you're free contact me and we'll get it together on the spot.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Thanks for posting the cool picture Kitty, (all the pink gave you away) please keep taking pictures, especially the funny ones!

Just wanted to pop in with a quick update.
There has still been quite a bit of fun pvp activity, some good fights, some better fights, almost all of them fun. I have currently just been waiting for the right fight to make a "good" post as I work on an idea involving super powers. I recently discovered Kitty can speak to animals (EM event we won), so that will be her power in the story...

LD is still mostly popping harrowers and spawns (they do show in Yew rarely), and while I may be confused as to why someone would want to log in, cast fields for 30 minutes, summon pets, and aoe alot, LD seems to enjoy this, so more power to them. We did get a 3v3 in the arena today: Pug, Fing, and Aldred vs. Drac, Sage, and Les, which after 8 minutes ended in LD's favor. I must admit I was taken a little off guard when the fight began with poison fields and aoe, but I learn fast, and will be ready next time.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a little more than 1/6th of a mage's spells are aoe and field spells(~12). ie: if you play a mage, a large portion of your template would be unused if you did not cast field spells. That proportion is much larger if you remove the approximately 15 mage spells are essentially superfluous.

Are people using mages supposed to just stand around and only single target people? If that's the case, dexers would be a better choice considering the current state of the game.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a little more than 1/6th of a mage's spells are aoe and field spells(~12). ie: if you play a mage, a large portion of your template would be unused if you did not cast field spells. That proportion is much larger if you remove the approximately 15 mage spells are essentially superfluous.

Are people using mages supposed to just stand around and only single target people? If that's the case, dexers would be a better choice considering the current state of the game.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I appreciate you giving a lesson to those who may not know much about mage spells, however that is not quite the point I was making. You should know (more than most) that an argument can be made for any point, so I will not tell you your opinion is wrong, or mine is correct, even though I do not agree with your chosen playstyle.

It's easy to prove the common pattern of aoe being the easy choice (I would argue less skillful) in a multitude of top tier games, where consequently developers have had to balance heavily after the pattern becomes apparent (sad this happens so often). I don't really feel the need to get into the aoe debate any further here, I still felt like you guys earned the win, and I mentioned it for that fact alone. I guess I expected a little more "skill" displayed in an enclosed arena match, skill clearly being subjective in this case. I would propose the point that you guys have been fighting your "style" of pvp soo long you don't even notice anymore. As I said in my other post, I learn fast, and there will be no more illusions of experiencing greater displays of skill in the future, my fault not yours.

MVP of the day: A vicious Kitty, who kindly joined an impromptu 2v2 tournament held by Miko, and even took on a random partner, much respect.
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Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Jumping in to say, we are all still around, still pvping. A little slower recently, but I blame busy schedules, and the Super Bowl.

I'm currently missing all my good OF buddies. The memories of our large fights at our bases and around yew will have to do for now..

I have been a little busy recently working on giving feedback and testing the new publish notes, but hopefully will have a new pvp post in the future. Two days ago there was some good back and forth fighting in despise that was pretty fun and would have made a great post, my fault for being distracted by the potentially massive future changes. Hehehe.

I got to pal around with Koala a little bit today as we skirmished against LD in yew, good times! I think he was mostly bait, but he was definately vicious bait. - Don't worry Koala I'll make sure to tease Drew.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We popped a harrower on the 5th after seeing lots of folks on. LGC had a few people on (4-6) and they were basically only on stealthers and characters that were apparently on to suicide themselves (miserable) . We had on 6-7 throughout the harrower fight. OF had on more. I can safely say they had 10 people present but I can't say how many more or if those numbers fluctuated to any great extent.

The harrower was in shame. OF tried to push twice. the first time, we were playing bad and they made some headway. They pushed us about a screen but slipped up and we killed them all.

Subsequently, the came back (I know, we were shocked too). The second time we gave them space to push us. They just lingered around stam blocking each other for like 5 minutes so we got bored and pushed them and killed them all again in hilarious fashion.
As per 4-5 OF members the folks they've recruited more recently are a bit dead weight and stam blocked them in a 1 tile spot. they then panicked when we pushed.


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Well I must say thank you for the brief report Fing, I was indeed there when you guys started the Harrower after our sloppy Tera "dungeon fight" (ugh). I must admit we only had around 5-6 in vent (myself included) and I decided my time would be better spent watching some TV instead of half-assing a "field fight/dungeon fight/choke-point fight/potential insta-choke Grinder" versus LD, so it is partly my fault for us not showing in any significant capacity. I truely do not enjoy those styles of fight and can only manage to stomach it for so long (the Tera fight was enough for me that day), but hopefully in the future we can manage to scrape up enough people that do, and also that have the right templates, we shall see. I am glad that OF showed up for the fight, I can respect that, especially if they were bringing newer players along.

*I was also told by Drac to say, that he has a few sets saved up and hopes to pop a public harrower sometime during the upcomming weekend(s). Only rough details at the moment.*

Edit: Hahaha thanks for the picture Kitty, it seems as if Koala has a talent (Dare I say super power!?) of killing poeple at the same time.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really can't help this but I need to correct you on your UO terminology. It's only LGC and a few OF members who seem to be calling different pvp settings by the wrong names.

You keep calling pvp involving fields "grinder fighting". That's not what is generally called a grinder. Allow me to enlighten you on pvp terminology because this seems to be an odd legends trend to confuse different phrases and meanings. Here are a few phrases used to characterize different forms, tactics, environments or types of pvp

"A Grinder" - is a tactic located at a single tile choke point or "insta-choke point" as it is otherwise known. It is characterized by an insta-choke that is fielded up and set to kill players almost instantly upon entry. For example, LGC holding terra keep at the drop in tile with an X-field and tons of fields around it with a dozen players is a true grinder. It acts like a meat grinder in that nothing can possibly hope to survive entry at that location. It's considered a valid tactic for a severely outnumbered group, or a small group of bored players to use to incite a fight. It's considered skillful when set up when perpetrated by a small group that is fleeing from or fighting against a substantially larger group. It is considered lame when used by a large group for an extended time period and intended to avoid any fighting entirely.

"A field fight" - fighting that heavily involves the use of area of effect spells and abilities that may modify the terrain. This is generally what takes place in dungeons, bases or area dependent pvp due to the increased value of area of effect spells. A modified version of this takes place in most dungeons and faction bases.

"Dungeon fighting or Champ fighting" - field fights that take place in dungeons, t2a, or champ spawns. This is the primary location of group involved pvp. It may encompass choke point fights, insta chokes, gringers, faction fighting, and open field fighting(in the case of random areas of t2a).

"choke point fighting" - a field fight taking place in narrow passages that may impact an entire passageway. ie: if a field impacts a full strip of an entire (5 tile or less width)may be characterized as a choke point. This is more commonly used to refer to areas that are 3 tiles or less in width.

"insta-choke" - a choke point characterized by teleportation style entry. Dungeon entries, or sparkles which force the choke point to a single or small area. They may or may not be set up for a grinder depending on the manner in which fields may be placed.

"faction fighting" - faction fighting may include all other tactics provided the participants are mostly or entirely in factions. It generally includes all of the other types of fighting and it is considered lame when non-faction characters may enter the mix in any way.

"faction base fighting" - faction fighting that takes place in faction bases with the intent of achieving some faction purpose or to refer to the circumstances and restrictions that surround and involve faction bases.

"Open field fighting" - is a fight in an open area far from a house that is in play or a guard zone. Thus as the name implies, it's an open field fight. This is really your classic 1v1 or random group fight in the middle of nowhere. Nobody will argue that this is excessively lame, however, there are several tactics or circumstances which may change its characterization.

"Guard zone hugging" - fighting that takes place in or close to guard zones with the intent of utilizing the guard zone to one side's disadvantage. Thus, attempting to keep a fight in a guard zone to prevent another guild from utilizing area of effect spells, cross healing aggressive or red players, or from attacking blue characters, by or through the threat of guard whacking. This has been considered a lame tactic and is generally frowned upon by experienced pvpers. This is one tactic that tends to change the characterization from an open field fight to guard hugging. Its a prime justification for characterizing Yew gate pvp as being lame.

"House hiding" - the entering of a house during or attempt to attack and/or defend from an attack from within a house. This is considered extremely lame and is a tactic of those who are bad at pvp. The entry of houses with the intent to continue or to modify a fight recharacterizes a fight to house hiding. It's the other major criticism of fights at yew gate.

I hope this is helpful because it's hard to follow what you're even talking about sometimes.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I really can't help this but I need to correct you on your UO terminology. It's only LGC and a few OF members who seem to be calling different pvp settings by the wrong names.

You keep calling pvp involving fields "grinder fighting". That's not what is generally called a grinder. Allow me to enlighten you on pvp terminology because this seems to be an odd legends trend to confuse different phrases and meanings. Here are a few phrases used to characterize different forms, tactics, environments or types of pvp... I hope this is helpful because it's hard to follow what you're even talking about sometimes.
You know what? That was very enlightening. I even went back and modified my previous post, please forgive my sloppy terminology. It's a good thing we legends players now have a glossary of accurate terms provided to us, I don't know how we ever managed to communicate or describe our pvp fights before we had this.

The fact of the matter is we (legends players) enjoy many different settings/types of pvp here (even the occasional field fight, gasp!), but LD's preference is far more "limited". I'm sorry if that wasn't apparent to you before. I will thank you for your post, even give you a thumbs up for taking the time to write it, but will refrain from arguing the fact that your post contained quite a bit of your opinion on the subject.

PvP report for Feb 7 - all of this was "faction fighting".

Around 5 est. we had a small "faction base fight" with OF, they didn't want to "field fight/choke-point fight" with us at first (I can appreciate that), but I might have changed their minds when announcing I was semi-afk, and we weren't going to be comming out to play until the sigils had reset. They gathered a fairly sizable force and proceeded to smash into our meager 4 man 1 woman defense, we lost 3 very fast (RL's dragon was well fed... sorry Myst!), and the 2 of us that remained hastily retreated to the front of the base for a few rounds of "open field fighting". Thankfully Q and Trent made character switches (Myst fought in stat, shes a trooper) and we were soon ready for some more fighting. By this time Drew and I were able to score our first kill on an OF player guarding the front of the base, the momentum didn't last long however. Q and Trent rejoined the fight, right about the same time OF's now sigil holding force made their way to the front of the base, a few chaotic moments later and we lost Trent after being footed, and he logged to wait out stat (two times). The fighting now raged throughout Yew, we (Yewbies as I've been informed, hehehe) successfully avoided "Guard zone hugging" and "House hiding", and even manage to score some kills in the process, before eventually losing Q and Myst again. It was some fun fighting and our team of 4 was pretty content with our performance. Good fight to OF.

Later in the night we also had some brief "Dungeon fighting/Champ fighting" with OF over a Despise. They rushed the island near the very last moments as Barracoon was killed and we went through the gate as some of OF followed after us. We only managed to score one kill in a hasty star room defense (sorry Eris!) before the fight went south from a failed push into Tera that netted us no kills, and now we had swapped positions with OF. We weren't feeling as confident on pushing the "insta-choke" and we began to retreat towards the back hallways, OF promptly chased us down, and successful pushed us the rest of the way out of the dungeon.

I was afk when apparently OF crushed a sigil stealing attempt, so if anyone feels its worth including please feel free to add some details. This brings us right up to the last major incident. I logged back in while some of LGC waited out stat, it seemed as if LD had also logged recently and was "Chat-pvping" with a few OF members. They seemed to want to know where the action was, but Drac didn't feel like telling them, we all agreed that if LD wanted a fight they should look for it (someone in OF also said something similar). Fast forward through alot of chat nonsense. We eventually got an "Open field fight" fight against 4 LD (we had 7-8, so props for fighting against the odds) that lasted all the way from Minax base to SL base without using a moongate. During the course of the fighting they killed 3 people (who unfortunately strayed from the group) and we killed at least 2 (I don't remember or care enough to claim otherwise).

MVP of the day: Me,for using 9/9 of Omnius'/Fing's pvp terms, and even creating my own new one "Chat-pvping", so 10/10 (my OCD for even numbers was killing me ;) ). "Game day bucket go Boom" :lol:

In all seriousness though, respect from this poster to all pvpers who let their actions speak for their skill instead of taking to general chat.
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RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really can't help this but I need to correct you on your UO terminology. It's only LGC and a few OF members who seem to be calling different pvp settings by the wrong names.

You keep calling pvp involving fields "grinder fighting". That's not what is generally called a grinder. Allow me to enlighten you on pvp terminology because this seems to be an odd legends trend to confuse different phrases and meanings. Here are a few phrases used to characterize different forms, tactics, environments or types of pvp

"A Grinder" - is a tactic located at a single tile choke point or "insta-choke point" as it is otherwise known. It is characterized by an insta-choke that is fielded up and set to kill players almost instantly upon entry. For example, LGC holding terra keep at the drop in tile with an X-field and tons of fields around it with a dozen players is a true grinder. It acts like a meat grinder in that nothing can possibly hope to survive entry at that location. It's considered a valid tactic for a severely outnumbered group, or a small group of bored players to use to incite a fight. It's considered skillful when set up when perpetrated by a small group that is fleeing from or fighting against a substantially larger group. It is considered lame when used by a large group for an extended time period and intended to avoid any fighting entirely.

"A field fight" - fighting that heavily involves the use of area of effect spells and abilities that may modify the terrain. This is generally what takes place in dungeons, bases or area dependent pvp due to the increased value of area of effect spells. A modified version of this takes place in most dungeons and faction bases.

"Dungeon fighting or Champ fighting" - field fights that take place in dungeons, t2a, or champ spawns. This is the primary location of group involved pvp. It may encompass choke point fights, insta chokes, gringers, faction fighting, and open field fighting(in the case of random areas of t2a).

"choke point fighting" - a field fight taking place in narrow passages that may impact an entire passageway. ie: if a field impacts a full strip of an entire (5 tile or less width)may be characterized as a choke point. This is more commonly used to refer to areas that are 3 tiles or less in width.

"insta-choke" - a choke point characterized by teleportation style entry. Dungeon entries, or sparkles which force the choke point to a single or small area. They may or may not be set up for a grinder depending on the manner in which fields may be placed.

"faction fighting" - faction fighting may include all other tactics provided the participants are mostly or entirely in factions. It generally includes all of the other types of fighting and it is considered lame when non-faction characters may enter the mix in any way.

"faction base fighting" - faction fighting that takes place in faction bases with the intent of achieving some faction purpose or to refer to the circumstances and restrictions that surround and involve faction bases.

"Open field fighting" - is a fight in an open area far from a house that is in play or a guard zone. Thus as the name implies, it's an open field fight. This is really your classic 1v1 or random group fight in the middle of nowhere. Nobody will argue that this is excessively lame, however, there are several tactics or circumstances which may change its characterization.

"Guard zone hugging" - fighting that takes place in or close to guard zones with the intent of utilizing the guard zone to one side's disadvantage. Thus, attempting to keep a fight in a guard zone to prevent another guild from utilizing area of effect spells, cross healing aggressive or red players, or from attacking blue characters, by or through the threat of guard whacking. This has been considered a lame tactic and is generally frowned upon by experienced pvpers. This is one tactic that tends to change the characterization from an open field fight to guard hugging. Its a prime justification for characterizing Yew gate pvp as being lame.

"House hiding" - the entering of a house during or attempt to attack and/or defend from an attack from within a house. This is considered extremely lame and is a tactic of those who are bad at pvp. The entry of houses with the intent to continue or to modify a fight recharacterizes a fight to house hiding. It's the other major criticism of fights at yew gate.

I hope this is helpful because it's hard to follow what you're even talking about sometimes.
Man, you're full of fail.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
MVP of the day: Me,for using 9/9 of Omnius'/Fing's pvp terms, and even creating my own new one "Chat-pvping", so 10/10 (my OCD for even numbers was killing me ;) ). "Game day bucket go Boom" :lol:

Thanks for trying to be accurate. It seems it was a bizarre legends behavior of referring to anything involving dungeons, fields, area spells, or an inability to rely on guards, recalling away or houses as a grinder fight. I assume that such mislabeling was a symptom of having each had some minor exposure to pvp chat without any long term exposure or simply explanations of what people meant when using them.

In all seriousness though, respect from this poster to all pvpers who let their actions speak for their skill instead of taking to general chat.
I wasn't on for it but I assume people asking where pvp was did so because of a desire to pvp rather than running around aimlessly looking for people who might simply run away. Saying something to the effect of "if you want to pvp, go search for us" implies that you're not really a willing participant in a fight with us. It is our experience that you two guilds often fight in rather obscure locations compared with pvping in the rest of UO. It's also our experience that both of your guilds will sometimes go to great lengths to avoid a fight with us.

It is vastly more preferable to us, and I would assume most pvpers in general, to have a willing opponent that will actively seek to pvp against us, as opposed to avoid pvp with us. It's a waste of 20 minutes to run around for 15-20 minutes searching for an opponent and finally find an opponent who promptly. That is why pvp guilds generally tell opponents where they are pvping. It's not merely a courtesy but it's a means of providing activity for all sides.

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wasn't on for it but I assume people asking where pvp was did so because of a desire to pvp rather than running around aimlessly looking for people who might simply run away. Saying something to the effect of "if you want to pvp, go search for us" implies that you're not really a willing participant in a fight with us. It is our experience that you two guilds often fight in rather obscure locations compared with pvping in the rest of UO. It's also our experience that both of your guilds will sometimes go to great lengths to avoid a fight with us.

It is vastly more preferable to us, and I would assume most pvpers in general, to have a willing opponent that will actively seek to pvp against us, as opposed to avoid pvp with us. It's a waste of 20 minutes to run around for 15-20 minutes searching for an opponent and finally find an opponent who promptly. That is why pvp guilds generally tell opponents where they are pvping. It's not merely a courtesy but it's a means of providing activity for all sides.
Please try and use the correct terminology, and refrain from using the term "PvP".

PvP- Player v player.

From my experience with you, and LD as a whole none of you PvP.

Lesser players often stay in groups, and avoid "PvP".



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Usually I stay off of this thread however I will feel I must interject.

Thanks for trying to be accurate. It seems it was a bizarre legends behavior of referring to anything involving dungeons, fields, area spells, or an inability to rely on guards, recalling away or houses as a grinder fight. I assume that such mislabeling was a symptom of having each had some minor exposure to pvp chat without any long term exposure or simply explanations of what people meant when using them.
Proper punctuation and grammer aside, backhanded eloquence does not go unnoticed and I assume is a symptom of those with less class than our usual pvp'ers (Class does not refer to socio-economic standing in this case). Basically your last two posts have boiled down to Legends Pvp'ers are backwater bumpkins who need pvp lessons from you and/or your super group. I submit that maybe it is not the Legends Pvp'ers who need lessons, but your group. Take a lesson from an experienced hunter, you don't ask your prey to change their tactics, you change yours to meet them on the field. Of course if you don't like that lesson you could always stop playing Legends or transfer your characters off... I'm sure tears would be shed.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Will add in Feb 8th's pvp later unless someone beats me to it, I'm exhausted at the moment... any takers? Anyone? Bueller... Bueller?
Just incase nobody jumps at the super, terrific, fantastic, opportunity, good fights OF, was some very entertaining back and forth battles.
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