Prior to Publish 16 there was a healthy amount of PVP all over the place. I recall Trinsic, Britain and Moonglow moongates all being active. Bucaneer's Den, many dungeons, the east Britain crossroads, etc. That is now all gone. The only place left on Atlantic is Yew Moongate.
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That has nothing to do with GZ though. Actually I had made an attempt at PvP before Pub 16 with my Faction thief. All you had to do was sneeze and I would keel over. But with a proper escort I would steal Sigils. I gave that up quickly because a) those guys were way out of my league, b) stats loss was just too frustrating. But aside from the regs annoyance, PvPing back then was different. It was skill-based not item-based. You want to point fingers at the cause for the current state of PvP, dont look at GZ. I did Factions wearing my newbie clothes. How many times have I seen PvPers strutting their stuff wearing nothing but a skirt?
So you can say again and again you want the guard zones removed and that it will somehow make PVP better. It won't because murderers have benefited from many changes and blues have been slowly pushed out of Felucca over the past 5 years. The change to let murderers into guard zones was suppose to make PVP better but that obviously did not happen. When your strategy does not work it is better to change it instead of staying the course. Giving more power to murderers is more of the same.
[/ QUOTE ]Blues didn't flock in droves to Felucca when reds weren't allowed in town. You're deluding yourself thinking banning reds from town will magically make Fel sexy again. Even Trammel towns are deserted aside from Luna and Brit to a much lesser extent than it once was. Why would blues suddenly want to hang out in Fel Towns? Our walls aren't prettier and banksitters wont be getting better deals.
You want to attract blues in Fel, give them an incentive. Two main things that usually drive people: greed and safety. For the newbie PvPers, provide them with an intermediate training ground so the learning curve isn't so steep. Some of the legacy dungeons are collecting dust right now, they can be put to good use. Put an attractive drop let say in a dungeon like Shame (that no one visits unless a harry is popped), then add the insta-tele to healer upon death mechanic for blues, you just watch and see how many will be pouring in.
Prior to Publish 16 there was a healthy amount of PVP all over the place. I recall Trinsic, Britain and Moonglow moongates all being active. Bucaneer's Den, many dungeons, the east Britain crossroads, etc. That is now all gone. The only place left on Atlantic is Yew Moongate.
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That has nothing to do with GZ though. Actually I had made an attempt at PvP before Pub 16 with my Faction thief. All you had to do was sneeze and I would keel over. But with a proper escort I would steal Sigils. I gave that up quickly because a) those guys were way out of my league, b) stats loss was just too frustrating. But aside from the regs annoyance, PvPing back then was different. It was skill-based not item-based. You want to point fingers at the cause for the current state of PvP, dont look at GZ. I did Factions wearing my newbie clothes. How many times have I seen PvPers strutting their stuff wearing nothing but a skirt?
So you can say again and again you want the guard zones removed and that it will somehow make PVP better. It won't because murderers have benefited from many changes and blues have been slowly pushed out of Felucca over the past 5 years. The change to let murderers into guard zones was suppose to make PVP better but that obviously did not happen. When your strategy does not work it is better to change it instead of staying the course. Giving more power to murderers is more of the same.
[/ QUOTE ]Blues didn't flock in droves to Felucca when reds weren't allowed in town. You're deluding yourself thinking banning reds from town will magically make Fel sexy again. Even Trammel towns are deserted aside from Luna and Brit to a much lesser extent than it once was. Why would blues suddenly want to hang out in Fel Towns? Our walls aren't prettier and banksitters wont be getting better deals.
You want to attract blues in Fel, give them an incentive. Two main things that usually drive people: greed and safety. For the newbie PvPers, provide them with an intermediate training ground so the learning curve isn't so steep. Some of the legacy dungeons are collecting dust right now, they can be put to good use. Put an attractive drop let say in a dungeon like Shame (that no one visits unless a harry is popped), then add the insta-tele to healer upon death mechanic for blues, you just watch and see how many will be pouring in.