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The art of decorating

  • Thread starter imported_Freyja
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


**Someone was looking for this, so reposting in the sticky thread as the original instruction thread had fallen to the archives.**

12/30/06 Note: with the new "feature" of the deco tool (I think raise limit is 8 layers now?) you can modify the instructions and place the filigree LAST. If you target it just right, it will plop somewhere near the top of your finished post, and you will only need to raise it 2 - 4 times. Disclaimer: I cannot be held responsible for any frustration as a result.


Want to give the hint to visitors to keep their dirty fingers off the rare works of art in your in-game gallery or the treasures in your museum? Want to keep orcs from cutting in line at your theater?

Well, now you can have an elegant "velvet rope" barrier, that is made from easily obtainable materials, is flexible in its placement (north-south, east-west, one section or many), and best of all, does not actually impede movement within a house!

Below is an example of the use of the velvet rope curtain, in an auction house which I decorated, on Siege Perilous. (Building designed by Athena of the Ghost Runners).

Now, on to how to make it!



1 golden plate (player craftable with tinkering skill)
1 mortar &amp; pestle (player craftable with tinkering skill)
1 jeweled filigree (player craftable with tinkering skill)
1 torch (purchased from NPC provisioner)

Rope sections:

For a curtain that runs north - south, you will need bows that have their curved part facing east. These are the kind that can be player crafted using the fletching/bowcraft skill. To make them red, you need to be a GM fletcher, with Mondain's Legacy, and use bloodwood.

For a curtain that runs east - west, you will need bows that have their curved part facing south, like this:

These can only be obtained as loot from monsters. Ratman archers and Juka lords were suggested to me, as being the best bet for consistently getting bows as loot. As a lukewarm PvMer, I personally found it easiest to pester my fellow players to death for them
. (Note: not all monster loot bows face south, but as far as I know, all south facing bows are monster looted ones). The crummier the bow, obviously, the better it will survive being enhanced with bloodwood to make it red in color.

*edit* - it was pointed out to me that you can use the deco tool to turn regular east facing crafted bows to face south. I found that surprising since other weapons cannot be turned, but that sure is a whole lot easier than getting the monster loot south facing bows!

You will need 2 post assemblies, and one bow facing in the desired direction, for every curtain section you want to construct. In the bag below, are the materials to construct one section of a rope curtain that runs east - west.

Step 1

Lock down the first plate where you want the base of your post to be.

Step 2

Lock down a second plate one tile from the first (where you place it, depends on which direction you will be building your curtain).

Step 3

Lock down a jeweled filigree on each plate (target slightly in front, and it should land very close to the plate, as shown).

Step 4

Using your interior decorator tool, raise each jeweled filigree 12 times.

Step 5

Double-click on a torch in your pack, to ignite &amp; equip it. Drop the lit torch on one of the plates, and lock it down. Repeat with second torch and plate.

Step 6

Using your interior decorator tool, raise each torch 5 times.

Step 7

Take a bow, and target a point between your two base plates. When dropped correctly, the bow will span your two bases, almost perfectly. Lock down the bow, then using your interior decorator tool, raise the bow 6 times.

Step 8

Using your interior decorator tool, lower each jeweled filigree 2 times (you should just barely be able to see the junction point where the flame emerges from the torch. If it is too high, you will see the rounded part of the flame, and if too low, the pointed tip of the flame will peek through the top of the filigree.)

Step 9

Drop a mortar and pestle on each plate "base" and lock it down.

Step 10

Using your interior decorator tool, raise each mortar &amp; pestle once. You now have a completed curtain section!

A few notes: this is the most straightforward way to make the curtain, but it assumes you have clear space all around. You may have to fuss a bit (as I did) if you have other objects occupying your "layers" but over all, placing them was very easy.

Hope you find this useful, and happy roping!



Another blast from the past - lots of great custom lighting effects posted by various people in this now archived thread, and most of the pics are still working.

Sarsmi's lighted archway &amp; floor lamp:

Custom tall candelabra in Mystery Castle (on left, Candelabra of Souls marti on right) on Drachenfels:



I don't know if this is widely known or not; I don't remember seeing it anywhere before.

One of my favorite things in decorating is to make beds that can be used. This is done by placing a teleporter tile, locking down a stool on top of it, and then placing the bed over the whole thing. Some bedsheet colors match up with possible stool colors better than others, so some experimentaion might be needed to get your favorite combination to work.

This is a picture of my bedroom as an example. I didn't post building pictures, because it should be pretty self-evident.
1 Shows how the bed looks just at a glance.
2 Shows the hidden stool and teleporter (I'd have used a floor that matched the teleporter, if my walls didn't already hide it well enough)
3 Me, in bed! (Might want to use a vendor/barkeep for deco purposes)


So far I've found plain grey (stool matched by the furny tub) and a heartwood bed and heartwood stool go together well. There are actually two places on the bed that work well like this, one is how I show it below, and the other place is near the foot of the bed on the North side, which just looks like you're sitting on the edge of the bed. I haven't tried it with a South bed yet, but I imagine that would also work.


That is really cool, I haven't seen that before. And I'm probably going to be stealing it, shamelessly. BTW love the gingerbread cookie on the blood tile. That made me giggle.


Very clever on the stool in the bed TirNaNog! Thanks for the tip, like Sarsmi, I will be swiping that idea.

Here is a birthday party set-up in a small roof space that I made recently, which didn't take long to put together.

I made a goza staircase 8 levels high to stack the bagballs to get the overlap, then removed the stairs when I was finished. You can layer/bunch them up as much as you have patience to do. The bagballs do block movement so unless you have the space to sacrifice, best to get them above head level. I couldn't find anything that really did well for the balloon strings. I ended up with a gray dyed small table. Perhaps someone has an idea that will be more "string like" in appearance.



Woah, really cute!

Maybe one of those tall xmas candles with the bows on em, or you could try a music stand and then hide the base behind something. Tho yeah, would be ideal to have more than just one string coming down. I'll have to think on this! Hrmmmm....

Ceridwen DF

Tried a bit and found a use for the effusion statues.

Honey, I´m making you something really delicious tonight...

(hm, I wonder why my fiance always says he´s not hungry when I cook

A cannon with smoke coming out of it. (the blue one looks sort of like smoke)
You can also put it one tile to the east - then it will cover the front of the cannon as if it were a blast.


Re-deeding add-ons that are out of reach

<font color=blue>Shadøwfæ:</font color=blue>

With any deeded thing on the roof all you have to do is use an axe on it from an area where you can see it. Next, walk underneath where it is located and have a macro set to do last object/last target and that will get it to redeed.

Chopping add-ons

<font color=blue>Sarsmi:</font color=blue>

You can lock down and "chop" different parts of add-ons that are placed in any custom home. Simply lock down the parts of the add-on that you wish to remain behind, then enter customize mode and exit. The parts you did not lock down will now be gone, and can even be raised:

[/ QUOTE ]

is this still possible? I just tried to lock down part of a large forge and it said "You cannot lock down this item because it was automatically locked down when placed".

R E D R U M456

who needs a BLACK car when you can have piiiiiink?????

Kratos Aurion

Regarding the suit of armor on page 2 (I know its 2 years old) but hey, since I havent found the directions posted on how to officially make it w/o screwing up a lot, I figured I'd go through the process of elimination and come up with a manual as I made one for my house

Ok first [all the credit] is from the OP or the original designer of the product. These are just instructions on how to create it.


x1 dressform [facing front]
x1 npc bought platemail sleeves (can be enhanced with ores and tok dyed)
x1 Norse Helm (I believe serveral others may work if you use objects to fill gaps etc)
x1 metal kite shield
x1 Ornate Axe (various other weapons work)
x1 leather/metal do (can be enhanced/made to color of desire)
x1 leather/metal suneate (can be enhanced/made to color of desire)

Step One:

Place the dressform on desired location/tile (Make sure its placed in a location where you have 1 free south and south east tile of the statues standing point.)

Step Two:

Place the leather suneate over the dressform and lower approximately 5 tiles.

Step Three:

Then place the tunic over the form and lower 1 time.

Step Four:

Place the platemail sleeves over the dressform and lower 2 times.

Step Five:

Place the Norse helm (or helm of desire) on the form, and raise it approximately 2 times (or as much as necessary).

Step Five-Six:

Now using a single tile SE of the current armor, place the kite shield and raise approximately 13 times. It can also be raised 14 times to create a defense position look.

Next, place the weapon you chose (the ornate axe in our case) 1 tile south of the dress form (other weapons may not have the same effect. this one is just weird to place) and raise 8 times. Other weapon raises may vary but is also said to work with lances.

And VOILA! one nice suit of armor if you ask me. I found it a good way to show off muesem decor lockdowns such as ToT RBC or Ancient Samurai Do and Legs of Stability. It looks good just about anywhere you place it. If anyone would like a screen shot Im too lazy atm so please refer to the pic on page 2 as reference



Very clever on the stool in the bed TirNaNog! Thanks for the tip, like Sarsmi, I will be swiping that idea.

Here is a birthday party set-up in a small roof space that I made recently, which didn't take long to put together.

I made a goza staircase 8 levels high to stack the bagballs to get the overlap, then removed the stairs when I was finished. You can layer/bunch them up as much as you have patience to do. The bagballs do block movement so unless you have the space to sacrifice, best to get them above head level. I couldn't find anything that really did well for the balloon strings. I ended up with a gray dyed small table. Perhaps someone has an idea that will be more "string like" in appearance.


[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe you could try a bola underneath? it would give 3 strings underneath it using just one. You may also be able to dye it with luna white tokuno dye to make the strings show a little better in contrast to the bright colors of the bagballs. Ill have to make room in my house and test it.

Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am busy decorating a keep. I am going with "old school decor" because my friend is fairly new to Siege and spent all his money on the keep. He does not have all the fancy items like the curtains, rugs, suits of armor, fountains, trees. etc.

Anyway, I really like the idea for some of the corners in the keep, but wasn't sure what the "leg" pieces are. Small table?


Chaotic Barbie

Looks like small tables to me =P I'm gonna try this in my house. It's cute and I never know what to stick in corners!


Yes, it is small wooden tables stacked 2 high, and then square gozas raised in place over them, including one on the floor.
