I think it's perfectly feasible to at least drop the sub price a bit though
More to the point, UO isn't really gathering a ton of new customers under the current model. Sticking with what we have is going to reduce the customer base over time. That's what's happening now, and there's no huge marketing drive or new expansion to reverse it. The money EA have saved on marketing and promotion of UO would probably pay for F2P conversion by itself lol. But the alternative right now is that UO dwindles and dwindles...
Any set up costs for F2P are the same as with any business venture - you look at how much money you will make back from the investment. Also, you have to weigh up the outcome if you don't invest too. No investment in UO is going to kill it at some point in the future. It will get to the point where the running costs are more than the profit. Businesses have to invest money to keep up with the competition and stay up-to-date. It would be lovely if we could set ourselves up, make products and just patch them and maintain a perfect customer base. I think that's an unrealistic expectation. You should always keep back some of your profits and re-invest them in your business.
UO is also a much older game than WAR, with a great history and a lot of ex players in circulation who have great memories of UO. It also now has a status simply through its longevity. That makes for a very good headline when you announce that your oldest and greatest MMORPG is now free. WAR simply isn't in the same league as UO.
TBH WAR never struck me as being that well received, certainly not among the Warhammer players I know. They're still in the shop every week playing on tabletops instead
The consensus from my Warhammer friends was that WAR sounded great till it had the EA badge on it and they saw the details. When a game has that sort of vibe from really keen Warhammer fans, well I don't think the price of WAR is the problem really.