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Stygian Abyss

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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and the BIGGEST issue with KR:

5. The devs stopped working on it. This has been a HORRIBLE habit of the UO team for YEARS now about starting things and leaving them unfinished. WHo knows how many storylines, Virtues, now TWO clients (not counting at least THREE clients or sequels that never made it off the ground). The lack of improvement to KR from the devs isn't a failure on KR's part, but a failure on the devs' part. As Draconi pointed out, they reverted the crafting gump in SA to be the same as 2d. ALL of the improvements in KR are GONE (as of right now). That's not fixing anything.
But they haven't stopped working on it. They've likely been working on the new client nonstop for the past 2 years. It has just taken this long to get it to a point where it is actually a playable alternative to 2D. That is just how bad it was when it launched.

I wouldn't put much of the blame on the developers. I think Kingdom Reborn's major failings were from design decisions by the then UO producer. The same guy who was replaced shortly after Kingdom Reborn launched.

And that menu is LONG GONE, thus a non-issue anymore. Want to discuss KR vs 2d, let's discuss where it is RIGHT NOW, not a menu that was replaced almost 2 years ago, unless you want to compare to the ORIGINAL 2d crafting "menu" which was a side-scrolling nightmare.
I brought up the crafting menu as an example of extremely poor design decisions. Someone actually looked at that crafting menu and thought it was an improvement, when any player who spends more than 10 seconds crafting could tell you it was not. It is just one of the myriad of reasons the client is no longer being called Kingdom Reborn.


Always Present
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And yes, I play 2d but Im not going to be so adamant about keeping it around. Its time for everyone to move on or we are always going to be left behind.
Take a look at the average MMO player in... say... WoW.

I don't WANT to be surrounded by that sort.


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OH, and maybe some of the bugs, like the recall crash bug that comes to mind.
Play Siege and you will never have that crash problem again...la

Shows what little you know, Rico.

It's only CALLED the "recall crash bug" because it's most noticable on shards that allow recall/sacred journey.

It also hits if you use a Gate (Gate Travel or a permanent moongate) under the same circumstances.

If you are crossing a server line by ANY means other than walking, and someone drags something into their pack or bank at the exact same instance, you crash - period. granted, it has to be a lot more closely timed than a server "tick", which is why it's so hard to replicate - but given the amount of people looting a champ corpse, it is almost certain to happen when someone tries to depart a champ in the first few minutes. OF course, if people don't loot the gold at a champ, like what happens a lot on Fel and SP, you aren't going to see it as often.

Arch Magus

Take a look at the average MMO player in... say... WoW.

I don't WANT to be surrounded by that sort.
I laughed to myself trying to come up with the "average MMO player" in my mind. lol.

MMORPG takes a special breed of human, me thinks.:coco:

Stratic Fanatic

I laughed to myself trying to come up with the "average MMO player" in my mind. lol.

MMORPG takes a special breed of human, me thinks.:coco:

What kinda MMORPG player are you?

Or better yet.....

Arans post fails!

I'll stick with the latter.


2d will always be better than 3d.....this is a game of content not pixel art, go play nintendo. It doesnt mean that a 2d preference means you are cheating, are you an idiot or genuinely serious? most people on stratics are trammy noobs crying i want this graphic and that graphic. there are far more bugs and exploits ingame that need be addressed before id start worrying about the make number feature for crafters. crafters died with aos, unless you are a duper of deeds and manage to stay ass deep in val hammers all the time there is no crafter worth **** now.

The only fix needed i see in uo at the moment is pvp. Tamers are every where, all kill is not skill, necros cast fast as hell with lil mana cost spells, dci is on mage weapons and spellbooks making mages almost impossible for a dexxer to hit at 120wep tact etc. balanced is only an option for archers and not other two handed weapons making the archer the supreme dexxer being able to do harsh damage while chugging pots.

guilds are huge and should have a capped maximum number of members (25-50)
alliances should be disabled. this would make more guilds and keep the fields evened out for balanced purposes. it makes no sense for new players / guilds to have to fight a 500 man alliance which control fel spawn areas.

omg i cant keep track of all the things that need fixed before crafting. everytime i try i just get flooded with bugs exploits and other crap not pixel related. kr sucked, graphically, functionally, and persoanlly i will always play uo2d, cheats or not, it is far superior.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you so much for dismissing my character as 'worthless'. Today my worthless crafter has made: a full spell book, a full necro book, 10 rune books, 50 gate scrolls, 10 butcher's war cleavers, 20 bone machetes, 10 arcane robes, cloaks and boots, a verite plate suit (ordered), a south water trough, 2 large beds, 4 flutes, 4 drums and a standing harp, 1500 arrows, 20 dp shurikens, 20 dp fukiya darts, 20 tailor and smith repair deeds and 100 lockpicks. Those are just the replacements for yesterday's sales from my vendors.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
*shakes head* Now ya went and done it...


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Thank you so much for dismissing my character as 'worthless'. Today my worthless crafter has made: a full spell book, a full necro book, 10 rune books, 50 gate scrolls, 10 butcher's war cleavers, 20 bone machetes, 10 arcane robes, cloaks and boots, a verite plate suit (ordered), a south water trough, 2 large beds, 4 flutes, 4 drums and a standing harp, 1500 arrows, 20 dp shurikens, 20 dp fukiya darts, 20 tailor and smith repair deeds and 100 lockpicks. Those are just the replacements for yesterday's sales from my vendors.
Yes yes, go back to making things and go to bed granny :p

Arch Magus

Thank you so much for dismissing my character as 'worthless'. Today my worthless crafter has made: a full spell book, a full necro book, 10 rune books, 50 gate scrolls, 10 butcher's war cleavers, 20 bone machetes, 10 arcane robes, cloaks and boots, a verite plate suit (ordered), a south water trough, 2 large beds, 4 flutes, 4 drums and a standing harp, 1500 arrows, 20 dp shurikens, 20 dp fukiya darts, 20 tailor and smith repair deeds and 100 lockpicks. Those are just the replacements for yesterday's sales from my vendors.
Owned!! :next:


crafters died with aos, unless you are a duper of deeds and manage to stay ass deep in val hammers all the time there is no crafter worth **** now.
You obviously have no clue whatsoever as to how to play a crafter. Personally, mine has netted me around 100 mil in the past 6 months, and that's with only playing him part time. Please get a clue before you start tossing around accusations and making false statements.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Arran, you may just be trolling but....... I do not like the way in which you use the term 'granny', which in the context of the sentence it is used in 'appears' derogatory.

Anyone out there who believes that when people become older they turn into 'grannies' should seriously think again.

The freedom to type your messages on thse boards, for example, has been paid for and fought over in years gone by, by those you now like to call grannies.

In many cultures older age is synonimous with wisdom and respect - its a shame that iN western culture this appears to be lacking.

Edit : no worries then Aran, I just didn't understand in what context you were writing.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sligachan, it's oki. I know Aran from irc, and he knows me. That comment was more in the nature of 'teasing' He is fully aware that I have a 6 year old grandson and have often quit irc with the message, 'time this granny was sleeping'.

Connor. If such a thing should come to pass that the only way to make multiples of things was to sit there clicking 'make last' I'm sure the shortage of potions, egg bombs, smoke bombs, enchanted apples, shuriken etc that 'worthless' crafters spend their time creating would soon be noticed. At one point on Europa the pvp community was buying from me, in Felucca, 42 kegs of potions per day, which I made using a uoa macro (make last x 99) while chatting in irc on the 2nd monitor. There is no way on this earth I would have sat and pushed 'make last' 4200 times!


Slightly Crazed
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Not to mention the heartwood 'quest system' .... A pain with 2D, ok with kr. Especially with a second computer and maybe a second account to do other things besides (like fishing).