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Stable Slot token


Grand Inquisitor
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Yeah I don't get why you'd want it account wide...my crafter sure as heck doesn't need 42 stable slots! This was for TAMERS only....
Mainly due to the likelihood of additional LIVE vanity pets, legacy mounts and silly one slot pets.

A palomino.
Leather wolf.
Clockwork scorpion.
Pink/Purple bunnies.
Albino squirrels.
Imprisoned dog.
Old faction horses.
Pure black horses.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't have a tamer, but I think when this went live it would have been a nice gesture to give all the tamers a stable slot increase, even if it was only 5 slots so they could try out a few of the new pets. A lot of people helped to test this revamped content and it would have been a great way to thank them and launch the publish. Adding the tokens to the store at the same time would still make them some extra cash.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels I've been asked to bend over... I feel violated...

And honestly I think it's in bad taste.

Will I pay it... already have 10k in Sovereigns but at this point people have already bought and used some of the tokens... hope they enjoy bending over and taking it... but there is no way now to go back and "give" more slots... without the ones who have paid getting butt hurt over it... so guess it is what it is... to me it is a slap in the face and another straw on this old nags back... but by all means go ahead and add some more.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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The tactful thing to do would have been to increase stable slots across the board for everyone by 10 maybe. And then offered the token for sale in the store for those who needed more than the 10 additional free slots.

Actually Mesanna and company are making tough decisions a lot easier for a lot of people...

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Awesome item for UO players, especially those who play tamer templates AND at the same time a fabulous UO store item, the money from which will help support the best game ever invented.

I don't see any downside here, it's a vanity item after all. To add a new pet to your already maxxed out stable just release something, you are not forced to buy this.

Good job, devs!
Spoken from a non Tamer, maybe all other Temps should be required to place their weapons in a special chest with slots that you have to pay for.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Mainly due to the likelihood of additional LIVE vanity pets, legacy mounts and silly one slot pets.

A palomino.
Leather wolf.
Clockwork scorpion.
Pink/Purple bunnies.
Albino squirrels.
Imprisoned dog.
Old faction horses.
Pure black horses.
Yeah I'm just a weird chick...I have like...3 pairs of shoes....I just don't see the point lol....most of my characters have ethy's so either they have empty stables or a blue beetle for hauling purposes.

Tina Small

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I have about 45 tamer characters spread out all over the place. About two thirds of them are peace tamers. The rest are tamers I made with a specific template for factions and which I don't use at all anymore. I think I used an advanced character token to start maybe 3 or 4 of them, years ago. All of the rest I trained up from new characters and without the use of transcendence or alacrity scrolls. I like making characters from scratch, especially on shards where I have nothing. Don't have the time these days to do that anymore though. Hardly have time to log in more than about an hour or two per month anymore, although I have spent maybe 5 or 6 hours or so in the last week trying to get a fancy new nightmare on Origin, to no avail. All that being said, I have no plans at this point to buy any stable slot tokens. I've been slowly updating my spreadsheet where I keep track of all the tamer characters' pets and checking the available stable slots for the tamers. Most of my tamer characters still have room for a couple more pets, especially if I do a little more cleanup on them. There are only one or two tamers that maybe could use a slot increase. I have only a handful of the dread warhorses/bane dragons and only one turtle dragon hatchling (a gift from guildmates and I declined more such gifts because of lack of time to play).

Now if the stable slot tokens were being sold so that the increase was account-wide, I probably would consider buying a few of them, probably one for each of the seven accounts I've still got active because that would seem like a smart thing to do (i.e., worth the money I'm spending) and might get me to log in more and do more experimenting with various kinds of pets and the new pet training system. But as it is, with how little I play these days, I won't be buying any unless it's with the gift of sovereigns we got a while back, since I still haven't spent those yet. (Haven't used the in-game store at all yet.) The new pet training system intrigues me, but again, I just don't have the time or inclination at this point to get into using it. Hoping I'll have a chance to check it out sometime down the road.
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Stratics Legend
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It does seem quite expensive. Maybe 5 slots would of been better value for the amount?

At the end of the day its an OPTIONAL addition. Its not needed. I would much rather have more soulstones than stable slots and they are double the price!


Slightly Crazed
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I have at least 12 tamers, all which get very regular playtime. I have never, ever come close to maxing out my stable slots.
Could that be because you have 12 of them? I have only 2 and my slots are maxed out. Clearly there are plenty of people here whose slots are maxed out as well. So what does it matter if you have room?


Crazed Zealot
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They went with the very wrong approach for this one.
I don't mind having store stuff like this available to us to put more money on the game, but the pricing is pretty high for what they are offering, and they should have, as a token of good will, given all characters 5 to 10 extra slots for free.
Then offer 5 slots per 500 sovs, up to 50 slots more per character.
That would be better value for our money, and people wouldn't be so pissed at the whole ordeal because they were given some extra slots for free.
Last edited:

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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WTH... I'll pass, even though on two shards my stables are full and I'm not going to release any pets. I'm a bit odd in that the first thing I do when a pet bonds is to take it out and fully train it so every pet I have, including crafter fire/blue beetles and even horses are fully trained. I just "can't" release them. The only time I reduce my stable size is to give friends/guildmates a good, fully trained pet. Somehow I don't see this happening much anymore.

I don't think this team understands collectors/tamers (or hmm.. maybe they understand us too well), but since I also react badly (and probably irrationally) to the feeling of being taken advantage of there's no way on Britannia's Green Earth I'll fork over one red cent for a token. Just this one little thing has soured the excitement I had for this publish. Seriously, one of the most common requests I saw from those testing this system was "please, give us more slots" and I figured if ANY feedback would have been taken into account it would be that. Alas, it was... for a price. Count me among the disappointed and I seriously hope this trend doesn't continue with "We're so excited to announce you can now pay $15 for a pet-only-usable-120-wrestling-power-scroll" ideas.

Oh well, I'm in it for the long haul so I'll just start training the non GD's I have with various abilities and maybe someone will need one and I can go tame one of those spiffy new pets I'll just have to read about for now. Of course my pet OCD kicked in as now all my pets are not fully trained... no parry or maxed detect hidden!!! Guess I'll stay busy after all... ;)


Stratics Legend
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I think the thing that really irks me about this is that it comes with the new taming upgrades. They knew everyone would want more stable slot because the change giving people a TON of incentive to not only beef up old pets but to try out all of the new ones, and enjoy the old ones that will now be functional. The right thing to do would have been at LEAST give us 5-10 more slots across the board so everyone can enjoy the new content, but instead they saw an opportunity to squeeze people, and took it.

I said it in another post about this topic, but this is exactly how F2P games work.

It's really disappointing.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I don't think this team understands collectors/tamers (or hmm.. maybe they understand us too well)
Yup they understand the collector instinct just fine. It's no coincidence they add in not only a dozen new pets, but also color variations on a handful of old ones, it was to pressure collectors into buying the stable slot increases that come along with the update. Also the multi colored anny horses, the birds of prey, etc.

Odds are that it will only increase, and a year or so down the line they will unlock the next 21 slots.

I also will not purchase one. Even if it means I miss out on content I was or will be looking forward to.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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I guess the main point is I already pay $360 per year to play UO ( I used to spend $600 a yr when I had 5 accounts open, for at least 5 yrs). All my accounts have always been paid month to month, never did the 90 day game. I can't think of any other game on the planet that would cost that much, especially a 20 yr old game. I know some people here pay a lot more depending on the number of accounts they have. I would hazard a guess and say the MAJORITY of players still left have more than one account. Yes I now pay for 3 accounts, that is because that is what I need to have the houses I require, (a shop, house and event house) and I also now play on siege so find you just cannot get by with one char on there either unless I spend a gazillion $$ on soulstones which would require me spending hour upon hour changing skills. I have 5 fully set up tamers with full stables across 3 shards.

If I wasn't paying subscription and the thing was free to play (as the majority of stuff is now) I don't mind getting ripped for 300-400 bucks a year in 'in game' purchasing, however that is not the case, I already spend what I consider to be well over the above average of what a game should cost.

I seriously feel kicked in the head about this, as the devs knew full well for a long, long time on all the feedback ever given on the taming thing that the ONE thing people wanted was stable slots. It feels like they have gone out of their way to stick it to us with this so called increase and it is in my view basic extortion. They had every oportunity to just go in and change the number in the data base from 21 to 42 if that is all they wanted to give us, instead they have used it as a full blown grab for cash, and it is pretty disgusting.

So with the bad taste in my mouth I now have to decide if I wish to be extorted, if I wish to play a game that is increasingly going to hit us with the subscription but then whack us for in game purchasing as well, or whether to just call it quits and leave. Right now I am on the fence. I don't think anything has made me this angry in forever. It is out and out milking on the one thing all tamers wanted, and basically has totally destroyed ANY enjoyment I may have got from the taming 'upgrade'.

The only way they can make this 'right' in my opinion is to make the purchase 'account' wide, so if you paid for 3 slots it goes on all chars on that account, all shards. If you purchased 7 then ditto, 21 slots on all chars/shards on the account. They are charging the equivalent of a full blown expansion pack ie $35 bucks so give us something worth the actual money. Sheesh the whole of the Stygian Abyss expansion packs and Time of Legends expansions cost LESS than it costs to upgrade ONE FLIPPING TAMER to 21 storage slots and they cover every character across every shard and contain full content.

As I said this is plain extortion and shame on them.


Grand Poobah
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If you put your taming on one of those characters do they increase? If not this is the biggest rip off UO has pulled on us.

I can't believe everyone seems so ok to get ripped off like this. To fully upgrade each char on an account to max stable slots will cost you $245. That on usd is like the value of more than 2 yrs subscription dues per account for ONE shard.

Sure you may not have a need for 42 slots on each char but don't change your templates around with soulstones or you are out of luck.

If you put a token on a crafter, ie NO Taming on the char, how many slots do you have? 6 or 9 or because the char isn't a tamer does it do nothing?

This is the most stupid 'sale' item ever, badly thought out and a total rip off for what you get.
But there are 3 or 4 full time stratics posters who will love it, and that's all that matters.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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While I DO agree that we should have been given a stable slot increase (5-7 was my thought), it didn't happen :( . SO, in light of that, my perspective is a little different. I will spend $35 on a decent lunch or supper. After it is eaten, it is gone forever. I spent the same $35 to max 1 tamer's stable slots. Those I will have as long as the game is up and running.

Bottom line for me, the cost of the tokens isn't really that exorbitant. Of course I agree that it would have been nice to have them account wide.


Crazed Zealot
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While I DO agree that we should have been given a stable slot increase (5-7 was my thought), it didn't happen :( . SO, in light of that, my perspective is a little different. I will spend $35 on a decent lunch or supper. After it is eaten, it is gone forever. I spent the same $35 to max 1 tamer's stable slots. Those I will have as long as the game is up and running.

Bottom line for me, the cost of the tokens isn't really that exorbitant. Of course I agree that it would have been nice to have them account wide.
This is more like paying $35 for a nice dinner, then being told you will need to pay another $35 if you want a table to sit at and utensils to eat with. We already pay for the content... paying more PER CHARACTER for storage than an entire expansion is greed plain and simple.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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The only way they can make this 'right' in my opinion is to make the purchase 'account' wide, so if you paid for 3 slots it goes on all chars on that account, all shards. If you purchased 7 then ditto, 21 slots on all chars/shards on the account.
That might make it somewhat right...but the intent and attitude will still be left hanging out there. At least we know what the future holds for us. Wonder how much next year's Christmas gifts will cost us at the store.

Prince Erik

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Yup they understand the collector instinct just fine. It's no coincidence they add in not only a dozen new pets, but also color variations on a handful of old ones, it was to pressure collectors into buying the stable slot increases that come along with the update. Also the multi colored anny horses, the birds of prey, etc.

Odds are that it will only increase, and a year or so down the line they will unlock the next 21 slots.

I also will not purchase one. Even if it means I miss out on content I was or will be looking forward to.
Oh I definitely get it - heck, my daughter dragoons me into paying $10 per pet in Wow ("Dad, I *NEEEEEEED* a Mischief kitty!!!") so I'm quite familiar with the concept but I always had the comfort of knowing that my chosen game for life would never be so crass as to pull stunts like that. Oh well, times change, perceptions change and subscriptions change.

Don't get me wrong, this publish has done a lot to add some much needed excitement to the game so I'm thankful to the dev team for that. Last night our guild had more players on than at any time in the last six months and everyone was running around taming new pets or training up old ones. There were several of us, however, eyeing our full stables going "Uhhhh..... crap...." I just wish it could have been done without the obvious money grab which almost makes it seem like that was the entire point of the publish!


Stratics Legend
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Oh I definitely get it - heck, my daughter dragoons me into paying $10 per pet in Wow ("Dad, I *NEEEEEEED* a Mischief kitty!!!") so I'm quite familiar with the concept but I always had the comfort of knowing that my chosen game for life would never be so crass as to pull stunts like that. Oh well, times change, perceptions change and subscriptions change.

Don't get me wrong, this publish has done a lot to add some much needed excitement to the game so I'm thankful to the dev team for that. Last night our guild had more players on than at any time in the last six months and everyone was running around taming new pets or training up old ones. There were several of us, however, eyeing our full stables going "Uhhhh..... crap...." I just wish it could have been done without the obvious money grab which almost makes it seem like that was the entire point of the publish!
Yeah, I'm psyched about the publish, and I've been out raising pets, and it's basically fun, the whole stable slot issue really just kinda took the edge of of my positive mood about it all. Which is too bad because it's easily the most excited I've been in UO in the better part of a decade.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They went with the very wrong approach for this one.
I don't mind having store stuff like this available to us to put more money on the game, but the pricing is pretty high for what they are offering, and they should have, as a token of good will, given all characters 5 to 10 extra slots for free.
Then offer 5 slots per 500 sovs, up to 50 slots more per character.
That would be better value for our money, and people wouldn't be so pissed at the whole ordeal because they were given some extra slots for free.
The approach, just like many previous decisions in UO is near sighted and not thought through. If the goal was to gouge tamers, then by overpricing the tokens and limiting the max number they are not going get as much money if the pricing was more reasonable. If the goal was to address multiple tamer requests brought on by the multitude of new pets, then the pricing and the limit again feel like a spit in the face.
I suppose it could have been worse - they did not have to add anything at all. But, my dear devs, is "it could have been worse" really a standard you want to hold yourself to?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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It does seem quite expensive. Maybe 5 slots would of been better value for the amount?

At the end of the day its an OPTIONAL addition. Its not needed. I would much rather have more soulstones than stable slots and they are double the price!
Tell that to my tamers with full stables... Many of my characters have been at the brink for years...


Social Distancing Since '97
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Again, can someone actually tell me what they are using *21* slots on a tamer for? If someone could do a full rundown of all their pets, because I'm still finding it hard to wrap my head around what could possibly be taking up so many stable slots for you.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again, can someone actually tell me what they are using *21* slots on a tamer for? If someone could do a full rundown of all their pets, because I'm still finding it hard to wrap my head around what could possibly be taking up so many stable slots for you.
13 color Cu and 13 color hiyru would be 26.... and that's only 2 pets.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can I ask why?
Why what? Why have them? Why have full sets of ANYTHING in UO? Why collect one of each snow globe? Why collect one of each of a EM
item set? Why collect a set of holiday gifts? Why sets of old armor? Why rares collections?

Really? You ask why?


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
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Why what? Why have them? Why have full sets of ANYTHING in UO? Why collect one of each snow globe? Why collect one of each of a EM
item set? Why collect a set of holiday gifts? Why sets of old armor? Why rares collections?

Really? You ask why?
Well personally I collect rares because....well because they are rare. I also don't have a gigantic house so sometimes I run out of room but I don't blame Broadsword because *I* decided to collect a ton of items. If I run out of room to display my rares I make some tough decisions to part ways with certain things to make that room.

Does collecting *everything* really make anyone happy? I appreciate my collection so much more BECAUSE I've had to make choices on what to keep. I picked the things that meant the most to me. I don't understand packing your house so full that every tile in your castle has something on it. Just like I don't understand packing your stable full of common pets you'll never use just to say you have them all, this isn't Pokemon.

I'm a bit of a hoarder but I believe its on me to deal with that moreso than it is on others to accommodate my hoarding.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well personally I collect rares because....well because they are rare. I also don't have a gigantic house so sometimes I run out of room but I don't blame Broadsword because *I* decided to collect a ton of items. If I run out of room to display my rares I make some tough decisions to part ways with certain things to make that room.

Does collecting *everything* really make anyone happy? I appreciate my collection so much more BECAUSE I've had to make choices on what to keep. I picked the things that meant the most to me. I don't understand packing your house so full that every tile in your castle has something on it. Just like I don't understand packing your stable full of common pets you'll never use just to say you have them all, this isn't Pokemon.

I'm a bit of a hoarder but I believe its on me to deal with that moreso than it is on others to accommodate my hoarding.
And if your collection was limited to 21 items instead of hundreds or thousands?

No one is expecting unlimited stable slots, only something more reasonable. Standard 125 would do.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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this isn't Pokemon.
"Gotta catch em all!"
But in a way, UO IS Pokeman.
I'm not a collector, either, and collecting all the kinds of pets would make more sense to me if you could get em all out to look at all at once instead of only one at a time. So you have 12 colored cus all hidden in a stable. I'd like to see em all lined up. That would be cool
But some are collectors - that's their game - and obviously it was a bad move to insult them all. But isn't it possible the order came from above Mesanna and she had no choice but to announce it?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Have the first 1.Nightmare I ever tamed... was a lovely experience and he's been with me since I started taming... A 2.WW... again... love it was a long time friend... 3.My GD of course and a 4.back up GD because SOOOO many bad stories about people losing theirs on the roof and everywhere else...5. Hiryu of my Tamers favorite color, 6. CuSidhe of my tamers favorite color, a 7.Rune Beetle,8. Unicorn (4.3 or some such), 9. Strong Hiryu because the colored one sucks, 10. Bane Dragon (can't tame them anymore so 11. Bane Dragon 12. Bane Dragon,) 13. Dread Warhorse, 14 Dread warhorse (see bane dragon for reasoning)... 15 Wolf Spider... 16. Bake 17. Reptalon 18. Skree 19. Fire Steed 20. Fire Steed (they are pack instinct need 2) 21. pure white cu... (It's RARE) and I like them...

Does that answer you question?????

Suppose if you want to get into it ...... most all my Tamers have a Cu of their Color and Hiryu of their color a Nightmare, Bane Dragon, Warhorse (if I had the tamer at the time), Unicorn or Kirin, and a Rune Beetle and WW and most often a Bake... Base... with some tamers having a fully trained pack of Frienzied Ostards (Again that I've had for YEARS)... Some have 2 wolf spiders and a Frienzied as well as a Frost Spider... for the spider factor, some have a pair of Raptors fully trained... etc... some have a warehouse of Rare Colored CuSidhe or Hiryu... just depends but all have been "full" for years... I'm not about to toss out a single Bane or Dread I'll tell you that right now...

Oh and I suppose a couple have some of those stupid turtles... as i keep hoping for better ones... but that's about how it goes.
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Babbling Loonie
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I still have my first nightmare as well also my first WW and a purple rabbit I will not give them up not because I'm bonded to them rather the memories of it all way back then.

I also have 5 maxed 18x18 houses lol

I still would like to hear one good reason why the stable slots are capped at 42 when every thing else is 125 other than bank box and DJL

Be nice to hear from the dev team on this.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Truth is this is how most tamers are... I would suppose.

Some collect plants, other collect weapons, some collect gifts and such... we are tamers we collect pets... and some of the pets I have were GIFTS from friends long gone or dearly departed... so not giving those up either...

The pets are our friends... we remember fun times with them when we get them out we rejoice and renew that relationship... excuse me for having sentiment with my pets.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Again, can someone actually tell me what they are using *21* slots on a tamer for? If someone could do a full rundown of all their pets, because I'm still finding it hard to wrap my head around what could possibly be taking up so many stable slots for you.
Do you use the same equipment/weapons every time you do different mobs or PvP or whatever, Tamers are no different, we have different pet set ups for different mobs/bosses same as any other toon. Now I would like to restrict your game play the same as they do Tamers, you have bankbox, backpacks and a house where we have a Stable and most of the time we have to return to requipe, change pets, where you can take multi setups with you.


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Again, can someone actually tell me what they are using *21* slots on a tamer for? If someone could do a full rundown of all their pets, because I'm still finding it hard to wrap my head around what could possibly be taking up so many stable slots for you.
Well, lets start with... Actually fully utilizing taming. Some of us don't rely on just Greater Dragons, or Cu Sidhe. There are many situations where certain combinations of other pets are advantageous over either of those so you'll have a menagerie of pets to pull from for different hunts. Then there are the community events that occur from time to time like pet fights, where you'll potentially have a number of different lower slot pets for the purpose of participating in those. You mention rares collecting... would you consider Dread War Horses rares? Bane Dragons? There are many reasons a person might have more than 21 pets as there are reasons beyond just these including being able to actually experiment with the new tamables.

If you're on a Swordsman, do you toss out your old suit or weapon to try out a new one? The introduction of new tamable creatures without a matching increase in stable slots is effectively asking Tamers to do just that, charging for additional stable slots, especially at the cost point they are doing so is just adding insult to injury. In many ways it's the same as if they were to limit you to one spell book on a Mage, then charge you per character for each additional one you wanted to carry so you can take advantage of the slayer properties.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Gotta catch em all!"
But in a way, UO IS Pokeman.
I'm not a collector, either, and collecting all the kinds of pets would make more sense to me if you could get em all out to look at all at once instead of only one at a time. So you have 12 colored cus all hidden in a stable. I'd like to see em all lined up. That would be cool
But some are collectors - that's their game - and obviously it was a bad move to insult them all. But isn't it possible the order came from above Mesanna and she had no choice but to announce it?
I would love the ability to tame a pet and put it inside a crystal (think albino squirrel in reverse). The crystal should retain the form, hue, stats, name and date... so you could tame one of each color, then put them in a crystal and put them all on display in your house. Then your stables would be for pets that you use for hunting. Even then, why limit it to less than a standard container?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I'd like to again suggest that an idea that has been bounced around could help some recent tamer woes.

(I'll preface this by saying that I for one am not a fan of the tamer slot introduction, for what that's worth. Neither am I a 'tamer' as I've no active tamer character at the moment.) There are not a few folks who are displeased with the perceived reduction of slots, and the introduction of slots via sovereigns/cash sales. Having a quick read of the forums here, or even genchat in game, makes that clear enough.

A possible remedy could be to give folks a general bump in the number of slots across the board, particularly given the introduction of all the new, fancy colors/types, and the newer purchasable mounts (windrunner, et al, particularly as these, the aforementioned are not ethereal and must be stabled). Then introduce a 'pet statue' option (which has been mentioned by myself and others previously). This could solve a number of issues. For collector type folks, they might be tickled to be able to display their prized pets in the comfort of their homes, on display pedestals, or lined up next to a cozy fireplace. 'Statued' animals could take no slot spaces (though a special tool to create them could be sold in the store for added revenue).

In this way, folks wouldn't feel the pinch of losing slots, or feel heavily pressured to buy additional slots. This, to me, seems to affect the game play itself, as opposed to being able to display pets as a type of deco, which feels entirely optional (akin to the pet branding tool). Animals are to a tamer, what armor and weapons are to a fighter class. Following this logic, we'll await armor and weapons slots.

*Tosses my two cents into the ever growing pool of pennies*



Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
@Conleth unfortunaely I dont want to have to get pets out of a statue just to use em, especially as they would probly want to charge us $10 bucks per statue that would need to be repurchased each time you cracked it open. No chance.

Nope, they should of just bumped the slots and not tried to extort the playerbase. Cost them NOTHING to change the code from 21 to 42 or even if they were being real to 125 the same as every other flipping container in the game. Would people of rushed to fill up 125 slots, probaly NOT, in fact perhaps only one in 10 tamers would even get close. Who cares, I doubt every player has a full bankbox either, but having the storage there is welcomed by all. It is nothing but a kick in the teeth to the players most of who have invested well over 10 yrs to this game and this is the thanks they get.

Very poor move on the part of BS. In fact those intials don't mean Broadsword to most Aussies but actually sum up what this whole tamer gouge is 'utter BS'.

The ONLY way to make $35 bucks a reasonable purchase (the max 21 slots) is to make it for the WHOLE account of chars across whatever shard the person logs into. They can STILL do this now, it isn't too late to actaully fix the problem and get some credibility back. Just bump those persons who have already purchased to make them account based rather than character based.

There are a lot of people pissed off with this price gouge and it should be fixed.

The really stupid thing is, I would of been happy to pay 35 for all three of my accounts netting them $105 dollars if it went over all chars on an account. Instead right now they are gonna get 0 until I decide if I am gonna even continue playing as this has really bought home the fact that they want to charge a subscription yet still want to hit us up for in game cash purchases for stuff that should be basic content. As I pointed out earlier the ONLY mounts put into this game since 2005 still available to all players are lasher and windrunner, yet even these you have to pay for. F that.

If there is one thing that pisses me big time is actually being fleeced. That is what they are doing.

I would like to see the devs actually stand up and say yep we got it wrong and fix it. Pet slots should of been free but if they HAD to charge for em then they shouldn't of cost more than 50c each. It costs me $6 aud to purchase 3 slots that is extortion.

Definition of extortion

  1. 1 : the act or practice of extorting especially money or other property; especially : the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice

  2. 2 : something extorted; especially : a gross overcharge
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The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nobody needs that many stable slots. The reason they want them is simple ... pixel crack. UO has more addicts than probably every other game put together.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
@MissEcho Apologies, perhaps I wasn't clear there. Think of it as more of hitching post, though rather than (or in addition to) the post, you see the pet statues. It would or could be an option. If I were king for a day, I'd make the decision to up stable slots across all accounts/characters given the release of purchasable mounts and this tamer upgrade, and introduce instead a revenue generating, purely vanity item such as a 'pet statue creator', as aforementioned. Alas, no one has asked me to step up to the task! ;)

I imagine there are never easy answers, and whilst I have no dog in this particular fight (at the moment at least), I do have strong feelings about the issue. I surely don't like the notion of introducing stable slots after having just released two purchasable, stable required vanity mounts. Folks in genchat aren't happy either, and it's just poor form. It smacks of a money grab.


Edited for typo.


Always Present
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one step closer to proper UO being FTP... like all good FTPs present and past .....u just Play and buy the upgrades u want....waits....waits..waits..

having Extra housing the obvious ''next token upgrade''

Acid Rain

Lore Master
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Wow.....[bcolor=rgb(204, 205, 205)]o_O[/bcolor] Selling stable slots for the huge pet revamp that's been years in the making.... lame-sauce.:dunce:

Yet another reason I haven't played UO in +5 months. I think they're priming us for a big
20th anniversary F2P (Pay to Play by nickel and dime-ing players to death) announcement.o.0

I'll keep my account active 'till the servers die but you won't see a dime (or nickel) from me otherwise.
When animals make a mess in a stable, where that mess comes from.... that's exactly where u can stuff your tokens.;)
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Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
and whilst I have no dog in this particular fight (at the moment at least), I do have strong feelings about the issue.
I think everyone who pays a subscription has a dog in this fight. Because if THIS go over, and people buy it anyway, then it will just lead to more and more and more of the same for everyone, be you mage or dexxer or crafter. In fact, if you think critically on it for a few minutes, crafters are already being led down this path, and have been for a while. They must buy a forged metal artifact tool, or waste a ridiculous amount of time and materials, because they have the success rates for normal gameplay mechanics set so low. They must buy a pen of wisdom, or waste a ridiculous amount of time.

So if you buy into this program, get ready to buy into it more and more and more. I feel these are more just cash grabs than F2P lead-ins. If this was connected to F2P and the dual billing of sub or F2P, then the sub should have gotten the upgrades free, and the F2P people should have had to buy into the tokens for the increased stable slots.

If we are walking that close to the line...of being broke...someone should just grow a pair and leak that information out. I am afraid a lot of people are gonna spend good money and then be really upset when a few months down the road it's all gone.

And if you don't think they won't do that, remember it's EA...and remember what they did right before they pulled the plug on Sims Online.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
oes collecting *everything* really make anyone happy? I appreciate my collection so much more BECAUSE I've had to make choices on what to keep. I picked the things that meant the most to me. I don't understand packing your house so full that every tile in your castle has something on it. Just like I don't understand packing your stable full of common pets you'll never use just to say you have them all, this isn't Pokemon.

I'm a bit of a hoarder but I believe its on me to deal with that moreso than it is on others to accommodate my hoarding.
You are equating wanting more than 21 pets to someone hoarding a 1000+ item limit house full of items, here, and the choice of among 21 to the choice litterally of among thousands. Surely you can see the difference.

21 is really not that many. There are over 100 pets to tame, 12 of which are new, of those new ones one type comes in each damage type, we can now customise our pets to specific situations, and make many of the old overlooked but aesthetically pleasing/potentially RP friendly pets viable companions, they added in about a dozen new variations of old pets, they have in the past on many occasions added in vanity pets... I don't get why people keep acting like 21 is some massive number.

Of course I always have to wonder, who cares? Not everyone has the same interests or ideas as you do, and they don't need to. If someone wants to collect a stable full of rabbits that's their business. It's up to everyone to decide how they have fun in game.
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Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I'd like to again suggest that an idea that has been bounced around could help some recent tamer woes.

(I'll preface this by saying that I for one am not a fan of the tamer slot introduction, for what that's worth. Neither am I a 'tamer' as I've no active tamer character at the moment.) There are not a few folks who are displeased with the perceived reduction of slots, and the introduction of slots via sovereigns/cash sales. Having a quick read of the forums here, or even genchat in game, makes that clear enough.

A possible remedy could be to give folks a general bump in the number of slots across the board, particularly given the introduction of all the new, fancy colors/types, and the newer purchasable mounts (windrunner, et al, particularly as these, the aforementioned are not ethereal and must be stabled). Then introduce a 'pet statue' option (which has been mentioned by myself and others previously). This could solve a number of issues. For collector type folks, they might be tickled to be able to display their prized pets in the comfort of their homes, on display pedestals, or lined up next to a cozy fireplace. 'Statued' animals could take no slot spaces (though a special tool to create them could be sold in the store for added revenue).

In this way, folks wouldn't feel the pinch of losing slots, or feel heavily pressured to buy additional slots. This, to me, seems to affect the game play itself, as opposed to being able to display pets as a type of deco, which feels entirely optional (akin to the pet branding tool). Animals are to a tamer, what armor and weapons are to a fighter class. Following this logic, we'll await armor and weapons slots.

*Tosses my two cents into the ever growing pool of pennies*

Yes an gesture like at least offering some free slots if they felt it was absolutly necessary to sell them would have mitigated much of this kerfuffle, but it seems clear to me that more money is more important than avoiding player dissatisfaction here.

If they didn't know that this all would cause massive bad feelings among the fairly large group of people that it targets enough to placate us with a few freebee slots to try out the new stuff... then I don't know what. It would be a monumental sign of cluelessness. I expect they knew it would make people mad, and did it anyway because the people playing now are probably viewed as "I'll play till the servers shut down, no matter what!" players who are willing to put up with this kind of double charge as long as they get to keep playing. That's probably accurate, but it still sucks.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think everyone who pays a subscription has a dog in this fight. Because if THIS go over, and people buy it anyway, then it will just lead to more and more and more of the same for everyone, be you mage or dexxer or crafter. In fact, if you think critically on it for a few minutes, crafters are already being led down this path, and have been for a while. They must buy a forged metal artifact tool, or waste a ridiculous amount of time and materials, because they have the success rates for normal gameplay mechanics set so low. They must buy a pen of wisdom, or waste a ridiculous amount of time.

So if you buy into this program, get ready to buy into it more and more and more. I feel these are more just cash grabs than F2P lead-ins. If this was connected to F2P and the dual billing of sub or F2P, then the sub should have gotten the upgrades free, and the F2P people should have had to buy into the tokens for the increased stable slots.

If we are walking that close to the line...of being broke...someone should just grow a pair and leak that information out. I am afraid a lot of people are gonna spend good money and then be really upset when a few months down the road it's all gone.

And if you don't think they won't do that, remember it's EA...and remember what they did right before they pulled the plug on Sims Online.
Summed up perfectly.