"Maybe you would care if your guild wasn't irrelevant."
Who is Irrelevant now ROFL...
Where did you all go tonight after we smacked your Alliance around for half an hour? Last we seen you guys after we killed your reds at brit. I hung around and you all logged in on blues. Then you left. We searched the whole server for you guys after that and only found a few untouchables at Luna.
I told KMS that you guys must be suffering shell shock and either logged or jumped shards hehe...
Whats really funny though is that a lot of bandwagoners on your side want to join. LoL..
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Yup we logged on our blues and you got smacked down by my tamer how many times? Not so much fun when you are not on your tamer and getting owned huh?
There was at least a dozen and a half blues at the gate and the 3 of us who were on reds... i'm sure you can see where we are going with this!
Congrats on allying MOO.. lets see how long that lasts, the first week or two will be fine then they will start failing you just like they have everyone else, you will need them and hmm, they will be no where to be found, oh wait LUNA!
I was really impressed by the team work you guys had before you allied moo, now its all disappointment! All good tho, everyone fights together against us anyways so won't be any different for us, just lost respect for a guild I really thought was going to start doing well on their own, well minus the alliances you already had! How many does this make for you guys, 5 alliances all together?