Maybe if you guys had bellied up to the bar and split off the big alliance, then there woulda been some action for ya...
Its kinda weenie-whiney to sit there and complain that there was no action on Sonoma when you were allied to almost everybody... Geez. No wonder no body ever bit off a piece of that action.
The way for a guild to really walk the walk is to leave alliances, not try and pry a few small guilds out to fight. As long as there is only one major PvP aliance on Sonoma, nobody in it really has any right to complain about the lack of action on Sonoma... 3F has created the situation.
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Wrong. The history of alliances on Sonoma predates 3F's/Waka/ISO alliance..Remember when Fel was big? Prior to Fel picking up a *single* ally, which was CoW, for their brief stay on Sonoma, ALL of Sonoma rallied against us and formed the zergiest alliance I've ever encountered on any shard I've played thus far. PAS, KQ, *P*, COP, EFL, and then various other randoms in smaller factions of the bigger guilds.
It was seriously, at any given time, like 50v20.. That's when the alliance had the most people on, other than that it was pretty even numbers between Fel/CoW and the bigger fel guilds in the alliance COP/KQ/*P*...EFL wasn't too big at the time I played Sonoma, they were pretty much considered the joke of the shard..along w/ PAS. None the less, the ENTIRE shard allied against us, it was ridiculous, but still fun.
Had some good fights over the few years I played there.. until we made -H8- here on Baja where I play now.. I had always maintained Sonoma was the shard I had the most fun playing. But, UO was different then, and everything was more enjoyable.
Moreover, 3F/R1Z/DL were not a threat when Fel was big.. 3F had a lot of numbers, but during their early AM spawns we gave them quite a bit of grief.. I don't think we ever had a goal of wiping out their spawning entirely though.. they were always just kind of there, down to fight..But they were hardly a zerg worth mentioning.. So if they became powerful it's because of the weaknesses within their enemy guilds.. Strength in numbers, but the petty drama I remember taking place within each allied guild contributes to weakness.. and that weakness breeds resentment, arguing, allies breaking up..etc..etc.. you guys were always turning on eachother for one reason or another..
So to me it's no surprise 3F/ISO took control, since ISO from the get-go was a no-B.S. guild, atleast.. in philosophy, I was never ISO, so I can't say that's 100% accurate..and obviously 3F is pretty focused/committed on winning, hence they utilize every game mechanic available to them for the advantage..which is understandable.. so.. in conclusion, instead of worrying about the 'zerg'.. worry about the structure of your own guilds - what is it that makes 3F/waka so attractive that they have more members?..If it's something other than leadership, immitate their tactics and perhaps you'll be able to recruit more.. and have a more fair playing field.
On Baja, -H8- contends with 15v40 odds.. whenever I pop on Sonoma briefly I rarely see that many people on in general.. let alone in one alliance.. In reality, any shard you x-fer to now is a zerg shard. Except maybe Pac, because there are a lot of guilds competiting against one another, but, from what I hear FL is still the most dominant, their active roster alone is more than most guilds can handle.
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All your ever did was ally ftw "SAD"istica. All I've ever seen you do is househide and bandwagon to the shard where there was guild already on top that you could join. Same with Waka. They couldn't beat 3f when they were *P* so they allied em....Plain and simple. Every remotely even number fight with them became a call for help in their TS as their numbers started pouring in on the scene. Waka's not so impressive...temp of the moment, few good deulers....afraid of even field fights and mostly numbers if u ask me. If not, come back to sonoma, and fight everyone, including 3F or stay on baja and stfu.
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I allied?.. I joined guilds on top?.. LOL, here's my UO career to date
First guilds/friends.. L%C, Napa Valley, known the majority of the original members since 98.
Quit UO, x-shard to Sonoma with *SIX* people originally, Whoanightfall, myself, Eldron, AK, Cooter, Ecko....<-- omg so zerg. I sure did join a guild that was on top. LOL, Eldron and the original [Fel] people worked their asses off to be able to contend with the alliance in existence, and our one ally, CoW, wasn't even on Sonoma that long. So, anyway, nice theory. After [Fel] began to break up, I went back to my home shard Napa.. joined L%C, my original group of in-game friends.. L%C broke up when Inno went to Iraq, and SR made /R/, I was invited by SR to join /R/, I was only in Resurrection for a short time before SiK from LiE/L%C looted my account, came back to UO, joined /R/ on Baja - they broke up, inherent weaknesses after SR quit..
X-fered BACK to Napa w/ *ONE* person from /R/, hAck, SixUnder, Berserkr and myself came together and made the guild -H8-. SixUnder is arguably the best dexxer on the westcoast, Berserkr and hAck being both from pac/FL, have quite an extensive list of friends to recruit for the new guild we made.. so it's no surprise that -H8- is on top on Baja w/ the roster we have, but by no means was it just a guild I joined because it was already in power, lol, you are the company you keep, and I guess I'm "SAD" for having better friends than you. LOL. Keep dreamin'.