So wait... That's not "my" picture??? Last I checked I was Doogie Howser all day everyday??? Last I check, that is Doogie Howser in the CENTER of that screenshot I posted... No??? Am I that intoxicated that I am not seeing that right???
Noone cried about Pictures but u... U said and I quote "Waka cannot and will not post FULLSCREEN pics"... Correct me if I'm wrong... Please do... Ur pancake ass called Wake out... The GM/Co GM posts a fullscreen pic whereas u can't... Who's LEGIT??? DEFININTELY NOT U kiddo... U can claim that u want a certain "photobucket" to host ur pics yet here I am hosting pics on *********** fullscreen showing u what should be shown and u still have an excuse... GO FIGURE...
pancake DOWN... U got served son... Trinity (Doogie Howser center screen money/kill shot in the bank) and WU munching on that grass full on in the screenshot no questions asked...
Oh wait we must've made another fake WU character on that one right???
So you get the sense of achievement of killing my mage 3v1. Good, we will give you that one... and that's WU 100+ vs Trinity 1... do you even have a new one? I mean I have one owning you on Snake/Waka/COP template with your friend ganking me you know?
Congrats you posted one (1) screenshot that you zerged me with 300% of my number when I am on foot, thanks to again proving my points. Read my post... when can I get a shot from you guys with me dead thats "none zerg or 1v1", and you failed to reply to that. Zerg shots are boring, my monkey's dog will probably zerg like waka and win if it could click a mouse and move a character.
Lets see our difference again...
This is me owning waka superstar 1v1
This is me owning wakas/cop (copwaka samething 1v2 its i idol scam)
This is me owning cops/waka same **** to me
This is how you say "pancake DOWN your nubass got served" 2v1 gank against one(1) stealther
Some KMS ones
This is some 6v1 of me dropping your ass solo while COPs are chasing me, they even flagged me so what's your excuses?
See the difference? I fight against all odds and I own you guys and I have prove, and you guys cant even pvp worth a crap in even number, that's why all you got is zerg/ganking... or you got a 1v1 you can show... thought so...
So lets see hmm, you zerged me 3v1 on foot (I am pretty sure waka is the only guild that takes it as a victory...well I guess I am like a group raid boss to you nubs then) real pvpers call it a "gank".
So yea, show me something none zerg? Oh yea, you cant even beat my stealther with another mage ganking me... which pretty much says it all, Id quit UO. GG
Oh again, I can post anything I want, and unless you can tell Stractics to change their Rules of Conducts, I will do whatever I want. Again, sorry nubs, all I see is your dead nub asses everywhere, and yet you got 1 that you ganked me on foot 3v1... and you cannot prove anything I have and I can't tell what you have running in background/hidden system processes.
Btw it's extremely easy for me to hide anything on task bar to background process (I am a computer engineer certified in many areas including a handful of MCSEs).
So please do not imply anything just because you cannt kill me without a gank/zerg. Posting screenshots with NOTHING that violates the RoC arent bannable. Mine is as legit as yours, your choice to post it the way you want, but you cant change the facts that those are your zerggy nub asses dead everywhere on the ground.
Please please follow the rules on the PvP forum, accuse me of being "not legit", it's a stated bannable offense. Well since you cant beat me in game, I understand how you feel.
Sorry kiddo, sucks to be you tho... cant even beat a stealther 2v1 lol. Oh again where's some of those 1v1s?
(I wont even ask you to do the impossible like PvP even number or like me against all odds, after all you cant kill a stealther 2v1)